The Last Rudra

Chapter 98 - Kalinga

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"Vasu, why have you brought Barbarik here? Oman will never let him in the castle." Padma demand as soon as they sat in the carriage.  Barbaric and others were in a different carriage with Bhadra. 

"Sister, I know this. But you know father. He was concerned about my safety. And he trusted none but Barbaric. His condition was simple if I wanted to have him look after Kalinga while I was here I had to bring Barbaric with us" Vasu said with a helpless look. 

"You have to talk to Oman, there is no point in clinging to the past anyway. If he abandons his hatred, we can be one family. You know what I mean."  Vasu added, giving Ishit an appraising glance. 

"Pitu!" Karuvaki chimed in. Her facial expressions were an amalgam of blushing and anger. 

"Yes! Is Ishit causing some trouble? " Vasu said smiling. 

"No!" She gave Ishit a hateful glance. Ishit wondered when he offended the girl. He was already having a hard time, sitting sandwiched between his two cousins. The only solace was the winged lion sleeping in Karuvaki's lap. He could finally have a good look at his dream pet. Its snowy white hair was tempting him to stroke it gently. Of course, he didn't dare to touch it. The way his cousin was holding the little cub, it was apparent the little lion was her guardian beast.  And touching someone's guardian beast without his permission was taboo. 

He wondered what was Ambhik's guardian beast or he was a yoddha. He didn't know much about his two cousins, for it was the first time they were seeing each other. Ambhik was sitting upright with one hand on his sword as if he was waiting eagerly for a duel. He didn't give Ishit and Esha a second glance. 

"Then talk to him. Maybe you don't know, he is the youngest master smith in Vartian history. If you become his friend, he may make armor for your Snowball (winged lion's name)." said Vasu, smiling. 

Karuvaki gave Ishit a doubtful look. 

"Is it true?" She asked. Ambhik also looked at Ishit. 

"Yes, he beat Viswa, the best master smith in Garuna, in jalpa." Before Ishit could answer Esha chimed in, her face full of pride. As if it were not Ishit but she had defeated the master smith. 

Karuvaki's magnetic eyes enlarged a bit in surprise, but it was all. She resumed her sulking. 

Ishit was surprised. It had been only two days since his jalpa, and it seemed the whole of Varta had got the news. They must have used the tower of Whispers.  His lord father was right, every eye in Varta was on Minaak these days. The thought made Ishit uneasy. 

He felt helpless for being so weak. 

"Do you really think it is possible? " Lady Padma said, "I mean. Does the father agree to it? "

"It is his wish. So If Oman is willing to let go of past grudges, we can start afresh kinship. I think my Karuvaki is not less beautiful than Royal Princess Grace, the ninth wonder of Varta." 

Vasu said. 

Padma didn't say anything as she pondered over her brother's proposal.

A silence fell in the carriage. It took Ishit a while to get the essence of the talk. No wonder that girl was giving him a murderous look.  He couldn't help but steal a glance at the girl. Vasu was not entirely wrong when he had compared Karuvaki with Princess Grace. She was a really budding beauty. But there was no way Ishit would marry her. 

Ishit didn't know why a soul-captivating face surfaced up in his mind. Sia, the girl he had left in Glassia. With the memory came the soul-stabbing pain. Ishit didn't know why he was having such a kind of reaction for the girl whom he had met only once. He swiftly checked his eyes, sure they had welled up. 

Suddenly, the carriage halted with a jolt. Ishit let out a sigh of relief.  The chauffeur came running to open the door. 

Everyone got down. A few maids were waiting for them at the castle door with garlands and all. Padma beckoned them to honor Vasu and the two sulking children. Ishit noticed Barbaric was eyeing the girls like a predator, especially Champa, the sweetest maid of all. 

Clad in colorful sarees, the traditional dress of Varta, the maids came singing a traditional welcoming song, 

"Welcome to the land of yore, the birth

place of Ankha and exalted beings, 

the land of Puranas* and undefiled shrines

the landmass south of Varta and

north of the giant ocean,

the place we are lucky

to have been born or call home

???????? THE LAND OF Garuna????????"

