The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 600: evolution

this moment.

   After Jiang Li released this skill, he clearly felt the power of'nuclear energy'.

   That is an extremely violent, and possesses the energy of terrifying destructive power.

   This destructive power condenses in his palm and is completely under his control.


   Boom! ! !

   Jiangli’s palm hit him head-on, and he hit a blazing red sun with one palm, and it blasted straight down to the second prince He Lingqi.

"Do not!!!"

   He Lingqi's eyes widened, facing the power of this trick, he felt his own insignificance, a power that completely surpassed him.

   can't fight.

boom! ! !

   The explosion sounded.

   can be seen clearly.

   Jiangli's palm defeated all He Lingqi's moves. The bloodline was collapsed, the light was extinguished, the energy was collapsed, and his body was turned into coke under the radiance of nuclear energy!

   directly die!

   After the light dissipated.

  Only a corpse that looked like black charcoal remained in the air.

   life is extinct.


   At this time.

   Colorful rays of light appeared on this corpse, gathered together quickly, turned into a seven-colored light spot, and quickly flew towards Jiang Li.

   merged into Jiang Li's eyebrows.


   [Capture a seventh-order soul fire! 】

   prompt appears.

"it is good!"

   Jiangli smiled on his face.

A few minutes later.


   Wang has just returned.

   "Master, all seventh-order monster races have been beheaded."

   Wang Gang reports to Jiang Lihui.


   Jiangli nodded and ordered: "You go to assist the mechanical legion in destroying the demon army of the Ten Wing Demon Emperor."


  Wang Gang nodded.



   Wang Gang entered the battlefield, and the full combat power of Tier 8 entered the battlefield. Naturally, it was an invincible existence, killing a large number of monster races.

time flies.

   It's probably a long time.

  The war is over.

   Nearly 50 billion demon soldiers were completely wiped out by Jiang Li's mechanical army, and the mechanical army lost about 10 billion mechanical soldiers.

   The entire Ten Wings Continent was beaten to pieces.



   At this time.

   WMS01 came, his body was surging with purple-black light, and his breath was extremely unstable. "The evolution of his subordinates has reached 100%."


   Jiangli's eyes lit up, and he immediately checked the information on WMS01.

   The evolution of WMS01 has indeed reached 100%.

   That is to say.

   WMS01 can be promoted to the early stage of the eighth level.

   This is really a surprise.

   The evolution of ML01 and SSTS01 has hardly improved. This is because almost all the "Remnant Souls" have been swallowed and absorbed by WMS01.

   So the evolution of WMS01 can reach 100%.

after all.

   Jiangli can be said to have destroyed an overlord-level dynasty this time.

of course.

   Shi Wing Dynasty can only be said to be the weakest overlord-level dynasty.

  "Promoted to No. WMS01 Mechanical Pseudo Demon God."


   Jiang's centrifugal thought immediately consumed a full one giga of energy points and promoted WMS01. A large number of energy points poured into WMS01's body.

   The purple-black light flickered.

   is undergoing transformation and promotion.

   a few seconds later.

   The purple black light disappeared.

   WMS01 has been promoted.

   was promoted to the early stage of the eighth stage.

   "Thank you Lord!"

   WMS01 salutes Jiang Li.


   Jiangli looked up and down.

   After being promoted to the early stage of the eighth stage.

   No. WMS01’s body shape has not changed. It is still muscular and burly, with a height of 9 meters and a purple-black skin.

   Feet and hands are densely covered with fine diamond-shaped scales.

   There are spiral double horns on the top of the head.

   looks similar to horns.

   Those eyes were purple and black.

   is like a crystal.

   The only change.

   is the center of the forehead.

   got a third eye.

   is closed now.

   has the third eye as the core, with purple textures like octopus whiskers, spreading to the temples and ending at the base of the ears.


   Jiangli check the information of WMS01.

  【Special Arms: Mechanical Pseudo Demon】

  【Stage position: Early stage of the eighth stage】

   [Skill 1: The Seventh-Order Demon God's Halberd Technique]

   [Skill 2: Seventh-order Demon Breath]

   [Skill 3: The Power of the Seventh-Order Demon God]

   [Skill 4: Seventh-order Demon God Domain]

   [Skill 5: The real body of the 7th-order pseudo-devil]

   [Skill 6: Funeral of the Seventh-Order Demon God]

   [Skill 7: The 7th-order Demon’s Eye]

   [Skill 8: The Eighth Tier Swallow Eye]

  [Equipment: Tier 8 Lower Grade Demon Halberd]

  【Mashen Machinery:……(omitted)】

  【Promotion Conditions: Unable to be promoted! 】

  [Evolution: 0%]


   Jiangli has carefully read the basic information of WMS01 number, and then nodded, the original seven skills have not changed.

Of course.

   Although the skills have not changed.

   But when WMS01 was promoted to the early stage of the eighth stage, the power of the skill naturally gave a huge hint.


   There are also new skills.


   Weapons and equipment have also been upgraded.

   "In addition to Wang Gang, now there is another Tier 8 combat power."

   River centrifugal love and joy.

   "Repair all."

   hum! Hum! !


   Jiangli first consumed a full 40 billion energy points and repaired all the mechanical soldiers.

   "The whole army listened to the order, immediately cleared the battlefield, began to search for all the resources of the Ten Wing Dynasty, and then moved them all to the super transporters."

   Jiangli gave the order.




   40 billion mechanical soldiers began to work according to Jiang Li's orders.

   The entire Ten Wing Continent.

   Look around.

   are huge deep pits bombed by artillery shells and missiles, and large areas of damage caused by nuclear explosions. The landform and topography have completely changed.

It can be said.

   Ten Wings Continent has not been sunk, it is already considered lucky.

