the other side.


   Because of the destruction of the Dayan dynasty, it caused an immediate change in the sub-list of Qianlong Ranking-San Anzhou.


  Daiyan Dynasty was removed from the ‘list’.




   The dynasties of San Anzhou have sensed the changes in the Qianlong List.


  Hunwu Dynasty.






   Qin Qipu suddenly stood up, his eyes flashing like electricity, and a shocked expression appeared on his face, "How could this happen? The Dayan Dynasty... actually perished!"


   "Something big happened!"


at the same time.


  The Barbarian Emperors of the major barbarian dynasties, the Demon Emperors of the Demon Empires, and the Human Emperors of the Human Empires, all felt intimidated and checked the list changes.


   As long as the dynasty ranked higher than the Dayan dynasty for national luck, all the Dayan dynasties were found to have disappeared from the list, and only 29 of the 30 dynasties remained.


   Great Xia Dynasty.


   dominates the hub room.


   "There are only twenty-nine dynasties left."


   Jiangli opened his eyes, and he naturally sensed the change in the list. After checking with his own consciousness, he only saw that the number of dynasties had become twenty-nine.


  Because the national fortune of the Great Xia Dynasty is the second to last.


   So Jiang Li didn't know that the dynasty disappeared.




   Dominate the panel expansion.


   just now.


The number of    Jiangli's soul fire has increased a lot in a short time.


   This is obviously because the Dayan Dynasty used atomic and hydrogen bombs and the three major imperial guards died together.


   even blew up the entire imperial capital.


To know.


  Because they died together, these "atomic bombs" and "hydrogen bombs" not only killed nearly billions of guard soldiers, but also killed tens of billions of human soldiers.


   Even the people of the entire imperial capital were killed.




   Jiangli has harvested a large number of soul fire.




   At this time.


   Just as Jiang Li was looking at the Soul Fire, the battlefield of the Black Moon Imperial Capital suddenly changed, and Jiang Li immediately looked at the projection screen of the battlefield.


   hum! ! !


can be seen.


   In the high altitude of the battlefield.


   Wu Tongtian suddenly waved his right hand, and a silver circle flew out, and the circle released a bright brilliance, forming an array.


   space array map.


   "Space array!"


   Dongyue Demon Emperor's pupils contracted, and there was a tingling sensation on the scalp, and something was faintly felt.


   Without hesitation, he turned and ran.


brush! !


   Full speed.


in a blink.


   just flew hundreds of thousands of meters away.


   is like teleporting.




   ‘Space Array Picture’ tore through the space, a vortex hole appeared, and then a figure walked out of it.


   is the Emperor Wu.


   "The minister sees His Majesty Wu Huang!"


   Wu Tongtian kowtowing.




  Originally, according to Emperor Wu’s plan, a Black Moon Dynasty was destroyed in a district. All that was needed was to send Wu Tongtian and the tens of billions of Wu Wang army, together with the Chongwu army, and all dynasties.


   is enough to win easily.




   Accidents happened one after another.


the most important is.


   The Emperor Wu felt intimidated and checked the ‘Qianlong Ranking-Sheng’anzhou’. He thought that the Black Moon Dynasty had been destroyed, but found out that the Dayan Dynasty had disappeared from the list.


  The Emperor Wu was suddenly shocked.


   Seeing such a situation.


  He doesn't know where, but something big happened in Zhongyu, San Anzhou.




   Emperor Wu didn't hesitate to use the backup plan, which inspired the'one-time transmission array' that Wu Tongtian brought directly to the battlefield.


To know.


   The ‘One-time Transmission Array Disk’ is extremely precious. It was exchanged from the ‘San Anzhou Chamber’ by Emperor Wu at a high price. Emperor Wu did not want to use it as a last resort.


   "Wu... Emperor Wu!!!"


   Heiyue Demon Emperor's eyes widened, his pupils contracted, cold sweat broke out on his face, and a look of horror appeared, "You... why are you here."


   "The Emperor Wu actually came."


   Jiangli raised his eyebrows as he watched the scene of the battlefield, "The'array map' just now should be a teleportation array. The Emperor Wu unexpectedly has this kind of thing."


   "The Emperor Wu personally ends, this war is basically over."




   Jiangli's sight fell on the projection screen.


