The Last Slytherin

Chapter 13 - Learning Transfiguration

Neal was taken back as Dumbledore brought out an unexpected topic. Neal asked, "what about my Transfiguration abilities? Aren't I doing great? well, not as good as Hermoine but still, I was better than the rest of the class, aren't I?".

Prof. McGonagall replied, "well, Slytherin, do you know the difference between Transfiguration and Transmutation?". Neal replied, "Transfiguration is just altering a thing's appearance by changing it's molecular structure whereas Transmutation is the conversion of one thing into another".

Then Prof. McGonagall asked, "good. Then, can you explain the exceptions of the Gamps law of Elemental Transfigurations?". Although Neal doesn't get it why she was asking about the questions all of a sudden, he still answered it.

"Food cannot be created out of thin air. It has to be summoned from elsewhere. Although you can increase its size if an amount of food is present. However, water doesn't include in the food category.

Wands cannot be conjured by a witch or a wizard but can be manufactured by wandmakers like Ollivander, etc... however, a witch or wizard can make a wand for themselves if they are good enough like Salazar Slytherin.

Body parts can be changed in magical ways, but there are limits to what transfiguration can do. If your Bones get smashed, it's possible to regrow them back for growing children but if a part of an ȧduŀt who's body parts are mȧturėd get cursed or chopped off, you can't conjure them back. Although this one is still in debate for centuries.

Potion ingredients are never conjured and must be grown, gathered, or purchased. This must be why they are often bought at hefty prices in the shops and because of that, it's almost impossible for one to become a Potions master without a great family or school support.

And Lastly, Money. Gold. Real money cannot be conjured. Although it can be made by Alchemy, the price needed for it exceeds the value of the dėsɨrėd result. So, it is useless.

However, in the 14th century, an alchemist named Nicholas Flamel created a stone known as Philosophers stone which can transform any metal into pure gold and is also used to make Elixir of Life which doesn't make one immortal but increases their life span.

But using the stone to make Elixir of Life constantly can make one Immortal. Sir Flame and his wife were still alive even though more than 600 years had passed".

Prof. McGonagall nodded, "I guess you have done your homework perfectly. Five points to Slytherin. Ok. Here's the thing why you are here".

She pulled a couple of needles and a silver snuff box which looks like it's been decorated with green stones over the top which made it very attractive. When she showed them to Neal, it struck him finally why they called him to the office.

He spoke in a surprise, "Professor, did they change permanently and you can't untransfigure them?". McGonagall replied, "yes. But it isn't just that. Look at these carefully". When he looked at his work, he spoke, "they are alright, aren't they?".

She sighed, "I forgot that you are still a first-year. These Silver needles aren't just imitation of Silver needles, they are pure silver and these stones on snuff-box you have transfigured from mice, it is made of a pure real Emerald. Did you understand the issue, right now?".

Neal was taken back in a shock, "but how? I only used Transfiguration spells". McGonagall replied, "this is what we're wondering. You just made one of the exceptions of Gamp's law useless. Do you know it's consequences if the news reaches the ministry?".

Neal replied, "Wizardry currency system will be damaged. Goblins from the Gringotts bank will rebel as those greedy creatures have the monopoly on currency until now.

And who knows who will abduct me to make me their money machine as the ministry, just like governments back in muggle world must be corrupted. So, what should I do now, Professor?".

Dumbledore and McGonagall thought at the same time, "I never thought of those Goblins. It's a very serious issue, indeed".

McGonagall then said, "what you have done is completely new and can be considered as forbidden magic. I hope you'll keep it a secret to protect yourself. It's also because of this, I never award you any points as you never did Transfiguration but did Transmutation instead.

Albus and I decided that every weekend, you'll practice Transfiguration under my supervision. In this regard, you have no choice of refusing it. You can see how you transformed living mice into a non-living thing rare metal permanently".

Later after McGonagall left, Dumbledore said, "you have tremendous magic power and potential, Neal. You have talents in all areas. In all my life, I have only seen one person with such potential. All you need is to improve control over it".

Neal replied, "yes, I understand. But Professor, when should I practice Transfigurations? you know that I'm practicing potions under Prof. Snape, right?". Dumbledore replied, "Ah, yes. Indeed. Severus told me about it. Seems like your pet is quite different, after all".

Neal went back to his room and thought about it for a long time. He sighed, "well, I thought its just an accidental magic when I turned that cricket ball into a Silver ball".

Slowly, the days went on. The attention is also quite down and moved to Harry Potter, once again. Mainly because of the two reasons. One is because its the Quidditch season and Harry made a record by catching the snitch three times in a row and made Gryffindor win every time.

The finals between Gryffindor and Slytherin was being set just before Christmas. Slytherins are working harder this time to defeat Gryffindor in the finals and so do they.

The second reason is that Draco did an amazing thing to spy on them while they meet with Hagrid and pass it to Prof. McGonagall who caught them red-handed and took 50 points away from them.

When they argued and angered her, she took away 50 points from each of the students along with Malfoy who was also out of the bed in midnight which made Neal, a bit angry.

Daphne scolded him, "so what if they lost 150 points in a night. We've also lost 50 points too. Do you think there's only Slytherin and Gryffindor Houses in Hogwarts?. You've lost all the points I worked so hard until now".

As Malfoy apologized, Neal replied, "you have only one choice to redeem yourself. Make Slytherin win the Quidditch finals". Malfoy asked, "how can I do that? I'm not even a member". Neal then replied, "you idiot. Use your brain, a little bit. You are a Malfoy". "So?".

Daphne continued, "yeah, you are right, Neal. Harry has Nimbus 2000. Malfoy can buy one for everyone on the team by spending a little more than 1000 Galleons". Tracey was shocked, "1000 galleons? that's more than enough for me to live in luxury for a whole year".

Draco thought for a bit, "I don't have that much money with me, right now. I need to ask my father to buy them for me. Come to think of it, I can even become a member of the team with it".

As November is about to end, Neal made improvements in Transfiguration. After making hundreds of Pure needles, he finally transfigured a match into a normal imitation silver needle which can be untransfigured.

McGonagall smiled as she untransfigured a silver needle back to a match, "My efforts finally paid off. Good job, Slytherin".

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