The Last Rudra

Chapter 100 - Chhan Chhan

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Ishit hadn't even got to the chamber when  Champa came running from behind, calling out for him. 

"Young Lord, Young Lord..." she wheezed, doubling over. "Young Lord, Bhadra wants you in the dining hall. Please hurry back."

Ishit frowned.  He didn't want to be with the Kalingans anymore. He was afraid that he might not hold himself back and do something that would sever their already fragile relationship. Besides, he had other tasks in the hand.

"What's the matter? " He asked. 

"Young Lord, Nidhi ...Nidhi is dead." sobbed Champa.

"What? How? Did Kalingan do something after I left?" The rage boiled up in him. They had gone too far. He needed to seek out his lord father's help.  He started back. 

"No no..the serpent had already bit her before it attacked you. Her body has turned blue. She is now frothing at the mouth."  hurriedly replied Champa as she followed after him.

"Then, shouldn't he call Nimohi? What can I do?" Ishit asked, puzzled why Bhadra had wanted him in the hall. 

"He says that only you can save her. Please, Young Lord, save her. She has her old father to take care of. "  Champa pleaded. 

Ishit didn't know what to say. All he could do to go and have look at the girl. So he hastened his pace. 

The maids had gathered around the poisoned girl. Esha was stroking her dove. Her face was sullen. Karuvaki glanced at him as he stepped into the hall. Vasu, Ambhik, and his two men had already left. 

Ishit felt relieved. He really didn't want to see the black-robed man again. 

The crowd parted as he approached the girl. The wizard was tending seemingly already dead lass. Ishit face darkened when he saw the maid's state. She was beyond saving. Now he knew why Bhadra hadn't called for Nimohi. 

"Oh! you've come." Bhadra said without looking up. "Take a look at the lass. I think only you can save her. "

"Bhadra, I'm a smith, not a healer," Ishit replied, wondering where the wizard was going. 

"You are. "  Bhadra replied, he was uncannily calm.  ("Boy, use the Glassian healing art, or have forgotten it already?) He sent a telepathic message. 

"Yes! I'm" Ishit foolishly said. Padma, Esha, and Karuvaki gave him a 'Are you an Idiot?' look. Since when did you become a healer? To become a Nimohi, one needed to have a para mind, and mastery over the herbs and all. 

Ishit ignored the ladies. With so many things going on in his life, he had absolutely forgotten about the healing art he had learned from Dhrita. Now when Bhadra reminded him, he recalled it.

Though Ishit hadn't had the chance to learn advanced healing arts like trading with death fairies, he was sure if the lass had even a single breath left he could cure her. 

Time was slipping out of their hands. So he set to work without wasting any more moments, with all eyes on him. 

The first step was to find the soulmate tree or animal of the girl.  There were many methods to find one's soul animal.

Like -what animal one often saw in one's dreams;  What  pet he always wanted to have; what wild animals he often crossed path while venturing in wilds; what animals he felt drawn to; 

As the lass couldn't answer these questions, Ishit couldn't use these methods.  He needed to study girls' body parts-like palms, fingers, nose, lips, feet, eyes, etc. 

With his powerful spiritual sense, it was not difficult for him. He gathered all the details and drew figures on the parchment. 

And soon a serpent's figure emerged out of the jumbled lines. He wondered if it was the reason for which the snake had chosen Nidhi of all the maids.  He shook his head. It was the black-robed man who had forced the reptile to coil around the lass's leg. 

The first step had been completed, now he needed a serpent or a tree that symbolized reptiles. 

Unmindful towards the puzzled gazes of ladies, he turned to Bhadra. 

"Bhadra can you arrange, devil's snare, snake plants, Nagafani, and cedar tree as soon as possible? Make sure they all are alive." 

Bhadra nodded and left. The plants he had asked for were not rare ones.  So he was not afraid that Bhadra wouldn't find them in Minaak. 

"What kind of treat require such common grasses? Don't tell me you two are fooling around with the maid. " Karuvaki couldn't stop herself asking. She really couldn't understand why these southern were so concerned about a commoner's death, going as far as offending Barbarik and the snake charmer.

"I think it shouldn't matter to you whether we are messing around or not. After all, for you people, maids are toys," replied Ishit. His cousin's giggles with the cackles of Barabrik and all were still resounding in his ears. He couldn't make out how they could enjoy others' sufferings. 

