The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 589: Get it

If you look closely, you will find that the colorful light on the Dongyue Demon Emperor's corpse is composed of eight completely different colors.


   is extremely gorgeous.


  Gray, black, white, purple, gold, red, orange, yellow.


   hum! ! !




   All the colored rays of light condensed into a single point, turning into an eight-colored light spot, which was as small as a firefly, suspended above the body of the Dongyue Demon Emperor.




next moment.


   This eight-color spot of light broke through the air, flew straight to Jiang Li, and merged into Jiang Li's body from the center of his forehead.




   [Capture a Tier 8 soul fire! 】




   prompt appears.


  Tier 8 soul fire!


   got it!


The corners of    Jiangli's mouth rose slightly, and a smile emerged from his face.


   "I didn't vain to take the risk, and I personally ended up, and even exposed the ability of ‘Space Teleport’, the Tier 8 Soul Tinder was obtained."


at the same time.


  Due to the fall of the Dongyue Demon Emperor, the real dragon of the Dongyue Demon Dynasty appeared. The huge dragon body was cracked and cracked continuously.


   The fortune of the dynasty began to collapse.




  Half of the imperial national fortune is separated from the true dragon of the Dongyue Demon Dynasty.




   The dragon's body was shortened by a full half of the "Dongyue True Dragon" and turned into a dragon-shaped streamer, disappearing into the distant sky, leaving only half of the national fortune.




   Emperor Wu didn't pay attention to the changes of Dongyue True Dragon, his eyes were fixed on Jiang Li, and he slowly approached Jiang Li.




   WMS01's body shook.


   stood in front of Jiang Li.




   WMS01 stared at Emperor Wu coldly.


   "The Emperor Wu."


   Jiangli has also recovered from his joy, and his sight has also fallen on Emperor Wu, "Congratulations, Emperor Wu, this battle is a great victory, kill the Dongyue Demon Emperor, and capture the Black Moon Dynasty."


   "Dongyue Demon Emperor died in your hands."


  The Emperor Wu stopped, he did not continue to approach, and then asked in a deep voice: "You haven't answered Gu, why did you suddenly appear on this battlefield? And the timing of appearance is so precise."


   "Didn’t Emperor Wu also teleport to the battlefield?"


   Jiangli smiled and said, "I just used the same methods as Emperor Wu."


   "It really is a spatial teleportation."


   Emperor Wu said coldly.


   Jiang shrugged noncommittal, and then said: "Emperor Wu, I feel that this is not the time to talk about this kind of thing. The war should be resolved as soon as possible. The occupation of the Black Moon Dynasty is the business."


   "Dong Yue is dead."


   Emperor Wu continued: "The only thing left is the Black Moon Demon Emperor who can't make any waves."


   "Compared to this, Gu wants to know why Emperor Xia can carry out ‘Space Teleport’. The space domain is a power that only the emperor can control."


   "Wu Huang, don't you use it too?"


   The river leaves the road.




   Emperor Wu's eyes fell silent.




   Emperor Wu used the ‘one-time space array’ to be transferred to the battlefield of the Black Moon Dynasty.


   But Jiang Li's appearance is somewhat different.


and so.


   Emperor Wu felt that Jiang Li did not use the ‘spatial array’ or other means.


   Emperor Wu naturally wanted to figure it out.


   Jiang Li is obviously not going to explain anything to Emperor Wu in detail, unless Emperor Wu chooses to turn his face and start Xiang Jiangli.


   But if you shoot in this situation.


First of all.


   The Emperor Wu dared not determine whether Jiang Li had any other players. He was not absolutely sure to take Jiang Li. If Jiang Li was allowed to escape, the trouble would be even greater.


   Let’s not say that the Emperor Wu Dynasty will provoke the infamy of ‘infighting’ on his back.


   will arouse hostility from other human dynasties.


One more thing.


