The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 139: Panic and No Choice

However, the soldiers in charge of the capture would hesitate, but the zombie birds would not.

Seeing that several helicopters were still hovering at low altitude, hundreds of zombie crows in the lead turned around and crashed into them without hesitation. That fearless momentum was enough to make the world's most ferocious terrorists ashamed.

"Be careful, they are coming!"

The helicopter pilots who were still hesitating panicked when they saw this scene. A smarter one was quick and chose to make an emergency landing immediately. Maybe he was lucky, and he managed to land on the ground before the zombie birds broke the propeller.

The other helicopters in the formation were miserable. One was directly damaged by countless zombie birds. Another helicopter was in a panic and accidentally crashed into a four-story building, and then fell to the ground with black smoke!

After hitting the helicopter, the zombie birds were still not satisfied and turned around and pounced on the ground.

The soldiers who were capturing the third-level agile zombies were suddenly confused. They didn't care about much, and they held their guns and swept the sky randomly. Only the people sitting in the tanks were not panicking - no matter how powerful the zombie birds were, they could not hurt them through the tanks! However, they still tried their best to protect their comrades.

No one noticed that the severely injured third-level agile zombies fled away while no one was paying attention.

Sixty to seventy thousand zombie birds, it's not too many. After the soldiers fought hard for a while and the base sent some people to support them, the zombie birds that invaded the base were gradually eliminated. The remaining nearly ten thousand saw that the situation was not good and turned around and flew away. When the remaining soldiers stood up cursing, they remembered that the target they wanted to kill had disappeared without a trace!

"Who saw that agile zombie?"

After asking again and no one answered, the soldiers were stunned.

With zombie birds still in the sky, the base could not send out helicopters again. The leading lieutenants discussed it and had to send out the vanguard to search separately. Fortunately, they saw the blood and human bodies left by the agile zombies soon after, so they chased after them again.

However, after being severely injured, the third-level agile zombie seemed to be scared.

When it rushed to the base wall before, the agile zombie could be said to be majestic. But now, its little intelligence vaguely produced something called fear. Under the trend of that feeling, it rushed into the base all the way. The blood on the ground was not reduced, but the number of people killed was much less than before. Many survivors were frightened by this agile zombie, and coupled with the threat of the zombie bird in the sky, they couldn't help but panic and fear.

These people were a lot of trouble, which slowed down the speed of the soldiers chasing the agile zombies.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that the third-level zombie somehow rushed past the courtyard of Lin Chen and his team.

Hearing the exclamations, Lin Chen soon knew the situation outside and was surprised. He knew the sound of gunfire in the base before, which lasted for a long time. At that time, there were rumors that the base had been breached, but Lin Chen didn't believe it. Now, when he heard the zombie roars and occasional screams coming from outside the courtyard, he knew that there were really zombies rushing in, and they were right at their door!

Looking at the zombie bird that was still far away, Lin Chen's heart moved, rushed out of the house and jumped lightly onto the wall.

The severely injured third-level agile zombie was about to turn, leaving him with a back view. Seeing its speed that was obviously several beats slower than its peak, and the big hole on its back, Lin Chen immediately had the idea of ​​killing it!

The third-level agile zombie may drop gold crystals. From this perspective, each third-level zombie is a huge fortune!

The only problem is that if you want to catch up with the third-level agile zombie in a base full of people, you must use your superpowers. In front of so many people, he doesn't want to expose his identity casually. In such a moment of hesitation, the agile zombie disappeared without a trace. No survivor was stupid enough to stand there and block the way after seeing it, so this agile zombie actually rushed all the way to the depths of the base!

No one knew where this third-level agile zombie finally fled to, until... a soldier in charge of guarding the temporary fuel warehouse of the base found it!

"There are zombies!"

He shouted, raised his gun and shot.

Unfortunately, in order to prevent accidental discharge, the soldier's gun had not been turned on the safety. After pulling the trigger and no response, he panicked and realized the danger.

Fortunately, the agile zombie didn't care about him at all.

It just quickly bypassed him and then plunged into the temporary fuel warehouse simply built with brackets and plastic sheets.

Because it was not long since the migration, and the Songping base was too small, the food and fuel brought from Andu had not been put into the warehouse that met the specifications. Especially the fuel, most of it was piled here in a mess. The people in the logistics department originally planned to expand the base after this zombie attack and then build a safe fuel warehouse. Now, no one expected that a sensitive zombie could go around and get into the base, and unexpectedly rushed into the oil barrels filled with a lot of fuel!

Seeing this scene, the soldiers were stunned. It was unknown how many streets away from the city wall, where did this third-level zombie come from?

