The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 252 Initial Establishment of Prestige

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If he had known that Lin Chen's magical ability was so strong, how could An Hai be willing to play tricks with such a powerful ally? What he regrets most now is not listening to Ande Yang!

Fortunately, it's not too late to make amends.

In any case, the two camps are still on the same island, and they are somewhat inseparable. And as the largest local camp in the Changshan Lake area, their strength cannot be underestimated. As long as Lin Chen still wants to secure his position as the commander-in-chief of the alliance, he will have to rely on them to some extent!

In An Hai's view, this is both their support and their opportunity.

While he was still thinking about how to get closer to this group of powerful foreigners, the zombies launched a new offensive. In addition to many highly evolved second-level zombies, more than a dozen third-level zombies scattered among the zombies no longer held back, and rushed out with these second-level zombies!

If you guessed correctly, this should be the last third-level zombie among the 140,000 zombies.

However, perhaps the fallen level three zombies on the frontal battlefield scared them. Only one-third of the dozen zombies chose to continue charging towards the front, while the rest rushed towards the flanking troops in the distance!

"Be careful! The third-level zombies are coming!"

The flanking combatants who had been watching Lin Chen's performance were startled, and then started to get busy in a panic, clenching their weapons and preparing to fire. The evil reputation of the third-level zombies has already spread to everyone's ears. Even though they saw the third-level zombies falling one by one in Lin Chen's hands, they still didn't dare to be careless at all!

"Frozen mushrooms!"

Seeing that the team of plant controllers on the front battlefield had steadily suppressed the remaining third-level zombies, Lin Chen summoned the frozen mushrooms and froze the remaining third-level zombies again. Then, his body swept to the outside of the flanking position like the wind, and stopped the third-level zombies before they arrived!

The shocking halo of freezing air reappeared, and these third-level zombies were frozen by Lin Chen as expected!

Lin Chen came to this battle to establish his prestige. Therefore, he was merciless when he took action, and various plants emerged one after another to quickly eliminate these third-level zombies. When there was only one third-level agility zombie left, he stopped with a cold snort and fought the zombie at close range!


Lin Chen used all his power to activate his superpower, exhaled loudly, and punched out with a fist that weighed hundreds of thousands of kilograms, knocking back the third-level agility zombie that rushed towards him.Suffering such a heavy blow, the third-level agility zombie flew seven or eight meters backwards and struggled several times before barely regaining its balance. Survivors who were close to it saw that the zombie had a deep fist mark on its body!

Even though the defense of level three agility zombies is not as good as that of zombies, the ability to do this is enough to scare the jaws of countless people.


This word flashed through the hearts of more than a thousand survivors on the east flank. Apart from this, they could not find a better way to describe the shock in their hearts.

Next, Lin Chen's performance-like battle convinced them completely.

The third-level zombie that could easily kill dozens or even hundreds of people was kneaded around like a piece of dough in Lin Chen's hands. No matter how angry the sensitive zombie was, it could never keep up with Lin Chen's speed. After going back and forth for more than ten rounds, its evolved bones had been broken in many places by Lin Chen, and its body was even more torn!


Seeing that the purpose of the performance had been achieved, Lin Chen no longer held back, and took a step aside before the desperate zombie rushed over. Then he exerted force with his feet, and the whole person hit it sideways like an arrow from the string, and struck hard with his hand. Hit it under the neck! After being severely injured again, this third-level agility zombie almost lost its ability to move. He struggled reluctantly, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and he couldn't maintain his balance at all!

The next moment, a dual-shooter with a torch stump appeared on Lin Chen's hand. He floated in front of the third-level agility zombie, thrust his dual-shooting hands directly into its head, and then opened fire one after another!


A series of flaming pea bullets exploded on its head with fiery energy, because it had been punched hard by Lin Chen before. Naturally, it could no longer hold up at this moment, and was directly hit in the head by the pea bullets!

"I'll go, awesome!"

"Is this the strength of our commander-in-chief? With such a boss, why are you afraid of stupid zombies?"

"The commander-in-chief is powerful!"

The survivors who watched Lin Chen kill the third-level agility zombie were so excited. Under the oppression of the zombies, they only occasionally dared to dream about transforming into Ultraman in their dreams and killing all the zombies with punches and kicks. . But even Ultraman has to be beaten up by little monsters to build up enough anger before he can unleash his ultimate move. But now, their first commander-in-chief blew up the third-level zombies with ease, and finally put the gun directly on the head of the sensitive zombie. This kind of picture that originally only existed in fantasy once became real before his eyes. The shock and impact are absolutely beyond imagination!

