The Last Slytherin

Chapter 9 - First week at Hogwarts part 4

After the Transfiguration class is over, Neal took a break for an hour and went to Charms class which is conducted in the South Tower. As they settle down, Neal felt relieved when he saw the class is with Hufflepuffs.

Prof. Flitwick entered the class and took a roll call just like last time. Then, started his lesson. Neal liked this teacher as he is a lot kinder than others. He heard that he forgives everyone easily and doesn't take points from other houses unless one went too far.

Moreover, he also grants house points more frequently than others.

He spoke, "The first lesson today is about the levitation charm. Swish and flick. Wingardium leviosa". As everyone is trying to get it, Prof. Flitwick spoke, "remember, the pronunciation and the motion are very important for the spell. So, anyone got it?". Neal pointed the feather and made it levitate in one try which made the Professor happy and awarded Slytherin five points.

After the class is over, Neal tried to return to the dormitory but Daphne and Draco dragged him to the Quidditch grounds where the Slytherin team booked it for tryouts and practice.

Meanwhile, at the headmaster's office, Prof. McGonagall spoke, "Albus, you have to see this". While Dumbledor took the 5inch needle and observed it. He replied, "I don't see any specialty in this, It's a fine forged Pure silver needle. A lot bigger than a normal one though".

McGonagall replied, "that is the exact problem. It isn't an actual one but was transfigured By Neal Slytherin in the class from a matchstick".

Albus was surprised to hear and looked at it again through his half-moon glasses and whispered, "That boy certainly exceeded my expectations". McGonagall who was frustrated with the situation replied, "just that? can't you see it's a never seen forbidden magic?. Even to date, only Sir Nicolas has been the only one who created the stone which can turn any metal into gold.

But this is even more of an outrage. That boy has transfigured an actual silver, not an imitation. Moreover, I can't untransfigure it back at all. He turned a simple useless match to an actual silver. It isn't a transfiguration where you would just alter a thing's appearance.

There's a high possibility that he can just take any object and turn into silver sickles in the future. Don't you see where it is going? It can topple down the entire wizarding world currency system".

Then she looked at him in a worry, "moreover, if he learns Transfiguration further and excels in it, what if he performs transfiguration on living things? They might even cease to exist. This is a serious thing of worry, Albus".

Dumbledore smiled, "relax, Minerva. You are reading too much far into the future. So far, he only turned the match into an actual silver needle. Rather than worry about it, please do your best to guide him in a good way

If the situation arises, we'll take appropriate measures but don't think of stopping him. Let him grow and make his own choices. We'll see where he'll be". McGonagall replied in a serious tone, "I hope you aren't making the same mistake as last time.

You know how the last guy turned the entire wizarding world upside down. You were the one who brought him to Hogwarts and you were also the one who brought Neal to Hogwarts".

Dumbledore sighed, "can't be helped. They both are the descendants of Salazar Slytherin. This is their home". McGonagall replied, "I hope you are right this time because if you are wrong, then you will become the greatest sinner of the wizarding world".

Back to the Quidditch grounds, Neal yawned and stood up, "this is boring. I'm going back". He returned to the dormitory and studied for the rest of the day.

The next day, Neal went to the most boring class for the students in the morning. History of Magic which was taught by Prof. Binns who's a ghost. Ron, along with a few others slept during the first class itself.

Draco and Harry were busy with passing threats and insults in a paper from one end to another. As Daphne and others were busy chatting, only two people were carefully listening to his class.

One is Hermoine who was interested in knowledge and the other is Neal who was genuinely interested in History.

After that Neal went to D.A.D.A. class which was one more boring class as it seemed more like a history of Prof. Quirrell's experiences. It would have been interesting if only he explains the lesson confidently. His timid behavior and Garlic smell in the class made everyone lose their interest in the subject.

As soon as the class is over, everyone exits the class in excitement for the Flying lessons. later, Madam Hooch and everyone gathered with the broomsticks on the grounds outside of the Quidditch Training Grounds which is usually empty as rarely anyone trains because of no goals.

While every House books Quidditch stadium for the practice, individuals can practice here and take lessons from Madam Hooch from time to time.

The class went smoothly with the usual Harry, Ron, and Draco quarrel. At first, Madam Hooch put it aside but as the class time is going to end, she whistled, "everybody. Line up". While Ron asked, "is the class already over?", everyone lined up as she ordered.

She spoke out, "listen carefully. you can see those flags on the wall, right?" as she pointed out the four flags planted on the wall around Quidditch Training grounds

She continued, "one by one. You go and return with your House flag. The shortest time will receive 10 points". Draco replied, "how about a race, instead, Professor?. The result can be shown very quickly. We go, pick up the flag and return".

As Madam Hooch agreed, Neal raised his hand, "can I not participate in the race?". Ron sneered, "why? Are you scared to lose?". Neal replied, "it's for you that I'm quitting. Win or lose, Slytherin will win the House Cup anyways.

So, I'm not in desperate need of points, unlike you Gryffindor who lost too many points because of you. Moreover, I only fly to enjoy the feeling, not for Quidditch like you guys". While his comment offended the Gryffindors, Madam Hooch replied, "fine. Are there any others?".

At first, only a few Ravenclaw students raised their hands as they weren't interested in flying. But later Madam Hooch used her wand to speak loudly so that everyone in the surroundings hears and not come in their way.

Meanwhile, the Ravenclaw team who is practicing in Quidditch training grounds didn't care about it and continue what they are doing as they have no intention of changing the players.

As passerby older students stopped and became spectators, Hermoine then raised her hand, "I don't think I'm good at flying. I'll drag others. Moreover, there is only one flag for each house. It will turn chaotic".

Followed by her, everyone started to think they'll embarrass themselves dropped out of the race in an instant which made Madam Hooch embarrassed.

After thinking for a while, she thought of an idea and changed the rules. "Okay, two people from each house. One from each house starts at the same time. After pulling out the flag, you return the flag to your partner.

Your partner will replant the flag in the same position and return to the starting point. The winner will get House points. Sounds good?".

From the Slytherin, Draco, and Daphne; Ron and Harry from Gryffindor; Justin, and Hannah from Hufflepuff; Padma Patil and Anthony from Ravenclaw;

But Harry who started last of them easily passed Justin, passed Padma, almost caught up with Draco when he was planting the flag. Instead of planting the flag, Draco pulled out the wand which made others frown while Slytherins laughed as there wasn't any mention of restriction of usage of wands.

He pointed out at Harry "Petrificus Totalus". He fired a Body binding curse at Harry which will paralyze a person temporarily. It's considered dangerous in this situation as paralyze in the air will make him fall from the broom if it's him.

But Draco underestimated Harry's reflexes. He easily evaded the spell while changing his direction but the spell froze Padma who is right behind him and tried to overtake him.

As he missed the attack and wasted a couple of seconds, Draco scolded himself and planted the flag. Right after him, Harry planted it and then Justin. Just then, Padma began to fall from the broom. The three of them didn't have the time to turn and see others. So, while they didn't notice her fall, Parvati screamed.

Immediately, Neal climbs on the broomstick and flew fast like a lightning bolt. Before they even reached the goal, Neal almost reached her and jumped off the broomstick and rolled on the ground as it accelerated too fast and became uncontrollable.

As she's falling at a high speed, he took out his wand and pointed at her, "Arresto Momentum". As the charm hit her, she began to fall in slow motion. At the same time, The race finished with Harry as the winner but no one cared as everyone was shocked at Neal's act earlier.

While they run towards him, he caught her. After putting her down, he pointed his wand, "Finite Incantatem". He fired a general counterspell which undone the paralysis.

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