To be honest, what the black man in front of me makes Yi Fan feel a little confused…

Fortunately, Xing Jie is very clear about the joints in the Anbu. Yi Fan has yet to say and When so on, he grabbed him…

“Let him go, this person is just a periphery, this should not belong to the most prosperous area in North America, so there should be no branch…! “

“The periphery is only responsible for transmissions, nothing else…!”

Yi Fan hearing this sighed: “Is the periphery? No wonder, but this periphery seems too It’s a bit rough…!”

Xing Jie smiled faintly: “It’s normal, if I’m not mistaken, although Feina has some support here, she is still in stocking status most of the time. …!”

“The person just stopped talking. It was only half a month of broken crystals. It sounds like an extremely cheap look…!”

” If you don’t want to be too troublesome, just continue to wait. Now that the three of you have staff here, they naturally understand the situation here…!”

“Perhaps, they will know, Whose Space Secret Treasure is most likely to have, in short, after waiting for them, we should be able to find the right direction soon…!”

Yi Fan happily said: “Well, this city is really It’s very evil. Most of the so-called new humans seem to be body mutations, unless they are using dark energy, otherwise they are really hard to find…!”

“Also, let’s just take a stroll. , By the way, let me know that the Great Influence in this city…!”

Xing Jie said softly as always: “Well, listen to you…!”

“To be honest, I am also quite curious, what kind of model is the use of dark energy here…!”

The total of the two is no longer stupid. This bizarre city of steel was integrated into the two glare…

In the next half day, the two of them had a little understanding of this city…

To talk more about it, North America’s largest crystal power plant is also the largest existing arsenal in North America…

Yes, it’s an arsenal…

What is an arsenal is naturally forging The place of weapons…

It is a place of forging weapons, and it’s no wonder that Yi Fan and Xing Jie are all seen by their eyes, it’s a steel jungle…

As for The so-called weapon, or it should be called the war machine, made Yi Fan and Xing Jie amazed…

Because, this so-called weapon turned out to be a ten-meter high gun. ‘, that’s why the two of them positioned it as a war machine…

Of course, the name of this’Gundam’ is naturally derived from Yi Fan, which is a North American fighter machine. The real name is Crystal Combat Armor…

Most of them don’t have the ability to fly, only a few advanced goods can fly…

Understanding such a thing, Yi Fan naturally It is clear that in this huge steel city, there may be a relic of high-latitude technology…

Otherwise, with the technology of North American humans, it is easy to make these, but they must be moved. , And even drive it with crystal power, but it’s not so easy…

In fact, Yi Fan has had contact with these things a long time ago. For example, the V7 warriors who are still serving in Tianyan City are actually the same Types of things…

However, after Yi Fan understands, there are still some differences between the two. After all, the two come from two different civilizations…

Of course, Yi Fan doesn’t have the mind to study the difference between V7 Warren and North American Gundam, because his purpose is not this…

As for the use of crystal power in North America, But there is also polarization…

One claims to be a new human, while the two call themselves mutants.

The two have their own propositions but they are giving tit for tat. The new humans advocate the use of crystal power to drive war machine combat, while the mutant advocates absorbing crystal nuclei to strengthen their mutation ability…

Due to resource competition and the promotion of some interested people, the medicinal smell between the two has always been quite strong…

However, although those in power have been pushing for it, they have always been extremely restrained. Although small-scale frictions continue , But there was no war. It seemed that I wanted the people in the city to be in a state of high pressure and panic…

At night, light clouds covered the moon.

When Yi Fan and Xing Jie found a place to live, the time has come to nine o’clock in the evening…

In this temporarily bought house, Yi Fan Holding Xing Jie’s plan for a nightlife that is not ashamed or irritable, the three familiar auras have made incarnation a “wolf”, and he has changed back to humanity…

In fact, This breath itself is not familiar to Yi Fan. What really makes him very familiar is the operation mode of the opponent’s crystal force, which is the authentic “Zhongping Jing” cultivation technique…

This cultivation technique Yi Fan But he did it himself, and it was also the first No Attribute advanced cultivation technique he discovered. Yi Fan paid a lot of attention to it at the time…

Moreover, the other party went straight to this side from the long street. Come, obviously I came to them…

They practiced the Tianyan City cultivation technique, and they can find this through the code words left by Xing Jie. The identity of these three breaths is already I’m ready to come out…

Yes, they are Fina who made the secret child, Sean, Anna, and Tasha earlier…

“Bang… Bang…Bang…!”

