The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 351: A Historic Moment

Chapter 351 A historic moment

It is November 17, the second year since the end of the world.

Today's weather is relatively good in this half month. Although the temperature is below zero and the wind is strong, there is no sunshine. For the plant control experts, it is undoubtedly a weather that can exert their combat effectiveness 100%

More than a hundred plant control technicians lined up in three teams, with excitement and determination in their eyes.

Behind them were more than 1,100 pseudo-plant control troops. These pseudo-plant control divisions belonged to three independent battalions, and then joined together to form a regiment. At this moment, they were all equipped with flame machine gun shooters issued by Lin Chen, and they were also wearing pumpkin combat uniforms. They would be the leaders of this conquest battle. In order to reduce sacrifices as much as possible, the main force carried plant seal cards on their bodies, including frozen mushrooms and cherry bombs, which undoubtedly greatly enhanced their possibility of survival.

In order to collect so many crystal coins, Lin Chen's plant control masters also tried their best to kill all the zombies around Shanghai. Now, within a hundred miles around the Shanghai base, except for the urban area of ​​Shanghai, almost all zombies have been found. No more wandering zombies

In contrast, the ordinary survivors who lined up outside the Shanghai base were not so energetic. For them, today is undoubtedly colder, and the whooshing northwest wind is still blowing into their necks from time to time. However, everyone did not complain, but stood there quietly, waiting for the new commander of the base to announce an action plan.

They are, so everyone is looking forward to it

Since the end of the world, these survivors have experienced too much disappointment and cruelty. They have become numb and decided to just live one day at a time. However, Lin Chen's appearance changed everything. The powerful force of the Plant Controller allowed them to see the possibility of fighting zombies and rebuilding civilization. Although at this moment, they were not sure, they were willing to take the risk and follow these plant control masters to give it a try.

nine o'clock sharp

Lin Chen's men and Shanghai's senior executives all put on formal attire and arrived here in time to gather.

At this moment, in addition to more than a thousand plant control divisions outside the base, there were also elite troops with a total number of about 60,000, as well as a large number of ordinary volunteers. Seeing that everything was ready, Lin Chen, who put on a special uniform with a golden sunshine icon, appeared in front of everyone, followed by Qian Xu and Zhao Gang in the same attire.

This is the uniform that Lin Chen specially made for all the plant control technicians.

Pseudo Plant Controller soldiers wear uniforms without color fillers; junior Plant Controllers have gray-white icons on their uniforms, and intermediate Plant Controllers have silver icons, which are roughly in sync with the color of the Soul Crystal.


Seeing Lin Chen appear, the survivors couldn't help but cheer.

Lin Chen waved to them, which undoubtedly aroused even more enthusiastic cheers and applause. After a long while, this surge of enthusiasm gradually subsided. Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Chen stood on the temporary stage and gave an encouraging speech.

"Compatriots, I am the new director of Shanghai Base, Lin Chen."

"More than a year ago, the sudden outbreak of the apocalypse caught us all by surprise. Almost instantly, countless survivors turned into zombies. Even if there are some who are lucky enough to escape, your family, relatives, friends, and colleagues, you People we knew or didn't know were bitten and infected by the zombies, and only two or three out of ten people survived. Later, the evolution of zombies made our situation even more difficult, and we could die at any time when we went out. "

"However, we humans have been overcoming hardships one after another since our birth, and we have never lowered our heads. This time, facing the zombie virus is no exception. Although the feeling of being chased by endless zombies is desperate, we are still fighting. Keep fighting and survive. The emergence of plant control masters means that humans have the ability to fight high-level zombies. From now on, we don’t have to be afraid even when facing fourth-level zombies.”

"It has always been the expectation of all of us to completely eliminate zombies and end the apocalypse. To put it more closely, it is also our mission and responsibility to regain the urban area of ​​Shanghai. No one will forget it. Today, November 17th , we are finally ready to launch a war of recovery against Shanghai."

"At this moment, I can tell you that anyone who dares to threaten our homeland and survival will be crushed by our beliefs. At this moment, I don't care where you come from, whether it is Shanghai or Nanchang, whether it is north or south, Shanghai or Hai The city is the home of all of us. At this moment, history will be rewritten by us. Now, please let me witness this historic moment with you. I announce that the Red Dawn plan to regain Shanghai City has been officially launched."

Following his words, tens of thousands of people cheered uncontrollably with excitement.

"Long live Shanghai"

"Long live humanity"

"Recover Shanghai and return home"

Amid such slogans, the plant control divisions and military troops got into their cars and set off according to the predetermined plan.

