The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 102 - Cap 93: "Seriousness"

"It's good to see that everyone is present," Hiruzen said, noting how all the leaders of the different Konoha clans were present.

"I don't think this is a time for greetings, Hiruzen-sama" - said Shikaku seriously - "Not when we have a Tokubetsu no Jonin dead in our village"

"I know..." - sighed the Hokage - "I'm going straight to the point"

"Sir..." - Tsume said as she looked at her leader, then looked at the young redhead - "I understand that the Uzumaki clan has a right to be present at the... but shouldn't Kushina be there instead of the cub?"

"If you have something against me, just say so, Inuzuka-san" - said Kurama while his eyes glowed slightly - "We can settle this anytime"

"I was thinking it would be a good idea to do that right now," Tsume replied as she showed him her fangs.

Kurama only released his tails as he ruffled them. He had had enough of that woman.

"Enough!" - exclaimed Hiruzen as he frowned - "Tsume-san, I remind you that Kurama-dono is the current leader of the Uzumaki clan, so he has the right to enter this meeting"

"Forgive me, Hiruzen-sama" - Tsume bowed slightly as she returned to her original location, though she was still casting annoying glances at the redhead.

"Relax, Sekkusu Kami-sama," Shikaku said as he rolled his eyes.

"Tell her, not me" - answered the young Uzumaki with a clear annoyance - "And don't call me that"

"Right! He's Sekkusu Kami-sama!" - the men exclaimed as they ran to the boy for advice or a blessing.

"And there goes the seriousness of the meeting" - sighed Hiruzen as he gave his Commander Jonin an annoying look - "Why did you do that, Shikaku?"

"Because the atmosphere was too tense and it wouldn't be good for our discussion" - answered Leader Nara - "At least now things can continue without interruption"

"Only if they stop bothering him" - denied the old Sandaime - "Anyway, we just have to wait"

* * * * *

"That was not very nice, Shikaku-san," Kurama said with a clear frown on his face.

"I am sorry, Troublesome Redhead, but it was the only way to relax the others," replied the Nara.

Kurama only rolled his eyes but he had to admit that it was effective. The tension in the room was gone and now there was only cold, monotonous tranquility.

"Thank you very much for your service, Sekkusu Kami-sama," Hiruzen said with clear amus.e.m.e.nt as the ginger man clicked his tongue, "Anyway, what I wanted to say was this"

"Shouldn't Jiraiya-sama be there too?" - Choza asked as he looked around, only to notice that the man was nowhere to be found.

"I am sorry to say he is indisposed," sighed the Hokage. "I am sure you can deduce where he is"

Those present only shook their heads while thinking that he should most likely be in one of two places. The first, the Hot Springs (Taking a Beating) and Second, the Hospital (Recovering from the Beating).

"We'd better get back to the main issue, the death of young Hayate Gekko" - said Hiruzen as the atmosphere in the room became tense again although it was much more controlled now - "As the reports said, Hayate-kun died inside Konoha while conducting an investigation against Suna for possible treason"

". . ." - those present were silent as they listened to their leader.

"After receiving the information about an unstable Jinchuriki and no, it is not Kurama-dono" - quickly added the old Sandaime as he noticed the looks of those present who were giving the young redheaded man - "And another information that I cannot reveal because it was mostly supposition, I decided to watch Suna's every move, until yesterday, Hayate-kun followed their leader Baki to a watchtower"

"Sir... I know it's a stupid question because we all know the answer already but I'm still going to ask it" - said Shikaku seriously - "How is it possible that not only is one of our Watchtowers not protected but it has also been taken over by hostile forces without our knowledge?"

"As you said yourself, we already know the answer," said Kurama seriously. "There's a traitor in Konoha's ranks and I'm sure everyone here has an idea of who"

"We need solid evidence, Kurama-dono" - said Shikaku - "I am not trying to defend anyone but as long as we do not have concrete evidence, any move we make can be used by that person and returned to us"

"I'm going to make a little prediction..." - replied Kurama while closing his eyes - "There was Root Anbu at that location"

". . ." - those present gave the Hokage a look who had a serious look on his face - "Indeed, there was Root Anbu in that place... or so says the last report Hayate-kun made..."

