The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 135: The Grand Plan

"The disciples who stops the challenger would receive ten years' worth of the challenger's monthly cultivation resources, if he was stopped by a 5 Star Dan Formation disciple."

"Six years' worth of resources if he was stopped at the 6 Stars Dan Formation stage; Three years' worth at 7 Stars, one years' worth of an inner court disciple's cultivation resource at the 8 Stars, and finally, the two 9 Stars disciples who defeats the challenger would be instantly promoted to the inner court." 

Mu Li finished explaining as the Min Hong duo nodded in comprehension.

Just the rewards alone would send the entire outer court into turmoil and battle to determine who would receive the space in the arena.

"Furthermore, there has only been twelve people who had ever issued a War God challenge within the Desert Sun Sect; six outer disciples, four inner disciples and two core disciples."

"But do you know how many of them survived?" Mu Li ended with a question.

"No, how many?" Min Hong asked.

"Only one! Furthermore, he did it by succeeding not only in the outer court, but the inner court and amongst all the core disciples of the Dogon Empire."

"This is why the Desert Sun Sect is still standing strong within the Empire…. because they had the youngest Elder in the Imperial court at just the age of forty."

Mu Li explained, as Min Hong nodded at the possibility of achieving their first goal in a much faster time-frame than expected. 

"But the point is, how does that help Qing Tan and what are we going to do about them. We obviously can enter the inner court alone and leave these guys behind?"

Min Hong though found that the suggestion would shun and cower everyone in the outer court and also send a message to all the bullies who might be having any thoughts about them as newbies.

But if they should go, they would have to leave the Mu twins and Qing Tan behind in the outer court which might actually do more harm than good.

"Of course, I have also thought about that too. The thing is, very inner court disciple in the sect is entitled to a single retainer."

"If both of us can pick the Mu twins and Fei Qing can pick Qing Tan, that would see all of us move into the inner court." Long Sha explained is tactics a little further.

"But wouldn't that mean they would be labelled a servant?"

Min Qing asked with a slight frown, though she was not against the idea, she however didn't like the fact that someone has to take a fall, in terms of dignity and status. 

"Senior sister Fei Qing, I understand senior brother Fei Long's idea and don't mind it since such a status would only be long but temporary…"

Mu Li spoke with a resigned tone which made Min Hong a little dissatisfied about what they were about to do but he still asked;

"What do you mean by long but temporary?"

"Well, one only needs to either enter the Nascent Soul stage or challenge an inner court disciple and win or accumulate 15,000 merit points to become an inner court disciple."

"So, even if we become your retainers, it would only be temporary since we will eventually be able to fulfil one of the three criteria of becoming an inner court disciple."

"Once that is done, our retainer status would naturally be removed." Mu Li added.

"The only problem is that, as retainers, we won't be allowed to receive any form of guidance from the sect, we would have no cultivation resources and finally we also won't be able to accept missions."

"Thus, the options of reaching the Nascent Soul stage and using merit points are out of our options." 

"But if we are given 10 years, we should be able to achieve enough power to challenge the weakest outer court disciples." Mu Bai completed the explanation.

"But wouldn't that mean fighting a Nascent Soul expert with only a Dan Formation cultivation base? That is almost the same as committing suicide…"

Min Qing frowned at the way this idea seemed to be plunging the Mu twins deeper and deeper into further problems.

Even though she might not bother much about the Mu twins, she still cared deeply about Qing Tan.

Furthermore, she didn't think Qing Tan with her mindset and all will be able to achieve such a thing, so she turned to Min Hong, grabbed his arm and pleaded;

"Hong-ge let us find another method, I don't like where this one is heading for them…" Min Hong looked at her and smiled.

When Min Qing saw the smile, she was stunned. She knew that smile very well, it was the smile Min Hong usually gave when he was convinced about doing something dramatic and erratic. 

"We will do just as Long Sha has said." Min Hong declared as Long Sha smiled slightly.

He seemed to know that one way or the other, Min Hong would be able to improve on the idea he had. So, all he would ever need to do is just provide an idea that was 40 - 60 percent feasible and will allow Min Hong to find a way to complete the rest.

But the Mu twins had a slightly disappointed expression because despite the fact that staying in the inner court would obviously help in their cultivation, they still didn't want to soil or lose their dignity all in the name of increasing their strength.

Furthermore, Min Hong's decision to use that idea made them feel like when it came to their wellbeing, the Min Hong trio didn't really care about them and would easily use them should such a thing happen again in the future. 

"Firstly, you all should remember why we are doing this; it is to save Qing Tan and make sure our groups would never be bullied again both in the outer and inner court."

Min Hong seemed to sense their emotions as he spoke and though he spoke the truth, the Mu twins were not completely convinced either ways.

"Secondly, as you have said, we might also die if this doesn't work out, so we are also risking our lives here."

Min Hong kept looking and sensing their emotions whilst speaking and this time, his second statement seemed to work perfectly. 

On hearing that they are truly risking their lives and really prepared to lose and waste all the efforts they have spent on cultivation till now, the Mu twins instantly had a change in expression as guilt began to slightly seep into their hearts.

After all, what the Min Hong trio were about to do now was basically going to die, which no one in their right minds would ever think of doing.

