The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 593: Trouble

   In the Qinglong Hall.


   Jiangli sat cross-legged, his consciousness has communicated with the "Qianlong Gang Sub-List-San Anzhou".

  Dragon-shaped list.

   There are only twenty-eight dynasties left. Originally, because of the destruction of the Black Moon Demon Emperor, the Daxia Dynasty should be ranked first from the bottom.


   Great Xia Qinglong swallowed 10% of the fortune of the Black Moon Dynasty, plus the previous accumulation.

  The national fortune grows.

   ranked twenty-seventh, and the bottom-to-last position became ‘Moon Wuman Dynasty’.

  ’Hey Daxia Dynasty’s national destiny was promoted, ranking 27th, reward: promotion to Daxia Qinglong Gong. ’


   flew down a purple-golden light group from the list, which merged into Jiang Li's mind.

time flies.

   half an hour later.

   Jiangli received the reward, and Daxia Qinglong Gong was promoted to the seventh-tier mid-level.

   just raised a small grade.


   Jiangli took advantage of the feedback from the National Games and spent an hour to complete the cultivation of the Daxia Qinglong Gong, which was promoted to the seventh-tier mid-level.

   My strength has increased by about 10%.

   Because the ‘Alliance Meeting’ was more urgent, after Jiang Li received Jiang Li, that same afternoon, Jiang Li and Xing Lingqi were ready to leave.

   this time.

   Jiangli brought Wang Gang who had been promoted to the early stage of the eighth stage.

   Green Dragon Hall.

   "Xiahuang, are you ready? We are going to set off."

   Xing Lingqi said.


   Jiangli nodded.


   hum! !

   Xing Lingqi took out the transmission token in his arms, and then excited.

   The transmission token flew out, shining with a dazzling luster.

   Space tears.

brush! ! !

   There was a light spreading, covering Jiang Li and them.

At last.

   The light flashed, Jiang Li and them disappeared out of thin air.

   The transmission is gone.

   The screen turns.

   Terran Martial Arts Fairy Court-St. Anzhou Chamber.

   Northern Chamber Teleportation Hall.

   Jiangli and they have already teleported here, and their figures appeared in the palace.

   is not the first time here.

and so.

   Jiangli and Xing Lingqi left the teleportation hall very familiarly.

   half an hour later.

  The nine hundred and ninetieth floor of Budo Tower.

  The world in the tower.

   Budo Hall.

   In the central hall.

   The two deputy chamber chiefs, Chi Zhu and Brown Old, are sitting in the two high positions directly in front.

   The Chamber Lords and the other emperors sat on the left and right sides.

   Jiangli was the last to arrive.

   "Red Lord, Old Brown, all emperors, and all hall masters."

   Jiangli handed over: "The lonely came late."

"sit down."

   The Scarlet Lord didn't say much, he just raised his hand and gestured.


   All the hall masters and the emperor all looked at Jiang Li a few times.

   seemed very silent.

   The atmosphere in the hall seemed very depressing.

   Jiangli was also silent, and sat down in the empty seat.

   Wang Gang followed Jiang Li and stood behind Jiang Li.


   Xing Lingqi also sat in his seat.

   "Since the alliance meeting members have arrived, then the formal meeting will begin."

   Old Brown Road.


   The red master nodded.

   The hall masters and the emperors also nodded in agreement.

   "Everyone here, the first battle of the alliance was very unsuccessful."

   Old Brown said in a deep voice: "Although we did win the Black Moon Dynasty in the end."

   "However, the demon clan took advantage of it, and we were caught off guard."

   "The Great Yan Dynasty has been destroyed, and the Emperor Yan has fallen."

   "There are only nine of the ten human race dynasties left, and the strength of the human race is greatly damaged."

"Ha ha."

   Qin Qipo sneered, "Gu said it last time."

   "The first battle of the alliance should not be against the Black Moon Dynasty."

   "It should be aimed at the strongest Wutian Demon Dynasty."

   "Assemble the power of the whole human race in San Anzhou, and destroy Wutian before the Yao race can react."

   "Only in this way can our human race win the final victory."

   "The King of Soul is right."

   Qiu Wanlian said immediately.

   "It's extremely ridiculous."

   Duan Qilin snorted coldly, "Soul Emperor, it is clear that the three dynasties in your middle domain have formed an alliance."

   "As a result, the Dayan Dynasty was attacked by the Wutian Demon Dynasty."

   "Where were you and Qiu Wanlian at the time? Why didn't you help?"

   "Duan Qilin, do you think we don't want to save it?"

   Qiu Wanlian scolded: "The situation at the time was that the three demon kings led the guard demon army to attack Dayan."

   "It was too late when we reacted."

   "Da Yan has been destroyed, and Yan Gui has also fallen."


   Duan Qilin snorted coldly, "You are just incompetent and arrogant."

   "Duan Qilin, you a trash who is not even an eighth level dare to be presumptuous in front of the emperor."

   Qiu Wanlian's eyes were cold.



   Old Brown's momentum broke out, and he said coldly: "The alliance meeting is to discuss a good plan and method, not a place for you to argue and fight."

   "Shut up!"


   Qiu Wanlian handed over and sat down steadily.


   Duan Qilin snorted coldly.

   "The Emperor of Chongwu."

   At this time.

