The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 253: Crisis brought by spring floods

"Starting from today, the troops will gather for training every three days. Anyone who fails to attend twice in a row will be deprived of all additional benefits!"

From the first day of training, Lin Chen issued such an order. As for the content, it is mainly some conventional training, including weight-bearing running, military gymnastics, target shooting and other events. If you train hard and make great progress, you will be able to get various good rewards, and even have a chance to get Lin Chen's superpower seeds!

After becoming a senior plant control master, the interval between Lin Chen's redemption of power seeds has also been shortened to two days to redeem one seed.

This means that the size of the plant control team will be expanded faster. It is for this reason that he is willing to take out a power seed as a reward every week!

Before this, how had any combatants in other camps received such regular training? Usually I am very idle! After suddenly accepting such constraints, many survivors were dissatisfied and complained, even if there were additional rewards. However, when Lin Chen offered the tried-and-tested temptation of supernatural seeds, this complaint disappeared without a trace in an instant. Although only one person is eligible to receive this power seed at a time, even one, it represents a hope!

For a time, all the survivors became extremely excited, scrambling to express themselves.

To be honest, at first, Lin Chen wanted to train together every day. That would have the best effect and would also allow other survivors to progress faster. However, considering the distance and varying conditions of each camp, he finally had to compromise and change it to once every three days, with each training session taking most of a day!

Of course, Lin Chen's strict requirements for his team's garrison personnel have not changed.

Regarding Lin Chen's request, the top brass of the three major camps looked on with a cold eye, neither supporting nor blocking it. Or maybe they know it’s useless to stop them. After Lin Chen easily walked among dozens of third-level zombies that day, the power of his supernatural powers was already deeply rooted in people's hearts. Under the temptation of the supernatural seed and the fact that they can become super masters, no one can stop them from following Lin Chen's footsteps!

I have to say that after several weeks of training, the effect is still very obvious. Not to mention how much the combat effectiveness of these more than 4,000 survivors can be improved, at least they can initially implement orders and prohibitions!

This change has been felt by many combatants themselves.

When several precious power seeds were distributed one after another, and everyone saw that ordinary companions like themselves had turned into people with powers, the excitement reached its peak, and they trained harder and harder, all wanting to compete for the first place. One quota.

"Perhaps we can try our hand at a real battle!"

Qian Xu looked at these highly motivated survivors and made a suggestion to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen actually had similar thoughts in his heart. He thought about it for a while and asked, "Tell me, where should we go?"

This actually showed his attitude. Qian Xu was also a little excited when he saw that his proposal was adopted. He called Boss Liu and the others to discuss with several locals for a long time, and finally came up with a plan. The target of the plan is a small town more than fifty kilometers away from Changshan Lake District. There is a Ping An cargo yard in that small town, which is usually responsible for providing various supplies to the scenic area near Anshun Island. This time, they planned to mobilize in full force, attack the small town with 4,000 people, and capture the Ping An Goods Yard!

"The reason why we chose that place is because there are not many zombies in that small town. It is estimated that there are only three or four hundred thousand at most. As long as we move quickly, we can move them before most of the zombies. Although many people have robbed the place before, But Ping An’s cargo yard is huge and there are still a lot of supplies and daily necessities in it!”

While Zhao Gang was reading their analysis, he looked at the other senior executives summoned by Lin Chen.

"Ping An Goods Yard?"

Some camp executives were somewhat impressed by the name, and after thinking about it for a moment, they agreed. After all, since the emergence of the third-level zombies, the number of survivors in the lake area has greatly reduced, and they have hunted much less supplies. After such a long time, they have been running out of daily necessities stored, and it’s time to find a way to make a fortune.

"Would it be too dangerous there?"

Some people also expressed some doubts, but their eyes were fixed on Lin Chen when they spoke, but they were waiting to see Lin Chen's attitude. Obviously, facing Lin Chen's powerful strength, they could not ignore him no matter what!


There are not many zombies in the small town to begin with, plus some that have been eliminated before and some that have strayed away, so the remaining number is limited. As long as they move quickly and with the help of the plant control team, even some third-level zombies will not pose a threat!

"I don't think there's any problem!"

Lin Chen nodded to express his agreement with the plan. Seeing his actions, other senior officials also had no objections. After discussing the equal distribution among the dispatched manpower, more than 4,000 survivors began to prepare for this hunting and training!

However, the biggest problem before them is not enough vehicles!

