The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 251: Killing All Around

"The latest intelligence, the zombie army is only five kilometers away from us!"

On the newly arranged position, Lin Chen listened to the report of the scouts while watching with a telescope. Around him, more than 4,000 combatants have taken their positions and are ready for battle.

The terrain of Changshan Lake area is relatively flat, and there is no good commanding height to occupy. Lin Chen and his team can only find a relatively high hill at random. Although it doesn't play a big role, it can at least have an advantage in shooting range. Seeing the zombies appearing far away at the end of the sight, the combatants tightened their guns and waited for Lin Chen's order.

"Have the potato mines been arranged?"

As an important barrier to buffer the first wave of impact of the third-level zombies, Lin Chen asked the control plant team to arrange the potato minefield in advance, with a total of 400 mines!

Compared to the Longqi Mountain area, Lin Chen's control plant team has more members and their strength has greatly improved. Correspondingly, the number of potato mines arranged has also doubled. Behind the potato mines are the five lowest-level control planters. In their hands were the double shooters that Lin Chen had exchanged in advance and equipped with torch stumps. The fire peas they shot had extremely high damage, and even the third-level zombies could not ignore it!

The other machine gunners in the back row were a little puzzled by the appearance of these five people, and did not understand why Lin Chen specially arranged them here. Could it be that there was something special about their weapons?

Although they were puzzled, they suppressed their doubts under the personal command of Lin Chen.

Soon, more than 100,000 zombies came over in a mighty manner.

Facing so many zombies, many survivors who participated in the battle showed fear on their faces. However, the more than 4,000 survivors around were indeed not few, and so many companions gave them some courage. Of course, there were also many people who were not optimistic about Lin Chen's battle this time. They just looked at the battlefield silently, trying to find the safest retreat route.


As if they sensed the breath of a large number of prey, the zombies in the distance screamed and launched an attack. Thousands of second-level agile zombies rushed up first. Since the combatants on both wings had received Lin Chen's instructions, they did not intercept them immediately, but let these zombies rush towards the two groups in front!

Such a small number of zombies is no pressure for Lin Chen.


After almost entering the distance of 300 meters, Lin Chen issued the order to attack in advance.

In theory, with these people's shooting skills, 200 meters is a relatively more reliable distance.   It's just that the strength of the other survivors is uneven, and their psychological tolerance is far less than that of the men brought by Lin Chen. If the zombies are close to 200 meters, many people may be so scared that they can't even hold their guns tightly, so it's better to fire in advance!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After receiving the order to fire, dense gunfire sounded instantly.

Nearly 2,000 people fired together, and the scene was still quite spectacular. The flying bullets intertwined a deadly barrage at a distance of 300 meters. Although nearly half of them missed, the remaining ones were enough to stop the zombies' impact. The second-level agile zombies quickly fell to the ground under the attack of light and heavy machine guns, and then were trampled under the feet of countless companions!

Almost in the blink of an eye, hundreds of second-level zombies were harvested by the survivors!

Standing on the front line to watch the battle, Lin Chen paid attention to the movements of the third-level zombies in the zombie army while observing the strength of the alliance forces. It can be seen that the three major camps are still quite powerful, and their weapons are relatively more sophisticated. Although they are not as good as Lin Chen's convoy, they are much better than those in the small camps! If they can be gradually conquered, it will definitely be a powerful arm for me!

"Rockets ready!"

Although the situation on the field did not seem to be critical at all, Lin Chen still issued orders to his subordinates in order to boost the momentum of the coalition forces.

Soon, four or five rockets flew into the most densely populated area of ​​​​the zombies with a sharp whistle.


In the successive explosions, a large number of second-level zombies were torn into several pieces by the shock wave, and a large blank suddenly appeared in the front-line zombies. Although the subsequent zombies quickly filled up, this move did greatly improve their morale and confidence!

The third-level zombies are indeed powerful, but they also have rocket launchers, armored vehicles and artillery!

Thinking of this, the fighters who faced the zombies head-on gradually let go of their hands and feet and began to devote themselves to the battle with the zombies. The survivors who were temporarily watching the battle on both wings were eager to try, and many disobedient people fired privately, but they were quickly stopped by Lin Chen's men and the supervision team.

Because this is a battle that can only win, and it must be a big win, so Lin Chen put the main force of eliminating zombies on his men. As for the two regiments on the two wings, it is more to let them share some pressure and finally cooperate with the front to eliminate zombies. As for letting them play the main force, Lin Chen never expected it! At least, it is impossible to do it based on their current performance and their own thoughts!

"Pay attention to maintaining the firepower!"

