The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 590: select

"Seven Spirits Barrier Breaking Pill!"


   Yue Fengji quickly raised her head, staring fiercely at the jade bottle in Jiang Li's hand, and her mood was extremely excited, making her face flushed a bit.


   This is the best medicine of the seventh order.


   A superb elixir that can help Tier 6 to successfully break through to Tier 7.


to be frank.


   Yue Feng Ji had never thought that Jiang Li would reward such a precious pill, which made Yue Feng Ji's expression a little dazed, and it felt unreal.


   "Not holding it yet."


   Jiang Lijia's tone.


   "The minister, thank you Majesty!"


   Yue Fengji caught it with excitement, tightly held the jade bottle, and solemnly put it in his arms, for fear of being snatched away by others.




   Yuelin, Fei Lian, Wei Lin and they all looked at Yue Fengji with extremely envious eyes.


   "You all have rewards."


   Jiangli said.


brush! brush!




   Jiangli took out a bunch of ‘syringes’, all of which were gene-enhancing liquids, and they were all first-to-fourth-order enhanced liquids, fully equipped.


   Every member of the nuclear power team.


   will get a'set of gene enhancement solution'.


   is the first to fourth order.


   Tier 5 gene enhancement Ye Jiangli didn't take it out.


   "Thank your Majesty!!!"


   Wei Lin they shouted excitedly.


   "I went back and injected the'Gene Enhancement Liquid' to improve my cultivation."


   Jiangli said, "It won’t be long before there will be more fierce wars."




   "Leaders, please!"


   "The ministers will not disappoint your majesty!!!"


   Hong Tianqi, Xu Ya and the others shouted.




   Yue Fengji, Hong Tianqi and the others left the base. Jiang Li also walked out of the teleportation room and came to the dominating hub room. The dominating dragon **** soldier transformed into a rocking chair, and Jiang Li sat on the rocking chair.


   "Qianlong, how is the research progress of the sixth-order gene enhancement liquid?"


   Jiangli asked.


To know.


   Jiangli has recently promoted the No. 01 regiment base to the sixth tier, and the research center can already start researching the ‘sixth-tier genetic enhancement solution’.


   It's just that the research progress is extremely slow.




   The Qianlong that can transform into a human form appears.


   walked in front of Jiang Li.


   "Return to the master."


   Qianlong reported to Jiang Li, “The research progress is only one-tenth, and it will take at least a year to complete.”


   "It's a bit slow."


   The river leaves the road.


   "This is because there are not enough'research soldiers'."


   Qianlong said.




   Jiangli nodded, "The sixth-order gene enhancement solution is not in a hurry. Even if I have been injected now, it will not improve me much. I can afford to wait for more than a year."




   Qianlong nodded.






   Jiang thought of centrifugation, opened the best space storage bag, and took out the spirit crystals inside. These spirit crystals were the spoils of the Black Moon Dynasty.


   Then all are converted.


   gained a lot of energy points.


   10 billion low-grade spirit crystals have been transformed into one trillion energy points, and 100 million middle-grade spirit crystals have also been transformed into one trillion energy points.


At last.


   10 million high-grade spirit crystals.


   also converted one trillion energy points.


   A total of three trillion energy points were harvested.


brush! ! !


   Dominate the panel expansion.


   The number of energy points has grown to more than 1,300 trillion points, and then Jiang Li checked the current number of soul fire.


To know.


   Jiangli’s layout relies on the sale of'atomic bombs' and'hydrogen bombs' to the various human dynasties, allowing them to work for themselves.


First of all.


   is only on the battlefield of the Black Moon Dynasty.


  The ‘nuclear energy team’ led by Yue Fengji, the ‘atom bomb’ and the ‘hydrogen bomb’ thrown by the Emperor Wu Dynasty, and the nuclear weapons thrown away by the Chongwu Dynasty.


   at least killed more than 10 billion demon soldiers.


It can be said.


  Wu Wang's army was able to destroy and take down the Black Moon Dynasty with the loss of ‘two billion’ troops, and Jiang Li’s ‘nuclear weapons’ played a decisive role.




   In the case of multiple accidents.


   Whether it can win or not is not certain.


   Even if you can win.


  The loss of King Wu's army will definitely exceed 70% of its troops.




   There is also the battlefield of the ‘Dayan Dynasty’.


   They face the siege of the three major demon emperors, but they can only die.




  The Great Yan Dynasty fell.




  The "atomic bomb" and the "hydrogen bomb" that Jiangli sold to Yangui were all used. While killing 3 billion imprisoned demon soldiers, it also took away nearly 20 billion human soldiers.


   The entire Dayan Emperor was destroyed.


[Soul fire: 9.18 billion first-tier soul fire, 1.030 million second-tier soul fire, 85 million third-tier soul fire, 800,000 fourth-tier soul fire, and fifth-tier There are 7,000 soul fires, forty-five Tier 6 soul fires, and one Tier 8 soul fire. 】


   Although the power of ‘nuclear weapons’ is strong, it is difficult to cause damage to creatures above the sixth order, so soul fires above the sixth order hardly gain anything.




   The soul fire below the sixth rank has harvested a huge amount.




   Jiangli couldn't help laughing.


To know.


   Jiangli harvested such a huge amount of soul fire this time, but did not lose even a mechanical soldier, all relying on ‘nuclear weapons’ and the dynasty of the human race would work for Jiangli.


"Not bad."


   Jiangli smiled all over his face, "It seems that in the future, we will sell a lot of'atom bombs' and'hydrogen bombs' to other human dynasties. Even the'controllable nuclear fission control generators' can be sold."


