The Last Slytherin

Chapter 33 - Back to Hogwarts

After finding Malfoy, both of them went to search the other two. Meanwhile, Mervin and Eve were shocked to hear that the person they have been talking to is none other than Neal who is not only the heir of Slytherin but also legal Heir to House of Avery, a powerful pureblood family of sacred 28.

Despite being a lot of direct family members in Azkaban, The House of Avery is still a very powerful family as they have a lot of connections and influence around the world.

Eve was shaken to the core as she found that playmate she once had, now have a powerful background and not to mention she's worried he might have gone bad since even a fellow Slytherin classmate seems to be afraid of him.

As Tracey and Daphne were busy with their girls' gang, They both returned to his cabin to find Mervin suddenly turned silent upon seeing him. Malfoy called him, "hey, Mervin. I forgot that you were going to be attending Hogwarts today".

As Mervin greeted back, Neal introduced Eve to him as his childhood friend which made him give attention to her a bit. Later, as Mervin was chatting, Neal continued to read his book. Eve curiously asked, "what are you reading?".

Malfoy replied, "Ah, don't pay attention to it. Neal is obsessed with magical creatures. He keeps reading those kinds of books. Once you ask about it, he will start a long lecture about them. It won't be finished even after we reached Hogwarts".

As Malfoy was explaining to them how great Slytherin is, Neal said, "you shouldn't talk about the school stuff yet, Draco. They haven't been sorted yet". Mervin then said, "I will get sorted into Slytherin for sure". While Eve hasn't said anything, Malfoy said, "well, as long as you don't end up at Gryffindor".

After that, he went silent for a while and returned to his cabin later. Eve asked, "can't I, really choose my own house?". Neal thought for a while and replied, "hmm, the sorting hat is a sentient hat that performs legilimency to feel your thoughts and traits. So, in theory, you can request it before it announces.

As for whether it would listen to you or not, that is another thing. At least it's worth a try. What house did you want to end up in, anyway?". She replied, "well, my dad said that Ravenclaw has a lot of books and the Librarian is also friendlier with them. So... don't think bad of me, I don't dislike Slytherin or anything. It's just....".

Neal interrupted her, "whatever. We'll talk after you get sorted. I, really hope that you don't end up in Gryffindor though. They hate me to death".

After their destination arrived, Neal parted his ways with them while the first years gathered and traveled through boats just like how Neal traveled last year. While Neal and others sat at their tables, Ron and Harry came late to the Great Hall.

Seeing them, Draco commented loudly, "I thought you both were expelled considering you weren't on the Train Potter, Weasley". They looked at him in anger but sat down without replying. A while later, the first years entered the Great Hall and formed a line while looking around curiously.

While one after another getting sorted, soon, Eve's turn came.

Upon her turn, all students and teachers stopped talking and looked at her in silence as she was sitting there for more than 4 minutes.

After the fifth minute passed, students began murmuring while Tracey said, "she's a Hatstall". Draco asked, "a what?". Daphne explained to him, "A Hatstall is an archaic term for a student who took more than 5 minutes during the sorting. It means that the sorting hat is being troubled as it found she was suited to be equally suited for two houses".

Meanwhile, the hat is talking to her, "are you sure about that? Once you were sorted, there's no going back". She whispered, "yes, please. Don't sort me into Gryffindor". The hat replied, "well, if that's your wish then..." It announced, "Ravenclaw".

While Neal smiled that she was sorted into her dėsɨrėd house, Draco teased him, "It looks like your little girlfriend ended up at Ravenclaw". Suddenly, Daphne almost screamed, "what did you say?". Neal replied, "she is just my childhood acquaintance. I don't even remember her, Draco. Don't start worthless rumors".

The next day after breakfast, Neal introduced Cho Chang to Eve and asked Cho to look after her as he knew that students in Ravenclaw house get bullied a lot by their seniors, and went on his way towards the classes while Harry and Ron were being called to Prof. McGonagall's office to get detention for being seen while riding on a Flying car and damaging Whomping Willow.

When Ron argued, "honestly, the tree did more damage to us", Prof. McGonagall takes off 10 points each for arguing back. while the whole school is talking about it against Harry's recklessness, Gryffindor students, on the other hand, did appreciate him for making quite an entrance last night although they still were scolded by Hermoine and Percy for losing 20 points on the first day.

While the Herbology lessons got canceled as Prof. Sprout is busy with doctoring the Whomping Willow, Prof. Gilderoy Lockhart who spotted Harry started to lecture in his, own weird way.

"Harry, I understand. It 's natural to want to taste it again once you had the first taste. I blame myself for giving you publicity by taking pictures with you on the front page. But you shouldn't do dangerous stuff like Flying cars to try and get yourself noticed.

Just calm down, all right. Plenty of time for all that when you're older. Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking. It's all right for him, he's an internationally famous wizard already. I mean, a few people have heard of you, haven't they? All that business with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Although not popular as winning Weekly's most charming smiled for 5 times in a row but still....". As Lockhart was talking about his bragging, Neal and others were stumped and wondered what kind of a planet did he came from..." while Tracey and other girls who were his fans were still in a fan mode listening to his bragging so intently.

Next, they went to Transfiguration classes where they had to write and write theories non-stop and in the last tried to make Beetle into a buŧŧon. As everyone expected, Neal and Hermoine transfigured them easily while Harry and Ron struggled.

Especially Ron. Since his wand has been broken earlier during their crash against Whomping Willow and he retaped it.

Later after the lunch is over, a first-year who's a fan of Harry Potter pictured him and made him sign on them which Malfoy saw and began to comment, "Oh, Harry Potter is giving out signed photos. Everyone line up". When Ron and Malfoy began to argue, Lockhart who appeared from nowhere and took a double picture with Harry and signed his name and gave it to the first year and later lectured Harry again while boasting himself in the process.

Meanwhile, Neal was seen walking with Eve which made her fellow Ravenclaw question how does she know him. When she told them that he is her childhood friend, their behavior changed into a bit of friendlier one as Neal was always close with Ravenclaws.

The next day, everyone attended D.A.D.A. with excitement in the hopes that it would be very different from last year. But everyone's hopes dashed when Lockhart gave them a quiz from his books which were mentioned in the letter to check who has read them in the holidays.

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition? etc..

There are a few dozens of questions all of them just stating about his preferences.

Neal thought, "I guess Edward is right after all. He does seem like a fraud to me now. With him fooling around like this, forget about the record, can I even get a perfect score?".

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