The Last Slytherin

Chapter 34 - Neal joins Quidditch team

By the time class ended, except a few like Hermoine and Tracey who were his fans, everyone else understood that this new teacher is a clown who doesn't even know how to handle Pixies.

As second years were allowed to carry a broom, Flying classes for second years were no longer mandatory but still, those who are interested, they can attend Madam Hooch's class and also learn how to play Quidditch too.

A week passed smoothly except for Lockhart's classes which were twice a week. The second class Slytherins attended with Hufflepuff. Since Harry Potter isn't there to show off, Lockhart spotted Neal, "I forgot about you in the last class. You were quite a celebrity here in Hogwarts especially with your Surname and I heard you are the top scorer last year.

Looking back then, I was, really young and foolish. To be equal with my classmates, I have to tone down my level and get average scores. Thinking about...." Neal cut him off with sarcastic praise, "I know, Professor. You were too intelligent and talented. If you wanted to, you would have broken all the records.

If you had done that, who knows how many centuries will be passed before someone broke your record. You were considerate to your students and wanted to give the future students, a chance".

Lockhart who wasn't expecting it was surprised for a few seconds before recovering himself and laughed as if everything Neal said was true, "hahaha, you were exactly right. 10 points to Slytherin. Now let's get back to the story where I faced a Giant Bull in Croatia".

Then he went on explaining how he defeated it just how he explained in the books. Neal thought, "this fraud didn't even have any shame even after I humiliated him outright.

I've to lodge a formal complaint to Dumbledore first. I know Dumbledore seldom listens to others when he takes a decision. If it doesn't work, then I have to ask Mr. Malfoy's help through Draco".

The weekend arrived. While the third years and above went to Hogsmeade for weekends trip, first years and second years aren't allowed to step out of the school except for vacations or serious detentions which were held in the forbidden forest.

After giving Snape, a new vial of isle's poison as a part of a deal, Neal sat in the Potions mixing room to practice new potions. Snape was genuinely impressed with Neal's progress when he saw Neal improved Wit Sharpening potion by making adjustments in the recipe.

Neal's new potions improved the duration of the potion's effect and then he later moved on to start concocting Ageing Potion.

After that, he went to Charms club where they discussed Flying with magic without the use of items like flying shoes, brooms, vehicles, etc... When Neal argued that it's technically impossible even if a wizard can conjure wings because the arms and ċhėst of a human do not have anywhere near enough muscle mass to provide the necessary power like how birds have.

Then someone countered that there is a known person who has shown his ability to fly, the one who must not be named. So, he argued that there must be a way to do that. Possibly an unknown charm or some potion, etc...

After lunch, he met Prof. McGonagall to discuss whether he should continue to practice under her supervision or not. She replied, "no, it isn't necessary anymore, Mr. Slytherin. Although I recommend you not to try to learn any other new sub-branches of Transfigurations without my supervision".

Neal nodded and went on his way towards Slytherin's common room to meet his gang. As he got bored, he thought, "well, should I go and practice my flying skills with Basilisk "Zora" again?. Nah, let's just go and try Quidditch with the team. Isn't today Gryffindor tryouts?

Draco must be there and taunting Harry again". As he went towards the Quidditch stadium, he saw Malfoy and Ron were again arguing as he expected.

Neal frowned when Draco called Hermoine a "mudblood", which made the rest of the Gryffindors of the Quidditch team almost beat up Malfoy. He was very lucky that Flint arrived in time coincidentally and stopped them while Harry and Hermoine carried Ron who was vomiting slugs as his spell was backfired by his broken wand.

When Flint spotted Neal, who is coming towards him, he said, "Ah, Neal. I was about to look for you. You arrived just in time". Neal asked, "what's the matter?". Flint asked, "I was wondering whether you want to try out for the team. Your performance was amazing last year".

Neal thought for a while and replied, "I can't attend all practice sessions like you guys. Is that ok?". Flint nodded, "it's fine. As long as your performance is up to the par with others. Next week is our tryouts. Don't miss it".

After Flint went away, Draco was excited to hear, "really? You are going to join the team? What position? Don't me you want to try as a seeker?".

Neal replied, "no. I'm happy with being a chaser. Although I think there's going to be a lot of competition in tryouts". Then, he suddenly turned serious and lectured him, "by the way, when will you grow up, Draco?.

Why are you still entangling with that trio's matter and disgracing yourself? Every time you try to harm them, they will benefit something from it. Didn't you still get it even after experiencing for a whole year?".

One more week completed. The members in the Quidditch were looking forward to the tryouts. When they saw Neal on the grounds, the first years including other houses and a few from Slytherins sit in the stands to see Neal's tryout as he is widely popular.

He was the most loved and most hated person among the first years because the Professors of all the subjects kept on bringing his name whenever they fail their work like how perfect he was and how he got a 120% percentage score in all the subjects and broke the record.

Soon, Neal's turn came up. He flew and stopped in mid-air. Flint then said, "You will be against three people and a keeper. You will have one partner. Work with him and score a goal".

Neal looked at them and mumbled, "compared to Zora, these have a lot of holes in their defense. It's easy as a pie". He dashed towards them with lightning speed and took two simultaneous sharp cuts at the very last second and made it seem to them as he passed through them.

As the Keeper was stupified to see such a performance, he quickly threw the Quaffle in the goal post within a few seconds which made them excited. The three of them, one who was put into defense murmured, "I was frightened that he would crash into me, you know". "Me too. He disappeared right in front of me and appeared behind me before I know what's going on".

Just when Flint was about to praise him, he saw Neal was taking heavier breathes than before. After Neal calmed down himself, he replied, "it's a special skill I practiced. But as you can see, it uses a lot of stamina and concentration. I can't use it indefinitely".

Flint nodded, "you passed. Welcome to the team". Neal smiled along with Draco who was excited to play along with Neal as his teammate in the future, while Flint warned him in a low tone, "don't use it too frequently around others. It can be used as our new weapon to win the cup.

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