"!" - the people present opened their eyes in surprise, at least all except Shibi, who was shaking his head. He still remembered how young Torune, his adopted son, had sacrificed himself to replace his son as Danzo's recruit.

Those present began to discuss this new information as Inoichi, who had been freed from his wife, took a serious look. The poor man was practically in his bones but still attended the meeting.

"Is something wrong, Inoichi?" - Shikaku asked as he saw the blond man who was a little calmer... or was it better to say that he was tired?

"It's nothing..." - Inoichi only shook his head as he remembered how a member of his clan had been seen hanging around Danzo. At first, he had not cared because despite what he had done, Danzo had not gone beyond the limit of what was acceptable but now he was worried about young Yamanaka.

"Silence!" - Hiruzen exclaimed - "This is no time to argue about that, but about the danger around us!"

". . ." - the Leaders were silent again as they listened to the Hokage.

"With the information we have, it is obvious that Oto and Suna plan to invade Konoha," Hiruzen said seriously. "And there is 'someone' in the village who helps them internally"

Hiruzen decided not to point out who that person was but with all the clues given, it was obvious who it was.

"Hiruzen-sama... what shall we do with Suna?" - Inoichi asked.

"Nothing..." - the Hokage denied.

"Nothing?" - Those present were surprised when they heard this.

"At least for the moment," added the old Sandaime, "Suna has made no move. If we hurry, we could lose a great opportunity.

"Do you know something, Hiruzen-sama?" - Shikaku asked seriously.

"No... I just have a feeling that things will change in our favor" - answered Hiruzen - "You can consider them the words of a senile old man or simply the instinct of a warrior who has survived three wars"

"What shall we do then?" - Tsume asked with a scowl.

"Prepare," the Sandaime replied again, "I want all shinobi clans to prepare for a possible invasion. Remember to be discreet, try not to make your directions so drastic that any spies inside will not discover anything strange"

". . ."- Shikaku frowned when he heard this because it was obvious that Hiruzen had not said something important.

"You are dismissed," Hiruzen said seriously. "Shikaku... I want you to stay awhile."

"Hai" - those present nodded as they withdrew, leaving the two men alone.

"Shikaku...I am sure you noticed the problem with my directions," Hiruzen said as he looked at his advisor.

"Yes... it is obvious that Suna and Oto will be attentive to the small movements of the shinobi of Konoha" - said Shikaku seriously.

"That is why I have a secret plan, although to achieve it I need the help of the Uzumaki clan," said Hiruzen as he turned around.

"Seals?" - Shikaku asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Seals," the Hokage nodded.

* * * * *

"Do you need anything?" - Kurama asked with a scowl as he watched Tsume wait for him outside the mansion.

"What is it, Tsume?" - Mikoto asked as she saw the situation. She was waiting for the red-haired man so that they could spend some time together because he had been trained for the Test all along.

"Mikoto... I ask you to leave us alone..." - Tsume said seriously as she looked at her friend - "This is important"

"Mikoto-san... I ask you to listen to her" - Kurama nodded as he looked at the Uchiha woman - "Kaasan is in Yugao-san's house"

"Ok," Mikoto nodded as she withdrew.

"Now... what do you need?" - Kurama asked as he took one look at the Inuzuka woman.

"Fight, you and I," Tsume said seriously. "I have been waiting for this for days..."

Kurama frowned when he heard this but still nodded.

The two quickly advanced into the forest of death because that would be the best place to fight without being interrupted.

"I think this is a good place," Kurama said as he looked at the woman but before he could say anything more, he noticed how the woman was running at him at full speed with a wild smile on her face - ". . ."

"Stop talking and fight!" - Tsume roared as her gaze grew sharper and sharper.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I uploaded a chapter earlier because today I have to go buy something to fix my house... I'm not going to go into more detail because I feel I don't need to explain more.

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