The Last Rudra

Chapter 66 - Lucas

—------------------Basic info—-----------------------

Readers must keep in mind that Ishit is nothing but a character designed by Suta, the tale-weaver. His knowledge and his thought patterns were written by the old librarian.

And according to Suta's tale, Ishit's awareness was dragged by a dream portal to another world called Ilium, where he gained another body capable of wielding the spirit. He was trained there by the Naga empire in basic spirit paths. 

As for the whole story of the tale-weaver, you'll have to wait. 

OH! One more thing…

The guilds are not under Oman's control, they are monitored by the head guild situated in Atlantia.  That's all you need to know to enjoy this chapter. 


Being surrounded by almost the whole smithy, Ishit couldn't help but feel intimidated. They were all appraising him as if he were a newly forged Astra or some rare forging material. None except Soma had congratulated him. Apparently, they were unwilling to accept him in their ranks. Ishit hadn't thought about it before. Things were not as simple as he had thought. 

"Young master, it's not that we want to cause trouble." Lucas spoke , assuming a helpless look, "But the codes of Guild are clear. One who owns a forge must have these qualifications. 

He must have finished his apprenticeship under a master smith.

He must have forged at least three pashu Astras, two Nara Astra, and one Diya Astra.

He must mentor at least three apprentices. 

He must finish at least three orders in a month.

And last but not the least

He must publish a theory or design a new Astra in five years. " 

The master smith with slick blonde hair and smooth face read out from the scroll. He was from Atlantia, appointed by the head guild to oversee Minaak's smithy, after the head smith Upin's unfortunate death in an experiment two months ago. 

"As you can see, winning Jalpa doesn't make you qualify for the above criteria.So I'm afraid you can't own the forge, at least not until you fulfill the conditions set by the head guild.  "

Lucas  said, putting aside the scroll and the golden case. 

Ishit gave Nitya a side glance hoping the man would help him out. He had seen the smith in his father's private meetings. However, Nitya kept his silence, and like others, he was also appraising him. 

Ishit realized the harsh truth that he was alone; and if he wanted to enter the forge, he had to win one more duel. 

He took a deep breath while racking his brain to find a solution. The reason he hadn't thought about this problem was that he had never read the guild's codes. 

All he knew was the codes of Jalpa and some basic codes of smithy taught to him during his training in Illium. 

"Does the codes of Jalpa mean nothing to the head guild?" Ishit asked, looking straight into Lucas 's eyes. 

"Of course, the guild accepts the result of the duel. and that's why I haven't asked you to return the medallion. Lucas said, giving a look at the medallion set on Ishit's chest. 

"You didn't get my question, master smith. What  I want to know is if the head guild accepts the codes of Naya-shastra." Ishit said with an emotionless face. (Naya-shastra -code book of debates)

"Of course, Yes. who will dare to dishonor Mitra's eye. " the smith said. 

"Then doesn't the book say it clearly if a challenger wins the duel, he will gain the title and the reputation of his opponent. "

"Yes! It says so." Lucas said, frowning. 

"Then, what is the definition of the title and the reputation in Naya-shastra? " Ishit said in a very calm tone. 

"Title means status,  position, and job.

As for … " Lucas suddenly realized what the boy was getting at. And he couldn't help give another look to Ishit 

"Go on .." Ishit said,

"Reputation means –a belief that someone or something has a particular characteristic." Lucas  finished with a sigh. He had underestimated the boy's cunningness. 

"So according to these definitions, I own the position, job, and status of Viswa. I have finished …" Ishit turned to Nitya, "May I know many Astras Viswa  have forged so far for the guild?"

"I don't know the exact record, but it wouldn't be less than 5000 pushu Astras, 2000 Nara Astras, and 100 divya Astra.  " Nitya replied, trying hard to stifle his smile that was struggling to creep over his triangular face. 

"Ah! You heard it,  master Lucas  . I've a reputation for forging 5000 pashu Astra, 2000 Nara Astras, 100 Divya Astra. I think I am more than eligible to own one forge in this guild. "  Ishit said, and a murmur erupted in the crowd. 

