The Last Rudra

Chapter 68 - A Empyr Scroll

The scene blurred away leaving behind stunned Ishit. Oman folded back the scroll and put it away in a bone case. The wispy figure floated away through the skylight like smoke.

A heavy silence fell into the chamber. Oman collapsed into his cushioned chair. He didn't know how many times he had seen the scroll, despite knowing that every time he opened the empyr scroll he lost a bit of life. Every time the scene of his brother's death stabbed a dagger into his thudding heart. He didn't know how many times he wished to abandon everything –his love, his children, and the land for which his ancestor had bled. With Damini (his sword's name)  in his hand, he longed to take a bath in the blood of Atlanteans. 

Alas! He couldn't. And this helplessness was eating away his heart. The murder of his brother was lording over him. Since when did the lineage of Ankha get so spineless? 

Oman didn't want the answer. 

"Who? Why?"the two words tumbled out of Ishit's dry throat. The gory scene had sucked away all the happiness and the vigor he had brought in the chamber, leaving him filled with agony, despair, and rage. 

For Ishit, Lord Ayaan was more than his uncle. He was his hero, his ideal, his future self. 

Like others, he had believed the tale that magsmen of Garuna told. Lord Ayan, got outnumbered by Moriyans, the help he had hoped for didn't reach on time. So the lord faced the hoards of defilers alone with a handful of his soldiers. Though his Dhoom-Ketu, the mighty Divya Astra, had cut down the followers of the evil Lord, however, it couldn't protect its master, who was weary and exhausted, from the evil curse of Morian warlord. 

And when the help finally got to Haldi, the lord had perished with his enemies. 

However, it was a white lie. Lord Ayan had been betrayed by his own man. Fiery red hair couldn't be more obvious. The murder was from Okala, acting on the order of King Aslan. 

As for the authenticity of the scene, the empyr scroll couldn't be forged. He didn't know how his father came by it. The scroll with the skull symbol was an evil treasure of the fabled Ghost-Town of the howling desert. Only a ghost-smith could forge such a thing. 

"Eat it" Oman gave him a pill glowing with silvery light. "It will make you feel better. "

Ishit took the pill. It burst into his mouth, and warmth washed over his body. 

"I didn't want you to know the truth, at least not before you would be ready to face this cruel world. However, what you did today has left me no choice. "Oman said in a solemn voice. 

"The conqueror doesn't want the lineage of Ankha to rise again. Ayaan's unparalleled talent had spooked him. Besides, six out of nine lords were his friends, making him a good threat to the throne. However, it was what I had thought before I heard … "  Oman halted, he glanced at his son. 

The drops of sweat were glistening on his forehead. The adorable face that had never felt to brighten up his mood. The abyss black eyes of Padma were staring at him, however, they had lost their naughty gleam.  Suddenly, he realized the gravity of his action. The fact the boy would burn just like him in agony. How could he be so foolish to tell him the truth and blacken his bright heart? 

He had just gotten on his feet. 

Oman took a deep breath. He was really a thoughtless yoddha, all muscles but no brain. 

"Go and have dinner with your mom!" Oman rose to his feet, avoiding the boy's eye.

"What! How can you leave the conversation unfinished?" Ishit got up, surprised at his father's odd behavior. He needed to know why Alsan killed his uncle. 

"I can do whatever I want lad. Don't remind me of the audacity that you showed in the smithy. "

Oman said, walking over to the shelf. 

"But …but " 

"No buts. You have seen more than what you needed. If you have a little bit of brain, you will not try to shine as he and Ronan did. And one more thing, don't disobey me again. Now go! Tell your mother, I will not join her today.I have some important  business to attend to." Oman said in a finalizing tone. 

Ishit left the chamber in a sullen mood with his golden dove, chirping on his shoulder.

When he stepped in the dining chamber, Padma's face bloomed like a lotus. However, Esha gave him a long look.

Ishit didn't know why she was angry with him. He had even let her call him little Ishi in the morning. He sat down beside Esha, trying hard to look happy, which was really difficult after watching his uncle dying. 

