The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 352: Breaking through 2 zones

Chapter 352: Breaking two districts in a row

As the last ray of sunset set on the horizon, the sky quickly darkened.

Night has always been the world of zombies, especially in the complicated urban area of ​​Shanghai and Hainan. Even after Lin Chen gained the ability to summon street lantern flowers, this situation could not be fundamentally reversed. Therefore, the plant control masters did not choose to advance rashly, but retreated safely.

The military in Shanghai even withdrew five kilometers and all settled in the temporary fortress built during the day.

"Has everyone evacuated?" No skipping words. In the temporary stronghold built of steel, Lin Chen looked at the darkness outside, and then asked about Zhao Gang.

Zhao Gang was well prepared and confident. I confirmed them one by one, and there was news from the first independent regiment of plant control divisions. There were many people there, and they withdrew further back. "

"That's good"

Now that all his men have left the battlefield, Lin Chen is relieved.

"Chief Commander" Following this voice, Gao Ming walked in quickly. All warning measures were in place. Our people pulled up long nut walls as roadblocks in front and on the flanks, and laid out a total of more than two thousand nuts. Potato mines, plus plenty of warning rakes, and tombstone moss has been laid out.”

"very good"

Lin Chen nodded with satisfaction. With such a complete plan, they thought they could spend the night safely.

Unknowingly, it was getting late at night, and the tall buildings were submerged in the black mist. The Shanghai City outside the temporary stronghold became more and more dead. Only when the night wind blows can the howls of zombies be heard in a certain corner of the city.

As the first night of the Red Dawn Project, no one among the plant controllers dared to be careless, and all of them were prepared for the danger. The plant controllers responsible for the lookout performed their duties conscientiously with the dim light of the street lanterns, for fear of missing a zombie. There are some sunshine mushrooms growing around them, and they are trying their best to produce sunlight energy to replenish energy for these plant controllers who have been fighting all day.


From time to time, zombies wandering in the distance stepped on the potato mines, but these were mostly single zombies, so they did not pose any threat to the temporary stronghold. It's just that the sporadic explosions woke up many plant control masters, causing them to complain.

As his strength improved, Lin Chen's need for sleep became less and less. After four or five hours of light sleep, Lin Chen got up energetically. It was only about two o'clock in the morning. He touched his face with the clean water brought by the ordinary soldiers in the rear, then got up and walked out of the temporary stronghold.

A gust of cold wind blew, which made Lin Chen feel refreshed.

Several plant control masters standing at the highest point outside the stronghold saw Lin Chen coming out, and quickly saluted him, and then reported the situation in the middle of the night. In fact, there is nothing to say. The effect of tombstone moss is really not good. Except for a few zombies who sensed that they were about to move, the other zombies did not immediately attack here. This is how the silence in the first half of the night came about, but as time went on, more and more zombies wandered around in the second half of the night.

"Boom boom boom"

Continuous explosions sounded, and soon, a wave of thousands of zombies broke through the mine array on the left side of the stronghold, and then rushed towards the stronghold.

The plant control masters were wrong and immediately used flame machine gun shooters to fight back against the zombies. With this coming and going, the huge movement immediately woke everyone up. They could no longer sleep, so they rushed outside the temporary stronghold, ready to fight against the zombies at any time.

The entire second half of the night, until five or six in the morning, was spent in intermittent fighting outside the temporary stronghold. The sounds of fierce fighting that could be heard from time to time even reached the Shanghai Navy's defense line at the rear, making the ordinary soldiers really worried all night. Fortunately, as the morning star rises, the sky gradually becomes brighter, which makes the pressure on the plant controllers suddenly lessened.

"Look, a horde of zombies"

At this moment, a plant control master with good eyes suddenly shouted. Following the direction of his finger, Lin Chen saw a wave of zombies that could not be seen at a glance. With the help of the slightly whitish light in the sky, Lin Chen determined that the number of zombies in this wave was over 100,000 at least.

"Everyone is here, ready to counterattack"

Lin Chen shouted and issued orders to his subordinates. At the same time, the first independent regiment of the plant control division behind them also pulled up again and participated in this battle.

Continuous explosions and shootings sounded again, breaking the tranquility at dawn

Once the distance is so close, even if it is covered by tombstone moss, it is not enough to mislead the zombies. These gray monsters from the center of Shanghai jumped excitedly, but they were unable to move forward under the deadly firepower of the plant control masters. The distance of a hundred meters from the stronghold seems to be a line of death. Regardless of the second- and third-level zombies, they will all die if they step in.

Until, a blood-red monster rushed up among the zombies.

