The Last Rudra

Chapter 65 - A Trap

"I, Viswa, the son of Sura, accept my defeat," Viswa's loud voice resounded in the hemispherical symposium. 

Utter silence fell in the crowd.

"I accept I'm inferior to Ishit, the son of Oman," Viswa finished  , and got up from his seat, and kneeled before the lad. 

The crowd blinked their eyes, some of them slapped their faces, or told their fellow apprentices to pinch them hard, as they couldn't believe their eyes and ears. 

They scrutinized the man with silver in his hair and unkempt beard.  The sullen face, the abyss- black eyes, and medallion forged with octa-metal (astha-dhatu), dangling from his neck, all these things told them he was Viswa, the most prideful smith of their guild and the best smith of the south. The man who had forged Lord Ayan's divya chakra, called 'Dhoom-ketu', . The same Divya astra that had incinerated Moriyan's army of undead in the battle of Haldi. (Note: we are not talking about zombies) . 

They couldn't believe that Viswa, who had refused to bow down before King Aslan, was kneeling in front of Ishit, a 13-year old boy. 

(Technically, the above statement was wrong, but you could not control the thoughts of people. It happened like this …

After seeing the might of the Divya chakra, King Aslan wanted to recruit Viswa in his Royal Society, so he sent an invitation to Viswa. However, Viswa let down the king's tempting offer without giving him a proper reply. As to why? There were many rumors. One of these rumors was that 

joining the Royal Society meant bowing down in front of the king. Viswa was too prideful to do that. 

Of course, it enraged King Aslan, but he decided to let go of the smith, for he didn't want to aggrieve the south, which was mourning the death of its beloved lord,  furthermore. The death of lord Ayan was undeserved. The entire Varta knew what had caused the untimely demise of the spiritualist warrior. )

Did the judgment of the eye shake the smith so much that he lost his mind? 

No sane person would accept defeat willingly, not in Jalpa, for it meant giving away everything he had worked for all his life. 

Moreover, he was Viswa, only Spirit knew how many warriors he had offended, canceling their orders for no rhyme and reason. and for what? He had felt they were disturbing his experiments and thus barring his path to greatness. 

"You! Get up.  Take back what you have just said at once !" Oman shouted as soon as he got over with the surprise. He couldn't allow this to happen or it would bring trouble, the trouble he couldn't face, at least not now when there was already so much chaos in Garuna. He took a step and he was on the dais.  However, an invisible shield barred his path and unprecedented pressure came smashing on him 

Horrified Oman swiftly formed a shield and stepped back. Though everything happened in a moment, the lord of Minaak was already drenched in sweat. 

Ashen -faced he looked at the blazing eye in the mirror; the red flames had filled the entire mirror. 

A commotion erupted in the crowd. Alarmed people got up from their chairs and flew back. 

Several of them rushed out of the symposium, not caring anymore about the debate. 

"Lord, nothing can be done now. '' Nitya said with a sullen face, staring at his colleague with complicated eyes. He really couldn't make out why Viswa had made such a strange choice. 

Karni, the charmer, flew towards the Vada gong and began to strike it again hurriedly.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding ......…..

The sound of Vada gong brought Ishit to reality.

The happy surprise came so suddenly that Ishit didn't know how to react. 

"Why?" all he asked the smith. 

"This smith wants to work with you."  the smith replied looking straight into his eyes. Ishit saw myriads of emotions, flashing over the lined face of Viswa. The cruel look he had seen at the beginning of Jalpa, was still hidden in the abyss black eye. 

"But you have surrendered, and you have no right to bargain. Moreover, I don't think I want an assistant. " Ishit replied, puzzled at his answer. 

"You will; once you enter my forge," Viswa said, as an evil smile crept on his sullen face. 

Ishit didn't speak further. He continued staring at the man's face. Suddenly, he felt he had fallen into a trap. 

DIng! Ding !!! The sound of gong seemed to him like death knolls the awakeners rang when an esteemed spirit-wielder died. 

A golden dove came fluttering, and sat down on his shoulder, chirping happily.

Ishit reached out to catch the bird. The dove didn't fly off, it let him hold itself. Its golden feathers were so soft that Ishit feared touching them. 

The bird rubbed its beak with his finger and chirped again. 

