The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 136: Heavy Decline In Status

Before long, the group found themselves in front of the Challenge section of the Enforcement Hall.

"What! You bunch are here again, so soon?"

Seeing Min Hong's group returning after applying for a challenge a couple of days ago, the disciple who was in charge of handling the application process froze in shock.

"I would like to issue a challenge, could you please help me add it to the challenge log?" Min Hong told the Enforcement Hall disciple. 

"Un… follow me."

Seeing that it was just a different member of the group that was issuing the challenge, the disciple sighed in relief leaving Min Hong to wonder why he did that.

Was he thinking that Min Qing was not strong enough to issue a challenge twice in a row?

But he began to smile amusingly instead as he began to wonder how the disciple would react when he discovers the nature of this challenge.

"Okay kiddo, how do you want to do this?"

The Enforcement Hall disciple asked Min Hong after they entered the room which currently consist of three other male disciples who were currently logging some information.

"I want to challenge two outer court disciples to a life-or-death battle." Min Hong replied.

"Well, in that case, I guess you will have to issue only one challenge for now and once you have completed that, you can come pick up the second pass." 

"That won't be necessary, I plan on duelling both disciples simultaneously."

The moment Min Hong made that statement, the entire room went silent as the rest of the Enforcement Hall disciples looked at Min Hong with wide eyes.

But the disciple responding to Min Hong was only shocked momentarily.

He believed that it might be possible that Min Hong had a solid and strong cultivation and was only challenging the weakest of the outer court disciples, so he simply asked;

"Alright, state the names of your opponents."

"Zi Kun and Chi Zheng, in that order. They are both newly accepted outer court disciples."

Min Hong leisurely spoke as the disciple recording the details of the challenge spoke to one of the other disciples; "Check the details of those two for me…"

One of the other disciples instantly moved to one the shelves within the room and brought out ten scrolls and began to search.

Luckily, he picked the scroll where the duos names were recorded, so in less than a minute he found their names and just as he saw their details, he froze in shock as he held the scroll in hand without moving or saying anything.

He just simply stared at Min Hong.

When everyone noticed that the rustling of shuffling through scrolls had stopped for a while, and the disciple was yet to say anything, they all looked over and saw the disciple standing there in shock.

The disciple who was attending to Min Hong frowned as he bellowed;

"Guan Jong, what are you standing there looking all dumbfounded for? Get me the details or bring the scroll over."

The disciple called Guan Jong was then jolted awake as he managed to speak;

"Sorry, senior brother Wu Tang. These are their details." 

Guan Jong walked over and handed the scroll to Wu Tang but was still staring at Min Hong like he was looking at some demon.

Seeing that the disciple was still acting abnormally, Wu Tang received the scroll and looked at the details.

Then it was his own turn to stare at Min Hong in shock as he asked;

"Fei Hong, right?" Min Hong gazed at Wu Tang and nodded in confirmation.

"Do you mind giving me your cultivation details?"

Wu Tang obviously didn't know about the outcome of the entrance selection exams, since it was his monthly shift at the Challenge Department. 

"I ranked seventh in the final rankings of this year's entrance selection exam."

For some reasons Min Hong decided not to reveal his power level himself.

Without even bothering to ask, two of the remaining disciples in the room coincidentally rushed over to the shelf.

They both looked at each other when they both arrived at the shelf almost at the same time.

One of them then presented the scroll to Wu Tang, who instantly unfurled the long scroll and read through it.

"Kid are you looking to die?"

Wu Tang looked up at Min Hong after seeing what was written on the scroll, as the rest of the disciples behind him frowned slightly.

They couldn't understand why their team leader would say such things to a little kid who did nothing to offend him.

Thus, after thinking about it for a bit, they simply chose not to dwell on it anymore.

But Min Hong simply kept looking at Wu Tang with a slight amusing smile on his face, not exactly sure how to respond to the simple question. 

Wu Tang sighed instead as he extended the challenge issuance letter in his hand to Min Hong and added;

"You have two days to get them to sign it."

Min Hong took the letter from his hand and thanked him before walking out of the room.

"Senior brother Wu Tang, what happened?"

Guan Jong asked the moment Min Hong stepped out of the room as the rest also crowded around Wu Tang, who asked;

"What do you mean what happened?"

Noticing that Wu Tang didn't understand the question, Guan Jong asked again;

"I meant your statement earlier…" 

Coming to a quick understanding about their curiosities, Wu Tang simply showed them Min Hong's name on the scroll as they all saw his details by themselves, then they instantly understood why Wu Tang would've made that statement.

"Anyways, I might not resume early the day after tomorrow, so you all would take care of things before I arrive."

Wu Tang ordered as the rest of the disciples cursed their luck for being too slow. 

They knew their team leader was obviously going to watch the challenge Min Hong just issued, and they were about to make several excuses to attend themselves, but now all hopes of seeing the match had gone down the drain.

Meanwhile, outside the hall, Min Hong regrouped with the rest of his group as they headed towards the male province of District 22.

Meanwhile… Within a room in a certain apartment….

"How is the rest of the plan coming?" Four figures could be seen within this room and they were two girls and two boys.

One of the boys stood respectfully to the side of the second boy who was currently receiving a massage from one of the girls who only had her bra and pant on with a red and glaring palm print on one of her butt cheeks.

She sat on the back of the youth who asked the earlier question whilst gently hitting his oiled back with the sides of her palm in a chopping manner.

