The Last Slytherin

Chapter 12 - Invitation to Charms Club

She looked at him coldly when his eyes narrowed and spoke, "it doesn't matter whether you are the Slytherin or not. For the sake of the safety of everyone, I can't allow anyone to open the door and go outside to face it.

For now, they will be on their own. The teachers will be here soon and take care of it. Have patience". Just then, they heard a loud thud and a vibration from the walls as the Troll is probably swinging at it.

Neal closed his eyes and became calm while trying to concentrate on the exact outside position. Although he only teleported by luck in a crisis of danger, this time in desperation to save Daphne, he heightened his senses and tried to apparate to the outside of their room.

Farley and the others who saw Neal disappeared before their eyes were stupified. Farley's legs began to shake as she mumbled, "apparition?".

Meanwhile, Neal appeared on the outside to see Daphne along with a couple of others were fighting the Troll in the corridor while helping remaining people escape. A sixth-year student spoke, "Daphne, just go away from here".

As the sixth-year shouting, Daphne's concentration was elsewhere behind the Troll. the Sixth Year shouted, "Daphne. come to your senses". He pushed her while the Troll swung the club.

Neal, on the other hand, pointed the wand at its back, "Levicorpus". When the Troll swung the club while Daphne was pushed aside, the sixth-year student expected to be hit by the club but instead found the entire 12-foot troll was hanging Upside down.

Only then they saw Neal pointing his wand at it. The fourth-year beside him asked, "isn't he Neal Slytherin?". As he was shocked and Daphne stood up, the Troll fell on the floor which made them alert.

But the Troll ignored them and began to walk towards Neal. As Daphne screamed, "Neal...", Neal pointed his wand and spoke, "Expulso". A burst of blue light came from his wand and threw the entire Troll into the walls with a brute force.

It stumped not only the three of them but also the teachers who just entered the corridor and saw a huge Troll was blasted on to the walls and collapsed.

Neal who didn't know the teachers' presence ran towards the three and asked Daphne, "are you alright?". As they went and stood before the defeated Troll, Prof. McGonagall shouted, "no, don't. Come back".

As they turned to see the teachers, the Troll slowly began to stand up which made the teachers draw their wands and ready to fire the spell. Just then, Neal looked at it and pointed the wand at its ċhėst, "Deprimo".

A green light came out of his wand and hit with a huge wind force at a close range and blasted the Troll through the wall to another corridor killing it in the process.

While the sixth year and the fourth year student began to shake, Daphne on the other hand too shivered while asking, "what was that?".

Neal put aside his wand and just he was about to reply, Prof.Flitwick replied, "it's a charm which is used to blast holes in the ground. It works best when used at close range. I wonder how you even managed to learn a final year spell not to mention mastering it.

Then, Prof. McGonagall said, "the other spell, is it the Expulso curse?". As Neal nodded, she said, "another seventh-year spell". Neal mumbled, "it's not a crime to learn higher level spells though. If so, its Edward's fault for teaching me".

While McGonagall was a bit displeased, Prof. Flitwick praised him, "no wonder you got all the charms I taught perfectly in one try. A genius in charms, indeed".

Dumbledore then spoke, "students, the Troll has been taken care of. You three can go back to your dormitory. Neal Slytherin, I guess you earned personal points for showing bravery and saving your friends and defeating the Troll. Hogwarts thanks you for that. You can go back".

Neal went back to the Slytherin common room and everyone surrounded him which made Isle uneasy. He whispered to it in helplessness, "bear it for now".

The next day, news about Neal killing the Troll single-handedly and saving three Slytherins from danger has been passed all over the Hogwarts.

While Ron is being annoyed, as usual, Harry felt relieved as almost all the attention on him has been passed over to Neal. Then he spoke, "say, Ron, did you remember yesterday, while everyone was rushing, only Snape didn't go with them?".

Ron nodded, "yeah, I remembered. so?". Harry then said, "I think he probably went to the 3rd floor in the commotion yesterday as its the perfect time for him to go past the dog".

As the Gryffindor trio had a discussion about the thing that the Three-headed dog is guarding, Neal was enjoying the breakfast while a few students around him buŧŧering up.

A couple of days later, a fifth-year Slytherin student invited him to Charms Club. Upon hearing it, Neal asked, "what is that? I never heard of it".

He replied, "well, basically, it is a club in which the members presumably discuss Charms and perhaps learn Charms that would not be taught in class.

Normally, you have to be at least a fourth-year student to enter the club but Prof. Flitwick recommended you even though you are still in the first year. It might because of the Halloween incident.

Neal nodded, "sure. Why would I refuse such a good thing? I will join the club. What are the timings for the club if I may ask?". He replied, "Usually on weekend mornings". Neal then asked, "can I only attend on Sundays?".

He replied, "of course. It isn't mandatory to attend each time, after all". As Neal parted his ways, he was called by Prof. McGonagall. He went to her office and knocked on the door. After getting permission, he entered the room".

He asked, "you called me, Professor?". McGonagall replied, "yes, we need to talk. But not here. let's discuss it at the headmaster's office. he followed her to the headmaster's office nervously as he thought they would ask him about the advanced spell he performed when fighting the Troll.

Other than that, there's nothing that came to his mind except Isle's vial but then he dismissed the thought as only Dumbledore and Snape knew about it.

When he stepped into the office, Neal saw a phoenix on a stand. It suddenly looked at him and Isle started to become restless. As the Phoenix gave a cry, Isle came out all of a sudden surprising everyone. She landed on the floor and started hissing at the Phoenix.

Neal broke their argument by calling her back which made Dumbledore smile while looking at the snake curiously, "your snake is interesting, Neal. I never saw a Phoenix hating a creature as much as your pet".

McGonagall cleared her throat which reminded him why he asked Neal to come in the first place. Dumbledore then said, Neal, the reason today we called you here is to talk about your transfiguration abilities". "My Transfiguration abilities?".

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