The Last Slytherin

Chapter 61 - Avery Mansion

After Neal and Tracey searched all the rooms, Tracey asked him in a worry, "they aren't here and the downstairs hall looking like that. Do you think something might have happened to Mom and Edward?". Neal replied, "first, calm down. Let's search for everything in the house. We might find some kind of letter or clue they left if that were the case.

You check here while I check downstairs". A while later, as Tracey asked him, "did you find something?". Neal shook his head and asked, "what about you?". Tracey too replied, "no. Nothing here".

Neal then said, "I'll ask Dumbledore's help". As she nodded, he wrote for Dumbledore describing the details. Instead of an owl, he sent the blue phoenix, Blaze to deliver the letter to Dumbledore. After waiting for a couple of hours, Blaze apparated to his side.

He stroked its head and asked, "did you deliver it, buddy?", As it chirped, Tracey asked in amazement, "what is this bird exactly?". Neal replied, "oh, Blaze? He's a phoenix. Remember our trip to China last year? I told you that someone sent me an egg?".

Tracey looked at it curiously, "wow, can I touch it?". Before his reply, Dumbledore apparated before them with a letter in his hand. He asked, "did they really disappear?". Tracey replied, "yes, Professor Dumbledore. We're not sure what we should do. It doesn't look like they went away for some work".

Dumbledore looked around and nodded, "I'm afraid my dear, your worries are true. The most likely scenario is that they must have been captured for some reason. At least Edward was captured for sure. He never misses informing me when he's out of London".

Then he looked at Neal whose expression changed when he heard Dumbledore, "are you sure either of them hasn't left any clues?". Neal shook his head, "no. I searched every inch of the house". Dumbledore then said, "I'm not talking about the present. I'm talking about the last letter you received from him. Don't you know that Edward has a habit of sending hidden messages in every letter?".

Neal was taken back for a second in a surprise as he never knew about that. He then hurriedly opened his trunk and took out all the letters from the past 3 years. Then after taking out the last letter he got from Edward a couple of months ago, he showed it to Dumbledore.

After using the Revealing Charm on it, Dumbledore's expression changed for a second. When Neal asked, "is there a message?", Dumbledore retained his usual expression and replied "too bad. There's nothing hidden in this letter" and he put it inside his pocket saying, "who knows there might some hidden words inside his letter. I'll study it and return it later".

Although Neal found it odd for a second, he nodded as Tracey too took out the letter her Mom wrote to her but after finding out that her letter also doesn't have anything, Neal saw that her eyes started to become red.

Dumbledore then said, "you two move to the Leaky Cauldron right away. I'll ask some friends to search for them. This place might not be safe anymore". As they grabbed his either hands, Dumbledore then apparated to Leaky Cauldron where Neal and Tracey checked into their rooms. Then, Dumbledore once again looked at the letter he took from Neal and read, "we are currently in hiding. We might not return home for a while. Go to Dumbledore for any help. Make sure that the Music box stays hidden".

Dumbledore then burned it and mumbled, "Neal isn't ready to know about the Music Box and the Prophecy, yet. I guess Ilvermorny started to act. There's only a couple of weeks left until his 14th birthday. He'll be safe at the Avery Mansion but what about the girl. She's a liability for not only Dulcie and Edward but also for Neal. I should talk to Cornelius".

A few days later, Neal and Tracey saw there are five to six people constantly around both of them staying at a distance and following them all day. When Tracey asked him, Neal replied, "they might be Aurors, Dumbledore might have asked to protect us".

A couple of days before his birthday, Daphne, Astoria Greengrass, and their mom, Alena, Narcissa Malfoy, and Draco visited him at the Leaky Cauldron to celebrate his birthday with them. After hearing the situation, Alena said, "Tracey, you can just live with us during the summer".

Then Draco asked, "what about you, Neal? Did your grandfather contact you?". Neal nodded, "yeah, I received the letter. Some people will pick me up the day after my birthday. Although I won't be spending too much time with them. I've got Quidditch to play".

Upon hearing the word Quidditch, Daphne and Draco asked at the same time, "so, are you selected for the World cup?". Neal shrugged his shoulders, "who knows. I'm not expecting to be selected. I haven't played a single match yet".

Astoria then said excitedly, "of course. You'll be selected for sure. You are the best, after all". Neal was taken back seeing her enthusiasm while Draco teased her, "oh, Astoria went into fangirl mode again". Her expression immediately changed to cold while she stepped on Malfoy's foot. "Ouch, my foot. You little..."

Narcissa scolded him sternly, "Draco, please watch your manners". He looked away in frustration, "I'll get you for this, one day". Astoria snorted, "yeah, right. As if".

The next day evening after his birthday, two people entered the Leaky Cauldron and told them they were sent by Avery Family, they were stopped by Aurors instantly and asked for proof. One of them gave the letter Oakley gave them with the House of Avery insignia on it.

Seeing it made them relieved as they don't have to do the bodyguard business anymore. After saying goodbye to Tracey and others, he left with them with his luggage to the Tagues village in Northwestern England where the House of Avery and their relatives live.

While looking at the large mansion which can be seen even from the entrance of the village, Neal asked, "so, that's the Avery Mansion? Wait, before that, what's with this abandoned village?". One of the two guards of him, Marsh replied, "well, muggles were forcefully evacuated using different methods by your Uncles and Aunts during those dark times as they don't like them.

Well, now you can say this is also a wizarding village. Although only our family lives here. Since you are the only heir left, everything you see is actually yours in the future". Neal mumbled, "no wonder that old man is anxious about it".

Marsh asked, "what did you say?", Neal shook his head, "nothing. Since there aren't any muggles here. Why are we traveling in the cart though? Can't we just fly?". Marsh replied, "No, only the main family has that right. Others can only travel in the carts. Flying and apparating is banned for us.

Lord Avery's orders. No one has the guts to question him". As he reached near to the mansion, he started to see more and more Wizards and Witches murmuring to each other looking at Neal.

After entering the gate, they stepped down from the cart and started to walk towards the main door. Neal was then received by his maternal grandfather, Oakley Avery who looked more dignified and arrogant like Lucius Malfoy compared to his previous pitiful appearance.

As Neal entered the Mansion with him, he thought, "it seems this family is no less corrupted than Malfoy's". Oakley Avery then showed his family tree first which dated to six to seven centuries and then he said, "no one lives in this huge mansion except for you and me. So, you can choose whatever room you like and do whatever you want. You can also perform magic however you liked. Even if the Ministry can trace underage magic, since this is considered a Wizarding village, they won't be able to do anything as there are several underaged wizards and witches live nearby.

You'll meet them tomorrow. Take rest for now". Neal didn't talk much with him and went to one of the rooms he liked and placed his luggage there. As he slept, Neal thought, "I wonder if Tracey is alright. Should I go to Greengrass Mansion later?"

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