The Last Slytherin

Chapter 60 - Truth of the past

For a whole month, the whole school began to whisper what might have happened to Neal who was absent from all of the matches. Stays quiet at the classes and doesn't appear at Great Hall at either breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Then, Neal requested Draco and his friends by writing on parchment to spread a rumor of him being hit by a curse because of a cursed item which made him mute for a whole month and also rendered him unable to digest the food properly.

In reality, Neal just skips lunch but eats breakfast very early and dinner very late in the kitchens itself slowly and carefully so that the mandrake leaf stays in his mouth. In his absence, the Quidditch team is also doing well. Although they have won two matches against Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, it wasn't as overwhelming as it is when Neal was present.

As a full moon arrived, Prof. McGonagall and Neal looked at the clear moon as he spits it inside the vial where the pure moon rays are striking it. Thankfully, as there are no clouds obstructing it, the process was done perfectly.

Then, he added one strand of his hair to the vial. And then, Prof. McGonagall said, "good, now, did you bring the dew that hasn't been touched sunlight or touched human feet for a week?". As Neal nodded, she said, "now, add a teaspoon of it to the vial and then chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth".

After adding it, she said, "now, you should put this mixture in a dark place and it can't be disturbed. It's better if you send it to Dumbledore or your Guardian to keep it safe until you reach the final phase".

Neal then pointed out his wand and started to write a word in the air, "ok". Professor McGonagall then said, "Neal, you don't have the leaf of mandrake in your mouth anymore. You can talk. Neal slowly opened the mouth and breathed air through it first and replied, "I almost forgot about it".

She patted his shoulder, "this past month must have been hard for you. But well done on completing the first half. Then, the next thing you have to do is wait until you see a lightning storm and should never take it out. But they will only hit here in the autumn. Since you should go home for summer vacation, I suggest you keep it in the Chamber of secrets. It will be safe there.

Until then, daily once at sunrise and once at sunset, you have to place the tip of your wand at your heart and chant the incantation "Amato Animo Animato Animagus". Remember daily without fail. Make no mistake.

Later, he stepped inside his suitcase and placed it under the bed and turning off all the lights. After seeing Isle who was playing with little animals in the forest, and then went to the desert habit to visit Blaze, the blue phoenix who already grew into a mȧturėd one within just a month.

The next day, Neal went to Dumbledore's office to meet him and asked, "Professor, am I allowed to have a magical creature as a pet?". As Dumbledore frowned, he told him about the egg he got from Li Su back in China.

He asked, "so, is it a magical creature? What is it?". Neal smiled while pointing his finger at Fawkes. Dumbledore was surprised, "he gave you, a phoenix egg?". Neal nodded, "yeah. Since it isn't a dangerous creature, would it be possible for the Ministry to make an exception?".

Dumbledore thought for a while and replied, "I don't think it would be a problem, Neal. But a student is allowed to have only one pet. In that issue, I can't make exceptions for you. But if the majority of the governors accept it, then it can be made as an exception. I will send the letter to them".

Later, Neal rejoined the team and Quidditch practices. As everything went smooth, the million galleon question, "What happened to Neal Slytherin in the past month?", remains a mystery and was forgotten in time as the Annual festival arrived.

During the annual festival, Harry saw Sirius Black is on the move chasing Peter Pettigrew and Ron Together in the Marauder's map that was given to him by the twin Weasleys a while ago, he informed Prof. Lupin about it as he was alone now.

Seeing his friend in danger, Harry didn't think of any logic and immediately started to rush towards the place where Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Ron after seeing that three of them are together indicating Black caught them and taking them somewhere with him.

In the middle of running, Harry crashed into Snape. When Snape tried to scold him, Harry didn't pay much attention and started to run again. Suspicious Snape started to follow Harry and saw him going into the underground passage below the Whomping Willow.

At first, he thought Harry was going secretly for Hogsmeade but when he saw the Marauder's map which fell from Harry's pocket during his struggle with the tree, he saw Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew's name.

He snarled, "I knew it. Lupin was the one who was helping out that Black. But where did Peter come from? Wasn't he supposed to be dead? They even have that brat, Weasley, as captive?" He roared in frustration, "dammit. Harry just went right towards them. This Potter. Do I have to keep looking out for you? You and your damn father".

