The Last Rudra

Chapter 67 - A Scroll From The Ghost Town

Commoners of Varta: 

To wield spirit; one must have the ability to sense it first. Though Ishit couldn't wield the spirit because of his defective nadis (energy channels), he could feel it. 

So commoners are those people who can not sense spirit. According to spiritualists (researchers of spirit), spirit wielders' brains and nadis are different from those of commoners. 

There are three main nadis that decide if someone is a commoner or a spirit-wielder. These nadis are called Ida, Pingala, and Sushumana. 

The three principal nadis run from the base of the spine to the head,--The ida on the left, the Sushumna in the center, and the Pingala on the right. 

If these three nadis are blocked or too thin to carry spirit, the person will not be able to sense spirit. 

Even awakeners can't help these people. Such people are called commoners in  Varta, and they do menial chores for their betters, spirit-wielders. 

Some spirit-wielders treat them good or some like dirt. You know how people behave after getting powers. A great Dwiza Tulasi once said, "Spirit is more intoxicating than moon-fairy dew. After drinking later you will recover within a week, however, Spirit will never let you come around. "

As for the offsprings of commoners, their chances of being able to sense spirit are also very low. Only one in a thousand may have the blessing of Mother Spirit. 

Sometimes even an offering of a spirit-wielder can fall prey to this misfortune. However, the odds of such misfortune can be minimized, by performing the Garbha-dhana ceremony. 

Garbha-dhana ceremony is performed by the awakeners in a spirit shrine. The mysterious ceremony makes sure the offering has their parents' virtues. Because of its hard-to-follow rites, it doesn't have 100 percent success rates. 

You will know more about this ceremony in the future. 


"Ah! boy, you've decided to return at last. " As soon as Ishit stepped in the castle, Amora, the house anima,  appeared on the door.

"Yes! What happened, Old ghost?  " Ishit asked, giving him a cautious look. Ishit was too familiar with his cruel smile.  He couldn't make out why the castle builder preferred Amora as the house anima for the castle. He was nothing but a pain in the ass, always butting in his business. Moreover, the old ghost didn't even know the code of civility that every other anima in Minaak knew.  Take Guha's anima, she was so beautiful and pleasing to hear.

"Lad! You dare to disrespect this old man. Have you forgotten the spanking?"  Amora's face darkened, and that made him look scarier. However, Ishit didn't seem to care about his sullen face, for his face reddened as the embarrassing memory of his child flashed in his mind.

The house anima had thrown him out of his chamber while he was in his birthday suit. 

" No! How can I? You wait, old Ghost. I will settle my score with you sooner or later.  " Ishit said, glaring at the scarred face. 

"Ha Ha !! Little Ishi is angry. I'm looking forward to it."Amora burst into a loud laugh as if he had heard of a joke.  Ishit snorted and walked away, 

"Hey! Stop. Oman is waiting for you in his study chamber. You really got guts, boy. You dare to disobey him in public. " Amora called out from behind. 

Ishit halted in his tracks. His face turned grim. He was really in trouble.  However, he could do nothing, but go and face the wrath of his lord father. He gave an angry look to gloating Amora and walked down the corridor well lit by the moonstones.

The chamber of his father was in the eastern part of the castle beside his mother. Ishit hoped his mother would be with him. 

However, his hope was crushed by  Chola, the maid. The middle-aged lady was hurrying over to the dining chamber when she saw him. 

"Oh! You've returned, young master. Lady is making your favorite dinner, today. "

Ishit gave the kind woman a bright smile, and took his way to the study chamber, suddenly feeling more tired and exhausted. 

As usual, the door was closed from inside. Ishit took a deep breath and looked at his golden dove which had slept. At least he was not alone. He thought as he knocked at the door. 

After a moment of silence,  the door cracked open with his father's grim voice. 

"Come in and leave that bird of yours out." 

The strange order from his father startled Ishit. Much as puzzled he was, he didn't dare to disobey him, not now when he was going to face him for his punishment. 