(Note: Puranas were historical records of the Survanshi dynasty. They also had knowledge of various subjects. There was a time when Dwizas and sutas used to recite them during public festivals, but now spirit-wielders considered them fictional and unworthy of their time.) 

After the song, the shy girls garlanded Vasu, Karuvaki, and Amabhik. Then they formed welcoming mudras to invite the guest in. 

Padma's face was grim as though she was afraid of something as she stepped in, leading the guest to the dining hall Barbarik and the man with the serpent fell in behind Vasu and all. Bhadra hung back. 

In the dining hall, a grand luncheon was waiting for them. 


Amora watched the two uncanny companions of Vasu till they disappeared in the winding corridor leading to the dining hall. 

"What happened?, Great Amora?" Bhadra asked. 

"Did you also sense it or am I wrong? " Amora sent a telepathic message.

"What? " 

"The aura of Nagaman(sanke-stone)." Amora said, his scarred face frowning. 

Bhadra remain silent for a moment then replied, 

"Yes, one of our guests has one. Maybe, of a ninth-grade serpent." 

"What? Of Ninth grade?" Amora's eyes widened with shock,

"What are you doing here then? Go and Inform Oman. We must keep an eye on this man.  " He snarled at Bhadra.

"I knew it. The lord of Kalinga is nothing but trouble. I don't understand why Padma can't see it."  Amora muttered. 

"Stop. Fowler, you should go to the dining hall. I'll inform Oman. " He said and vanished from the door. 

Bhadra shook his head and walked in. The things were getting muddier in Minaak. If things continued like this, he might have to leave for a while. He couldn't reveal his presence, at least not before Mora. He should have been awakened by now. But why was there still no news of him?

Then his two companions-Elyna and Geron. They hadn't sent any words for four centuries. He didn't even know whether alive or dead. 

Udolf, these days, was feeling lonely, a strange feeling for a wizard who spent most of his life alone.  The feeling had intensified since the boy (Ishit) had returned from Glassia. 

Udolf shook his head, the boy was nothing, but a knotty enigma. The pill of Suta had made it more convoluted. 

The death worshippers had no idea where the tale of Mazia going. What the hell was the current weaver of destiny writing? 

As if Mora, Hara, and the boy were not enough, a new oddity had popped up. Guha, who the hell he was.

If the boy was telling the truth that he had stirred the bird, he was nothing but a new enemy of mankind. Udlof had to nip this newborn tragedy in the bud.  Or if it was allowed to grow up, there was no doubt he would join hand with Mora. 

But before he took any action, he had to make sure the lad was really a villain. 

Udlof's mind was reeling with thought when entered the dining hall. A loud shriek of a maid broke his stupor. 

He glanced towards the sound.  The golden serpent had coiled around the hand of a commoner girl, frightening the lass to death. 

"..Haa Haa, Vriti has taken a liking of you, lassie. You should feel blessed. " the middle-aged man laughed menacingly. 

"Please, Lord, let me go. It will bite me.  Have mercy.." the girl implored, but her pleas only earned laughter from her guests. 

Bhadra shook his head and sat down in a corner. It was not his place to save the girl. Anyway, the lives of commoners were worse than this. Oman was really a compassionate lord. In his more than decade-long stay, he hadn't seen any commoners be treated too badly in Minaak. Like raping their women, playing hunting games with them, and so on and so forth. 

He looked towards the boy. Sure enough, he had inherited the benevolent heart from his father. The lad's face had darkened hearing the girl's pleas. 

"Vasu, stop this. " Lady Padma said to her brother, her face red with anger. 

"Ah! Sister, it seems you have fully accepted Southerners' ways. " Vasu said singing,

"She was just a commoner girl, let him have some fun. After all, you've arranged nothing for our entertainment. You of all southerners should know well. We Kalingans don't swallow a morsel without  thrilling music and  alluring dance."

The snake was weaving its long tongue licking the white skin of the maid. The girl's face had lost its rosy color. 

"Please, lady save me. I'll serve you more diligently. " the lass pleaded to her lady, the woman she had served since she was nine.  But again she only got a pitying look and nothing. 

"Enough!" Suddenly, the hall thundered. 

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