In just a few minutes, their trust and admiration for Lin Chen rose to the top at a rocket-like speed!

"All the third-level zombies have been eliminated. The troops on both wings obey the order and join the battle together. They must annihilate all these zombies!" Seeing that the plant control team on the frontal position had also been completed, Lin Chen quickly issued an order for a general attack.

"Attention all, fire!"

Except for a few who are a little envious, jealous and unwilling, the vast majority of combatants have high morale. After receiving the order to join the battle, the two regiments on the two wings fired loudly and cooperated with the more than 2,000 people in the front to wipe out the remaining zombies!

After more than twenty minutes, more than 100,000 zombies were wiped out. Only a few hundred scattered zombies were left, and they were quickly eliminated one by one by the survivors. After a brief period of calm, with Lin Chen's men taking the lead, the battlefield suddenly erupted into loud shouts and cheers. Many combatants even threw their pistols and jackets into the sky in excitement to celebrate this unexpected victory!

Before going into battle, Lin Chen's men were confident of victory, but other survivors were not. Many people even pessimistically believe that they may have to sacrifice more than half of their people in this battle. But right before their eyes, Lin Chen, the commander-in-chief, made a strong move to eliminate the biggest troubling group of third-level zombies. Needless to say, there was no need to say more about what happened next. Of the 4,600 survivors, only more than 20 were killed or injured, and half of them were accidentally injured by their companions. This was simply an unprecedented victory!

The haze that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly disappeared, and the excitement and excitement of these survivors was understandable.

"Long live mankind! Long live the Changshan Lake Alliance!"

"Long live the Commander-in-Chief!"

The shouts came one after another. At first, they just called each other, but in the end, they shouted the name of the commander-in-chief Lin Chen in unison. Obviously, after this hearty victory, Lin Chen, a foreigner who temporarily took the position of commander-in-chief, quickly consolidated his power and easily established a prestige and invincible image!

For the senior leaders of the three major camps, this is indeed not good news.

At this moment, they felt somewhat conflicted. From the perspective of fighting against zombies, the great enemy of mankind, it is undoubtedly a good thing to have such a strong commander in chief, and it will be safer for them to follow him. But from a personal point of view, it will be difficult for them to regain the position of commander-in-chief, which means that they will be inferior to others!

With such complicated thoughts, Lin Chen announced that the battle was over and began to evacuate.

After this wave of more than 100,000 zombies is eliminated, the threat of another wave of zombies will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. More importantly, such a battle dispelled all the negative and repressed emotions of many survivors. No matter whether we fight again or wait until the zombies dissipate naturally, there will be no problem. Now, the initiative is in Lin Chen's hands, not those damn zombies!

A battle that affected tens of thousands of survivors in the entire Changshan Lake area came to an end. However, although the battle was over, the business that should be done was not over. As the commander-in-chief, Lin Chen also needs to summarize the battle and give rewards based on merit. This is also a way to encourage his subordinates and win people's hearts. If there is no reward, how can we expect them to fight hard next time?

Of course, Lin Chen, who should be punished, would not be lenient to those who escaped from the battlefield.

"In previous battles, the first fifty people who performed bravely are as follows... Each person can receive 100 kilograms of food. Anyone who is killed in battle and has family members, as long as the alliance is still alive, their family members can receive an additional 50 kilograms every month. Food subsidies. Some of those who fled were..."

After the army returned and rested for a day, Lin Chen regrouped them and discussed their merits in public and rewarded them. Although most of this food was carried out by Lin Chen's motorcade, although a hundred kilograms of food was a lot for an individual, it was actually nothing for a motorcade of thousands of people like Lin Chen. Moreover, he only paid a few tons of food to establish an impression of clear rewards and punishments in the hearts of every survivor. In addition, even those who died in battle could receive compensation, which made many survivors with families feel more grateful and at ease!

Following such a boss is a great way to go!

After a few simple but extremely useful moves, Lin Chen's position as commander-in-chief was temporarily secured. Several other camps also knew that this was the time when Lin Chen was strong, and no one dared to jump out and be killed by Lin Chen as a chicken used to scare monkeys. Under their suppression or overtures, Lin Chen began to fully exercise his power as commander-in-chief!

The first thing to do is to train the more than 4,000 survivors under his command.

In the previous battle with the more than 100,000 zombies, although the final victory was great, it was based on the full strength of Lin Chen, a senior plant control master. In fact, the survivors who participated in the war did not have anything outstanding, but instead exposed various problems. What Lin Chen needs is an elite team that can help him, not those rabble. Therefore, he wants to turn these more than 4,000 people into a strength comparable to the combatants of his own convoy garrison! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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