"Level 4 destroyer, everyone concentrate your firepower"

After losing the cover of the two third-level power zombies in front of him, the five-meter-tall blood-red zombie's figure, which could no longer be concealed, was immediately recognized by the front-line pseudo-controllers. Under the command of some intermediate plant control masters, most of the people here chose to turn their guns.

Such powerful firepower is difficult for even a fourth-level destroyer to withstand.

Although its hard shell could hold up for a while, the huge repelling force made every step it took extremely difficult. However, the ordinary zombies around it provided a large number of throwables to the fourth-level destroyers. It withstood the endless attacks, picked up the zombies around it and threw them hard. With a sharp roar, the zombies were thrown dozens of meters by the fourth-level destroyer in one fell swoop, almost flying directly below the stronghold.

The second-level agility zombie that landed on the ground didn't seem to react yet. It shook its body before getting up again. Unfortunately, a flaming pea bullet blew its head off right after.

Seeing that the zombies he threw stopped moving immediately after, the fourth-level destroyer seemed a little discouraged, but he soon continued to throw new zombies. If the second-level zombies were fine, they would be dealt with as soon as they hit the ground, but when he threw a third-level agility zombie, it almost caused trouble. Fortunately, Lin Chen took action in time and killed this one in one fell swoop. However, this is the extent of this fourth-level destroyer's methods. After Lin Chen finally joined the battle, it was finally destroyed and two diamond crystals were contributed.

Ten minutes later, all the zombies were wiped out.

The plant control experts breathed a sigh of relief, ate breakfast casually, and started a new day of cleanup.

According to the pre-planned plan, Lin Chen and the others will continue to expand their results today and clean up seven kilometers in depth. Although the requirements are less than yesterday, considering that it is closer to the city center, it is more difficult. The plant control masters did not dare to be careless. They used all their strength and energy to carefully search every corner.

It took them almost two and a half days to completely clean up Jiading District.

Follow-up military troops and volunteers have fully followed up and began to systematically remove the contents. As for Lin Chen and his men, they began their attack on Baoshan District.

After strangling the zombies in Jiading District along the way, Lin Chen had a lot of crystal coins on hand. This means that his pseudo-control plant division troops are about to expand again. However, it was at this time that Lin Chencai's Silver Sunflower Medal was not unlimited. It was just that the reserve capacity and condensation speed far exceeded the power seeds.

For now, though, the number of silver sunflowers is more than enough to satisfy his needs.

Compared with Jiading District, there seem to be fewer zombies in Baoshan District. The counterfeit control planters continued to advance in three directions, and soon reached the most important place in the Shanghai base - the main factory area of ​​Baosteel Group.

This is a relatively wide and desolate place. In addition to Baosteel, there are also some other enterprises.

After roughly wiping out the zombies here, Lin Chen personally led some plant control masters and rushed into the Baosteel Group. Here, they saw a large amount of open-pit iron ore, and there were blast furnaces, steel products and some semi-finished products in the factory. However, Lin Chen just glanced at them briefly and walked past them. His attention was entirely focused on the open space where Baosteel stored coal.

Here, black coal piled up into a mine

Looking up from the foot of the mine, Lin Chen even felt a little small. And there are obviously more than one such mine, and the total amount must be hundreds of thousands of tons.

Zhao Gang, who was following him, looked at it in shock for a long time, then stepped forward and reached out to pick up a piece and looked at it. He couldn't help but said with surprise that it was all low-sulfur and high-heat anthracite used for steelmaking. Now there is no need to worry about winter. This thing is used for heating. It couldn’t be better”

Lin Chen was also quite happy. These coals greatly eased the pressure on the Shanghai base to face the coming cold winter. Now, the Shanghai Base should not have to worry about heating fuel. What they should consider is how to pull all the coal.

At this time, the news that Baosteel was captured by the plantation divisions had spread back to the rear. Soon, ordinary soldiers from the military and people from the logistics department rushed over. Like Lin Chen and others, the officials of the logistics department were also surprised when they saw the coal mines piled up here. However, after the initial surprise, they began to quickly mobilize the heavy trucks behind them to prepare to move these black mountains of coal.

In addition, Baosteel's other equipment is also priceless. However, considering the huge size and professionalism of these equipment, the base has no way to transport them away and can only temporarily leave them here. However, the large amount of steel that has been smelted in the warehouse can be transported along with the coal.

Seeing that the people from the logistics department had completely taken over the place, Lin Chen felt relieved and led people to continue cleaning up the subsequent targets.

Although nearly two districts have been swept away, they are still far behind compared to the entire Shanghai. Especially the central area where zombies are densest, that is where the battle is fiercest and most troublesome for them.

Chapter 352: Breaking two districts in a row

Chapter 352: Breaking two districts in a row


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