The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 594: Sold

   "Space Teleport!"

   Duan Qilin showed a surprised expression, "This..., isn't it, Xia Huang still mastered the power of the space domain?"

   "This won't be possible, this is the only way for the emperor to reach the realm of space."

   "Xiao Linlin did talk to Gu after returning, and Jiang Li did appear on the battlefield at the last moment."

   Lin Tianjian said: "Sneak attack killed the Dongyue Demon Emperor."

   "Tsk, it's interesting, a powerful special weapon that has never been seen before, plus this ability to master the domain of space."

   Qin Qipu sneered, "Emperor Xia, Emperor Xia, you have to make us think about running."

   In the hall.

   Everyone present looked at Jiang Li with scrutinizing eyes.

"Ha ha."

   Jiangli was very calm and calm, and said indifferently, "So everyone, what do you want to say?"

   "What kind of power does the lonely possess, what kind of ability, what kind of means is mastered."

   "What do I need to explain to you?"

   "What are you guys?"


   Jiangli's tone and words are very, very strong.

   There is no room for a turn.

if we assume.

   Jiangli had some repressive and cautious words before.

   So now.

   is no longer needed.

   No need at all.

  Because Jiang Li already has a Tier 8 mechanical subordinate.

   is Wang Gang!

   The Star Destroyer fighters in the early stage of the eighth stage have been promoted step by step from the first stage.

   has completely separated from the category of the ‘Mechanical Army Corps’.

   has eight skills.

   The combat power is extremely powerful.

   is enough to conquer the stars.

  The powerful combat power destroys the planet, it is like trying to get something from the bag.

Of course.

   Wang Gang alone cannot be fearless.


   Jiangli no longer needs to be a human being with his tail sandwiched. With his current strength, he can fear no overlord dynasty.


   Jiangli only wants to leave, and can teleport away at any time.

   No one can stop it.



   Emperor Wu's eyes were cold, and the vigor of the eighth rank erupted.

   formed an invisible wave, surging away.

   The suppression was directed towards Jiang Li.


   Wang just stepped out, as if teleporting, standing in front of Jiang Li.

   hum! ! !

next moment.

   Wang Gang has surging mechanical manifestations on his body.

   blocked the oppression of Emperor Wu.

   "Eighth order!"


   Everyone's eyes narrowed involuntarily, looking at Jiang Li in astonishment.

   "It turned out to be the eighth order!"

   Mobei Renhuang exclaimed, "There is actually an eighth-level imperial-level expert beside Xiahuang."

   "Good fellow!"

   Xia Miao and other hall masters were also very surprised.

"did not expect……"

  Jing Yueke, Lin Tianjian and the others also looked at Jiang Li in surprise.

   The footsteps of Emperor Wu stopped, and the aura and oppression he released had converged.

   "It's just a courtier from the early eighth stage."

   Qiu Wanlian snorted coldly: "Emperor Xia, do you dare to be so presumptuous?"

   "Jiang Li."

  Qin Qipu got up, and also put great pressure on Jiang Li, "The monsters and the barbarians are eyeing our human race. We should help each other and support each other."

   "If you really have mastered the power of a certain space domain."

   "For the sake of the entire San Anju human race, you should take it out and share it with all of us."

   "And the nuclear energy technology you have, you should also explore it with us."

   "As the saying goes, there are many people and great power. Under the condition of exploring together, there may be even greater breakthroughs."

"To shut up!"

   Jiangli looked coldly, "Qin Qipu, since you are so considerate of the human race, why don't you take out your ‘ancient puppet art’ and share it together for discussion?"


   Qin Qipu's expression is gloomy.

   "Jiang Li, don't be ignorant of what is good or bad. This is not because the soul emperor doesn't take it out, but because the cultivation of the'ancient puppet technique' is extremely limited. How can anyone can practice it? It requires a talent against heaven."

   Qiu Wanlian shouted.

   "I feel that I am lonely and I have a very good aptitude. I can practice ancient puppetry."

   Jiangli shrugged.

   "Extremely absurd."

   Qin Qipo sat down with a gloomy expression.

   "Stop the noise."

   The old man became a peacemaker again, "Since Emperor Xia doesn't want to say anything, you don't want to keep asking."


   "Since Old Brown has spoken, there is nothing left to say about Gu."

   Emperor Wu said one after another.


After    Jiangli had the battle power of Tier 8, he really had the right to speak.


   The Emperor Wu will immediately shoot and capture Jiang Li with a thunderous momentum, and Jiang Li has no chance to even resist.

  No one will stop it.

   "The matter of going to the various dynasties to arrange the space teleportation array is handled by the ten palace masters."

   said the Scarlet Lord.



   "Definitely complete the task."


   Xia Miao, Xing Lingqi and other ten palace masters stood up one after another.

   "Xia Huang, please give me your advice in the next half month."

  Xing Lingqi came and said with a smile.

   "Thanks to the Lord of Penalty."

   Jiangli smiled.

   "Xia Huang!"

   At this time.

   True Lian Lian moved lightly, with a beautiful face and gorgeous appearance, and walked in front of Jiang Li.

   "What's the matter with Real Emperor Lotus?"

   Jiangli asked.

   "Xiahuang, in fact, Gu is here to negotiate a deal with you."