   "Qianlong, immediately contact ‘KJZJD06’ and ‘KJZJD07’, ready to ‘fixed-point transmission’ at any time."


   Jiangli ordered.




   Qianlong responded.




   Jiangli summoned WMS01 to his side.


   finished these.


   Jiangli then ordered the ‘Super Holographic Soldier’ of the ‘Nuclear Energy Team’ to focus all the shots on Wu Huang’s body, staring intently.


   "Black Moon Demon Emperor."


  The Emperor Wu's gaze only swept over the Black Moon Demon Emperor, and then at the Dongyue Demon Emperor who was fleeing quickly, with a cold expression, "No wonder Wu Tongtian and the others have not taken the Black Moon Empire until now."


   "It turns out that it was your Dongyue Demon Emperor who was making trouble from it."


   "Very good!"


   "Since it's here, please stay."


   Boom! !


   The voice fell off.


  The Emperor Wu took the shot himself, stepping out in one step, as if the space was torn apart, and the terrifying martial arts coercion was released, as if teleporting, he directly stepped into the air.


   In a blink of an eye.


   Emperor Wu caught up with the Demon Emperor Dongyue.




   Dongyue Demon Emperor was terrified, feeling the terrifying coercion emanating from Emperor Wu, and screamed in shock: "Eight...Eighth order is complete!"


   "You have reached the eighth level of Consummation!!!"


   "Emperor Dragon Fist!"




  The Emperor Wu is good at attacking. He slammed down with a punch, his fist imprints like a real dragon, magnificent and magnificent. The terrifying fist moves seemed to tear the world apart, suppressing the Dongyue Demon Emperor.


   "There is no imprint of mountains and rivers!"


   "Blood is burning!"


   bang bang bang! !


   moments of crisis.


   The Dongyue Demon Emperor also tried his best. He burst out with all his strength, even burning his blood. The Sixth Dragon-level Imperial National Destiny Sacred Artifact protector displayed all his power.


   boom! ! !


   The vast mountains and rivers and the Great Seal manifested, and they rammed towards Emperor Wu.


  嘭! ! !


   Both sides collide.


   Emperor Wu's Emperor Dragon Fist was invincible, forming a stance like a ruin, suppressing all kinds of attacks from the Dongyue Demon Emperor, completely suppressing it.


"no no!!!"


   Dongyue Demon Emperor screamed more and more, vomiting blood, extremely frightened, backed back and tried to escape many times, but was easily intercepted by Emperor Wu.


   is very tragic.


To know.


   Dongyue Demon Emperor had fought Wu Tongtian for a long time and consumed a lot of time. Facing the Martial Emperor of the eighth-order Consummation, he was even more not an opponent.


  Injuries are getting worse.


   If it weren't for burning blood.


   Dongyue Demon Emperor was afraid that he couldn't catch the punches of Emperor Wu.




Seeing this kind of battle, Jiang Li said in a low voice, "Even though they are both at the eighth level, the Dongyue Demon Emperor is only in the early stage of the eighth level. If it weren’t for the demon emperor’s personality and various auxiliary means, I’m afraid it would have been long ago. Beheaded by Emperor Wu."


   "The Eighth-order Perfect Emperor Wu is really terrible."


   "The Profound meaning of Budo!"




  The Emperor Wu's eyes were cold, and he looked down at the Demon Emperor Dongyue condescendingly. At this time, the Demon Emperor Dongyue was covered in blood, suffering serious injuries, and coughing up blood in his mouth.




   The Dongyue Demon Emperor was horrified to the extreme, " actually have mastered the'Martial Dao Profound meaning'."


   "The law of martial arts!"




   Budo makes a fist, the brilliance of the whole body converges on his right hand, and finally all condenses on his fist, the extremely flaming golden light is dazzling.


   "Emperor Fist!"


  咚! ! !




   The Emperor Wu made this punch, although this punch did not have the power to integrate the national fortune of the dynasty, nor the power to integrate the sacred artifacts of the national fortune, nor the power to integrate the military formation.


  The Emperor Wu just combines the profound meaning of martial arts and his own cultivation.




   The power of this punch has reached the limit of order eight.


   is extremely scary.




   Dongyue Demon Emperor shouted, tried his best, burst out all his strength, bloodline manifestation, and an incomparably vast mountain emerged behind him.


