The Last Slytherin

Chapter 14 - Quidditch Finals

December arrives with everyone's excitement as it's the season of Christmas. Especially the first years were looking forward to the vacation and Quidditch lovers looking forward to the finals between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Just like Neal and Daphne suggested, Malfoy bought all the team members, a Nimbus 2000 broomstick which made Gryffindor jealous of his fortune. But he didn't stop there. Draco then went on and replaced the current seeker to fight Harry face to face in the finals with Snape's help.

Meanwhile, Hermoine worked hard in the classes and slowly gained back the points she lost earlier. Harry, on the other hand, was also training hard for Quidditch finals. As for their useless teammate, Ron developed a hobby of playing wizards chess after joining the chess club.

December 15 arrives, the day of Quidditch finals. As it was treated as important because the one which wins the Winter Quidditch cup gets an enormous 150 House points. Coupled with Summer Quidditch Cup, Quidditch alone can give 300 House points. It was exactly because of this reason, Slytherin won the House cup for the past six years continuously.

Earlier they hoped Gryffindor wins the House cup because of successive wins but the recent 150 points penalty by Gryffindor Trio made them lose hope.

Everyone in the Gryffindor rooting for Harry to catch the snitch as soon as possible and win the game to get back on track and everyone in Slytherin is planning to take out Harry by any means necessary.

As the stadium was filled with all students and teachers including Dumbledore, in the dressing room, Captain Flint patted Malfoy, "we will try our best to knock out Harry off the field. You try your best to catch the snitch, alright?".

A while later, players from the two teams entered the grounds as the crowd erupted in cheers. Neal spoke, "it seems everyone teamed up to defeat our House". Daphne who sat beside him replied, "of course, we won nine Winter cups in a row".

Neal asked, "is Summer Cup different?". Daphne replied, "well, there will be O.W.Ls and N.E.W.T. examinations in the Spring and also final exams. So, most of the fifth years and seventh years won't actually participate in the Summer season. Other than that, there's no difference except the weather".

The Quaffle was caught by Adrian Pucey, a chaser and began to fly towards the goal. As he was intercepted by a Gryffindor chaser, he passes the ball to Flint which he caught and went towards the goal.

By sitting on Nimbus 2000 and with very good flying skills, he easily evaded all of them and scored the goal.

The audience who were supporting Slytherin erupted in applause. As the game is going on, Harry began to look for the snitch. Malfoy, on the other hand, is trying to distract him by provoking him with insults.

As the score widened to 50-20 with Slytherin leading, Harry began to worry. But just then, Flint remembered Malfoy's strategy which Neal casually commented back then.

Instead of focusing on Chasers, he decided to take out the captain and the keeper first. As he saw a bludger just flying around aimlessly, he took the bat from the team's beater and aimed at Wood while his teammate was trying to goal.

Just as Wood saved the goal, he was hit by a bludger and fell on the ground unconscious. While Gryffindors got enraged as it's an intentional foul, Flint looked at the twins and grinned. He exchanged his position with a beater and decided to go with a knock out approach.

Since it is usual for a beater to target a chaser or seeker, everyone expected Flint to go after one but instead, he hit the bludger towards Fred Weasley which he countered back. But Flint didn't back down and hit at him again which he countered back.

Just like him, another Slytherin beater hit it towards George Weasley. Everyone in the stadium stumped for a second to see two players from either side just hitting the bludger back and forth for a while.

As they were busy, Slytherin scored one more time making Fred anxious as Gryffindor is down by two people. Earlier a chaser was knocked out using two people pressed him from either side and make him collide to one of the Pillars.

Gryffindor was down to 5 members. Harry hasn't found the snitch yet. Weasley twins were locked to Flint and another beater. To help them out, both of them didn't hit back but hit in another direction where no one is there and joined the rest of the team.

But as he was fixed with his plan, he flew all over to follow the bludger and passed it towards his other beater which they practiced the technique for a while. They kept hitting it to each other in a short distance while flying towards the Gryffindor players.

They didn't go after the chaser who has Quaffle but the idle ones. While they were passing it to and fro, they reached on either side of Fred, the bludger hit the broomstick while he failed to counter it with the bat.

As he fell, Flint called back the beater who is just trying to intercept another team chaser. As he gave back the bat, "now, your two jobs are to look for the bludgers alone and try to aim at Potter. Understand?".

As the game is going on, Neal spoke, "it's 140 to 30. Just 5 more, then we win. It's good that there are no Red and Yellow cards here or else, our team would have been in serious trouble".

Just then, suddenly Harry started to move as he found the snitch flying. Malfoy was following behind. As they continuously flew behind the golden snitch, they dived towards the ground while following the path.

While Malfoy gave up midway, Harry took a sharp turn just before the broom touches the ground and he stood on the broom and raised his hand while almost catching it.

Just then, the beater who found the perfect chance to knock him out found the bludger and hit it very accurately towards him. His smiles were gone after Malfoy used all of his strength to speed his broom towards Harry so that both collide and make Harry fail to catch it.

But just as he was about to reach him with a huge grin on his face, the bludger his teammate aimed for Harry hit his back and crackled his bones. He fell on the ground while Lucius Malfoy stood up and returned while mumbling, "useless son".

As for Harry, he caught the snitch while standing and jumped on the ground in ease making the crowd erupt in applause while Slytherins in dejection. Flint kicked out the Quaffle as he saw the score which says 160-180 with Gryffindor as the winner.

The commentator screamed, "congratulations Gryffindor for winning the Winter Quidditch cup and breaking Slytherin's nine consecutive Winnings".

After the ceremony was over, everyone returned to their dormitories. For the next two days, depression filled the Slytherin table and everyone is angry at Malfoy for spoiling at the last second. The only reason someone hasn't beat him up yet is because of his father's identity.

Two days later, the depression was forgotten as the Christmas vacation is here. After breakfast, Malfoy and Neal are playing Globstones while Daphne and Tracey packed their bags. She asked, "are you not going for vacation?".

Neal replied, "I have no home to return to, Daphne". and Malfoy sighed, "my father told me not to return for this Christmas. I guess he must have been embarrassed with me".

Neal looked at him, "that's why I told you over and over. Stay out of Potter's business. You keep encountering bad luck whenever you were involved with him but you don't listen".

Daphne then said, "ok, then. I'm off. I will write you letters and send both of you a Christmas present. See ya".

Malfoy mumbled while looking at the Gryffindor table where Harry and Ron are playing Wizards chess, "it seems Potter and Weasley are also staying here for Christmas".

Neal replied, "again? Didn't I just say not to get involved with them? Oh! I won". Malfoy looked at the board and almost threw the stones in a frustration, "argh...again? I don't want to play with you anymore. I had enough of losing".

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