The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 599: Defeat

   Jiangli nodded. He was naturally very satisfied with the fighting power shown by Wang Gang. He defeated a Tier 7 army formation with the palm of his hand.

It can be said.

   As soon as Wang shot, he already shocked the audience.

   Complete combat effectiveness of Tier 8.

   is invincible.

   "The Mechanical Corps hears the order."

   Jiangli waved his big hand, "Intensify the attack, block the retreat, and destroy the demon army."


   More than two hundred battlefield commanders gave more detailed instructions in accordance with Jiang Li's orders.



  Jiang's centrifugal thought moved, he consumed half a million energy points to restore all the energy of the 500,000 Tier 6 mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super soldiers.


   "Nuclear beam!"

  咻咻咻! ! !

   Under Jiang Li's order, the mechanical legion launched a full-scale offensive, with countless artillery, missiles, energy shells, and lasers on the battlefield.


  噗! puff! puff! ! !

   Blood splashes.

   screams kept ringing, and the famous demon soldier was beheaded.

   "The true body of the devil!"

   "Blade of Death!"

   "Sword of Judgment!"

brush! brush! brush!


   WMS01, ssts0, and ML01, three Tier 7 mechanical soldiers, also entered the battlefield one after another, and the fighting power broke out, killing the monster race.

   "The nuclear flat palm!"


  Wang Gang attacked again, displayed his skills, his palm prints fell, and under his palm, another round of small sun was born, which contained extremely terrifying nuclear energy.

"Do not!!!"

   The 7th-order powerhouses of the demon clan were suddenly panicked.

this moment.

   They have personally experienced what real despair is. Facing the eighth-order complete Wang Gang, even if they have a seventh-order army formation, it is of no avail, and they cannot fight at all.

   Only the end of being crushed.

   rumbling! ! !

   The explosion sounded across the sky.

   Click! Click!

   After Wang Gang's palm fell, he smashed another giant army formation frontally, and the "Xuan Turtle", known for its defense, exploded directly and was blown by a palm.


   The three seventh-order monsters who manipulated the mysterious tortoise screamed again and again, vomiting blood, countless cracks appeared on the monster's body, and his body was seriously injured.

   Even if they burn their blood and increase their strength, they are still like a praying man's arm.


   "The eighth rank! He is really the eighth rank!"

   "Unstoppable! Unstoppable at all!"

   "If this goes on, we are dead, really dead."

   "What should I do? What should I do now?"


   Indescribable fears spread in the hearts of the demons.


   Wang Gang's figure flickered and took the initiative to attack. The vast mechanical energy covered his body, bursts of light and surging energy, and slew the other two 7th-order army behemoths.

   "Block him!"


   The monsters shouted loudly, as if only in this way could they have the courage to fight. The remaining two Tier 7 giants, the giant lion and the Suzaku, roared loudly and rushed towards Wang Gang.

   set off the vast aura of heaven and earth.

   mighty power.

   is like two huge stars colliding.


   The fighting power of giant lion and Suzaku is very strong, and the monsters of rank 7 are also extremely powerful. If they are facing the normal early stage of rank 8, they can still fight.


   Their enemy is "Wang Gang".

   Jiangli has promoted Wang Gang to the eighth rank to perfection.


   Wang Gang was promoted step by step from the first rank to the eighth rank. After seven full transformations and evolutions, his combat effectiveness was extremely powerful, and it was by no means comparable to the general eighth rank.

   "Dual core flat palm!"

boom! boom!

  Wang Gang raised his hands, his left and right hands blasted out at the same time, the vast nuclear energy was condensed, looking from a distance, in the palm of Wang Gang, two flaming suns were gradually born.


   The giant lion and the Suzaku were blown up without any suspense.

   directly exploded.

   Two giant army formations were crushed.

   Come like this.

   The four Tier 7 army formations of the Ten Wing Dynasty Demon Army Corps were all defeated, and the sixteen Tier 7 demon clan powerhouses were all seriously injured, their whole bodies covered in blood, very miserable.

"it is good!"

   Jiangli smiled on his face.

  噗! puff! puff!

   on the battlefield.

   As the seventh-order army was defeated, the mechanical soldiers were no longer suppressed by the seventh-order army, their combat effectiveness was fully restored, and their full strength was displayed.

   The weakest were Tier 2 mechanical soldiers. Facing the monster soldiers with extremely low cultivation base, it was a total slaughter.


   "Electricity release!"

   "The storm is coming!"


  ! ! !

   The mechanical troops with melee combat skills are fighting wildly with a large number of monsters.

   Hydroelectric mechanical force, amphibious armored force, stealth energy force, infinite superpower force, storm giant force, etc.

   Many mechanical soldiers are like hand-raising swords, easily beheading a famous monster.

   corpses are everywhere.

   Countless shells and missiles bombarded the battlefield.

   The gunpowder is full of smoke.

   The stumps of the monster race are everywhere.


   rumbling! ! !

   The mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super-combatant attacked with full force. One after another, nuclear light **** fell in the air on the battlefield, and a terrifying nuclear explosion occurred, covering a large area.


   The monsters screamed again and again.

   Within the area covered by the nuclear explosion, without the resistance of the military formation, the monster races below Tier 6 were almost completely wiped out, and only Tier 6 monster races could resist.

   but was also injured.

   hum! Hum! Hum!

   A large number of soul fires gathered together, forming a rainbow-like torrent, rushing to Jiang Li, and Jiang Li's eyes jumped out a series of reminders.

