Sister Ruoxue hearing this, immediately nodded and said: “Well, Sister Feina makes sense, then spread the word cauliflower, let her, the sea snake king, start to prepare…! “

Fina nodded immediately, and whispered to the door: “Summer Solstice, send orders to Li Feng, Yin Yao, Ming Shan, let them come here immediately…!”



At the door, the summer solstice responded neatly, and then quickly disappeared at the door…


Three days later, on a small island in the Sea Lobster Territory.

The girl half of the cauliflower and Xiaobu are sitting next to a huge rock, and the cauliflower’s hand is holding a small secret scroll…

Obviously , It’s the news from Tianyan City…

Xiaobu curiously asked: “Boss, what do you say at home? Did you let us take the team…!”

Cauliflower said with a faint smile: “Receive the team? Dream it, see for yourself…!”

The voice fell, and the secret scroll was already shot at Xiaobu, but the latter did not Feeling hypocritical, immediately read it carefully…

Shaoqing, Xiaobu excitedly said: “Wow, no, Lord Yanhuang is coming. It seems that our mission is just beginning. Well…!”

Cauliflower said: “No, the master is looking for something this time, so you can give me a start. Whether it’s the team or the sea snake clan under our command, it’s all You can’t shame me…!”

“Otherwise, I won’t have the face to see my master…!”

Xiaobu hearing this immediately said with a smile: “Don’t worry Well, I know this point…!”

“It is said that Master Yanhuang is already 7th grade middle level, even if such strength is placed in Sea Clan, I am afraid that there is a huge evil level… !”

“To be honest, I’m a little looking forward to it. It’s the day when Master Yanhuang will come to the sea…!”

Cauliflower hearing this laughed: “hahaha…! What a king over the sea, this is indeed a grand goal…!”

“However, judging from what you and I know about Sea Clan and the current development trend of Yanmeng, it is unlikely that within two years, Sea Clan is too vast, and the owner is not an aquatic creature…!”

“At present, the geographical environment of Sea Clan can be described as blessed by heaven, which is both their protection and Their most terrifying weapon…!”

“As for the master who came this time, just looking for something that’s all, It shouldn’t be involved in a large-scale conflict…!”

“The secret scroll is very clear, as long as we cooperate with the master to perform some induction and even beheading tasks…!”

“But then again, the master has always been good at changing something rotten Into something magical, even the outer star insect clan was wiped out, maybe it will give Sea Clan a big surprise this time…!”

Xiaobu hearing this nodded and sai d: “That’s not right, I think this matter is mysterious, the eighth-order alien worms have been killed, and Sea Clan’s eighth-order should not be counted…! “

“To be honest, I have heard a lot about the eighth level in Sea Clan, but I haven’t seen it once…! “

As soon as these words came out, Cauliflower said with a smile: “I’ve seen this before. As for what, isn’t it that way…? “

“The eighth level, naturally it has already transformed itself, it is not the same as us, but the power is scary…! “

“The emperor of the shrimp clan is an eighth rank. I have only seen it once, but that power is still fresh in my memory…! “

It seems that the two of them are also very rare to take a break, but this will be a habit, and even the information about the rock city that they have learned through the heavens and the blessed land is pulled out…

Of course, it’s no wonder they, usually this topic can’t be casually talked about, after all, their current identity is a dark child, and it’s easy to expose if they don’t talk well…

Leaking Tianyan information…

However, they will not know that the protagonist they are discussing at the moment is far away in North America and seems to be lost…

. …..


North America, there are many.

Yi Fan on a slightly dilapidated wall After leaving a huge shadow mark, he pulled Xing Jie to the top of the building…

To be honest, Yi Fan is not in a good mood right now…

I have hurriedly hurried, but the duck that got it is still flying…

The stone that was still in the hands of the black man yesterday, but entered a Dark Space this morning…

Obviously, the sacred stone was collected in the space ring. Although I found the city immediately, there are tens of millions of people in this somewhat dilapidated steel giant…

There are several influences, plus Yi Fan’s so-called “sacred stone positioning system” after the sacred stone is included in the Space Secret Treasure, it can only give an approximate range, which is not very useful…

So, why not When there was a big disturbance, Yi Fan wanted to find something, so she could only contact the dark child who Fina had supported here…

He and Xing Jie are both there. The conspicuous place has left marks for several hours, and no one came to connect…

This time, it’s another afternoon…

Until ten in the evening, A rather thin black man appeared on the roof of the building at his own pace…

Yi Fan initially thought it was one of Fina’s three hidden sons, but he left. I took a closer look and found that it wasn’t…

This black man, whether in terms of face or breath, was an ordinary worker…

But at this time, Yi Fan is already a bit temperamental, and naturally he has lost his good face…

I don’t care whether he recognizes it or not. When the person approaches, he immediately slammed his head and said: “See this mark Yet? How long has this been and why has it only appeared now…! “

Of course, the Yi Fan at this moment is using American English, and the other party can clearly know what he is expressing…

The black man froze for a moment, it seemed Seeing that Yi Fan is of Chinese descent, and the face is quite unfamiliar…

There is no new human aura on his body, and he immediately replied: “I’m working at work. I only gave half a broken piece in a month. Jing, it’s great that I can come…! “

“The message has been sent out, and there will be a reply from the top tomorrow afternoon at the latest, please wait quietly…! “

“This is really a shame…! “

Next, without waiting for Yi Fan to reply, this guy even shook his head while preparing to turn around and leave…

PS: Lao Mo made the list this month, but unfortunately Divine Immortal is fighting. The current ranking is not ideal. I hope that friends who really like this book will support Lao Mo Yibo as much as possible in this August…

Please guarantee the monthly pass and ask for a reward. , The more the better…

Please, this month, help Lao Mo get up…

In addition, I’m on the list, and I recommend two books from my friends….

One is Old Zhang’s “Divine Grade Daddy” mainstream cultivation essay, the writing is skilled, the plot is ups and downs, it is worth watching.

One is the beer’s “Tao Yun Xie” “Medical” mainstream urban doctor’s essay, the writing style is simple, the thinking is slightly low, it is worth seeing.

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