Despite foreboding rising in his heart,  a smile surfaced on Ishit's thin lips. 

"Congratulations, young lord, for becoming master smith. " Viswa rose to his feet, "Please take this medallion. The forge is all yours, and if you need me, you know where to find me." 

Before Ishit could say anything, the smith took off the shining medallion and put it on his hand. With a happy smile, he turned and left, leaving the dazed crowd behind. 

The Eye slowly faded away. No one paid it any attention. Every eye was following Viswa, who was foolishly smiling as if it were not he who had just lost his reputation and his forge.

The smith stopped before Oman, and bowed. 

"I hope this smith's decision made the lord happy. " Viswa said, with a smile. 

Oman glared at him and his lips twitched as if wanting to say something. However, he turned his face away. The oath he had taken 13 years ago resounded in his mind. 

"I , Oman, the son of Manu, swear on the Spirit that Viswa, the son of Sura, will have no fear in my presence."

He still couldn't figure out why Ayan had stopped him to slay the smith, that night. 

Now he regretted listening to his elder brother. He himself had gone, leaving behind him to deal with his mess.

Oman took a deep breath and surpassed the torrent of emotions. 

"You will regret this, Viswa. Now, be off my eyes, before I decide to go back on my promise." the lord of Minaak. 

"I've many regrets in my life, but I'm sure it will not be one of them. "  Viswa said and walked away. 

Nitya sighed, 

"I think he has lost his mind. " 

"Then, you don't know him," Oman replied, staring at the giggling boy accompanied by the chief-archer girl, and a few other apprentices. How carefree he looked! The boy had no idea what kind of trouble he had brought over him and the family. 

"Deal with this mess, Nitya. I want no trouble, at least not from the smithy. You know how your kind sees me; so I will not interfere unless I have to."  Oman said in a sullen tone. 

"I will do my best, Lord. But the boy has caused a big mess this time. Though he has won the duel fair and square, the forge is not something a novice can own. Many master smiths will object to this, not to speak of the apprentices of Viswa. I really wonder what made him come to this decision. "

Nitya said, sweeping his glance over the chattering crowd. His fellow smiths were talking to each other with serious faces. He knew what they were talking about that made his head throb. The boy had challenged Viswa in an academic debate, so him winning the jalpa did give him Viswa's title, but the forge was another thing.

"I know it's hard, but I want the boy to own one, for it is his right. Of course, I don't want you to give the lad too much help. Let this be a lesson to him. Just keep an eye on some people."  Oman said, "I'm leaving, for I don't want to see the boy right now." He turned and left.

He had to see the tale-weaver. The boy's odd behavior was too much to ignore. 


"What was the dream fairy name, again?" Nandani asked, 

"Nyx. '' Ishit replied, looking at the disappearing back of his lord father. 

He knew his actions had enraged him.  However, Ishit decided not to think of this now. 

"You have to tell me about this. I want to hear everything."Nandini said as they made their way to Nitya, ignoring the crowd's gawking. 

"Ok, some other day. Let's first deal with your bow. I think you still need one." Ishit said as he caressed the dove. 

As soon as the eye had disappeared, Nandani rushed to him. She badgered him with questions Ishit couldn't answer. 

Being Guha's bosom friend had some perks. One of them was being able to fabricate lies. And so Ishit lied to the maiden who had run all the way to the castle to save his ass. He told her about his learning the ways of smithing in Illium, the dreamland. Of course, the poor girl could do nothing but buy his nonsense, just like Ishit had to in the morning from Udlof's. 

"Ah! What have you done? "  Nandani exclaimed,  horror written all over her face. The poor girl had forgotten about her bow amidst all this commotion. Now when Ishit reminded her, she couldn't help, but be horrified. With Viswa gone, who was going to forge her bow now? 

"Now who will forge my bow?"

"I will. Just give me two or three days." Ishit said with a smile,

"But you said ." Before Nandani could finish her sentence, 

Nitya broke in, 

"Young lord,  all the master smiths want to see you. Please come with me. "

"AH! Sure," Ishit said as he turned to his friend,

" I will see you later, and don't worry about the bow now," he said and left with Nitya, leaving behind his speechless friend.

Didn't he promise that he would help to have her bow forged? How could this be called a help?

Nandani thought 

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