The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 119: Servant Of Zhu.

Each drop of rain hit the surface of the water causing splashes to rise. Haru sat still and adjusted to the light that was now pouring through the clouds. It was at that moment he noticed he didn't feel a single drop of rain on him.

He then looked at the floor to see a circular shadow around him. 'What is that?' He thought before looking up to see what it was. 

He turned to his right to see long black suit pants and then followed them up to where he saw a black suit jacket. There was a man standing next to where he had been sitting. Haru didn't recognise him at all and he was holding an umbrella to keep the rain from hitting him.

The man was staring out into the lake seemingly lost in thought and didn't realise as Haru looked up at him. 

"Hello?" Haru asked in confusion.

The man jumped slightly as his thoughts were interrupted.

"Oh hello, sir. How are you feeling?" The man asked in a friendly tone. 

"I'm fine… But that is beside the point. Who are you?" Haru asked. He still didn't have any idea who the man was. 

"Oh, I am just a servant of the Zhu family. There is no need to know my name." The man said with a smile. 

"Oh, well okay. But why are you covering me with your umbrella? Did you need something?" Haru was still really confused. He had no idea what this man wanted with him. 

"Oh, yeah. I was walking with Master Zhu earlier this morning and when he spotted you sat in the rain he ordered me to hold my umbrella over you until you woke up." The man explained.

"He did? Why would he do something like that?" Haru asked. At least one of his questions where answered but that only lead to even more questions, this servant seemed to have trouble explaining things.

"I'm not sure. He said something about you being a cultivator too and he might have some use for you if you decided to come back and thank him for the kind gesture… Wait I wasn't supposed to tell you that." The Servant then said and then covered his face with his hand.

Haru couldn't help but laugh. 'No wonder this guy was the one ordered to watch over me. If I had a servant this useless I would want him as far away from me as possible too. But who is this master Zhu guy?" Haru thought before standing up. 

"So your master Zhu wanted me to see him? Then where is he? Did he say what he wanted?" Haru asked. 

"Um, I don't think so he just referred to needing help refining a pill for his father." The servant then said. 

"He needs a pill refined? I might be able to help with that. But not for free of course." Haru smirked. 

"Wait to hold it. There is no use talking about money with me. I am bad with numbers. If you want to negotiate you had best do it with Master Zhu himself." The servant began to panic.

'There has got to be a story behind that reaction. Is this guy really so useless that he messed up a deal or something?" Haru smiled and then brushed off the mud from his clothes. 

He then realised the wet mud had absorbed into his clothes and wouldn't simply come off with a wipe. He took a step back away from the servent and then used the golden phoenix flames to target just the mud from his clothes and then burnt it all away leaving them looking as good as new. 

"Okay then. Where is this Master Zhu?" Haru asked. 

The man then began to guide Haru towards a black car that was parked outside the park. He got into the back without asking any questions and then the servant began to drive. Haru sat there for a few moments in silence before deciding to enter his soul ocean to escape the awkward silence.

"Li Jun? You here?" Haru asked. 

There was silence for a few seconds before Li Jun appeared out of thin air.

"Oh, you are back? I guess it's time to move on to stage too of training." Li Jun smiled and then looked back at Haru noticing the look on his face.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"I don't know. It's just I don't think that tablet you gave me worked. Wasn't I supposed to gain the law of space or something? I don't feel any different. I don't think that it actually worked." Haru complained. 

Li Jun smiled for a few seconds before speaking.

"Well have you ever experienced to space before? The only reason you felt different after learning the law of time is because you experience time every day. If you have never experienced space then you won't know what to look for. It's simple. 

The tablets are designed to trap the people who can't learn the laws. The fact that you are outside right now confirms that you learned it. Not to mention the fact that I can feel the law within your body. You have nothing to worry about." Li Jun said, putting him at ease. 

"Oh, I see. I was worried for nothing. Well, what is next then?" Haru asked. 

"Do you remember the breath of shadow technique that you learned?" Li Jun asked with a smirk.

"Yeah. why?" Haru replied. Now even more confused.

"Well, that is a technique that was stolen from the law of space. The original technique is a simple power you will be able to use when you learn how to harness the power of space.

And by learning it you will be able to travel hundreds of kilometres with a single step. And that is going to be how you enter the mansion. 

You will practice sensing the law of space at night. And during the day you will come here and try to get to the top of the floating mansion in a single step." Li Jun explained and then handed a piece of paper to Haru. 

"Put some of your Qi into the paper." He said and then took a step back to watch Haru follow his instructions. 

As soon as Haru put his Qi into the paper it began to glow white and suddenly his mind was filled with an image of a shadow performing the move. The shadow seemed to cut a hole in space by slicing his hand down and then he stepped into the rift its self.

After it repeated three times Haru came back to his senses. But during the process of regaining his senses, he came out of his soul ocean involuntarily but it seemed to be the perfect time as when he opened his eyes the car was driving down a long gravel road that was surrounded by trees on all sides.

The car rolled up to the house at the very end of the road. The house was traditionally designed with big sloping roofs and overhangs. The support beams were painted red with the rest of the house being black and white.

As the car came to a stop the servant who was driving turned around and shouted. 

"We're here."

Haru looked at him for a few moments. 'Is there something wrong with this guys head? Why is he shouting when I am this close to him?' Haru thought.

"Yeah… I can see it." He replied.

"Okay then. Follow me." The servant said and then stepped out of the car before opening the door for Haru.

Haru stepped out and then closed the door behind him before following the servant through the front doors of the house and into a room that greeted whoever entered with a huge stair case that split of in two directions.

The floors were made out of oak planks that seemed to be worn but still clean. The smell of spices drifted throughout the house. 

"Kang? Is that you?" A voice called out from upstairs.

"Yes, Master Zhu. I brought that boy from the park with me." The servant shouted back. 

"You did? That's great. I will be down in a few minutes. Show him to the living room for me." The voice shouted back and then the sound of footsteps faded into the distance.

Haru looked at the servant for a minute before the words seem to register in his head.

"The living room? Oh, Right this way." He said and then started walking down an open corridor on the grown floor.

The walls on the inside seemed to be paper thin as Haru could see shadows of objects through them. But the remained opaque. They walked for what seemed like a whole minute down a straight corridor before the servant opened a sliding door revealing the most modern-looking part of the house. 

There were two couches facing each other. Separated by a glass table. The walls were painted a light shade of grey with a tv mounted on one of them. But the most eye-catching thing was the wall of glass at the very back of the room that looked out onto a beautiful rose garden that looked like it went on for miles. 

Haru walked over to the window and looked outside. 

"Too bad it's still raining. This place would look even better on a sunny day." Haru said to himself as he heard the door close behind him. He turned to see that the servant had left. Now leaving him all alone in a strangers house.

He felt strange as he looked around at the room. It seemed to be a family home. They had framed pictures of children on the walls as well as a painted portrait of a young looking man and women standing together. There was a brass plate on the painting that dated it back to being fifty years old.

Haru then sat down on the couch and waited patiently.

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