Lucas lips twitched for a moment,

"But you know it is not true, boy," he said. 

"The whole Minaak knows that you haven't even passed the spirit school test. "

"But the whole Varta knows that All-Knowing-Eye doesn't make wrong judgments. And my superiority over Viswa is decided by it.  So whether I've attended the spirit school or not shouldn't be any concern here. And

So you'd better stop calling me, "Boy". " Ishit replied. According to codes of the smithy, a master smith must be called by his proper title.

Lucas gave Ishit a long look. He had underestimated the child. 

"Yes. It was my mistake, master Ishit. " Lucas said, taking a deep breath.

"Now it looks like I was really wrong. According to the ancient codes of Jalp, you really have the qualifications. So I wouldn't stop you now. "Lucas went on ignoring the boisterous crowd. 

"However, as we all know it was an academic debate, so your victory doesn't assure me that you will be safe while working alone in the forge.  "

Lucas said an evil smile crept on his thin lips, as he added.

"And as an overseer of the guild which had a fatal accident recently, I can help but be more cautious. How about this? You work  with me for a few months first, and prove that my worries were  ungrounded."

Ishit couldn't help but curse the cunning fox. So the old saying was really correct, "Atlanteans are all foxes in human skin. "

Ishit was not a fool. He knew very well why Lucus was so concerned about his safety. He wanted to pry into his secrets. Now he also realized why his lord father wanted to stop him from winning the duel. His victory would make his enemy more interested in him. 

Ishit sighed.  Everything had its own risks. 

As for working with Atlantean smith, Ishit would never share his workspace even with his lord father, let alone with him. 

"So what do you say, master Ishit?" Seeing him speechless, Lucas asked again, his blue eyes twinkling. 

Ishit didn't know how to refute the smith. As an overseer, he was in his right.

"I think I have a solution to this problem." Suddenly, Nitya, who was watching the show quietly, spoke, rubbing his crooked nose. 

"Oh! Do you?" Lucas said, looking not very pleased with the smith's intervention. 

Ishit gave the man, puzzling look. 

" There is no need for master Ishit to work with master Lucas. After all, master Lucas's time is precious, and we all have our secrets. 

How about we give master Ishit an opportunity, without doubting his talent beforehand?" said Nitya,

"And what kind of opportunity are we talking about here? If you mean to let him work alone in the forge, I'm afraid I could risk another accident." Lucas said, with a sullen face. 

"I can understand Master Lucas' concern.  But what I want is to let master Ishit prove himself as we all did.

First let him pass the spirit-school test. It will prove he has basic practical skills as an apprentice needed while working in a forge. 

Then let him finish an order to forge a first-grade Astra. It will let us know he really knows how to work with fire and all; He will be safe in the forge. 

After that we can control the materials we give him, so he can't perform risky experiments. This is all we can do. 

After all,  he is not here to commit suicide. " Nitya continued, "What do you think about my suggestions, brothers?  As for an accident, it can happen to any of us. Take the example of Master Upin, the most renowned and experienced smith in Garuna. We still find it difficult to believe that he died while forging a Nara Astra.  Besides, there is no guarantee, a misshapen won't befall on Maste Ishit, while working with Master Lucas.  As they say, there is no such thing as 100 percent security in a forge or in a battle."

A murmur swept over the crowd. Lucas' face reddened as if he were feeling hot all of sudden. 

"I think what Master Nitya said is right. We can't keep a smith safe.  So let Master Ishit prove himself by bypassing the school test, and then by forging first grade Astra. "

Ishit gave Soma a thankful look. Though he didn't know who the young smith was, he felt grateful for his help. 

All other smiths, except two or three, also gave their support to Nitya's suggestion. 

There was nothing Lucas could do, but agree in the end. 

So it was decided Ishit would have to pass the school test first if he wanted to work in his forge. 

However, Ishit knew Lucas wouldn't give up so easily. 

It was already evening. So after thanking Nitya, Ishit decided to go back home.. Of course, he didn't forget to borrow a few yantras. 

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