   "Let the human dynasties harvest soul fire for themselves."




   "Not only can you obtain resources, but you can also reap the soul fire with ease, and you can also solve the barbarians and monsters. It's a three-shot plan."


   "The most important thing is that no matter it is the'atom bomb' and the'hydrogen bomb', as well as the'controllable nuclear fission control generator', all are under my control."


   "This avoids accidents."


   "Completely feasible."




  The interface is closed.


   Although this plan is highly feasible, the most important thing is to be promoted to an eighth-tier mechanical soldier. Only when he has the strength of the eighth-tier around him can Jiang Li take the initiative.


   Those overlord dynasties.


   can have the eighth-tier overlord-level powerhouse.


   "Then what class should I promote?"


   Jiangli was lost in thought.


First of all.


   Elite units can be eliminated.


   Two rank eight soul fires are needed to promote the elite arms. Jiang Li is now lucky to be able to get a rank 8 soul fire.


   want to get the second one.


   is completely a fantasy.


   is currently impossible to achieve.


and so.


   can only choose ordinary arms.


   Every time you consume soul fire to advance to rank, you will get a new skill. If you want to maximize your combat effectiveness, it is best to start from the first rank.




   After being promoted to the eighth rank.


   will have eight different skills.


   combat effectiveness is the strongest.


time flies.


   Jiangli was recalling the memory of the game at the beginning, and then filtered one unit after another, and finally made a decision to determine the unit to be promoted.


   "It's him."


   Jiangli opened his eyes.


   shone brightly.


A few minutes later.


   dominates the hub room.


in the room.


   Except Jiang Li and Qianlong.


   There was another burly mechanical soldier.






   Standing in front of Jiang Li was a young man about his height. He was about 20 years old, his face was cold and expressionless, and he was wearing a military green camouflage uniform and military hat.


   wear camouflage uniforms all over.


   The rank of sergeant.


   "Wang Gang!"


   Jiangli looked at each other.


   That's right.


   Jiangli is preparing to complete the GD01 combat mechanical soldier'Wang Gang' from Tier 1 to Tier 8, and become his first Tier 8 arms.


Of course.


   Jiangli was promoted to Wang Gang not because Wang Gang was the first mechanical soldier he produced, but a decision made after careful consideration.




   Since having the'mechanical arsenal', it has also opened the'arms fusion function', and a variety of'elite fusion arms' have been integrated.


   Jiangli has rarely used the master panel to make ordinary mechanical units.


   At the beginning.


  The ordinary mechanical arms manufactured by Jiangli, after a series of wars, currently only have hundreds of thousands of them left, forming the ‘Daxia Mechanical Legion’, which has been left in Daxia Imperial Capital.


   The former sniper mechanics, archer mechanics, and phantom mammoth mechanics have rarely appeared on the battlefield.


   is similar to behind the scenes of retirement.


   is no longer available.


"it has started."


   Jiangli took a deep breath and waved his right hand, "Promote."






   First, a second-tier soul fire and one hundred energy points were deducted. After a few seconds, Wang Gang was promoted to the early stage of the second-tier, with little change.


   14,000 more energy points are consumed.


  Promoted to the second level to perfection.


  'Fighting Mechanic' was promoted to'Combat Mechanic' and acquired the skill'Melee Mastery'.


"carry on!"




   Consumes a Tier 3 soul fire and 10,000 energy points.


   Wang Gang was promoted to the early third stage.


   Consumes 1.4 million energy points.


   was promoted to the third level to perfection.


   ‘Combat Robotics’ was promoted to ‘Nether Energy Combat Robots’ and acquired the skill ‘Nether Energy Control.


"carry on."




   Consumes a Tier 4 soul fire and one million energy points.


   Wang Gang was promoted to the early stage of Tier 4.


   consumes 140 million energy points.


   was promoted to the fourth level to perfection.


   ‘Nether Energy Fighting Robot’ was promoted to ‘Nether Energy Super Fighting Robot’ and acquired the skill ‘Super Fighting Boxing’.


"carry on."




   One more Tier 5 soul fire and 100 million energy points are consumed.


   Wang Gang was promoted to the early stage of the fifth rank.


   Consume 14 billion energy points.


   was promoted to the fifth rank to perfection.


   ‘Nether Energy Super War Mechanic’ was promoted to ‘Nether Energy War God Soldier’, and the skill ‘War God Strike’ was obtained.


"carry on."




   Consumes a Tier 6 soul fire and 10 billion energy points.


   Wang Gang was promoted to the early stage of Tier 6.


   consumes fourteen hundred billion energy points.


   was promoted to the sixth rank to perfection.


   ‘Nether Energy War God Soldier’ was promoted to ‘Nether Energy Nuclear War Soldier’ and acquired the skill ‘Nuclear Flat Palm’.




   Wang Gang’s appearance has changed from about 20 to a middle-aged man in his 30s and Although he is still a camouflage uniform, his epaulettes are already the rank of general.




   Jiangli nodded slightly, looking at Wang Gang.


   Sixth-order Consummation Wang Gang is no longer dull, his eyes are very clever, and there are changes in his micro expressions. From the outside, the changes are not great, but the power he possesses is extremely terrifying.


   "Stand by and wait."


   The river leaves the road.




   Wang Gang nodded and stood quietly.




   Jiang Li didn't have the seventh-order soul fire in his hands, and he could not continue to promote Wang Gang, so Jiang Li opened the soul fire column and began to merge the soul fire.

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