The main reason why Chang Nuo had to bear the pain and directly carry out national economic reforms was that he did not want the entire country to be too dependent on the system in the end.

All food purchases were provided by the system, which also gave Chang Nuo a sense of insecurity.

Now that the country has developed to this point, it is no longer what it used to be, so it is time to start providing a way to change.

When the meeting was discussed in the evening, Mengge, a middle-aged man in his forties, stood up. He was originally a capable general under the old king and a mainstay among the civil servants of the entire country.

"Your Majesty, you have proposed so many plans this time. How long will it take for our Senate to notify them? And we cannot reach a consensus on many details in a short time.

Especially in terms of national laws, many things need to be formulated according to the actual national conditions. Different rules.

In addition, in terms of the people's livelihood, if the state greatly subsidizes them to restore the original arable land and give up the current flower and grass planting, then the state will spend a lot of Bailey in a short time. I wonder if your Majesty has considered these?"

Mongke said slowly.

Because this meeting lasted a day, the most important thing is actually these two aspects. As for the other detailed standards, as long as they feel reasonable, they can pass. However, these two things are different. One thing takes too long and needs to be customized according to the actual national conditions. The other involves the expenditure of Bailey. These two things can be subversive policy reforms for the entire country.

Having been sitting for a day, and the answers to these questions are not just considered now, Chang Nuo smiled naturally and said, "Minister Mengge has considered it very comprehensively, but all the shortcomings of the kingdom have now been exposed to the public. At this moment, there is no need to care too much about it.

Taking advantage of the current moment when the kingdom's economy is in development, solving all the problems at this time is just the opportunity that all citizens can accept. If the country really develops and takes shape, then the national reform will inevitably cause a wave of impact on the country."

"Your Majesty is saying that solving all the shortcomings at the forefront is indeed the best option at present, but for more than half of the economy transferred to Alabasta, I don't know if the people will be able to accept it at that time?" Mengge said.

"Minister Mengge doesn't have to worry about this. The economic industry in the country is enough to support the people in the whole country. There are too many factories, which is not very good for us, but it will be different if we move to Alabasta. At least we can open up a new market. In addition, and most importantly, the move to Alabasta will play a big role in the stability of the country." Changnuo said.

"I hope it will be as your majesty said. After we go back, we will definitely look at the content of this meeting more carefully and give a plan as soon as possible. Then please review it!" Mengge said.

Although the Senate can almost decide domestic affairs, they dare not give up too much determination for such national reforms.

As the Minister of the Senate, Mengge sometimes does not understand what his majesty does since Changnuo became the king of the Tru Kingdom, but he almost agrees with it. After all, the development of this country has been seen by everyone. No matter how bad it is, it is at least much better than before.

Therefore, almost no one objects to the request made by their own king, but the significance of the existence of this group of people is to make the problems raised by their own king more detailed and directly implement them to the people.

Such development is the easiest to accept for everyone. The Tru Kingdom has come step by step to the present, and it can be said that it has reached the critical point of development. Even with this change, there is no guarantee that there will be no new change points in the next few years.

But every change can always make the country advance by leaps and bounds again!

Even though the meeting has ended, the entire palace hall is still full of lively atmosphere. No one in the Senate left. Taking advantage of this lively atmosphere, they just gathered in twos and threes and began to discuss the topic of today's meeting.

The most important thing is today's

There are a lot of contents. At least 80 reform points have appeared, and each one will be full of infinite benefits for the people, and it can be regarded as a big change from the previous policies.

Chang Nuo is very happy to see this group of people like this, who can work day and night for work, but he is more looking forward to having a better answer sheet.

He did only mention the general policy, and more importantly, relying on these people to start to detail the plan. Although the reform plan has been proposed, the key is to report so many specific plans and implement them. It is estimated that it will not be possible to complete it without one or two years.

Just the most important aspect of people's livelihood reform will take at least half a year to arrange, and it is also necessary to appease the emotions of all the people and let them know the benefits of doing so for these people?


A week later.

Chang Nuo stood on the back mountain of the palace, and in front of him was the huge space teleportation gate.

The black vortex was still full of weirdness, and it made people feel like falling into the abyss. The inexplicable fear filled the whole body for those who saw it for the first time.

However, he was not the only one who stayed here at the moment. Behind him, tens of thousands of people lined up to enter the mountain.

Zhiye stood behind Changnuo, his face serious and meticulous. All the people behind him wore uniform military uniforms and black combat uniforms, which made them look completely different at the moment.

Everyone who saw the space portal at this moment had almost the same expression, not only full of surprise but also full of fear.

After all, people who saw this kind of thing for the first time, including strong people like Abona, were shocked and surprised, not to mention these people.

Each of these people carried a huge black backpack with personal daily necessities. After stepping through this door, everyone understood that it would be impossible to come back without two years.

But none of them refused. At this moment, the idea of ​​going to another place to live and protect the country has been deeply planted in their minds.

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