After reaching the place, Harry saw a black dog dragging Ron into a borrow which is underneath the Whomping Willow. As Harry somehow managed to enter the underground passage and walked forward, he reached the inside of Shrieking Shack where he saw Lupin is sitting on a table as Sirius looking menacingly at Ron.

Later, as Harry got there and tried to attack Black in anger while they were trying to explain themselves, Snape arrived there in time, "how wonderful. Vengeance is very sweet. How I hoped I would be the one to catch you... move away from there, Potter, Weasley".

Then he looked around and asked, "so, I'm seeing Pettigrew here. Did you already finished him off?", When Lupin was trying to explain something, Snape raised his wand and pointed towards him, "Shut up. I won't be hearing anything from you, a convicted murderer the one who was indirectly responsible for Lily's death".

As Lupin tried to disarm him with "Expelliarmus" all of a sudden which Snape evaded, Black changed into a dog and lunged at Ron. He stopped when Harry shielded him. Scabbers jumped off from Ron's hand and ran away from there. Sirius followed while Lupin kept Snape busy and tried to talk some sense into him.

As Harry ran after Sirius Black and Ron followed him, Lupin shouted, "it's Peter, Ron's rat. An unregistered Animagus. He was the one who betrayed James and Lily and sold them to Voldemort. It isn't Sirius. Can't you see how desperate he is? Now stop being a brat and let go of me now.

But as they came up to the Whomping Willow again, both of them saw Sirius Black is on the ground while the Dementors feeding off his soul and when they attacked the nearby Harry too, he tried to defend him with the Patronus charm, but since there are too many, the corporeal form of his wasn't able to send them away and when they were slowly feeding away his happiness, Snape swirled his wand, "Expecto Patronus", a Silver doe appeared in front of the dementors and pulled away all the Dementors from there saving Harry and Sirius Black.

Lupin stood there amazed as well as shocked, "that's lily's". He looked at Snape in confusion while he picked up the unconscious Black and looked at Lupin, "no questions now. I will tell everything to Dumbledore what I saw. You prove your innocence to him. He'll decide what to do with you. Pick up Potter and follow me to the castle now. Until then, Black will be imprisoned in the Dark Tower".

Later Lupin and Snape went to Dumbledore and after hearing everything, he looked at Lupin apologetic, "I believe you but the Ministry won't take a former Death Eater and werewolf opinions into consideration even if they are the Professors".

Snape stood up, "so, you knew that Pettigrew was the culprit from the start?", Dumbledore sighed, "yeah. Sirius and I changed the secret keeper at the last minute to Pettigrew. But no one expected that...".

Snape replied coldly, "I don't care if Black spends in Azkaban all eternity but you should have at least told me the truth. For the past thirteen years, I've proved my loyalty and you have kept me in the dark making me hate myself for not stopping Sirius Black back then. It seems like you don't trust me enough. Honestly, I am now disappointed in you, Professor Dumbledore".

As he was leaving, Dumbledore asked, "where are you going, Severus", Snape replied, "where else, back to my office. I will keep my promise of protecting Lily's son until he is in Hogwarts".

Later, with Dumbledore's help, Lupin escaped Sirius Black from the prison cell at the dark tower after resigning from his job. He was then branded as a criminal by the Ministry for escaping Black. Although it shocked the students, still they missed him as he was the best D.A.D.A. professor ever they have seen and sighed while thinking about the jinx of the D.A.D.A. Professor's position.

After winning the summer cup, Slytherin once again won the House cup for the 9th time in a row with Neal getting additional personal points again for 140% academic scores overwriting Tom Riddle's record of 112%.

After that, they packed their luggage and returned to London in the Hogwarts Express. As they stepped down from the train, Neal and Tracey were surprised to see Dulcie and Edward didn't arrive at the station to receive them.

After saying goodbye to Malfoy and Draco's families, both of then board the taxi and reached their house. Tracey asked, "do you think they are waiting inside to give us another surprise?", Neal replied, "maybe? You've got a new baby brother or sister?".

As both of them stood before the door, Neal sighed, "well, I will miss you guys. After my birthday, I have to leave this home soon". She patted his back, "c'mon. I'll be always with you in Hogwarts though. And You can stop by here during your practice sessions in Ireland".

Neal smiled, "I guess". As they opened the door, they were shocked to see the things were messy in the hall downstairs. Seeing the destroyed things on the floor and burnt marks here and there, he mumbled, "what the hell just happened here?".

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