   The corpses of the monsters in the mountains and plains.

  The blood gathers.

   formed a huge sea of ​​blood.

   The smell of blood is very serious.

   can't disperse.

  Because Jiang Li didn't bring the human formation mage troops, naturally he couldn't refine these monster corpses through the formation, he could only temporarily put it away.

time flies.

   The mechanical soldiers are carefully cleaning up the battlefield, moving the remains of the mechanical soldiers, and moving pieces of monster weapons and armors. These are all materials that can be used.

   Naturally, it cannot be thrown away at will.


   on the Ten Wing Continent.

   Some demonic civilians lived, but all died in the aftermath of this war. In addition, there are a large number of fierce beasts living in the Ten Wing Continent.


   These fierce beasts were almost wiped out by the aftermath of the war.


   There are basically no living creatures in the entire Ten Wing Continent.

   Only vegetation.

   The central area of ​​the Ten Wing Continent.

   Ten Wing Imperial Capital.

   Jiangli arrived, he stood in the air, looking down at the huge imperial capital below, with a vast area, and from a distance, he had a magnificent breath rushing toward his face.

   The Imperial Capital of Ten Wings is very well preserved.


   Jiangli flew down from the sky and entered the imperial capital. The ten-winged imperial capital was silent, and no monsters could be seen.

  Because all the demons went to the war, they all died.


   At this time.

   Nine reformed "Super Information Soldiers" ran from the Demon Emperor Hall. They stood in front of Jiang Li, saluted Jiang Li, and said in a respectful tone.


   Jiangli nodded, his expression unchanged, and asked: "What do you know about the Ten Wing Emperor? Do you know where the spirit crystals, medicinal materials, elixirs and other materials are stored?"

   "Returning to the master, ZH0214 asked us to write down the storage locations of all supplies and the location of the Treasury of the Ten Wings Dynasty."

"it is good!"

   Jiang rises from the corner of his mouth.

   "Go ahead."

   Jiangli waved his right hand and ordered: "Nine reformed'Super Information Soldiers' lead the way, scraping the ground three feet and wanting to find every low-grade spirit crystal of the Ten Wing Dynasty, and search all resources."



   Jiangli behind.

   That famous mechanical soldier formed a mechanical force, and under the leadership of nine modified "Super Information Soldiers", it flooded into the Ten Wing Imperial Capital like a tide.

   Search for resources in every building and building.


   ZH01 came quickly and reported to Jiang Lihui: "We have found the'spiritual vein' of the Ten Wing Dynasty."


   Jiangli's eyes lit up, "Lead the way immediately."


   No. ZH01 is Jiangli Yinlu.

A few minutes later.

   The destination is here.

   is about a hundred miles away from the Ten Wings Imperial Capital.

   is the most central core of the Ten Wing Continent.

  I saw a huge mountain peak of 100,000 meters high in front of the river. It pierced into the sky, towering into the clouds, and I couldn't see the appearance of the peak.


   There are still tens of thousands of meters high.

   is around the mountain peak.

   surrounded a large number of mechanical soldiers.


   Jiangli found a large number of slaves.

   Terran, Barbarian, Half-Demon, Demon, etc.

   has everything.


   also arranged a formation of seats.

among them.

   The one hundred thousand-meter main peak is arranged with a seventh-order array, and the remaining ten thousand-meter main peak is arranged with a sixth-order array, and the number is quite large.

   precisely because of these formations.

   Those ‘mining slaves’ saved their lives in the aftermath of the war.


   No. ZH01 Xiangjiangli continued to report: “A total of 221 small-sized ling crystal veins, 70 medium-sized ling crystal veins, and six large-sized ling crystal veins have been discovered."

"so much."

   Jiangli was surprised, and said with emotion: "As expected of the overlord-level dynasty, the number of Lingjing mineral veins is far more than I expected."


   The Ten Wings Demon Emperor should have used the'Spirit Vein Control Dragon Technique' to gather the spirit crystal veins of the Ten Wings Dynasty together, so that it would be convenient for mining and transportation.


  ZH01 No. ZH01 said again: "There are 30 small psychic veins with psychic energy radiation exceeding the standard, ten medium psychic veins, and no large psychic veins exceed the standard."


   Jiangli nodded, "The spirit crystal veins are not in a hurry. First, find out all the spirit crystals and medicinal elixirs of the Ten Wings Dynasty and gather them together, so I can convert them all into energy points."


   ZH01 nodded.

   "Master, how do you deal with these mine slaves?"

   asked ZH01.

   "Leave it temporarily, don't let them make any trouble."

   Jiangli said, "When time is free, I will turn them all into slaves of the Great Xia Dynasty."


  ZH01 nodded again.

   then. UU reading

   Jiangli returned to the Ten Wings Imperial Capital, and he entered the Demon Emperor Hall.

   The mechanical soldiers were divided into several units to carry various materials. All kinds of materials such as pills and materials were transported to the super transporters.

   elixir, medicinal materials, spiritual crystals and other materials.

   is transported to the Demon Emperor Hall.

   piled up in front of Jiang Li.

   It didn't take long.

   A large number of medicinal materials and elixir have already piled up like a mountain.

   "Battlefield Commander."

Jiang Li ordered: "It is enough to leave 10 billion mechanical soldiers to clean up the battlefield, and to move and search supplies. The remaining 30 billion mechanical soldiers immediately dispersed around Ten Wing Continent, trying to hide their whereabouts. Make an ambush."

   "Wang Gang, WMS01, the two of you also act immediately."



  All battlefield commanders, Wang Gang, WMS01 answered at the same time.

brush! brush!


   The Mechanic Corps began to act.


   Jiangli intends to wait for the return of the'Ten Wing Demon King' on the Ten Wing Continent.

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