The Legend Of The Kyubi

Chapter 103 - Cap 94: Instinct

"Hmm... not bad..." - said Kurama when he saw that the woman had managed to rip the right sleeve off his yukata - "Although I'm a little upset now... this was my favorite yukata..."

"Don't worry, it won't be the only thing broken" - snorted Tsume as she threw herself at the redhead.

"I agree..." - said Kurama as he appeared in front of the woman and punched her in the stomach - "Ack!"

"Because I'm also going to break that pride of yours..." - continued the redhead as he watched Tsume fall to the ground in pain. The poor woman felt the air escape from her lungs as she looked at the boy in anger - "Y-You..."

"Let's see if, when I'm done with you, you'll still show me your fangs," said Kurama as he released his tails.

Tsume did not respond to his words, only rising with difficulty as she glared at the boy.

"I like those eyes... I wonder if you will still be able to keep them when I begin to subject you," the young Uzumaki smiled.

"I will never submit! I am an Alpha!" Tsume exclaimed angrily as she lunged at the ginger again.

Kurama only snorted back as he easily dodged Tsume's attacks.

"An Inuzuka never goes back!" - Tsume shouted in fury as her animal features grew wilder and wilder.

"Okay, this is getting annoying," Kurama frowned as he noticed the woman becoming increasingly violent in her attacks but what made things worse was that he was beginning to experience changes as well. His slit pupils widened slightly as his body tensed - ". . ."

"What's wrong, cub?" - Tsume asked as she took irregular breaths.

"I've had enough of this," murmured the blond who was becoming uncomfortable with the whole situation. He quickly disappeared and reappeared behind the woman.

"!" - Tsume could only watch in surprise as she hadn't felt the redhead until it was too late. The boy quickly wrapped his tails around the woman's arms and threw her to the ground, only to proceed to bite her on the neck but to the surprise of both of them, Tsume did not react the way they thought - "Hyaaaaaaan~!"

". . ." - an uncomfortable silence surrounded the two involved, who could only look at each other in surprise. Tsume had a red face while the young Uzumaki did not know exactly how to react to all this. His fangs still pressed against the smooth skin of the Inuzuka matriarch, who could feel her body heat building. Now she understood why she was so irritated with her friend's son and the thought made her pale.

"Impossible!" - exclaimed the woman in her thoughts - "I've been in heat before but I've never reacted this way to a male!"

". . ." - Kurama frowned when he noticed the woman's body starting to get hot, so he decided to back off because it was affecting him too. He could feel his nose starting to itch, his Testosterone levels rising and his excitement level rising as well - "I think we'd better leave it at that."

"Wait!" - Tsume exclaimed in surprise when she heard the ginger's words.

"What more do you need?" - Kurama asked as he tried to control himself. He already understood what was happening and why. Tsume was in heat, and that was the reason for his reactions.

"W-Well... - the woman could only look away in discomfort.

"I'd better leave..." - replied the Uzumaki as he turned around, but when he did, he felt the woman running at full speed against him, so he took a step to the side to avoid the attack - "What was that?"

"I-I'm sorry... but I can't hold back any longer..." - Tsume muttered as her gaze sharpened. This was one of the flaws of the Inuzuka, that they could not contain themselves to their instincts.

When an Inuzuka female is in heat, she seeks out the strongest male in the pack so that she can leave a better offspring, but there is a slight problem in the courtship between Inuzuka, and that is that the male has to try to subdue the female if he succeeds, then the female and male will be partners for life but if the male fails to subdue the female, then she simply discards him after he has fertilized her. If the male maintains his power in the pack after he has performed the act of reproduction, then he will have another chance to subdue the female when she is in heat again.

"You're playing with fire..." - said Kurama as his gaze sharpened like that of the female. The pheromones the woman was releasing were affecting him more than he thought.

"Are you finally going to fight for real?" - asked the woman as she licked her lips. She could instinctively sense the boy's capacity as a potential partner and he was far, far superior to his former partner, Hana and Kiba's father, who had decided to walk away after failing to subdue her on two occasions.

"I'm warning you..." - Kurama grunted as his tails trembled slightly in a threatening manner.

"Come!" - Tsume exclaimed as she ran at the redhead, who only responded with another grunt.

* * * * *

"I think it's this way..." - said Jiraiya as he walked through the Forest of Death in the direction where they had seen the redhead running - "My perverted senses are flashing like police car sirens..."

"Enough!" - exclaimed Kurama in the distance.

"Jackpot!" - thought the Sannin as he ran in the direction of the scream, only to be surprised when he reached the spot because Kurama was on top of Tsume as he grunted at him. The woman was growling back at him but unlike the threatening sound of the boy, she was growling seductively.

Jiraiya could only open his mouth in surprise as he hid in the bushes to better understand the situation, though he had unconsciously taken out his notebook.

"That's enough..." - Kurama said coolly.

"No... this hasn't started yet..." - Tsume grunted as she felt her body grow hotter and hotter. She was experiencing such a wild 'courtship' for the first time in her life because usually, things ended up with her on top showing her dominance.

Kurama frowned as he felt the woman was moving his body to encourage him to continue, and honestly, his instincts were telling him to simply do it.

"Aren't you a male?" - Tsume asked uncomfortably when he noticed that the boy was still not doing anything with her despite how much she was encouraging him.

The redhead's expression grew even colder when he heard the woman's insult, but before he could say anything more, he heard a perverted laugh next to what seemed to be someone writing at full speed.

". . ." - Tsume also heard the same thing and understood very well who it was.

Neither of them had been able to detect the newcomer because they were completely focused on each other and the pheromones had blocked each other's sense of smell.

"What shall I call this version? Beauty and the beast? No... that sounds like a children's story" - mumbled Jiraiya - "I think I'd better take the easy way out and call it Icha Icha Wild"

"I think it's better to call it Icha Icha Hospital..." - said Kurama coldly.

"No... I have that name reserved for the Nurses' Special" - answered Jiraiya as he continued to write at full speed but his hand stopped when he noticed the presence of the couple who until recently were fighting - "Hello... it's good to see you..."

". . ." - Both Kurama, and Tsume, only smiled at the Sannin as they cracked their knuckles.

"Mommy..." -.said Jiraiya as he began to scream in pain.

* * * * *

"Where were we?" Tsume asked with a seductive smile.

". . ." - Kurama only walked silently because his instincts were becoming more and more indomitable.

"Am I not a good enough match to have offspring?" - Tsume asked with a scowl. It was the first time anyone had ignored her for so long. If it were not for the fact that she knew he was Sekkusu Kami-sama, she would have thought him a homos.e.x.u.a.l - "Do you have any particular tastes?"

". . ." - Kurama stopped his steps when he heard the woman speak - "Ok... I think I've resisted your words more than enough..."

"?" - Tsume gave her a confused look but her expression changed to one of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e when she felt how the redhead was behind her and was grabbing one of her b.r.e.a.s.ts - "Hmm~"

"I think I've let you insult my masculinity too much, so I'm going to have to show you why they call me Sekkusu Kami-sama..." - Kurama said coolly - "Let's see if you can handle me, Tsume..."

"!" - Tsume was surprised to feel the redhead biting his neck - "Ahhhhhhhhhhh~!"

"I warned you not to provoke me... I warned you that you were playing with fire" - said Kurama seriously as with one quick move he tore the woman's clothes apart. If he understood the Inuzuka, this was the most effective way to do the job, after all, the Inuzuka are savages by nature.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 113 available in Pa treon

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