The Last Rudra

Chapter 99 - Gaan

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As the voice thundered, a silence fell in the hall. Every eye turned to Ishit who had stood up, his eyes glaring at the man with a snake. 

"Stop it immediately " Ishit's voice had lost its cordiality. His face was dark. 

Barbarik and the man smiled at him as though he had said something funny. Vasu's eyes twinkled but he said nothing. He seemed amused. 

"Ah! I'm sorry young lord. Vitri has liking the lass. I can't do anything now." the black-robed man said, putting on a helpless face. "Vitri is not my contracted beast so I have a little control over him. "

"Young lord, please save me. Please ....." the lass's hysteric pleas were resounding in the hall. The snake had now coiled around her neck and was licking her white-ashen face. Just by sensing the aura of the golden reptile, Ishit could make out it was not an ordinary two or three-grade serpent. The serpent must have been beyond fifth grade. 

"I don't know anything just call it back or the Laws of Garuna will punish you for harassing a commoner. " Ishit said in a cold tone. 

"You're blaming me wrongly, young master. Can't you see Vitri is just loving the lass, he is not harassing her? I don't think even the laws of Garuna will consider it a crime."  the man said lazily as if Ishit's earlier threat were just a bluff. 

Ishit realized the man was here just to create trouble and nothing. He seemed too bold to be a mere guard of Vasu. Either he had Vasu's backing or he was confident enough to go unscathed from his crime. 

Ishit pondered over the situation.  What should he do? The man seemed unfazed by his anger. He wished his father should be here to deal with this arrogant prick. 

The maid was losing her sanity. The poisonous aura had started to take its effect, There was no way a commoner could withstand the touch of a fifth-grade serpent even if it meant no harm. 

"So you're not going to release the girl," Ishit asked for the last time. 

"Sorry, young lord, I'm not the one playing with her. I'm sure your laws must know a tamer can't be blamed for the crime of uncontracted beast.  If you want to punish Vitri you're free to do so. I have nothing to say.  But let me warn you, he is very touchy." The man said, with an evil smile. 

Ishit glanced at the girl whose's eyes were droopy. He had to do something or the girl would die soon.  Giving a wrathful gaze to the man he hurriedly walked over the girl, ignoring his mother, who was telling him not to go near the snake.  She still must have been thinking her brother was here to help them out. And the black-robed man was just messing around with the maid. 

As soon as Ishit got near the girl, the serpent turned to him. The hall fell silent. Ishit reached out to grab its tail, recalling the weird behavior of the school's serpent.  He wanted to see if all the snakes were acting oddly around him or the school's serpents were special. 

The serpent hissed as it came for him, weirdly, no powerful ripples appeared around it. Ishit didn't dare to let it strike on his hand. He hurriedly pulled his hand back, casting a shield around the fainted girl. The serpent twitched and shot towards him, ignoring the girl.  There was still no ripple around it. If it hadn't been its repressed aura, one might mistake it with a mortal snake.  Maybe this was the reason his mother didn't seem too much worried about his safety.  After all, she knew he had passed the school test with fourth-grade immunity. 

However, for some reason, Ishit's instinct was telling him to be wary of the viper. Owing to the forewarning, Ishit swiftly formed a shield to face the golden arrow-like viper. 


While everyone was watching Ishit and the serpent, Udlof's powerful spiritual sense was prodding the girl. 

He guided his sense into the girl's virgin vagina to her womb. For someone else, it might have aroused sexual feelings, but the wizard had long risen above these carnal's needs.  No beauty could tempt him, no delicacies could make his mouth water, no music could entrap his ear. He was the sole owner of his senses and had full mastery over them. That was the reason, he was still alive. 

Inside the girl's womb, a tiny golden egg had appeared. Discovery narrowed his eyes. As a distant memory appeared in his mind. The black-robed man had fooled him. The snake was not a fifth-grade golden yarara found in Kalinga. It was a distant descendant of Vasuki, serpent king of Khandava Forest. Only they had this power to impregnate a human female just by licking their sweat. What the hell  Vasu was planning to let his man carry around such a masterless seventh-grade snake. 

No wonder the reptile was not letting out any spirit ripple.  However, the boy was in trouble. 

Despite knowing this, the wizard didn't move from his place, nor did he warn Ishit.

Vitri, the snake, didn't slow down, as it passed through the Ishit's shield as if it was merely an illusion. 

Ishit's eyes widened as he tried to dodge the snake, but to his horror, he realized some invisible energy had petrified his body.  And before he could think of any solution to break the stunning curse, the snake was on him. The monster opened his mouth, its tiny teeth sparkled as they pierced Ishit's neck. 

Padma shrieked as she flew towards Ishit, knocking over the dining table. Her face paled with horror. She had never dreamed that his brother's man would dare to harm her son. 

The horrified maids, who were watching the drama, also let out screams. 

Esha too flew to help his brother, her face white ashen. 

However, what followed afterward baffled everyone. As soon as snake teeth sunk into Ishit's flesh, Its body was set on fire.  The snake screeched as it flew back. 

Bhadra's eyes glowed up as he stood, so did Vasu and others.  The maids stifled their cries.

The black-robed man screeched like his snake grabbing his throat that was going black. Horror was written all over his face. He hurriedly took out a glowing pill and swallowed. 

However, no one paid him any attention, for their attention was fixed on the boy whose eyes were red with anger. 

"Son, are you all right," Padma asked, as she reached out to pat his shoulder.

Ishit nodded calming down his boiling blood and rubbing his neck gently. He didn't know what just happened. 

All he could feel was the rage, intense rage surging in him, telling him to kill the man who had made the snake attack him. 

He looked at the pile of ashes that were all left of the golden snake. 

He gave the man a glare. 

"Mother, I'm leaving to my chamber. You don't have to worry about me, just take care of the girl." He said and left. 

His mind was in mess. The snake voice was still resounding in his mind. The message the reptile had left before it died. 

"Please, save my kind, O Almighty Rudra!"

It was a short message. But it had stirred his soul. Who was Rudra? However, no answer came from his enraged soul. 


"Vasu, I need an explanation of this. and even before it, I want these two rabid dogs of yours out of my castle," Padma said, her face flushed red with anger. 

"Sister, .."

"Vasu, believe me. If you don't tell them to go off my sight I will have my men to behead them. " Padma cut him off. 

"Ok!" Vasu gave her a deep look, and turned to his men, "You hear it, my friends. You're not welcomed in the castle, so find yourself an inn. I will let you know if I need you."

Barbarik smile evilly and turned to the blacked robed man, whose face was deathly pale,

"Let's go, snake charmer. Queen of Garuna hasn't liked your performance." he chuckled and walked off, eying the maids who were trying to wake up their sister. 

The snake charmer hurriedly picked up a glass of wine and chugged it down. He gave Vasu a look and swiftly left the hall.

"Now, tell me why you told them to attack my son."  Padma faced Vasu with Esha standing beside her. 

"Do you think that I'm fool to attack young lord of Garuna in his own castle? Besides, why will I want to harm him in the first place? I'm here to forge a new kinship between the two families not to break it completely.  " Vasu said, shaking his head.

"Then what was that? How did the snake try to bite him all of sudden?" Padma demanded,

"I too want to know. Only the charmer knows the answer. But you made him leave before I could demand an explanation from him. Now, give me a few moments I'm going to meet him. "

"Lady, ...Nidhi is dead.." A sobbing maid cut in. 

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