The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 591: Star Annihilation

The soul fire fusion interface appears.


time flies.


   About ten minutes have passed.


   Jiangli has merged all the soul fire.


   hum! ! !


   First, the fusion of 9.18 billion Tier 1 soul fires was completed, and a total of 306 million Tier 2 soul fires were obtained.




   is the one-click fusion of 1,336 million Tier 3 soul fires.


   acquired 22.27 million Tier 3 soul fires, plus the original 85 million, for a total of 102.22 million Tier 3 soul fires.


   after all merged.


   Obtained 1,137,000 Tier 4 soul fire seeds.


   plus the original 800,000 pieces.


   The total number of Tier 4 soul fires is 1937,000, and then merged to obtain 19,370 Tier 5 soul fires.


   plus the original seven thousand pieces.


   The number of Tier 5 soul fires is 26,370.


   After all merged.


   Obtained two hundred and sixty-four Tier 6 soul fires.


   Two hundred sixty four plus forty-five.


   A total of 309 pieces.


   Merged three hundred sixth-order soul fires, Jiang Li obtained three seventh-order soul fires, and there were nine remaining sixth-order soul fires.


  【Soul Fire: Nine Tier 6 Soul Fire, 3 Tier 7 Soul Fire, and 1 Tier 8 Soul Fire. 】




   Jiangli closed the column of Soul Tinder.








   Jiangli used a seventh-order soul fire and one trillion energy points to promote Wang Gang to the early stage of seventh-order, and all his skills have changed greatly.


   hum! Hum!




   Jiangli consumed another 1.2 million energy points.


   promoted Wang Gang to the seventh rank to complete.


  'Nether Energy Nuclear War Soldier' ​​was promoted to'Starry Sky Nuclear War Soldier' ​​and acquired the skill'Starry War Skills'.




   All of Wang Gang's skills have all been promoted to the seventh-order best.


   "The next step is the last step."


   Jiangli took a deep breath.




   My heart moved.


   Jiangli took out the only eighth-order soul fire, and it appeared, floating in front of Jiangli, exuding eight colors of light.




   did not hesitate for too long.


Jiang Li used the only eighth-tier soul fire, consuming a full one trillion energy points, and promoted Wang Gang. The eighth-tier soul fire and one trillion energy points poured into Wang Gang’s body .


   hum! Hum!


   The light flickered.


   Wang Gang is undergoing transformation and promotion.


   a few seconds later.


  The promotion is complete.


   The flashing light disappeared.


   Wang Gang successfully promoted to the early stage of the eighth rank.


   "Thank you for your gift."




   Wang Gang's eyes are clever, his feet close together, and he salutes Jiang Li.




   Jiangli is looking at Wang Gang.


   From the simple appearance, Wang Gang has not changed much. The military rank is also general, the camouflage uniform with military green base.




  Wang Gang's body contained power that could destroy the mainland.


   is very scary.




  Basic information is expanded.


  【Type of arms: Star Destroyer】


  【Stage position: Early stage of the eighth stage】


   [No. XKZS01 (Wang Gang)]


  【Skill 1: Seventh-order best star space fighting technique】


   [Skill 2: The Seventh-Order Melee Master]


   [Skill 3: Seventh-order Supreme Nether Energy Master]


   [Skill 4: Seventh-order Super War God Fist]


   [Skill 5: Seventh Tier One Strike]


  【Skill 6: Seventh-order Ultimate Nuclear Flat Palm】


   [Skill 7: Seventh-order Starry Sky Combat Skill]


   [Skill 8: Star Fighting Fist of Tier 8]


  [Equipment: Tier 8 low-grade star fighter gloves]




   [Promotion criteria: two quadrillion energy points]


   "You can only be promoted to the early stage of the eighth stage."


   Jiangli carefully checked Wang Gang's information.




   Jiang has more than 1,000 trillion energy points left, but it is still not enough to continue to promote Wang Gang, nearly half of it.


   wants to promote Wang Gang to the eighth level to perfection.


   requires a full 14 gigabytes of energy points.


   A trillion is equal to one trillion.




  The interface is closed.


   "Qianlong, start violent soldiers."


   Jiangli ordered.




   Qianlong responded.


   The violent soldiers this time.


   Jiangli reduced the number of mechanical soldiers below Tier 6, thereby increasing the number of Tier VI mechanical soldiers.




   Jiangli first confirmed the mechanical soldiers to be manufactured, and then issued instructions, "Immediately create 50,000 mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super combat soldiers."


   "Create 100,000 Super Fortress Soldiers, Super War God Soldiers, Super Destroyer Soldiers, and Super Dragon God Soldiers each."


   "To produce 10 million superconducting God soldiers, super energy soldiers, infinite super power soldiers, super missile soldiers, and storm giant soldiers."


   "To create 100 million dominating dragon soldiers, amphibious armored soldiers, laser annihilators, and stealth energy soldiers."


   "Manufacturing hydroelectric mechanical units, super transport units, mechanical super artillery units, and amphibious tank units each one billion."


   "Return to the master."


   Qianlong said: "The total number of violent soldiers this time is 4.45 billion."


   "The production of 4 billion second-tier elite fusion mechanical soldiers requires 2 billion tons of steel materials and 800 billion energy points."


   "It takes 2 billion tons of steel materials and 8 trillion energy points to make 400 million Tier 3 elite fusion mechanical soldiers."