This is also the reason why only twelve people had ever attempted such a thing in the thousands of years and tens of generations of the Desert Sun Sect. 

Moreover, they were not doing this solely for themselves, but for their own good also.

So, who were they to say they were being maltreated or that the Min Hong trio were being selfish by making them retainers?

Even if they were to become true servants, they would be ungrateful not to accept it, after all, even the retainer of an inner court disciple has a higher status than an outer court disciple due to the disciple backing them and the Elder backing the disciple that is backing them. 

Thus, their previous thoughts vanished with a 'Puff!' whilst they were replaced with gratitude.

After all, if the Min Hong trio were to throw out such an opportunity to the public and even ask the disciples to become their slaves, they would still be swarmed over by many outer court disciples who would be begging for such an opportunity.

"But I also have a way to make you guys an inner court disciple in less than a year." 

Min Hong who was already sensing the changes in their emotions which might be because of the level of purity of his mind and soul, initially made them satisfied with their current positions.

Before using their possible deaths to clear the doubts and negative impression of their trio within the Mu twins, before adding the perks as a means of sowing a seed of loyalty within them.

"Eeh… what do you mean by that, senior brother Fei Hong?" 

Mu Li blurted in shock as Mu Bai and even Min Qing looked up in surprise, after all, Min Hong clearly heard the requirements required to become an inner court disciple just now.

So, how was he planning to achieve that in less than a year?

Seeing the expressions on their faces, Min Hong smiled lightly as he shook his head at how simple his method would sound and couldn't wait to see their expressions after he explains it to them.

"We will individually help the three of you obtain 15,000 merit points once we begin to accept inner court missions which I believe would have better rewards than those within the outer court."

"Though, you three would be helping us on these missions also because apart from reducing the strain on us, it would also serve as gaining experiences for the three of you."

"Then lastly, as a means of motivation for all of us, we will give you three our inner court cultivation resources to use until we achieve our goal of making you three inner court disciples." 

Min Hong ended his explanation as the Mu twins and Min Qing's eyes widened in awe at the way Min Hong thinks.

He was able to simplify everything to such an extent, and the idea of the motivation was obviously speaking not only to the Mu twins and Qing Tan but to themselves also.

After all, no matter how rich one was, to lose the cultivation resources of an entire year in the inner court would have significant effects.

Apart from the fact that one would not be able to maximise their cultivation conditions, they would also be losing massive wealth. 

Even for them, this was a great loss and huge punishment, but she knew that this would only drive them to obtain the individual 15,000 merit points as fast as possible.

Furthermore, the cultivation resources would not only be able to help the Mu twins and Qing Tan increase their cultivation as fast as possible, if the mission experience were added to it, then they cultivation would also be boosted and soar by leaps and bounds.

They might just reach the Nascent Soul stage before the end of the year, and enter the inner court by challenging a disciple. 

But then they all seemed to simultaneously seem to remember something but Mu Li was the fastest to ask;

"But, how does that help Qing Tan out of the current situation?"

Min Hong nodded with a smile, seemingly expecting such a question;

"I have something fulfilling in mind for that, my joints have been stiff for a long time, I need to flex a bit…"

He said with a wicked wink and devilish grin that made everyone around him including Long Sha gulp hardly.

"I will begin the process of freeing Qing Tan at dusk tomorrow. You two should go and prepare to move into the inner court within the next one month."

"Fei Long, you will take Mu Bai as your retainer, Fei Qing would naturally be with Qing Tan and I will take Mu Li."

"Furthermore, you both should try to make sure you are both in top shape for the battle next month, after all, it is not a joking matter and we could really lose our lives if we are not careful enough."

Min Hong spoke once again whilst directing the last part of his statement to Min Qing and Long Sha who nodded with a grave expression on their faces. After all, they knew he was speaking the absolute truth.

Then Min Hong turned to Mu Li and asked; "Who would be selecting our opponents?"

Mu Li answered almost instantaneously; "The Mission Hall and the Enforcement Hall would also be there to oversee the challenge."

"Un… I better go and make preparations now on freeing Qing Tan. But I will need you both to go and borrow three months' worth of cultivation resources with your apartment tags."

"Make sure they are all in Mid-grade spirit stones. I will want you all to place a single massive bet on me tomorrow at the arena."

"The outcome of that bet will be the key to ensuring that my plan succeeds. So, Mu Li, you will be tasked with advertising the bets once I have received confirmation of my challenge." Min Hong explained.

"He he… That is my area of specialty, leave it to me." Mu Li flexed his knuckles as a meaningful grin appeared at the corners of his lips as his mind drifted in thoughts.

Apparently, he had already begun hatching his plans. Then, the group followed Min Hong as he approached the Enforcement Hall to issue a challenge to a disciple only Min Hong knew. Or so they thought.

Long Sha took his place to Min Hong's right whilst Min Qing was on the left as Min Qing took her favourite position on his left. 

The left spot was her favourite spot only because it was where Min Hong's dominant arm was despite the fact that he was ambidextrous.

Thus, the muscles in his left arm were extra firms, strong and just like a pillar, reliable to her head, so she loved hugging that specific arm a lot.

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