The Last Rudra

Chapter 97 - Jora

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During the era of the Survanshi dynasty, aeronautics was so developed that there were flying puris (cities) equipped with all kinds of facilities. The tale of such three cities called Tripura was still narrated by sutas and sung by bards throughout Varta. The Tripura were three cities made of Indra gold,  Akashi silver, and Divya iron could travel in the sky, on the water, and on the earth.  They were ruled by the three brothers named Tarakaksha, Kamalaksha, and Vidyunmali. It was said Hara had destroyed all the three cities with an arrow shot by his self forged Astra called Pashupatastra. With them got destroyed all the knowledge of aeronautics. Because the three brothers had monopolized the knowledge of Vimanas and banned dwizas to pass down it to anyone else but a few chosen ones, which were none other than their own men. 

Later Bharadwaaja, a dwiza, had gathered all the shastras (scriptures) which had survived the three brothers' riads and compiled them in a single shastra (scripture)  called Vimana shastra. This Vimana-shastra too later got lost in world upheavals.  And with the passing of time,  Vimanas became things of lore and myths. 

It was thirty years ago when Aslan came into power and instituted his royal society of great minds, hand-picked from around the globe (except Moriya), Vimanas were made again. 

Though new Vimanas were not as advanced as Vimanas described in the sutas' tales, they had curtailed the distance between different Maha-janapadas (provinces), making it possible for Aslan to govern them easily. He had built airfields all over Vartas and connected them with regular flights. Of course, one had to pay a huge wealth if one wanted to ride these flying machines. That was the reason only royals, wealthy nobles, and rich merchants used to travel in these artificial giants' birds. 

Traveling in Vimanas had its perks like they were comparatively safer than riding on flying birds and beasts, more so when you had to fly over the Nidrawoods, the Nimarawoods, and such forests teeming with untamable spirit birds. 

Though vassal kings could use Vimanas, they were not allowed to own one. They had to pay for their journey like everyone else. The only perk they had was that they would be given preference while booking cabins. 

Maybe taking the inspiration from the mythical three brothers, Aslan had prohibited sharing the aeronautics science to his vassal kingdoms. 

In the entire Varta, the Royal Academy was the only institute that taught aeronautics and trained pilots and other workers.


Just like every major city (Maha-nagar), Minaak too had an airfield situated a yojana (around 8 miles) away from the northern gate. Though the place was built in Garuna, Oman's rulings were nothing but hollers here. According to the charter of Nashik, Samants (vassal kings) had no authority over airfields, they were merely responsible for their security and all, and that too was largely managed by airforces appointed by the air department of Atlantian Admiralty. 

It was noon. The sun was playing hide and seek in the fluffy clouds above. Ishit got down from the carriage along with Esha and his mother. As usual, Bhadra was accompanying them. The visit of Vasu, the lord of Kalinga was purely unofficial, at least, it was what he had penned in the letter sent by him a week ago. And It was fine with Oman. He had not come to greet his brother-in-law for the exact reason. 

Ishit too didn't want to come, not because he hated Vasu and his cousins Karuvaki and Ambhik, but because he had too many things to attend. 

However, after a long lesson from Lady Padam on politics, he decided to come along with the mother and the daughter duo. 

"Son, I can't change Oman," She said, looking straight into his eyes, "but you shouldn't follow him blindly. He had many shortcomings and he is too stubborn to tend them.  You may hate someone, but there is no need to write it down on your face. It will only escalate things. But if you treat your enemy as your friend and keep him closer, he will take you a dopey and think there is no need to hurry, thus giving you more time to grow. " 

She took Ishit's hand in her and said. " Though Oman hasn't told me, I can feel the crisis closing in on us. So we shouldn't refuse any helping hand."

Ishit greatly doubted Lord Vasu was here to help them. But he didn't deny the idea to keep him closer. At least,  in this way, they might smell out the purpose of his visit. 