So Ishit paced the bird gently on the windowsill, and went in, giving another look to the sleeping bird. 

He had stepped into this chamber after three years. So he couldn't help but give it a look. 

The strange statue of a man with an elephant head, globe of Mazia, and shelf packed with old tomes, golden quill, almost everything was the same. His lord father didn't like change. 

That's why even four cushioned chairs and the table were still the same.

Oman was sitting with his back towards the gate, holding a scroll. 

"Don't keep standing like a fool.  Take a seat!  Oman said as he folded the yellow parchment in his hands. 

Ishit hurriedly sat down in the opposite chair, without making a sound. Oman didn't speak immediately. He kept staring into Ishit's eyes for what seemed an hour to Ishit. His face was a playground of emotions. 

With a long sigh, he spoke,

"I'll not ask you how you've got the knowledge of smithing. As I can see you will not answer me truthfully.  But let me make you realize what kind of trouble you have brought on us." 

Oman paused as he unfolded the scroll he had been reading earlier.

The scroll has nothing but a skull drawn on the stained yellowing parchment. 

Ishit eyes widened as his eyes fell on the ominous symbol. He looked at his father's grim face.

"Yes! You've recognized it correctly. It is from the ghost town. As for how I've got it, I think it would be better if you don't know. 

Just drop your blood on it and you will know what I want to tell you. "

Oman said, passing the scroll to astonished Ishit. 

The boy was the exact copy of him. Reckless, fearless, and disobedient.  However, he lacked the strength that he had when he was of his age. 

Oman regretted his decision for requesting Chalukya to give his virtue to the lad. 

Ishit dropped his fiery blood on the parchment. The drop got absorbed, leaving nothing behind even a stain. 

And then all of sudden, the skull's hollow eyes glowed up brightly, and the scroll fluttered violently as if a storm was blowing it. 

"Let it go," Oman said as he got up. The scroll flew off as the bright filled the room. 

Ishit saw wispy figures seeping out of it. He heard a faint howling sound. 

Slowly,  the light became so bright that Ishit couldn't see anything. It was then a scene appeared before his scrutinized eyes. 

A gory scene.

A scene of a battlefield littered with maimed bodies, and land dyed red with blood. Dakinis were dancing, laughing menacingly, wearing the garland of intestines around their veiny necks. 

Amidst the ghastly scene stood a man with his armor stained in blood. In his finger, a Divya chakra was revolving. the sparks and bolts of lightning were flying off. 

He was the only living being amidst the headless cadavers. Ishit couldn't see the face of the man as he was standing with his back towards him. 

Suddenly, the man turned as if he had heard something behind him. 

As soon as the handsome face came into Ishit's vision, he froze to the spot. He knew the man. 

The man looked in the distance, and his face darkened. He hurriedly summoned the violet shield in the shape of an octahedral, blazing like the sun. 

Ishit felt puzzled, for he saw nothing coming for the warrior. However, suddenly he noticed.

Some invisible energy was eating away the violet shield. And within a blink, the most powerful shield Ishit had ever seen evaporated. Leaving behind a man with shocked eyes. 

It was then an arrow appeared behind the man out of nowhere. And before the lord could turn to block the sneak attack, A warrior emerged from the ground with an evil smile, on his scarred face.

"You're really hard to kill, Lord Ayan. His majesty was right about you. Anyway, even so, you couldn't sense my trap. "

Horrified, Ishit saw that  Lord Ayan vomited a mouthful of blood, as his brightly glowing eyes dulled. 

"Why?" asked him. Ishit could feel the pain and anguish filled in that single word. 

"Ask your friends in Nysa. " The man raised his hands and a blazing saber materialized in his hand. However, the arrow was faster, it pierced the heart of Lord Ayan. His body collapsed on the ground. The man with fiery red hair walked over to him and grabbed his long black hair. And with a loud thud, he beheaded the already dead warrior. 

The man didn't stop there, he kicked the headless body.. And the corpse flew off like a rag doll. 

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