The Last Slytherin

Chapter 62 - Lord Slytherin

The next day morning, as Neal woke up, he was startled a little bit to find himself in a large bedroom. Then, he realized that he was at Avery Mansion now. After freshening himself and get dressed up, he went hall downstairs to see the old man just staring at the Portraits in sadness.

Neal slowly walked to him and greeted him. Only then Oakley realized that his grandson was standing behind him, "oh, you are here. Come let's have breakfast together". Neal didn't ask anything and just followed him to the dining table and sat while a house-elf named Crane served food to them after greeting both of them.

Oakley then asked, "did you sleep well last night?". Neal replied, "yeah. I've no problem. I'm quite adaptable anywhere". Oakley nodded, "good then. So when will your Quidditch start?". Neal replied while he was eating slowly, "well, the world cup starts in the first week of July.

I still need to go for practice from tomorrow". Oakley frowned, "I won't object to you just playing Quidditch but I hope you will postpone your practice for a week and will take the guards with you all time".

As Neal asked, "why a week?". Oakley replied, "today you will have to meet the rest of the family and get acquainted with their children too. Later this weekend, we will need to attend the sacred 28 Houses meeting so that we can announce you to them publicly.

There is strong disunity among the sacred 28 because of no leadership and the power of Ministry became too strong". Neal frowned, "do you want me to become the next Dark lord like the one who must not be named? If that is your intention, I'm sorry but I will disappoint you for sure".

Oakley shook his head, "Why do think many purebloods used to support the Dark Lord in the past? It isn't because they want to but because they have no choice but to choose him. With a person like Dumbledore who stood on the light side making the balance broken, Dark Wizards have no choice but to choose him to survive as he used to be the heir of Slytherin.

But who would have guessed that he will face demise in the hands of a 15-month-old boy? Anyway, there are a lot of complicated things you won't understand even if I'll explain. We'll discuss it in the future but for now, just enjoy being the heir".

As Neal nodded in understanding, a smile appeared on Oakley's face as he continued, "before going to Hogwarts, you'll be touring around the village so you could understand the layout and secret entrances and exits. After all, everything will be yours in the future".

Neal didn't reply anything and nodded silently. Later, Oakley gathered everyone at the Mansion and announced Neal as the heir of the House of Avery officially. As everyone's looking at him curiously, Neal pointed one in the crowd and spoke, "it's you". A girl around 17-18 years old came forward and half bowed and then spoke, "it's been a while, Lord Slytherin".

Neal nodded, "yeah, it's been a while, Ms. Farley". Oakley asked curiously, "do you know her?". Neal replied, "yeah, Gemma Farley. She's been one of the Prefects at Hogwarts back when I was a first-year student".

Gemma replied, "I didn't know Lord Slytherin was connected to the House of Avery at that time". Later, the next day while Neal was walking with Gemma while touring around the village, she said, "I heard that you became Quidditch captain and was also selected to the Ireland National team.

I always believed you would accomplish great things from the moment I saw you disapparating from the common room back then during the Troll incident".

As he looked around, Neal then asked her, "I heard everyone in the family who had Avery ancestor lives here. But it doesn't look very developed like Hogsmede even though there are like 50-100 Wizarding families staying here.

All I see are houses near the mansion but the rest of the village seems pretty much abandoned". She replied, "well, its because this isn't a village but more like a military base if I say in muggle terms.

Lord Avery ordered everyone who was descendent of them must live here if they wanted to be connected to the family.

Even those who work outside of the country must also live here and travel to their destination through floo powder or apparition. Those who don't, won't receive any support from Lord Avery". Neal replied, "that's sick. C'mon. Isn't it too much to force everyone like that?".

Gemma replied, "well, by sticking together, Lord Avery made this village very strong on the outside to protect themselves from the Ministry of Magic and of course including Dumbledore and his army, you know". Neal stopped walking and looked at her in surprise, "Dumbledore has an army?".

Gemma replied, "well, I'm not sure about it. It's something called Order of Phoenix who comprised of various Aurors and listens to Dumbledore's order. They were the ones who resisted you know who and his followers back then. I don't know much about it but I only heard about them from other Aurors at the Ministry".

A few days later, at the Borrow, located on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon, England, Arthur Weasley frowned while looking at the letter he received. Molly Weasley asked him, "what happened, dear?".

Arthur replied, "I got an invitation from Oakley Avery, he announced Sacred 28 gathering". Hearing that Molly became serious, "you don't need to go. It's a place only for those dark wizards and his supporters". Arthur shook his head, "no, this is from Oakley, not Lucius. He wasn't the supporter of you know who".

Molly replied, "he's not but his whole family is. Anyway, we are already being harassed by them as blood traitors every time. You don't need to go and further get humiliated by them. Not to mention, most of the families got extinct and the remaining were in Azkaban. Who would even attend it". Arthur frowned while thinking, "it's been more than forty years since Avery sent out the invitation. It must be something important. Should I go and see what they are planning?".

At the same time at Malfoy's Mansion, Lucius also frowned while looking at the invitation, "a sacred 28 meeting eh? Is Oakley vying for leadership again?".

At one place, Barty Crouch Senior, the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation reading the invitation scoffed, "did he now want to boast about the strength of his Tagues village?".

At 12 Grimmauld Place in London, Kreacher, the house-elf for the House of Black tore the invitation, "no lord Black to go".

At Diagon Alley, in the Ollivander's wand shop, Garrick Ollivander looked at the invitation, "did they still remember our family? I wonder..."

At the Greengrass mansion, Samuel Greengrass smiled upon seeing the invitation and he called Daphne downstairs. As Daphne, Tracey, and Astoria came downstairs, he said "Daphne, you are going with me to Tagues this Saturday. Tomorrow, go shopping with your mother and buy the best dress you find. Don't worry about the cost at all".

When she heard the village name, Tracey asked, "Tagues? Isn't that the village where Neal stays? Can I join both of you?", Hearing that Astoria also said, "I also want to meet Neal". Samuel frowned, "no, you two can't. This is an official business and that village is off-limits for personal visits. Stay here with Alene".

Just like that, Oakley sent out the invitations to the surviving pureblood families of the sacred 28 to reunite them in one place.

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