The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 118: The End Road.

The mirrored surface of the water reflected the light from the artificial sunlight all around. Li Jun was stood next to Lao's huge body as Hatu entered. They were both discussing something as Haru entered but he couldn't quite make out what they were saying. 

He approached them when Li Jun started to turn around. 

"You're here good. I think you are strong enough mentally and physically to enter the abandoned god of desolation's mansion. I was hoping to wait until you were a bit stronger but I really don't know how much time I will have left.

I want to make sure you will be safe when you enter. There are lots of traps scattered around and there are even a few puppets you might have to battle. At least if I am here I can help you out a little bit." Li Jun explained.

"Mansion? Surely you don't mean that thing?" Haru pointed over to the floating mount of rock and dirt. 

Every time he had entered his soul ocean to cultivate he had seen it and wanted to stay as far away as he possibly could. He had gotten used to it being there since it never moved but he always felt a great fear when he caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of his eye. 

"Yeah I did tell you that you will enter eventually, I just didn't expect it to be this quickly." Li Jun bit his lip and then replied with a hint of hesitation in his voice.

Haru picked up on Li Jun's nervousness which made him fear going into the mansion even more. If even his seemingly immortal teacher was worried then what would it mean was in store for Haru?

"Are you sure that I am ready for it? I don't want to go in there only to die." Haru asked nervously

"Of course you are ready. And what made you think that you would die? I never said anything about it being dangerous to you. It is a part of your cultivation technique why would it harm you? 

There are just a bunch of restrictions placed on the doors. You didn't have enough Qi to even make it past the gates the last time we met. But you have gotten significantly stronger. 

You might even be able to make it past the front door if my predictions are correct." Li Jun smiled gently. 

There was definitely something bothering him but Haru didn't dare to ask. He knew he wouldn't get an answer even if he did so he assumed it had nothing to do with him and then decided to trust Li Jun's judgment. 

"Okay then. How do I get up there? Should I just jump?" Haru asked. 

Li Jun stood still for a second and then laughed. 

"You didn't think it would be that easy did you? It will take time. You won't be able to get there right now. You will first need to learn the law of space." Li Jun said after he stopped laughing.

"The law of space?" Haru asked. 

"Yeah. I was saving it for later but I might as well give it to you now." Li Jun replied and then pulled out a stone tablet much like the one Haru had been given to learn the law of time. 

"I want you to close your eyes and then sense the words with your Qi." Li Jun instructed.

Haru didn't say anything else as he took the tablet from his teacher and then sat down on the floor and followed the instructions in silence. 

"Oh and remember don't stray off course no matter what you experience." Li Jun added just as Haru began to reach out with his Qi

Haru had heard Li Jun's words of advice but didn't understand what he meant by them, He was about to ask but it was already too late.

He was plunged into darkness as the power from the tablet infiltrated his mind. 

There was a static feeling all around Haru's body. He thought it was strange until he opened his eyes to see something truly spectacular. 

All around him were stars. In every direction, he could see different stars and hundreds of colours as nebula and galaxies floating around the dark void of space.

��Am I in space?" Haru couldn't help but ask out loud. He was awestruck by what he was seeing. He took in the view for a few minutes before realising that he had better get on with whatever he was supposed to be doing there. 

But the only problem was that he didn't know what he was supposed to be doing there. 

Haru then looked down at his feet. There was no solid ground it just seemed to be some kind of barrier making sure that he didn't go anywhere. He then realised there was gravity still affecting his body. 

"This can't be space." He said while coming to the conclusion that everything he was seeing was what the tablet wanted him to see. 

He felt slight disappointment knowing that what he was seeing wasn't real but he then noticed something out of place. 

A few steps away from where he was there was an old Victorian style lamp and what looked to be a sign underneath. 

He thought it was a little strange so decided to go and see what the sign said. He walked over nervously, not entirely trusting the ground that he walked upon. 

As he was close enough to read the sign an old cobbled pathway opened up out of nowhere right before his eyes. He got even closer before actually reading the sign due to being distracted by the pathway. 

"The end road." Where the only words on the sign. It didn't give much of an explanation but it seemed to be the only way Haru could go so he decided to take the floating cobbled pathway despite it being a mystery where it would lead to.

He took a single step onto the road before him. The feeling of wind brushed over his skin. It seemed to come from nowhere but the road was enveloped in a blanket of dark fog.

The fog took away all of the light produced by the lamp behind him leaving Haru searching blindly for a way out. At first, he panicked. He felt helpless as the feeling of fear started to rise in his very soul.

He suddenly felt a warm breath on the back of his neck. His hair then blew from another breath. Whatever it was then in hailed, taking in Haru's scent.

'What is it? Why am I so scared? I have the feeling that I shouldn't look at whatever it is…' Haru thought as the hair on his nick shot up and his muscles became tense. 

He had no choice the only thing he could do was follow the path as best as he could and try to ignore whatever was behind him. It didn't seem like it would harm him but Haru was simply too scared to look at it.

As he walked the sound of his footsteps echoed out. But something was strange. They didn't seem to match Haru's pace and seemed a little heavier. 

He then stopped walking. There was a slight delay before the footsteps stopped but as they did there was another warm breath on the back of his neck.

'Great. It's following me." Haru thought before walking again. 

The road was constantly in darkness and the ground was uneven in some parts but he had no choice but to continue walking. If he stopped then whatever was following him would get closer. And he didn't even want to know what would happen if he turned back. So he continued on down the path of darkness.

Until a light emerged from the end of the road. It looked like an opening. Haru was half tempted to make a dash toward the light but he sensed something at the end of the pathway. Whatever it was, seemed much more terrifying than the thing that was following him.

He continued to walk toward the light. At least the thing up ahead didn't seem to move. The breath brushed against his neck once more as he edged toward the light. 

He sensed the Qi around him to try to get a better understanding of the source of these things that were on the road with him. It then occurred to him that whatever was behind him didn't have a presence. But whatever was lurking in the light seemed to narrow in on him.

It moved towards him rapidly shining a light on the darkness. Everything that the light touched vanished instantly as it moved closer to him. 

Haru stood helplessly before the thought came to him. 

"Why couldn't there just have been a door at the end of the path or something simple. Why would they send light that seems to obliterate everything?" As he thought out loud once more the sound of creaking wood sounded out from behind him.

Haru turned while squinting out of fear but to his surprise the only thing that was there was an open door.

"Surely not? There is no way I am going in there." He said.

As soon as he spoke a deafening hiss sounded out from behind him. He felt something wet on his shoulder.

"On second thought. Fuck it!" Haru shouted before jumping through the doorway. He felt tired as something wet dripped down his shoulder. 

The light patter of rain falling from the clouds and then hitting the ground brought him to his senses. Haru opened his eyes slowly.

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