"Everything is right on track…" the standing figure respectfully replied.

"I had thought they would have reacted by now since they got the news, it seems we had overestimated their group. But that is still better than underestimating them and ending up with the short end of the stick."

"Congratulations, on your breakthrough…"

The standing youth respectively spoke once again causing the youth being massaged to smirk and sit up as the girl tuned to his back and kept massaging it in that position. 

"How did you know?" The youth asked with an amused smile. "Well, I know you are a cultivation maniac and would only indulge yourself in such affairs as a reward for breaking through. The only thing is, I don't know which of the Daos you have improved on…"

The standing youth replied, masking a question in his last statement.

The other youth obviously noticed it and laughed before replying;

"You haven't been slacking off either. You are now a level higher than me in terms of cultivation base. Congratulations on stepping into the 6 Star Dan Formation stage!" 

"Why don't you pick her and let us celebrate this moment together, just like old friends!"

The youth being massaged pointed to the other girl who was currently in a bath tub filled with water but still with her clothes on which stuck tightly to her body revealing her curves and two dot poking on her immature chest area.

The girl was currently petrified as she only stared at her reflection in the bath water, sobbing slightly both with a bitter but hopeful expression on her face.

If the readers were to look at this meek and innocent face, they would notice it to be the person who Min Hong's group were currently going to great lengths to rescue.

Yes, it was Qing Tan! The youth receiving the massage was Chi Zheng whilst the one giving the massage was shockingly Yue Yao with the other male being Zi Kun.

"Haha, sorry but I will have to decline. I am more of a wine kind of person when I am looking to reward myself for breaking through. Girls would follow the honey, but my fine wine never leaves my bosom."

Zi Kun respectfully rejected Chi Zheng's gesture with a hidden meaning in his words which both Chi Zheng and Yue Yao clearly got.

But whilst Chi Zheng simply laughed it off, Yue Yao instead had a furious expression on her face as she gritted her teeth whilst her body heated up significantly before mistakenly adding more force into her massage slightly hurting Chi Zheng in the process. 



Chi Zheng felt the searing pain radiating from his back and sent a vicious slap towards Yue Yao who flew across the room crashing into the wall on the other side.

She quickly scurried to her knees and pleaded;

"I…I'm sorry master, I didn't mean to…" she stuttered in fear. Zi Kun saw this and his eyebrows twitched intensely.

At first, he couldn't understand the reason why his own father; the Clan Head of the Zi Super Clan to send word that they were to treat and serve Chi Zheng like they would their master.

But despite the direct order from his father, Zi Kun had never intended on serving his peer in such a fashion, not even if his life depended on it.

But looking at the Yue Yao who must have received the same order being treated in such a fashion, he couldn't help but feel disappointed within himself and in that moment, his desire to get stronger was heightened. 

"If you don't need me here again, then I would like to be on my way."

Seemingly unable to take the sight of the proud and highly regarded Yue Yao being treated as nothing more than a roadside whore, Zi Kun wanted to leave the place as the situation was currently crushing his heart, since Yue Yao was still the woman of his dreams.

At least until this morning. Suspecting the reasons behind Zi Kun's urge to leave, Chi Zheng initially wanted to force him to stay and watch what he was about to do with Yue Yao so he could send a clear message to Zi Kun. 

But after a bit of thought, he decided to go against it as he replied; "Un, tell Lao Shi that I would be sending them over by tomorrow morning."

He waved his hand at Zi Kun in a shooing manner without even looking at his face.

Unable to take any more of Chi Zheng's cocky behaviour, Zi Kun frowned slightly before leaving as he thought to himself;

"Hmph! You should know better that; pride comes before a fall."

Chi Zheng obviously noticed the change in Zi Kun's demeanour as he thought to himself;

"Stupid fool! It would be your turn to bow to me soon." 

Then he turned over to Yue Yao who was still trembling with a swollen mouth and a glaring palm print across her right cheek.

Her eyes became teary as she thought about how she now had a glaring and still itching palm print on her left butt cheek and another palm print across her right cheek.

When she thought about how she received both prints, she couldn't help but review how her fame and status had begun to degrade since she met one certain bastard outside the Sunfire City gate.

Thus, she attributed and pinned all the injustice she had felt since then on him; Min Hong! 

"You still have time to get lost in thoughts?!"

Chi Zheng still in his sitting position, looked over to Yue Yao who was jolted in fright at his voice and quickly pleaded;

"I… I'm sorry master, please punish my rash behaviour."

Chi Zheng smiled contently at how he had been able to finally conquer this sex beacon who always had a condescending look on her face every time he had previously approached her.

She had even disgraced him publicly on multiple occasions, as he thought of how it would feel for everyone to see the highly rated dame scurrying beneath his legs.

"Your massage really worked wonders, so I will let you choose how you want to be punished…"

Chi Zheng looked at her sexy, voluptuous and hourglass figure as he licked his lips which was now curved into a devious smirk.

He really felt elated that he could conquer and turn Yue Yao into nothing more than a slave in less than a day.

Yue Yao obviously saw his grin as she crawled over to him and used her soft hands to caress his chest from the neck down to the chest and finally to the little Zheng who was currently as hard as an iron rod.

Sensing the lustful gaze that Chi Zheng was currently giving her, Yue Yao reluctantly ad tearfully began to strip Chi Zheng's clothes completely…

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