"Why are you carrying around this dove?" Esha asked, noticing the golden bird sitting quietly on Ishit's shoulder. "Don't tell me you're also a falconer. Daddy would really freak out,"  she added while trying to recognize the species of the bird.

"No way! I don't want to be a caretaker of birds." Ishit said, and soon realized he was in deep trouble. His mother and his sister both were glaring at him. 

"I'm sorry. I don't mean in that sense. What I mean is …that I won this cute little creature in Jalpa." Ishit hurriedly changed the topic. 

"When? Which jalpa?" both ladies asked simultaneously, horror written all over their pretty faces.  Ishit realized a bit late that in his attempt to avoid a little bone fire, he had jumped into a volcano.  Jalpa was not something you casually had. If he had lost to Viswa, he wouldn't be sitting here. 

Ishit cursed himself for being so mouthy. Though they would know it sooner or later, there was no need to tell them now. 

"It's nothing. I had some argument with this smith apprentice called Viswa. The rude .."  Ishit spoke in an unconcerned way. 

"Do you mean the master Viswa?" Padma broke in, her eyes popping out. 

"Maybe or maybe not. I don't think such an ignorant man could master Viswa. He accepted his defeat just after one round, gifting me this golden pretty bird for you.  " Ishit picked the bird from his shoulder and placed it before Padma, who was staring at him with her mouth agape. 

"He is telling the truth. This is really a kaniki dove born during a Jalpa. " Esha said, her eyes twinkling as if she had seen a rare treasure. 

"Can I have it?" She asked,  giving Ishit her most adorable look. However, Ishit shook his head, 

"No way! I won it for mother, " 

"But she doesn't need it. "

"Who said I don't need it? " Padma spoke, her worried face blooming into a smile. She stroked the bird gently. "I had only stopped commanding birds to raise you all up. Now you two are grown up and can take care of yourself, I will resume my path. Thank you Ishit, for your lovely gift. I always wanted to have a kaniki dove.  "

"No mention. It was nothing. " Ishit said, feeling relieved that the bird had saved him from a bollocking.

"What do you say? It is nothing. " Esha gave him the look that you give to an ignorant fool who has just sold a diamond for a loaf of bread. " Do you have any idea how precious and powerful a kaniki is? "

Ishit gave the girl an annoyed look. He didn't care how precious the little creature it couldn't be more precious than his mother's smile. 

"Just living with a Kanki can save you from many illusions. if you are able to make a mental bond with the bird, it will boost your wisdom almost three times. What's more …" 

"Stop! I don't want to feel bad now. " Ishit said, assuming a regretful look. 

" can have it back if you want. However, there is an old saying, one should not take back what he has given away.  " Padma said with an amused look. 

"No! I don't want it back. Anyway, I can't take care of the little creature. " Ishit said as he dug into his dinner.

"By the way, when are you going to take the spirit -school test? "

Esha asked while eating. 

"Tomorrow,  the first thing in the morning.?" Ishit replied, 

"Alas! I won't be able to come. I have this whole practice going on for Inna's feast.  This time the guild leader wants me to lead the first years. By the way, have you met your friend today?  " Isha asked.

"No, I haven't got the time. Why? " Ishit said..

Ishit was really missing his friend. After knowing what happened with the little family, Ishit was feeling bad for him. 

"Nothing, it is just he is behaving a little oddly these days. He used to greet me whenever I met him. But now he doesn't even look at me. In fact, he doesn't interact with anyone in the guild.  "

Esha said. 

"Poor, boy. He must have been missing Ronan. Ishit you must visit him and invite him for dinner. He needs  our help." Padma said

Ishit nodded.


After having dinner, Ishit left for his chamber. In his pocket, there were eight yantras he had borrowed from Nitya. 

With some mental calculation, he found out the exact eight directions and planted the eight yantras. As soon as he poured spirit in them.. A golden shield appeared in the room. 

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