   Lianzhen said: "Is there any "atom bomb" and "hydrogen bomb" in the Daxia Dynasty."

   "I want to buy more."


   Jiangli smiled and nodded directly.


   Lian really looked overjoyed.

To know.

   Lianzhen, she learned about the power of nuclear weapons and their role on the battlefield from the troops she sent to the Black Moon Dynasty.

   I want to buy a large amount of nuclear weapons for storage.

   "I don't know how much Real Emperor Lianjin wants to buy?"

   Jiangli asked.

   "Xia Huang, in the last transaction, a large number of steel materials were not delivered."

   Renzhen said: "I don't know if this transaction can reduce the steel material."

   "After all, the output of steel materials is limited, and to equip soldiers also requires steel materials to forge armored weapons."

"How about this."

   Jiangli pondered for a while, and said, "All spirit crystals will be used for this transaction."

"it is good!"

   Lian is really overjoyed.

   "But the price will increase by half."

   The river leaves the road.

"no problem."

   Lian really agreed.

   "Xia Huang, Xia Huang..."

   Jiang Ligang and Lianzhen negotiated the price, Mobei Emperor, Lin Tianjian, and Jing Yueke also ran over immediately.

   "We also want to buy more nuclear weapons, I don't know..."

   "Ahem, Xia Huang, I have offended you just now, I hope to forgive me."


   The emperor all overwhelmed Jiang Li.

   "Easy to talk, easy to talk."

   Jiangli smiled, looking at the emperor in front of him, just like looking at the walking spirit crystal veins.

   These are all ‘good people’!


   Jiangli has long produced a large number of atomic and hydrogen bombs.

   are all stored in the best space storage bag.

   Attend the meeting this time.

   Even if Lianzhen and the others do not take the initiative to buy from Jiang Li, Jiang Li will continue to sell them.

   Jiang Li didn't expect it.

   Nuclear weapons will be so popular, this is also the reason of the current situation.

time flies.

   Jiangli and Lianzhen, Lin Tianjian, and Jing Yueke have already negotiated a deal.

   Because they have seen the power of nuclear weapons.

and so.

   The transaction volume this time was ten times that of the previous time.

At last.

   Emperor Wu, Emperor Soul, Qiu Wanlian and they all came here.

   asked Jiang Li to buy nuclear weapons

   Jiangli was very generous and also sold nuclear weapons to Emperor Wu and Emperor Soul.

   Regardless of previous complaints.


   As long as you buy nuclear weapons, you are working for Jiang Li.

   "Red Lord, after the nuclear weapons are handed over, have you studied anything?"

   Old Brown looked at the people around Jiang Li and asked in a low voice.


   Chizhu shook his head, "There has been no news yet."

   "Is that so."

   Old Brown groaned, "This Emperor Xia is really not easy."

   "He even dared to sell the Emperor Wu and the Emperor Soul, obviously he was not afraid that the Emperor Wu and the Soul Emperor would use this weapon on him."

   "Absolutely left behind."

   "Isn't this something to take for granted?"

   The Scarlet Lord shrugged, "No one is a fool, not to mention that he can still be the king of the king."

   "Emperor Wu, Soul Emperor, they probably know this too."

   "From the beginning, they did not buy these nuclear weapons to deal with Jiang Li."

"makes sense."

   Old Brown nodded.

At last.

   The nuclear weapons that Jiangli brought this time were basically all sold.

among them.

   sold five million thousand-ton atomic and hydrogen bombs.

  500,000 tons, 100,000 tons, million tons, and 10 million tons hydrogen bombs and atomic bombs were sold each.

  10,000-ton atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs each sold 50,000.

   In order to produce these'nuclear warheads,' Jiang Li consumed a total of 316,680 billion energy points and 106 billion tons of steel materials.

   This time it was all trading with spirit crystals, and the price increased by half.

among them.

   The price of a thousand-ton atomic bomb has been increased from the original 10,000 low-grade spirit crystals to 15,000.

  The price of the 10,000-ton atomic bomb has increased from 20,000 low-grade spirit crystals to 30,000.

   The price of the 100,000-ton atomic bomb has increased from 40,000 to 60,000.

   The price of the megaton atomic bomb has increased from 80,000 to 120,000.

   The 10 million-ton atomic bomb has increased from 160,000 to 240,000.

At last.

  10,000-ton atomic bomb.

   The price has increased from 2.5 million low-grade spirit crystals to 4 million ~ the equivalent equivalent.

   The hydrogen bomb is four times the price of the atomic bomb.

and so.

   Jiangli harvested a full 25,000 billion low-grade spirit crystals this time.


   Although there are many spirit crystals, they are not enough to shake the foundation of these human dynasties.

   After all, the history of these human dynasties is based on ten thousand years.

   has accumulated immense wealth.


   This transaction is Jiang Li’s biggest deal.

Transaction complete.

   All the people left with their nuclear warheads contentedly.


   Jiangli also made a lot of money.

   At night.

   Xing Lingqi took the members of the Chamber and accompanied Jiang Li to Daxia Imperial Capital.

   Jiangli did not greet Xing Lingqi. After returning to the Imperial Capital of Daxia, Jiang Li went directly to the legion base.

   As for Xing Lingqi.

   Jiangli asked Xing Lingqi to visit the Imperial Capital of Great Xia by himself to confirm where the Space Teleportation Array was arranged.

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