"You! " Karuvaki couldn't refute him. It was true, in Kalinga, commoners were nothing but playthings of spirit wielders. They were meant to serve their betters. And if it required their deaths, they had to die happily. 

Before this day, she hadn't thought of them more than her contracted-beasts---useful and disposable at whim in a battle. Of course, there were some commoners which were like soul pets a little bit more precious. Like her two maids Naina and Suniti, or her dai maa (governess). 

Ishit shook his head and decided to ignore the pouting girl. It was not her fault. If he had been born in Kalinga he might have not cared about the commoners too. And he again realized how great his land, Garuna, was.  He felt lucky to be born in the virgin land. (only defilers used this term to call Garuna). 

Bhadra didn't take a long time. He returned with all the four plants with their roots intact. 

Ishit examined them all. And with a satisfied nod, he resumed his work.  The third stop was most crucial. It would decide whether the lass would live or die. 

He asked  Champa to bring him some flour. The girl rushed to the kitchen and came back with a bowl filled with rice flour. 

With the help of rice drew a mandala o the floor, and put the conscious maid on the center of the intricate figure.  He set the four plants in thier respective positions in the mandala. 

Ishit told everyone to back off. As he picked up the girl's hand it was icy cold. He felt the artery. It was a bit difficult, for the lass was nearly dead. 

He took a deep breath and recalled the stage tongue that he had learned from the priest, and chanted, pronouncing each syllable carefully, 

????||Om HumHum Satrustambhanaya Hum Hum Om Phat||????

????||Om Shrim Hrim Shrim Sarva Mangalaya Pingalaya Om Namah'||????

????||Om Aim Aim Mano Vanchita Siddhaya Aim Aim Om'||????

????||Om Rudraya Roganashaya Agacha Cha Ram Om Namah||????

????||Om Shrim Hrim Sam Sam Hrim Shrim Shankarshanaya Om||????

????||Om Hrim Hrim Safalyayai Siddhaye Om Namah'||????

????||Om Shrim Bam Sough Balavardhanaya Baleshwaraya Rudraya Phut||????

????||Om Hram Hrim Hum Samastha Graha Dosha Vinashaya Om||????

????||Om Gam Hluam Shroum Glaum Gam Om Namah'||????

????||Om Chum Chandishwaraya Tejasyaya Chum Om Phut'||????

????'||Om Bhavod Bhava Sambhavaya Ishta Darshana Om Sam Om Namaha'||  ????

(Note: These mantras have the power to cure any ailments if one chants them properly. Please take a bath before trying them out. Though  no side effects have been noted by Brahmins so far, use them at your own risk.)

As soon as he finished the eleventh mantras, the seemingly dead girl's body twitched violently, and dark mist gushed out his mouth.  Ishit hurriedly resumed chanting.  The dark mist swirled and rushed towards the four plants. 

And before the enlarged eyes of the ladies, the luscious plants turned into ashes.  The girl's body returned back to its original color, pale white. 

Ishit hurriedly fed her pranic energy. ( of course, it was not included in the Glassian healing method). Though poison had been cleansed completely, the girl's body was still shuddering. Ishit frowned as he scanned her body. 

His eyes winded as he noticed the golden egg as large as a walnut.  What the hell it was! 

"Let me take from here, boy, "Bhadra said, as crouched down beside him. 

The wizard placed a hex on the girl's stomach, making the lass still. He then took out some ash and smeared it on the girl stomach. He mumbled a spell. To Ishit's surprise, the golden egg slowly came out of the girl's womb. What was more surprising, there was no wound or cut on the smooth skin of the maiden. 

Girls let out loud gasps. 

Ishit eyes were fixed on the eggs, it had the aura of the snake. 

Bhadra picked up the egg and put it away.

"let the lass rest for some time, she will be fine." He said as he got up. 

Ishit gave the girl the last glimpse. Her breathing was calm and regular. The rosiness was coming back on her apple cheeks. Making sure, there was nothing wrong with the girl, he followed Bhadra out. 

He didn't notice Karuvaki was gaping at him, with her mouth agape. 

Ishit caught up to the wizard, 

"What are you going to do with the egg?" he asked. 


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