However, although Operation Red Dawn has begun, it does not mean that the battle will soon enter its climax. Taking into consideration the priority and urgency, after discussions between Lin Chen and Shanghai's staff, it was decided that the main force of the plant control division should first detour to the Jiading District of Shanghai. After launching an attack from here and breaking through Jiading, they will advance eastward into Baoshan District, and then gradually advance from north to south.

In order to avoid the situation of advancing in depth, the military in Shanghai will send people to follow, step by step, and continue to build temporary fortresses and camps.

Soon, when the First Independent Regiment of the Plant Control Division arrived on the outskirts of Shanghai, tens of thousands of soldiers and volunteers began to build the outermost defensive positions. In this way, in case of a zombie counterattack, the plant control masters can retreat to the stronghold for defense.

From here, you can already see the row upon row of buildings in Shanghai and Shanghai from a distance.

The gathering of so many people, coupled with large-scale operations, will inevitably attract zombie attacks in Shanghai. In just half an hour, the zombies began to gather here. At the beginning, there were only some peripheral zombies. Later, many groups of third-level zombies appeared in the city

There are as many as 60,000 soldiers who are not vegetarians. As elites gathered from the Shanghai-Haihai Base, their men are unequivocal. Ordinary zombies can't get close enough to be dealt with. Only when a group of third-level zombies launch an attack will they be let in and handed over to the plant control masters. Soon, the outermost defense line was initially successfully established. Under the leadership of the real plant control divisions, the pseudo-plant control division troops began to gradually penetrate into Shanghai and Hainan.

Although the strategy they formulated at the beginning was to concentrate firepower and clean up piece by piece, in order to ensure efficiency, they still divided three directions of attack at this point.

The three independent battalions of plant control divisions began to advance together in a three-line column, pushing forward from the outside inward.

Nearly one hundred and fifty plant control divisions were also divided into three groups, following the entire process under the command of Lin Chen, Qian Xu, and Zhao Gang. The three high-level plant control masters are each stationed in one direction, so that even if they are attacked by fourth-level zombies, they will still have the strength to fight back.

"Boom boom boom"

As they went deeper, zombie attacks became more frequent, and the pseudo-plant control soldiers also began to fight back violently. The flame machine gun shooters burst out a wave of deadly flames, causing short explosions on the zombies. When the third-level zombies approached, the real plant control masters did not hesitate to use cherry bombs to repel all the attacks of these zombies.

Behind the front-line plant control divisions is the Shanghai base military who is fully following up.

Plant control engineers are responsible for eliminating the main zombies, but there are inevitably still zombies, even zombie animals, left in some buildings, corners and other places. It is up to them to follow up and clean up these missed monsters.

Behind the military are volunteers and convoys.

After passing the first two security check lines, these ordinary people basically have no worries about their safety. They are mainly responsible for relocating everything that can be used in the safe area, and then pulling them all back to the Shanghai base. Although some people once proposed to live directly after conquering Shanghai City, the security here is not as high as the Shanghai base, so it was ultimately rejected.

1. In the Jiading District of Shanghai, which has been dormant for more than a year, a lively scene emerged: on the front line, the plant control masters fought a desperate battle with the zombies. Later, the survivors were busy moving. , everyone is fulfilling their responsibilities

After more than two hours of fierce fighting, the plant control masters took a short rest and gradually began to penetrate deeper into Jiading District.

The engineering troops and volunteers who had completed the peripheral defense construction began to go deep here and continued to build smaller fire support fortresses. It was a slow positional advance that was troublesome but safe enough. Moreover, such a fortress could also serve as a transit point for information exchange. The three-pronged plant control division troops also need to communicate with each other. In a city with many high-rise buildings, the already severely affected communications are so weak that they are almost unusable. They can only rely on soldiers who specialize in reporting information to run back and forth and exchange information and communication at the fire support point.

"The first battalion is progressing smoothly. has killed no less than fifty third-level zombies."

"The second battalion is progressing smoothly and has not encountered large-scale zombie attacks. It is now staying in place, waiting for the progress of friendly forces."

"The third battalion was attacked by a large group of third-level zombies and is still fighting."

Through this kind of communication, Lin Chen, who was personally stationed in the middle route, that is, the second battalion, was able to smoothly grasp the overall situation. Combined with the Shanghai Navy's follow-up updates, Lin Chen was able to steadily issue control orders based on the progress of the situation. This ensures that the three paths advance in parallel, without any one path going in alone.

As of the first day, Lin Chen and the others had advanced almost ten kilometers.

Even on the periphery, the progress was definitely not slow. Except for the first battalion, which was attacked by a monster that was infinitely close to a fourth-level zombie, the other two routes went smoothly. Moreover, the monster in the first battalion was not a real fourth-level monster. It just caused a little trouble for Qian Xu, but was quickly solved in the end.

Chapter 351 A historic moment

Chapter 351 A historic moment


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