"Hey, I'm talking to you! Don't shoot at the sky, hold the muzzle!"

As the battle continued, some survivors who had never seen such a large-scale battle could not help but make mistakes. Commanders at all levels scolded their subordinates from time to time to prevent them from performing too miserably. After the initial running-in and adaptation, the performance of the combatants gradually improved.

At this time, the third-level zombies also began to appear!

Dozens of third-level agility zombies and third-level power zombies could not restrain themselves and rushed out from more than 100,000 zombies. Those five- to six-meter-tall big heads were at the front. Some of the sensitive zombies accelerated and rushed over, while others hid behind the third-level zombies, avoiding the bullets from the front!

"Level 3 zombies are coming, everyone, be careful!"

Some captains started shouting to remind everyone to pay attention. However, some people spoke in strange tones, reminding everyone while talking about the horror of third-level zombies. It's not like telling everyone to be careful, but more like scaring them so that they lose their determination to fight!

"Everyone shut up!"

No matter how far human beings have developed, there will always be some bad guys. Lin Chen didn't bother to care about their little moves. After shouting, he asked his men to show their prepared trump cards.

The dual-launcher team equipped with a torch stump begins to warm up and fire!

The members of the plant control team also stood behind the potato minefield, ready to take action at any time!

Armored vehicle formations and artillery teams are also on standby on one side and will fire if necessary!

For those who had been with Lin Chen, they were able to defeat 200,000 zombies and third-level zombies of the same size in Longqishan. Now the number has increased to more than 4,000, and the plant control team has become larger and stronger. Victory is inevitable. However, other combatants don't think so. Seeing so many terrifying third-level zombies rushing towards them, their faces all turned pale, and the courage they had mustered before also dissipated a lot.

The third-level zombies didn't let them wait for long, and they immediately stepped into the potato minefield!

Huge explosions sounded one after another, and the huge bodies of the third-level zombies allowed them to easily trigger potato mines. Although the scope of effect is smaller, the power of Potato Mine is indescribable. Under the successive explosions, even the third-level zombies were unable to bear it. Not to mention the third-level agility zombies behind them. Once stepped on, they will be injured or even blown away!

The dual-launcher equipped with a torch stump also fires!

Although the number is small, the series of flaming pea bullets are indeed very powerful. Cooperating with the Potato Thunder, he easily eliminated several zombies that rushed too fast.

At this time, if no one stops these third-level zombies, they will quickly rush into the position with such firepower, and then start killing. The survivors on the battlefield also had to face the third-level zombies with their own flesh and blood, and kill them with huge sacrifices. But if someone can hold them back and buy enough time, there will be two endings!

Lin Chen, who has entered the realm of advanced plant control master, is the one who takes the initiative to stand up!

The Charm Mushroom immediately controlled three level 3 zombies, then the Frozen Mushroom instantly froze nearby zombies, and then came the Cherry Bomb! Facing the zombies that luckily slipped through the net, he directly knocked them away with the bonus of his powerful superpower!

Lin Chen was already familiar with this series of combos, and because his strength had greatly increased, he seemed to be able to do it all with ease, without any difficulty or awkwardness before. Although some third-level power zombies quickly broke out of the ice and wanted to kill Lin Chen, his speed was enough to suppress the third-level agility zombies. How could he be touched by the slower power zombies? In a blink of an eye, he walked through dozens of third-level zombies, spinning them around!

"This is?"

All the survivors who saw this scene were dumbfounded. They didn't understand how the man on the field who was as fast as a ghost did it. They don't even understand why so many zombies are frozen in place, and why the zombies will switch sides to help!

"Don't be distracted, shoot quickly, the target is the zombie behind!"

"Of course there are people to deal with the third-level zombies. Your responsibility is to continue to eliminate other zombies!"

Lin Chen's men, who were already somewhat immune to this scene, started shouting to wake up the survivors who were still in a daze. Soon, the gunshots that had become sparse became intensive again.

Seeing that Lin Chen had entangled the zombies, the people in the plant control team followed carefully. Under the leadership of Qian Xu and others, they all showed off their abilities and joined the battle together. The addition of thirty plant control masters greatly accelerated the elimination of these third-level zombies. After hundreds of cherry bombs were thrown down, the bodies of many third-level zombies were already lying on the ground!

Such a mass killing made the people in the three camps who were ready to see Lin Chen's joke dumbfounded.

"Is there really anyone who can deal with level three zombies?"

Although An Hai had long known that Lin Chen had some mysterious power, he never thought that that power would be so strong. He can block dozens of third-level zombies with one person's strength, and still has enough strength left on his own. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little more regretful! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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