Several other soldiers who heard the news bravely looked inside and were also stunned.


There are tens of thousands of tons of fuel lying there, which is an invisible super bomb. If you shoot randomly inside, I'm afraid that the gasoline and diesel will explode before the zombies are killed. That would be fun!

Putting this aside, even if they really have god-like marksmanship, it is difficult to kill third-level zombies with ordinary rifle bullets. Just a few of them really annoyed the third-level agility zombies. They could kill them in seconds with just a simple move!

"what to do?"

After a brief period of confusion, several soldiers quickly reacted. While they continued to ask people to keep an eye on this place, they quickly reported the news.

Obviously, this is destined to be news that will shake the base again!

"The third-level agility zombies escaped into the temporary oil warehouse?" After learning the news, Major General Wu's first reaction was that it was impossible. Afterwards, he immediately got on the phone with the round-up troops and asked them sternly about their progress!

"Chasing? Idiot! Idiot! A bunch of incompetent trash!"

As soon as the lieutenant answered the phone, he was scolded in the face. He couldn't help but said aggrievedly: "There is nothing we can do. We were already about to kill them, but suddenly tens of thousands of zombie birds attacked, and the helicopter was knocked down. ! After finishing killing the zombie bird, the sensitive zombie also escaped..."

"You still have the nerve to say it!" Major General Wu became angry again when he thought of the possible consequences of this matter: "Did you know? Because of your unfavorable performance, the sensitive zombie has escaped to the temporary oil warehouse of the base logistics department. "


The lieutenant felt his vision go dark, and he immediately understood why Major General Wu was so angry.

For such a big matter, scolding him is an understatement. If there were any unpredictable consequences, shooting him wouldn't be enough! You know, except for a little remaining oil at the Songping base itself, more than two-thirds of the entire base's reserves are in that temporary warehouse. If the third-level zombies don't come out for a day, they can't use the fuel inside at will. If the fuel accidentally explodes while chasing that zombie, the consequences will be unimaginable...

"Hurry up to me and hold your ground until I arrive in person!"

At this moment, Major General Wu could no longer care about the decisive battle on the city wall, and was rushing to the logistics office in a hurry.

Although there is still a coalition of human zombies and zombie birds outside, the number is not even one-fifth of the original. Eliminating them is only a matter of time and loss. The two-thirds of the base's fuel is the real top priority!

"What's wrong with these stupid zombies? They just want to hide in the oil depot!"

The lieutenant, who was breaking out in a cold sweat, quickly urged his men, cursing in his mind as he walked. That zombie is very good at choosing places. Even if it is a granary, it will be much easier to deal with than an oil warehouse. When he arrived in a hurry, there were hundreds of soldiers in front of the temporary oil warehouse, but no one dared to act rashly!

A moment later, Major General Wu also rushed over with a group of people.

Seeing so many people gathered outside, the killing aura of the severely wounded third-level agility zombie became more restrained. It roared twice outside, turned around uneasily for a few times, then turned around and fled deeper into the oil warehouse. During the jump, this guy brought down many oil barrels one after another. Probably disturbed by the rolling sound of the iron barrel filled with oil, it suddenly waved its claws and made two large holes in it.

Light yellow gasoline spilled all over the floor and quickly evaporated. The movement made people outside feel frightened.

Must find a way to solve it!

However, the most important thing people rely on to deal with zombies is guns. Now limited by this fuel, the guns cannot be used at all. Without weapons, what can they do to fight against level three agility zombies? After hesitating for a while, Major General Wu decided to surround the place first.

However, many soldiers and officers waited vigilantly for a long time. The war outside had long ended, the zombie birds in the sky had disappeared, and the third-level agility zombie had not come out yet!

"You have to take care of whatever you cause!"

Major General Wu became impatient with waiting. He glared at the lieutenant, then turned around and left.

The anxious lieutenant murmured to a few of his men for a long time, and finally came up with a bad idea: "Find someone to come and empty the gasoline barrels inside little by little. If the sensitive zombie doesn't come out, just ignore it. If it wants to It’s better to kill people and bring it out little by little!”

After all, the biggest problem right now is that the sensitive zombies can't hide!

His words made the surrounding subordinates and soldiers a little stunned for a moment, and no one dared to speak.

This is clearly a life-threatening job!

The lieutenant himself knew that this idea was indeed very good. But after much thought, it seemed that there was no other way to solve this problem. After reporting it to Major General Wu, he thought about it for a while and finally agreed to implement it. As for the "dead soldiers" who move oil, that's not a problem. After all, the military always has a way to find someone willing to do it!

However, the injured third-level agility zombie seemed not to give them a chance. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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