The Last Slytherin

Chapter 63 - Sacred 28 ȧssemble Part 1

In the village of Tagues, as preparations for the Sacred 28 gathering, are going on, Meanwhile, at the Ministry of magic, Cornelius Fudge requesting Dumbledore to do something about it. "I'm telling you, nothing good can come out with this gathering".

Dumbledore replied, "it's not like they are doing an illegal thing and breaking the law. There's no need to worry. I already expected this. Oakley Avery was just trying to use Neal as a means to gather and unite the sacred 28 houses to increase his status".

Fudge looked at him with frustration, "exactly. What if they overturn the Ministry? Who knows they'll dismiss me and appoint new Minister of Magic. They might even force the Ministry and release the prisoners of Azkaban". Dumbledore frowned and scolded, "just who in the hell made you a Minister, Cornelius?

Did you forget the strength of the Ministry and Wizengamot? Not to mention, did you forget who represents the House of Crouch? Did you forget who represents the House of Weasley? and the House of Slughorn? What about the House of Fawley? And what about the extinct Houses which have neither wealth nor power?

Put your worries aside and concentrate on the real issue here. I know you refuse to believe Sirius Black is innocent but Peter Pettigrew in on the loose. Lord Voldemort's soul had already escaped somewhere and no one knows which body he possessed now".

Fudge shivered upon hearing the name, "don't say the name, please. And he's dead. If I have to I will believe that Black is innocent but I won't ever believe that you know who is alive". Dumbledore sighed, "fine. You just live in your dreams and don't come to reality.

I have a lot of work to do. Don't waste my time. By the way, immediately take out the Dementors from the school. They already attacked not just once but thrice. If you don't pull them out now, as Chief Warlock, I'll have to bring you to the trial at Wizengamot and make your worries true".

As Dumbledore apparated from there, Fudge screamed in frustration, "I'm the Minister of Magic here. I'm the Minister..."

Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa, and Draco were the first to arrive. As Lucius about to greet Neal, he saw Isle on his left arm hissing. Neal smiled, "she says hello".

After that Rupert Carrow and his identical twin daughters, Flora and Hestia of age 11 arrived. As Rupert introduced them, "Mr. Slytherin, this is Flora and Hestia. They'll join the Hogwarts this September. I hope you'll look after them".

Neal smiled, "sure". Then he turned towards them, "I'm Neal Slytherin and this is Isle". They got taken back in surprise as they saw the snake. Neal thought, "well, Purebloods or not. I guess everyone is afraid of a snake. I wonder why this old man even wanted to bring Isle out. I mean everyone knows that I'm a Slytherin anyway. It's no big deal".

Next, after them, Marcus Flint and his mother Fauna Flint arrived. Then, Samuel Greengrass and Daphne arrived in a beautiful dress. Neal was captivated for a moment seeing her gorgeous appearance before calming down. The only awkward thing is the Silver bracelet on her right arm just like Neal and Malfoy. He asked, "why do you wear the Bracelet? It's a bit... you know..."

She laughed, "well, you too wore it". As she raised her arm towards him, he grinned as he clashed the bracelet with his making a *ting* sound. While Samuel has a big smile on his face, Oakley also staring at the girl and thought, "hmm, this little girl isn't bad. She's from the Greengrass family and also good friends with Neal. A good match for my grandson indeed".

Then he looked at Samuel, "Although she's this greedy fellow's daughter. Sigh..." As both of them entered, Neal continues to stand there waiting for others. Next, Carl Macmillan arrived with his son, Tomas Macmillan, a fifth-year Ravenclaw.

Then, to his great surprise, Garrick Ollivander arrived at the Mansion. Even Oakley was surprised to see this person, the best wandmaker in all over Europe. As he looked at Oakley, he said, "English Oak wand with Pheonix feather I presume?".

Oakley nodded, "you still remember it even though it's been more than 70 years". Then, Ollivander towards Neal with a smile, "ah, Mr. Slytherin. Did you master the BlackWalnut wand?". Neal nodded, "yeah. But I also found my destined wand. Would you like to look at it?".

As Ollivander nodded, Neal first gave him the Balckwalnut wand which he touched and tried to bent it while closing his eyes, "yes, you have attained this wand's complete loyalty. Congratulations". Then, Neal took out Basilisk wand and handed it to him after activating it with parseltongue, "Awake". As Ollivander checked the wand, he looked at Neal with a shock, "where did you get this wand? This wand is made of snakewood. One of the rarest wood available ever. I heard only Ilvermorny has possession of it. And the core is unheard of. Did you know what core it is?".

Neal replied, "it's Basilisk horn". Hearing the answer, Ollivander nodded, "oh, I see. I have never seen a part of Basilisk before. That's why it is very unfamiliar to me. Snakewood and Basilisk horn eh? Hmm, this is Salazar Slytherin's wand. Isn't it?".

As Neal nodded, he continued, "what a rare wand indeed. The thousand-year-old wand which is second only to Elder wand but only loyal to a parselmouth. The lost wand in history.

It says it has been sleeping for the past four centuries and you aren't strong enough to wake it up completely from its slumber. Fascinating. A wand that can sleep by itself. Salazar Slytherin is a great wand maker indeed".

After he went inside, later Theodore Nott with his father arrived together with Pansy Parkinson and her uncle along with Milicent Bulstrode and her mother. Then, Felix Rosier, a young man of 25 arrived, after him, Delta Travers, one of the betrayers of Voldemort arrived.

At last, Selma Yaxley arrived with her gorgeous daughter Celia Yaxley, a sixth-year student of Beauxbatons Academy. She greeted both of them with proper etiquette but was taken back in fear when she saw the snake in Neal's left arm.

As everyone he expected arrived, Oakley turned back and just when he said, "Neal, let's go", he heard a cart sound arriving. He turned back to see a person he didn't expect to arrive. As the person stepped down, Neal asked, "who is he that even you are surprised to see? Oakley replied, "Bartemius Crouch Senior, the one who hates the Dark side to the core. The one who sent my sons, brothers and their families to Azkaban. He's so ruthless that he even send his son to the Azkaban without batting an eye".

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