  Eighth grade blood!




  The law phase burns, and the blood veins are covered by inflammation.


   bang bang bang! ! !


   There were continuous explosions.


  Because Emperor Wu's fist was too strong, the burst of brilliant fists shattered everything and knocked off the three six-dragon-level sacred artifacts of the Dongyue Demon Emperor.


  嘭! ! !


  The light curtain of the imperial national destiny of the Dongyue Demon Emperor Shenshan was shattered.




   The magic image of the mountain exploded.


  噗! ! !


   Blood splashes.


   The horrible fist light penetrated Dongyue Demon Emperor's chest.


   came out through the body.


   The power of the fist light fell on the ground behind the Dongyue Demon Emperor, the ground shattered, and an abyss-like trench was exploded, spreading all the way forward.


   meet the mountain broken mountain, meet the lake and break the lake.


   can't seem to see the end.




   Dongyue Demon Emperor uttered a terrible scream, he felt very clearly that his vitality was constantly extinct, and his death was constantly approaching.




   The fear of death surged in my heart!


"It's now."


   Jiangli's eyes lighted up, and he shouted: "Send to a certain point!"


   hum! ! !


   KJZJD06 activated the ‘fixed-point transmission’ function, and an invisible spatial beam came across time and space and landed on Jiangli and WMS01.


   Space shocks.


   Jiangli and WMS01 disappeared out of thin air.


   The screen turns.


   The aerial battlefield between Emperor Wu and Dongyue Demon Emperor.


   The space fluctuates.




   The emperor Wu's footsteps halted, and the aura on his body erupted, causing the situation to change, and the heaven and the earth paled. The Dongyue Demon Emperor screamed and took the opportunity to take the medicine and flee.




   Jiangli and WMS01 appeared at the same time.




   Emperor Wu was taken aback.


  锵! ! !


next moment.


   The sound of the sword sounded.






   Jiangli directly broke out with the strongest force.


   "The sword is coming!"


First of all.


   Jiangli controls and dominates the Dragon God Soldier, and the dragon-shaped bracelet on his wrist changes, turning into a black dragon scale long sword, swallowing sword light.


   "Mechanical manipulation!"






   Jiangli activated the ability to dominate the arms ‘Dominate the Mechanical Manipulator’ and locked the target of manipulation, “WMS01, the pupil of the devil!”




   Jiangli directly obtained the WMS01 "Demon God's Eye" skill.


brush! ! !


   A third eye appeared between Jiangli's eyebrows.


   Pupils opened.


   Purple and black pupils burst out.


   "Magic Eyes!"


   Jiangli stimulates the power of the pupil of the demon god, "the sacred instrument of the dynasty, the luck of the dynasty, the power of heaven and earth."


   hum! Hum! ! !


   Four powers.


   Under Jiang Li's manipulation, everything was attached to the black dragon scale sword in his hand.


   "High-energy particle pulse sword!"




   Jiangli slammed his strongest sword, and the four-fold power merged into the'high-energy particle pulse', turning it into a brilliant pulse sword light.


   formed a dazzling white sword light.


   spread like ripples.


   This sword!




   is almost to the extreme!


   It is as if it is almost reaching the speed of light, breaking through the constraints of space.


   Because it is too fast, too fast.


and so.


   The badly injured Dongyue Demon Emperor didn't even have time to react. In addition, the heavy defenses on his body were shattered by the Emperor Wu. Jiang Li's sword directly hit the Dongyue Demon Emperor.


  噗! ! !


   Scarlet blood splashed Demon Emperor's head flew.


   One sword beheaded!


After    Jiangli cut off the head of the Dongyue Demon Emperor, the remaining prestige contained in it continued to spread forward, marking a huge sword-shaped abyss on the ground.


   "Xia Huang Jiang Li!"


  The Emperor Wu came back to his senses, first glanced at the beheaded Dongyue Demon Emperor, and then immediately fell on Jiang Li's body, and asked in a deep voice, "Why did you suddenly appear here!"


   hum! ! !


at the same time.


  Dongyue Demon Emperor's corpse bursts with dazzling colorful brilliance, Jiang Li's gaze was staring straight, and he couldn't control his breathing and became rush.

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