The airfield was noting but a fort-like structure with four towers stood one at each corner. In the middle, there was a wide courtyard for Vimana to land.

Ishit, along with his mother and his sister, took the giant stairs. At the giant gate, Bhadra showed the security guards the royal sigil, and they let them in. 

They were on time, Vimana had just landed.  It was Rukma Vimana, a four-story canonical tower. The soldiers of Royal airforces clad in sky blue robes were running here and there. A few merchants and nobles were waiting in the lobby. With a loud metallic clang and a flash of dazzling light, the door of the Vimana opened. 

The first one to come down was a giant man with a face like a fierce tiger, in his hand was a double-edged battle-ax. Just by looking at it, Ishit felt his head throbbing. It must have been at least Nara Astra. 

"He is Barbaric, one of the most trusted men of Vasu, and the most cunning too. "Padma whispered, her face turned grim. She hadn't excepted Vasu to bring the evil man here. What was he thinking? Oman hated Barbaric to the bone. After all, it was Barbaric who had killed  Gayatri, the sister of Oman. 

He was followed by a middle-aged man clad in black and a golden viper slithering across his shoulders. With his grizzled hair pulled back in a ponytail, the man was giving Ishit a familiar feeling. However, Ishit was sure he had never seen the man before. He glanced at his mother, she too didn't seem to identify the man who had put on mascara.

Then, came out Vasu accompanied by his two children--Karuvaki and Ambhik. Vasu was of Oman's age with an athletic body. He had put on the olive green Kalinga traditional dress; In his ears, his fabled golden earrings were shining.

The first thought that came to Ishit's mind, when he saw his cousins, was that they hated being here. 

Karuvaki, as rumors had said, was the personification of beauty. She was of Ishit's age, with a face like a moon and hair like night. She had put on electric blue robes. Her almond-shaped eyes had a look of contempt. In her lap was sleeping a snowing white-winged lion.

Ambhik, who was of Drona's age, had a burly body just like his father. His diamond face with high cheekbones and arched nose was after his Okalian mother. Just like his father he was too dressed in olive green Kalinga traditional attire. 

His red hair was falling around his pale face.  A sword in the ornamented sheath was tied around his waist. 

All the five guests had a silvery beasts pouch securely tied to their waists. 

Behind them were a few other people, Ishit didn't pay them any heed. 

Vasu's face brightened lit up as his eyes fell on his three hosts. (Bhadra was also standing there, his face hooded like always). 

"I seek, sister's forgiveness, If we made you wait too long. " He said as he walked over to them his two men and children fell behind him. 

"You didn't. We have just arrived here. How is our father?" Padma asked, Ishit could see a tinge of sorrow flashed on her face. 

"He is in good health. He is looking after Kalinga for me." Vasu said as he glanced at Ishit, "It must be my nephew, the young lord of Garuna."

"Nephew Ishit greets Uncle," Ishit said joining his hand in the namaste mudra. 

"Haha, you were only two years old when I last saw you. Now you're a fine young man. Do you like my gifts?" Vasu asked tousling his hair. 

"Yes! " and Ishit was honest in his reply. He did like the gifts were to use them was another thing. Today in the morning, when his lord father had seen him carrying around his sword on his back, he had ordered treasurer Rawal to give him a spatial bag. 

"Good. I have brought a few more gifts for you." Vasu said as he glanced at Esha. 

"Niece Esha greets Uncle Vasu. "  She replied coyly. 

Vasu tousled her hair too, asked her how she had liked his gifts. Then he introduced them to their cousins. The two siblings pouted at them as they were paired with Ishit and Esha. 

Vasu didn't bother to introduce his two uncanny companions. 

"Oman must be busy, I think. "Vasu asked with a knowing smile. 

"Ya, with all the preparations and all." Padma replied as they walked out of the airfield.. Ishit noticed the man with golden serpent was scrutinizing Udolf. 

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