   The situation on the battlefield has been tilted towards Jiang Li's mechanical legion, and the demon legion of the Ten Wing Dynasty cannot stop the mechanical army from attacking and killing.

   More and more demons died.

   Mechanical Legion destroys the Monster Clan Legion, and it will be a matter of time before the war is won.


   Under the command of the battlefield commander, the mechanical soldiers have begun to surround the battlefield, blocking the retreat of the demon soldiers, and intercepting a demon clan who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape.


   "Fight with them!"


at this time.

   The monsters already knew that there was no way to escape, so in despair, they started to charge the mechanical army madly, burning their blood, and attacking wildly.

can be seen.

   Hundreds of Tier 6 demon races gathered together to form a powerful team, escorting the bloodline of the ten-winged demon king, in an attempt to break through the blockade of the Mechanical Corps and escape.

   "We must find a way to send the prince out!"

   "If it weren't for your Majesty the Demon Emperor to leave and go to the'Monster Chamber', how could the Daxia Dynasty be given an opportunity? Why would the Demon Emperor's secret whereabouts be known to the Daxia Dynasty?"

   "Damn it!"

   "Are there any traitors among us?"

   "But we know that your Majesty is leaving only our nine princes, the seventh-tier monster marshal, and the sixth-tier monster king and monster generals!"

   The Tier 6 monster army escorted the prince and other monsters all the way to kill, and even repelled a mechanical soldier who had come from besieging, and avoided a famous mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super soldier.

   They were very fast, and in a blink of an eye they crossed most of the battlefield.

   "Magic Eyes!"


   Just as this Tier 6 monster army was about to break through the blockade of the Mechanical Corps, WMS01 blocked their way, the demon god's real body appeared, and the demon god's pupil appeared.

   In an instant.

   The purple-black pupil penetrated everything.

  噗! puff!

   killed several Tier 6 monster races in one move.

   "Blade of Death!"


   ML01 came, and the jet-black knife light swept across the sky, as if it had cut the sky apart, it was extremely bright and contained powerful power.

   cut off the heads of two Tier 6 monster races.

   "Sword of Judgment!"


   There was a sword sound.

  SSTS01’s attack fell, and the holy sword light condensed and turned into an extremely flaming white sword light, slashing down, cutting off the two Tier 6 monster races.

   "Seventh order!!!"

   The faces of the monsters of the sixth rank were pale.

brush! brush! brush!


   100,000 mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super combat soldiers came under siege.

   "It's over!"

   "I can't escape."


   The demons and the princes, their faces pale.

  I was in desperation.

at this time.

   The highest sky of the battlefield.

   Wang Gang confronted sixteen seventh-tier monster races, sixteen seventh-tier monster races, with high and low cultivation bases, one seventh-tier complete, three seventh-tier late, five seventh-tier mid-stage, and seven seventh-tier early.


   "God of War strikes!"

   Wang Gang's figure is in the sky, as fast as lightning, almost reaching the speed of light, his body is swift, avoiding a series of attacks, he makes a fist with his right hand, and the vast mechanical energy condenses.

   Then the fist turned into jet black, like a black sun.

  咚! ! !

   punched out.

   The space seemed to be collapsed by this punch.


  噗! !

   screaming sounded.

   Wang Gang's punch exploded a monster in the early stage of the seventh stage, his head exploded like a watermelon, and his flesh and blood flew around, killing him with a single blow.

   "Super Ares Fist!"

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   Wang Gang launched an offensive one after another, his body skills were like electricity, one punch followed by another blast, each punch condensed powerful energy, which was impossible to be powerful.

   That famous seventh-order monster clan was killed by Wang Gang with his fist.

   The body fell.


at last.

   After Wang Gang downplayed and killed six Tier 7 monster races, the remaining Tier 7 monster races could no longer withstand such pressure, their will collapsed, and their fighting spirit was gone.

   They started to run away.

   Ten seventh-order monster races fled from ten different directions.

   "Star combat skills."

brush! !

   Wang Gang just started chasing and killing at full speed, just like teleporting, chasing and killing a famous Tier 7 monster, as long as Wang Gang chased him down, he would fall down and kill the opponent in seconds.



at this time.

   The second prince of the Ten Wing Dynasty'He Lingqi' took advantage of Wang Gang to hunt down the rest of the seventh-order monster race, he stared at Jiang Li who was watching the battle in the distance.

   hum! Hum!

   The blood is burning crazily.

   He concentrated all his power, and at all costs, he raised his own power to the limit, reaching the extreme he could achieve.

   Whole body up and down.

   Burning blood-colored inflammation.


   What emerged was an extremely huge snake.

   has four pairs of meat wings.

  Eight product bloodline.

   Eight-winged Snake!

   "Death Snake Kiss!"

   He Ling's seven eyes revealed endless madness. He had already ignored his own life. After all his power was concentrated, the eight-winged snake merged into his body.

this moment.

   He Lingqi seems to have sublimated to the extreme.

   He was incarnate into an ultimate streamer, like a sharp sword, like a beam of light, like a serpentine light, as if it penetrated the space and killed Jiang Li.

   "Activate the'Dominating Mechanical Manipulators'."

   Jiang Li slowly raised his right hand, "Determine the target of manipulation: No. JXZS01 Star Destroyer-Wang Gang, Skill: Nuclear Ping Palm."



   Jiang Li turned the palm of his hand and fell, playing Wang Gang's skills.

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