  The Emperor Jing Yueke of the Tianzong Dynasty stood up, and then questioned: "The'Tianzong Troops' sent to support alone will report to the lonely after they return."

   "Why didn't your Chongwu Dynasty show up in the final battle with the Black Moon Dynasty?"

   "Is there any hidden secret in this?"

   "Jing Yueke, you don't want to talk nonsense."

   Duan Qilin shouted loudly: "Gu personally led the Chongwu army to invade the Black Moon Dynasty."

   "It even destroyed the Border Guard Corps of the Black Moon Dynasty."

   "It's just that we were ambushed by the'Guangfeng Dynasty' halfway through our support, and we even had a fight with the Wind Demon Emperor."

   "I tried my best to break through with heavy losses."


   "There is such a thing unexpectedly."

   "The three big monster dynasties of Dongjing in San Anju have all acted."

   "This is definitely not as simple as a coincidence."

   Lin Tianjian, Lianzhen and the others all looked solemn.

   Emperor Wu also frowned.

   "You guys, don't forget that besides the Yaozu, we have another competitor, that is the Barbarian."

   Lin Tianjian said in a deep voice, "This time we have a conflict with the monster race."

   "The demon clan and we both destroyed a dynasty, but the barbarian clan lost very little."

   "This is not a good thing, we must avoid the barbarians taking this opportunity to fish in troubled waters, the oriole is behind."

   "The Sword Emperor is right."

   "It's true."

   "Not only the barbarians, but also forces composed of mixed-blood races, it is also possible to carry out sneak attacks behind the scenes, or plot some plans."


   "These have to be guarded against."

   The people in the hall talked.

   "Red Lord, brown old."

   At this time.

   The Emperor Wu stood up and asked in a deep voice: "Why is the reaction of the first battle monster in our alliance so fast this time?"

   "This must be because the Yaozu has known the news in advance."

   "Otherwise, the Black Moon Dynasty would not have so much support."

   "The demon emperor without heaven will not move so fast."


   The hall fell silent, no one spoke.

   "Could it be possible that some spies of the monster race got into the chamber?"

   "If this is the case, it will be troublesome."

   "The spy must be found."

   was silent for a while.

   Lianzhen they talked quietly.

   "Everyone, this matter is indeed our negligence."

   "Too many explanations are useless."

   Old Brown said: "To be honest, we really didn't expect this to happen."

   "But it is certain that the Yaozu did use some means to obtain specific information."

   "As for whether it is a spy, we don't know."

   "But it is undeniable that the Yaozu Chamber has intervened in the dynasty war."

   "Then our human race cannot lag behind either."

   "Although the Lord of the Court is not in the Chamber, it has been discussed with Red Lord, and the ten Lords."

   "Finally passed unanimously."

   "Our Chamber will also officially assist you to win this war and establish a human imperial dynasty in San Anzhou."

   "The first thing we have to do is to establish a'transport space array'."

time flies.

  The alliance meeting is continuing, and the old man and the others elaborated on the next plan.

  The first step.

   By arranging a stable ‘Space Teleportation Array’ in each dynasty.


   With the space teleportation array, it is possible to teleport the army over a long distance.

   This is the power that can truly unite the empire of all races.

   There will be no untimely support.

Of course.

   Arranging the ‘Space Teleportation Array’ is not a simple matter.

needs time.

   The ‘Space Teleportation Array’ was completely set up in the nine human dynasties.

   is about half a month.

and so.

   In this half month, the Nine Human Race dynasties are required to act low-key.

   The second step.

   After the ‘Space Teleportation Array’ has been set up, it will integrate the armies of the All Race Empire.

   A decisive battle between human race, monster race, and barbarian race.

   As for the location and result of this big battle.

   No one can predict.


   It is very possible that before the space teleportation array is completed, the monsters and the barbarians started a war.

and so

   Need to race against time to complete the final arrangement as soon as possible.

   The night passed.

   The next day is coming.

   This ‘Alliance Meeting’ is also coming to an end, and the details of the specific arrangement of the space transmission array have been finalized.

   Jiangli didn't make any comments, and was quite cooperative from beginning to end.

  Because Jiang Li has already controlled the ‘Space Teleport’.


   Because of the'Mechanical Space Station Base', Jiang Li can be teleported to any corner of San Anzhou anytime, anywhere.

   Send a mechanical army to any place if it is not because of insufficient resources and insufficient strength.

   Jiangli has long started a war.


  The Emperor Wu got up, he was burly in shape, dressed in a dragon robe, and he was very powerful, watching Jiang Li.

   "What's the matter?"

   Jiangli asked.

   "During the war of the Black Moon Dynasty, Emperor Xia appeared out of thin air, taking advantage of the serious injury of the Demon Emperor Dongyue, and beheaded the Demon Emperor Dongyue."

   Emperor Wu said slowly: "Now think about it carefully."

   "There were very subtle spatial fluctuations at the time. You should have used spatial teleportation."

   "The Great Xia Dynasty is just a human dynasty that has just been promoted."

   "Because the national fortune swallowed up 10% of the national fortune of the Black Moon Dynasty not long ago, it was promoted by one."


   "Emperor Xia, how do you master the power of the ‘space domain’?"

"and also."

   "Atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, and the nuclear energy team you formed."

   "These are powerful weapons we have never seen before."

   "Where did you come from?"

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