  The Great Xia Dynasty has the ability to make'nuclear weapons'. The power of'nuclear weapons' is undoubtedly powerful. At that time, the Emperor Wu Dynasty should not even want to buy'nuclear weapons'.




   Emperor Wu had to give up his plan to force Jiang Li by force.


   "The Real Art of Emperor Wu!"




  The Emperor Wu ran the exercises, and then rushed out a huge four-clawed golden dragon with a body length of 90,000 meters. It was the true dragon of the Emperor Wu Dynasty.


   The huge dragon's mouth opened.


   hum! Hum!


  The real dragon of King Wu was devouring half of the dynasty's fortune of the Dongyue Demon Emperor, and the dynasty's fortune covering the sky like a cloud of celebration was all swallowed.


   Jiang Li did not leave a trace.




   After devouring the fortune of the dynasty.


   The real dragon of King Wu disappeared and escaped into the body of Emperor Wu.


   Jiangli watched from the side, he did not stop, nor did he try to compete with Emperor Wu for the Dongyue Demon Dynasty's imperial fate, but quietly watched.


   If at this time and Wu Huang compete for national luck.


   I'm afraid it will really annoy Emperor Wu.


as far as I can tell.


   Jiangli did not have the strength of the eighth rank, so naturally he could not have a head-on conflict with Emperor Wu. Besides, Jiang Li's goal had been achieved and he had obtained the eighth rank soul fire.


  Even if the Dynasty’s national fortune was generously given to Emperor Wu.


time flies.


   half a day later.


   Because of the fall of the Dongyue Demon Emperor, coupled with Emperor Wu's personal dismissal, coupled with Wu Tongtian, they are two eighth-tier overlord-level powerhouses crushing the battlefield.


at dusk.


   The war is over.


   The Black Moon Demon Emperor fell, and Emperor Wu personally beheaded it.


   The monster army of the Black Moon Dynasty was completely destroyed.




   Jiangli also shot one after another, in conjunction with WMS01, beheaded a large number of monster soldiers and harvested a large number of soul fire.


   Night is coming.


   began to divide the spoils.


   is naturally based on the original distribution.


among them.


  The Emperor Wu directly took 60% of the national fortune and spoils of the imperial dynasty, while Emperor Wu and the Sword Emperor each took 10% of the national fortune and supplies.






can be seen.


   Xiao Linlin and Hun Tianjian took out the ‘sacred artifact of the imperial national destiny’, manifested the true dragon of the imperial dynasty, and absorbed 10% of the imperial national destiny of the Black Moon dynasty.




   The remaining 20% ​​is divided equally between the Daxia Dynasty, Lianzhen Dynasty, Wanlian Dynasty, Dayan Dynasty, Mobei Dynasty, and Tianzong Dynasty.




   The Great Yan Dynasty has been destroyed.


   The commander-in-chief of the ‘Imperial Force’ of the Dayan Dynasty, ‘He Yan’, has actually noticed it, because when the Dayan Dynasty was destroyed, the ‘Emperor Dragon’ on her body disappeared.


   "The Emperor Wu."


   He Yan saluted, and then asked: "Please Dayan Dynasty..."


   "It's destroyed."


   The Emperor Wu's gaze swept over He Yan and the others. Before He Yan had spoken, Emperor Wu said the unfortunate news, leaving He Yan and the others pale.


   "How... how come!"


   He Yan, their eyes widened, their feet staggered back, their faces pale.


   Jiangli's expression moved.


   He already knew that a dynasty disappeared on the'Qianlong Ranking-Shenganzhou', but he didn't know the specific dynasty.


   Now that I heard what Emperor Wu said, I already understood.


   Turned out to be the end of the Great Yan Dynasty.


   "Such a big move by the Wutian Demon Dynasty."


   Jiang thought while he was centrifugal.


  Because in this war, the'nuclear energy team' played a huge role, and Jiang Li personally came to the scene and attacked and killed the Dongyue Demon Emperor.


and so.


   The remaining 20% ​​of the national fortune and spoils of the Black Moon Dynasty.