The knock on the door sounded, and Xing Jie had already waited by the door, but she did not open the door, instead opened the mouth and said: “Who, Da Knock it at night…!”

At this moment, Xing Jie is using Chinese language, and his language is obviously out of the usual speaking habits. It seems that there is a hidden secret, obviously he wants to test the business of these two people Ability…

“Open the door, check the meter…!”

A vigorous male voice sounded, with a little awkward Chinese language, which made Yi Fan amused…


When he heard the man’s words, Xing Jie immediately opened the door and let the three of them flash into the living room…

“I have seen Master Yanhuang, Master Meiwu…!”

As soon as the three of them entered the door, they knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully, with solemn voice…

Obviously, they also learned about Yi Fan’s coming from Fina, but they didn’t know which city Yi Fan was coming to, so they had to wait in their nest for news from North American cities…

After receiving the message from the black man, the three of them rushed over almost without stopping…

Fortunately, their nest is not too far away, but one afternoon Time has arrived with all my strength…

After they really joined the Tianyan sequence, they really knew how strong the Tianyan power is. …

To put it simply, in their eyes at this moment, a brighter future for mankind will inevitably be created by the forces of Heavenly Rock, and the King of Rock will inevitably be at the helm…

So, even if they saw Yan Huang with their own eyes, they were still very excited…

Actually, it was not the first time that the three of them saw Yi Fan, but so It’s the first time I saw him up close…

The three never thought that the real Master Yanhuang would look so ordinary…

Ordinary Like an ordinary person, the ordinary person is so different from the domineering terrifying aura that I have previously felt far away, which shocks them again…

To be honest, if it weren’t for the Master Meiwu standing next to them, they Maybe they would all regard him as an ordinary person…

Because at this moment, they didn’t feel any breath in the body of Lord Rock Emperor…

Yes, He could not perceive any breath, he seemed to be a completely ordinary person…

But the three of them knew very clearly that it was Lord Yanhuang, even if he did not have the slightest aura of crystal power. , The three still feel that they are standing under a giant peak and cannot look up…

And the breath of Master Meiwu next to him is also exaggerated…

“Sean, Tasha, Anna, right? No need to be so polite when you are away, get up…! “

Yi Fan raised his left hand lightly, his words are full of easy-going, without the slightest arrogance…

“Yes…! “

Seeing Yi Fan’s attitude, the three of them naturally got up. Yi Fan once again opened the mouth and said: “Are you all clear about the purpose of my coming here…?” “

Sean, headed by the three, immediately said solemnly: “Reporting back to Lord Yanhuang, know one thing, Sir Empress let me wait and try to cooperate…! “

Yi Fan nodded: “Okay, let’s sit down and talk. I now need to know who is most likely to own Space Secret Treasure in this city under our feet…! “

As soon as these words came out, Sean was started, but it was only a moment, and immediately opened the mouth and said: “Reporting back to Lord Rock, talk about multi-city matters, in North America belong The rear city, so the intelligence we collect is very limited…! “

“At present, we only know the high-level Great Influence in the city, but since it is such a treasure as space ring, it will definitely be in the hands of these people…! “

As soon as Sean’s words fell, Tasha, the beautiful and alluring young woman on one side, immediately said resolutely: “Yes, although I don’t know who it is, I’m sure it must be among these people. One….! “

The two are quite determined, but Anna on one side gave an objection: “I think this matter is still not easy to conclude. To be honest, Master Yanhuang would not say that there is Space in this city today. Secret Treasure, we don’t even know…! “

“In many cities, there is not a low-key guy among the few leaders, so we still can’t put eggs in one basket…! “

Hearing what the three said, Yi Fan said lightly with a smile: “Very well, this is the jurisdiction you are responsible for, then I will give you a chance…! “

“There is something extremely important to us that has fallen into that space ring. I can be sure that that Space Secret Treasure is in this city…! “

“Three days, I will give you three days, as long as you can find the space ring, I will give you a chance beyond your imagination…! “

At the words of Yi Fan, a bright edge flashed in the eyes of the three of them…


A chance beyond imagination!! And It was Yan Huang personally promised, an unimaginable opportunity, and the three of them boiled with blood in an instant…

This will definitely be the greatest opportunity they have encountered so far..

Such a great opportunity, absolutely, absolutely can’t let it slip away!!

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