The Last Slytherin

Chapter 10 - First week at Hogwarts part 5

After the curse was undone, she stood up and thanked Neal along with Parvati which made Ron a bit unhappy as Parvati is a Gryffindor. But since he did a good job despite being a Slytherin, he didn't comment on anything.

Not to mention, he already lost his face when he came last and also saw Neal accelerating like a lightning bolt on an ordinary broomstick.

While everyone praised him especially the Ravenclaws, Madam Hooch awarded Slytherin 5 points for the act. Only then they remembered about the race Harry just won.

As Ron wasn't feeling good, to make himself better, he asked, "Professor, why did you award them, House points? Wasn't Draco the one who used the wand and responsible for her fall?".

Draco argued, "it wasn't against the rules to use a wand". Neal replied, "stop it, Draco. Don't embarrass us further. You already embarrassed us when you lost to Potter even after Daphne gave you a heavy lead".

Then he looked at Ron and said, "who are you to question a Professor's judgment. You are neither a victim nor an accused. What are you putting your finger in Slytherin's business for?".

As Ron about to retort, Madam Hooch blew the whistle, "class time is over. Everyone dismissed". After everyone left, Ron and Draco stayed there and began arguing. Draco then challenged Ron, "I can take you at any time. Tonight if you want. Wizard's duel". Ron replied, "fine. Harry will be my second. Who's yours?".

He looked back at Neal to which he replied, "I don't break rules". Then he looked at Daphne, which replied, "no thanks. You can take one of your lackeys". Draco's face became dark, "fine, Crabbe then. I alone am enough to take two of you anyway".

Neal then said, "Daphne, let's go". While they were returning, Draco ran after them, "wait for me". As he caught up to them, he asked, "why didn't guys stick with me. You know how embarrassed I was in front of them?".

Neal replied, "do you know if you got caught, you will lose a huge amount of House Points? It's not even been a week since we joined and you want to cause trouble? Or worse, you might even get expelled, you know".

He smiled, "I know. Do you think I'm a reckless idiot to challenge a fight with them?". Both Daphne and Neal looked at him blankly and nodded at the same time. "Hey".

Draco slyly smiled, "just you wait. I'll make Potter's fame vanish in an instant".

As Draco was picturing the scenario and laughing like a villain in Disney movies, Neal and Daphne ignored him and went on their way to the dormitories. "Hey, wait for me".

After the dinner is over, Harry and Ron stood before Draco. Ron said, "tonight at 12". Draco nodded and went his way.

As for Neal, he slept on the bed while talking to Isle. "What should we do for the weekend? Library or the grounds to see the first Quidditch match?". Isle replied, "hiss...hisssss...hisss...hiss".

Neal thought for a bit and replied, "hmm, not a bad idea. But it's better to roam inside the castle after I get bigger and stronger. I heard that even Dumbledore doesn't know the complete secrets of Hogwarts even after living here for several decades".

Then it said, "hiss..hisss...". Neal replied, "the forest? a definite "No" from me. It is forbidden and it's extremely dangerous even for you. There are a lot of monsters inside the forest which can kill you in a fraction of second".

After thinking for a while, "let's just follow Daphne and Tracey. One of them might have a plan".

While he's sleeping, there's something else going on with the Gryffindor Trio. Hermoine followed both of them and tried to bring them back but when failed, she thought of returning. Unfortunately for her, the fat lady was gone and she wasn't able to enter the dormitory.

With no choice left, she followed both of them in silence only hoping that they would not get caught and lose House points. They went towards the Trophy room on the third floor but found no one.

Ron got angered after getting fooled by Malfoy and getting lectured by Hermoine.

Just then they heard footsteps and a voice, "who's there?". To escape him, in a panic they ran and somehow ended up at forbidden corridor of the 3rd floor inside a room with a giant Three-headed dog.

The next day, Malfoy was surprised to see both of them during breakfast. he thought they would already get expelled or hear the news of them losing a huge chunk of points but nothing he expected has happened.

Meanwhile, Neal who was oblivious to their situation asked Daphne, "there are no classes during the weekend. Do you have any plans? I don't know what to do in this free time".

She replied, "I thought you might have already planned something and just thought of sticking with you". Then she looked at Tracey, "how about you?" She replied, "I'm going for Library. I need to complete Transfiguration homework".

Suddenly Malfoy buŧŧed in their conversation, "how about Quidditch?". Neal asked, "our match is tomorrow, right?". Malfoy replied, "today is between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I heard that Hufflepuff got a new team and brooms".

Neal shook his head, "Nah, I rather stay in my room and complete our syllabus". Daphne sighed, "well, I guess I'll spend time with Pansy and others then".

Neal thought, "maybe I can ask Prof. Snape to lend me ingredients to practice potions. He seems to have a very good impression of me. If it doesn't work, then I have a trump card". Then he said, "I decided to practice potions". Daphne looked at him blankly, "seriously? Potions out of all subjects?".

Neal replied, "well, it is a core subject, after all". Daphne replied, "well, suit yourself. I won't join you". Neal smiled, "you will, once you realize its uses".

One of the major reasons is that he can let out Isle free in the classroom while he can practice. Later, he went to the dungeons and went to Snape's office. As he knocked on the door, he heard a voice, "come in". he entered the office and looked around.

It was a gloomy and dimly-lit room. The shadowy walls were lined with shelves of large glass jars filled with slimy, revolting things, such as bits of animals and plants, floating in potions of varying colors.

Snape asked, "what do you want, Slytherin?". Neal replied, "Professor, I was wondering if you could permit me to practice potions today". Snape asked, "why?". Neal replied, "to get better in the subject?.

If ingredients are an issue, I can arrange it on my own somehow but unlike other subjects, it needs supervising". Snape replied, "so, basically, you are asking to spend my free time for you, isn't it, Slytherin?".

Neal replied, "well, I have a proposal, then. Let's go with give and take. Believe me, you will not refuse it". Snape asked, "oh? A deal? Interesting. Finally, you are behaving like a true Slytherin. Go on".

Neal rolled his left sleeve and revealed a black snake coiled around his arm. He gently patted its head to wake it up. As soon as he touched its head, it woke up immediately and stared at Snape unsure whether he's an enemy or an ally.

Snape got surprised for a second and calmed down and asked, "Is this your pet?". Neal nodded, "yes. Let's make a deal. You teach me various potions and supervise me while I'll give you its venom".

Before Snape reply, he pulled out a vial from his pocket. Inside of it, Snape saw a dark green-colored liquid. "Believe me. This is very deadly. According to someone I know, only Phoenix Tears can bȧrėly counter it. As long as you won't harm anyone with it and Isle becomes the culprit, I'm willing to trade it with you".

Professor Snape who was instantly baited as he was working with various poisons to make a strong antidote which is as strong as Phoenix Tears, took the vial from him. "On one condition. This trade must be secret from everyone".

Neal asked, "even Dumbledore?". Snape replied, "except him, of course". Neal nodded and both shook hands indicating a deal has been made.

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