   Jiangli directly took half of it.


   The last 10% was divided equally by the four dynasties of Lianzhen, Mobei, Wanlian and Tianzong.


Roar! !


After    Great Xia Qinglong swallowed up 10% of the dynasty's national fortune of the Black Moon Dynasty, it finally caused a change and the national fortune was qualitatively improved.


   directly increased from 11 thousand meters to fifteen thousand meters.


  In the "Hidden Dragon Ranking-San Anzhou", the ranking of the national games has been improved.




   Jiangli felt the call of the list.


"it is good."


  Rejoicing in the centrifugal river.


Not surprisingly.


   Great Xia Qinglong Gong will surely usher in a promotion, which is also the result Jiang Li wants.


  The war is over.


   Jiangli also got what he wanted. Although there were a lot of trophies, it was not easy to take away, so he sold them all to the Wu Dynasty at a relatively low price.




   Jiangli took away 10 billion low-grade spirit crystals, 100 million middle-grade spirit crystals, and 10 million high-grade spirit crystals, all of which were stored in the'extreme space storage bag'.


"gone back."


   Jiangli took Yue Fengji and they returned.




   Emperor Wu watched Jiang Li and the others leave. He didn't stop him. Instead, he began to deal with all the trivial matters of occupying and completely taking the "Black Moon Dynasty".


   It didn't take long.


  The other dynasty troops also left.


   Only He Yan stayed, and they joined the Wu Dynasty.


   "Fixed point teleportation!"




   Jiangli ordered ‘KJZJD 06’ to connect to the ‘Transmission Room’ of the 01 Corps base and carried out a spatial transmission, and an invisible spatial beam descended.


   covered Jiang Li, WMS01, and Yue Fengji.




   shining brightly.


   Jiangli, they disappeared out of thin air.


next moment.


   They appeared in the ‘Teleport Room’ of the 01 Army base.


"We're back."


   Yue Fengji they looked around, a little excited, "I really came back, directly teleported back from the east of San Anzhou, it seems that your Majesty has really mastered the power of space."


   Jiang Li had already exposed the ‘space’ ability in front of Emperor Wu in order to obtain the eighth-order soul fire, so Jiang Li did not intend to continue hiding.


the most important is.


   Jiangli has already obtained the eighth rank soul fire.


   As long as he is promoted to a powerful mechanical soldier of the eighth level, plus the ability to'dominate the mechanical manipulator', Jiang Li will also borrow the power of the'eighth mechanical soldier'.




   Jiangli has the real power to fight for hegemony.


   There is no need to be fearful anymore.


   "You all performed very well on this mission."


   Jiangli said.


   "Your Majesty."


Yue Fengji and Hong Tianqi took out the nine'controllable nuclear fission palm control generators', and then knelt down on their knees, with a nervous tone in response to the report: "This expedition killed ten members of the nuclear energy team, ministers, etc. Only nine'controllable nuclear fission palm control generators' were recovered, and one'controllable nuclear fission palm control generator' was lost."


   "Please punish your majesty."


   "It's just a small matter."


   Jiangli waved his hand, and said indifferently: "How easy is it to take solitary things? As for these nine'controllable nuclear fission control generators', they will be handed over to you."


   "The members of the'nuclear energy team who have been repaired as quickly as As for the specific candidates, it is up to you to decide."




   Yue Fengji and Hong Tianqi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in unison: "The ministers and others must fill in the defect of the'nuclear team' in the shortest time."




   Jiangli nodded in satisfaction.




   Jiangli took out a clean white jade bottle from his arms, which contained the'Seven Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill', which was only one, and handed it to Yue Fengji.


   "Yuefengji, this is the'Seven Spirits Barrier Breaking Pill'. You have stayed in the sixth stage of Consummation for a long time. I want to take this'Seven Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill' to help you break through the seventh stage."


   Jiangli said, "It's a reward for you to complete the task this time."

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