As survivors near the lake area, their means of transportation include cars and boats. Therefore, when Lin Chen and the others were preparing to mobilize to plunder a small town fifty kilometers away, the lack of vehicles became the biggest limitation. After spending a long time with the boss's efforts and borrowing some vehicles from the survivor camp a little further away, they managed to collect more than 800 vehicles of various colors. Among them, there are buses, trucks, jeeps and sports cars... all kinds of vehicles can be seen!

"Where are we going?"

"I heard it's a small town fifty kilometers away!"

"Such a large convoy? Wow, this is the first time I've seen one!"

After learning that there would be a large-scale training, many survivors became excited. After Lin Chen announced the departure, many survivors talked among themselves while getting on the vehicles according to the formation in the previous training, and set off with the armored vehicle formation as the vanguard.

Because many zombies near Changshan Lake area were eliminated, they did not encounter many zombies along the way. Only when they approached the small town did the number of zombies they encountered increase rapidly. However, facing a large convoy with more than 4,000 combatants, ordinary zombies would only die if they approached. Lin Chen was also happy and relaxed, sitting in the front row of the warrior car with his eyes closed, and he would only take action when more than one third-level zombie appeared.

"Report to the command vehicle, our truck brakes failed!"

"The engine stalled, we need to stop!"

"Report, the road ahead is blocked by a rollover. If we want to pass so many convoys, we must clear it."

Under such unexpected circumstances, Lin Chen and his team walked and stopped for more than 50 kilometers, and it took twice as long as expected to arrive. However, the situation went smoothly. One regiment was responsible for cleaning up the Ping'an freight yard and moving the goods, and the other three regiments occupied the other three directions except the way they came. Although the zombies continued to pour in this direction, they did not cause too much trouble under the full sniping of the combatants!

"Hurry up, speed up the transportation!"

"Don't dawdle, use all your strength!"

After quickly cleaning up the Ping'an freight yard, the commanders at all levels urged their men to load the things they liked and had some use into the car. Due to the clear division of labor in advance, so many survivors were not panicked when they were busy, and there was someone to command every step. After almost emptying most of the huge Ping An freight yard, the combatants responsible for sniping zombies began to get busy. The pressure of the zombies' attack was getting greater and greater. Although they could be barely suppressed in a short period of time, they would undoubtedly not be able to hold on for too long.

After discovering this, Lin Chen also stopped while he was ahead and returned with the convoy in advance!

For Lin Chen, this successful plan was undoubtedly another major "political achievement" on his head. When each of the many survivors was given new toothpaste, toothbrushes, laundry detergent and clothes, they couldn't help but thank Lin Chen again in their hearts-although they actually participated together, these survivors who had lost hope for too long in the end of the world undoubtedly piled all the light on Lin Chen's head! It seemed that only under the leadership of Lin Chen could they accomplish all this!

They really wanted a heroic figure to lead them through the end of the world, and Lin Chen, who had superpowers and acted strongly, was undoubtedly their ideal goal in their hearts!

Because of the smooth operation this time, Lin Chen and his team made an exception and took an extra day off, postponing the training that should have been on the second day.

However, on the morning of the third day, when they were about to gather the troops for training again, they found helplessly that the sky had turned gloomy and it soon began to rain.

Unlike the previous storm, the rain this time was not heavy, but it was enough for everyone to hold an umbrella before going out. Moreover, while the raindrops slightly lowered the temperature, they also added a bit of spring freshness to the humid air!

"Do you still want to train?"

Zhao Gang walked around in the rain, looked at his wet clothes, and asked with a frown.

Lin Chen looked up at the weather for a while, and finally shook his head.

It was still difficult to train in the rain in such weather. After all, it was still a chilly spring, and the climate anomaly brought by the nuclear winter was still continuing. If you are drenched by the rain outside for a day, it is still easy to get sick. After all, these survivors from different camps are not regular troops, and it is difficult to train them into regular troops, so Lin Chen can only send people to each camp to notify them to cancel the training!

However, the spring rain in March seemed to be lingering. For two or three days in a row, the drizzle continued to fall, with no sign of stopping.

As a plant control master, he was disgusted by cloudy days, let alone such wet weather? However, no matter how powerful Lin Chen's abilities were, he could not affect the climate of a place. All he could do was to go out for a walk every day, hoping that the rain would stop soon! But to his disappointment, a day later, he did not wait for the rain to stop, but waited for a news of spring flood! (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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