   "It takes 5 billion tons of steel materials and one trillion energy points to make 50 million Tier 4 elite fusion mechanical soldiers."


   "It takes 400 million tons of steel materials and 80 trillion energy points to produce 400,000 Tier 5 elite fusion mechanical soldiers."


   "It takes 500 million tons of steel materials and five trillion energy points to make fifty thousand Tier 6 elite fusion mechanical soldiers."


"let's start."


   The river leaves the road.




   Qianlong responded.


   rumbling! ! !


   The mechanical arsenal runs at full power.


  The first to sixth floors.


   The mechanical production soldiers started to work.


   First, the ordinary mechanical production soldiers transported away from the mechanical arsenal, and transported to the Daxia Treasury where the ‘steel materials’ were stored, and the steel materials were thrown into the wormhole tunnel.


   The robotic production line began to work.


  The black furnace cast beams of light.


  A large number of mechanical soldiers were produced.


   This violent soldier.


   A total of 9.9 billion tons of iron and steel materials were consumed, and 68,880 billion energy points were consumed.


  The steel materials in Jiangli's reserves are completely sufficient, and they are not afraid of consumption.


   is the number of energy points.


   After this riot.


   There are only about four trillion yuan left.


   So Jiang Li did not continue to violently fight, but saved more than four trillion energy points.


   It takes a certain amount of time for the mechanical arsenal to manufacture mechanical soldiers.


   Jiangli calculated in his heart.


   Probably all will be manufactured by tomorrow.


   "There are still two Tier 7 soul fires left."


   Jiangli secretly said: "You can start to implement the plan you have made."




   My heart moved.


   "Promoted to No. ZH0214."




   Jiangli promoted the battlefield commander number ZH0214 from the air, consuming a Tier 7 soul fire and one trillion energy points.


at the same time.


   Ten Wing Imperial Capital.


  In the large demon prison of the imperial capital.


   ZH0214 is in the cell.


can be seen.


   ZH0214 was in jail, but his treatment was incredibly good. His cell was like a mansion, and there were always good food and delicacies.


   has a maid and a demon servant.


   was detained on the surface, but in fact it was on vacation.


   The prisoners did not dare to offend.


   "You keep moving at constant speed."






   ZH0214's face changed slightly, and there was a vast body of ‘blood power’ oscillating around him, and he shouted loudly, "I’m going to break through."




   "I want a breakthrough?"




   The many jailers and prisoners in the prison were shocked, and the surrounding maids and demon servants also avoided and quickly left the cell.


   Boom! ! !


can be seen.


   No. ZH0214 sat cross-legged, running the ‘Seven Bloodline Refining Jue’, the power of the bloodline oscillated, and the aura on his body became more and more surging.


  The breath is getting stronger and stronger.




   "Master Xie Ling really has the aptitude to break through in the cell. It's incredible, it's incredible!"


   "Go and notify the demon king."




   "If I remember correctly, Master Xie Ling is already a sixth-rank monster master and formation master. This breakthrough is afraid to become an unprecedented seventh-rank master and formation master."




   "Although we knew that Master Xie Ling could not stay in this demon prison for too long, but after only a few days of entering, he realized the breakthrough. It was really shocking."




   Numerous monsters sighed again and again, and their tone was full of awe.




   Jiangli was promoted to No. ZH0214 in the air. It only took a few seconds for No. ZH0214 to have completed the promotion and reached the early stage of Tier 7.




   ZH0214, in order to disguise, naturally showed a breakthrough with the normal monster race.


   half an hour later.


   The Ten Winged Demon Emperor himself came to the demon prison, and he was also surrounded by a ‘demon clan communication agency puppet’, who was actually a transformed ‘super information soldier’.




   The Ten Wings Demon King saw the breakthrough of ZH0214, he burst into laughter, his expression was quite agitated, "I really didn't expect that Xie Ling Aiqing could break through in prison."


"it is good!"


   "This is really great!"


   half a day later.


   hum! ! !


   No. ZH0214’s ‘breakthrough’ was successful, and he entered the early stage of the seventh stage, and various skills have been improved. After half an hour, he stopped ‘cultivating ~ the criminal minister Xie Ling sees your majesty! "


   ZH0214 opened his eyes and saw the Ten Wing Demon King, immediately knelt down, and said in a slightly nervous and horrified tone.


   "Xie Ling Aiqing please get up, please get up soon."




   The ten-winged demon emperor appeared in front of No. ZH0214 as soon as he reached out and helped No. ZH0214 up, "Xie Aiqing, you have suffered in prison these few days."


   "The guilty minister has a serious crime and deserves to be punished."


   ZH0214 said.


   "No, no, no."


   The Ten Winged Demon Emperor waved his hand quickly and smiled, "This is all a lonely fault. It is the lonely fault that blames Xie Lingaiqing. After several days of investigation, Xie Lingaiqing was wronged."


   "The lonely city is ready to pardon Xie Ling Aiqing."


   "Unexpectedly, Xie Ling Aiqing could break through in prison, stepping into the early stage of the seventh stage, it is really a double happiness, gratifying, gratifying, gratifying."


   "The minister is just lucky."


  ZH0214 said modestly.


   "Good, good."


   The Ten Winged Demon King smiled, "Xie Lingaiqing obviously has extremely high talent and talent, but he is arrogant but not boring, calm but not arrogant, so lonely."

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