The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 611: meeting

   Xing Lingqi took the ‘Transport Token’ out of his arms, and injected energy to activate the space magic circle contained in the token.

   hum! ! !

   The light came on.

   The brilliance of the spatial array envelops both Jiang Li and Xing Lingqi.


   also brought Wang Gang and WMS01.


   The silver-white light flashed away.

   Jiangli They disappeared in place, teleported away.

   The screen turns.

   Terran Chamber.

   Jiangli and Xing Lingqi have already teleported to arrive, appearing in the'Northern Chamber Teleportation Hall'.

   "Xiahuang, we are here."

   Xing Lingqi said.


   Jiangli nodded.

   half an hour later.

   Jiangli and Xing Lingqi came to the martial arts tower, entered the tower, walked to the ninety-ninth floor of the martial arts tower, and then entered the world inside the tower.


   They arrived at the martial arts hall.

   The gate of the hall opened.

   Jiangli and Xing Lingqi walked in, walked along the wide corridor in the hall, and walked into the martial arts hall not long after.

   "Xia Huang!"

   "Xing Palace Master."


  In the hall.

   are the eight human emperors such as Wu Huang, Mobei Ren Huang, and nine human chamber hall masters such as Xia Miao and He Qingshu, as well as the two Red Lord and Old Brown.

  The top presence of the San Anzhou people gathered again.

   Jiangli was the last to arrive.


   Xing Lingqi bowed his hands to everyone, and then sat down in his seat.

   Jiangli smiled and gestured to everyone present, and sat down in the vacant position.

"it is good."

   Old Brown nodded slightly and said, "The Emperor Xia has also arrived, and the third ‘Alliance Meeting’ has officially begun."

   "It is reasonable to say that the third meeting should not be held so soon before the'Space Teleportation Array' is fully completed."


   "Because of the'Monster Dishu' thing, this must be done."

   "It's also good to discuss countermeasures."


   "Old Brown, please elaborate."

   "Can Yaozu's "Book on the Ground" really monitor the entire San Anzhou, and even achieve accurate transmission?"


   The emperor asked one after another.

   "That's right."

The old man nodded solemnly, "In fact, the Book from the Ground is one of the treasures of the Yao Clan’s blood fairy garden. With the power of the Book from the Ground, it is not only as simple as monitoring St. Anzhou and creating a “space tunnel”. ."


   Jiangli raised his eyebrows when he heard it, and pondered in his heart, "'Di Shu' is not true?"

   This kind of thing.

   Jiangli did not know.


Old Brown's tone changed, and then he continued: "I can be sure that although the'Book from the Ground of the Monster Race Chamber' is not the real treasure of the "Book from the Monster Race", it is also a rare imitation. The above is a powerful magic weapon."

   "According to my inference, that ‘Book from the Ground’ can create a map of San Anju and create a space tunnel."

   "There must be other abilities."

  Speaking of which.

   Old Brown looked at Jiang Li.


Jiang Li pondered. He somehow other abilities of the earth book, he thought to himself: "Fu Tianqing and Mohelin both concealed things from the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race, and didn't say all of them at the time. "

   "Unfortunately, No. ZH0214 could not be detected."

   At this time.

   Old Brown's words naturally aroused the discussion of the emperor.

   After a while.

   "Brown is old."

   Qiu Wanlian stood up and touched, arched his hands, and asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Brown, how did Mr. Brown know this news about the Yaozu? Can you be sure of the accuracy of this news?"


   "This kind of demon clan is secret, the demon clan chamber should be hidden deep."


   The gaze of the emperor of the people came and asked.

"Ha ha."

   Old Brown just smiled.

   "As for the source of this news, you have to ask Emperor Xia."

   Crimson Lord said.

   "Xia Huang!"

   "What does this have to do with Xia Huang?"

   "Emperor Xia, please inform..."

   Mobei Emperor, Lianzhen, Qin Qipu and their eyes turned to Jiang Li.

   Jiangli got up, his eyes calmly looked at the emperor, as well as the hall masters and everyone in the hall, and then said calmly: "This news and intelligence are from the emperor's mouth."


   "Emperor Xia actually found it?"


"No way."

   Everyone was surprised.

   "Hehe, it's so ridiculous."

   Qiu Wanlian sneered a few times, and shouted: "Emperor Xia, don't you want to talk about it here, do you rely on you? Your cultivation level is not even the eighth rank, and the Daxia Dynasty is another dynasty that has just been promoted."

   "How can you know the secrets of this monster race?"


   "How could Emperor Xia discover the secrets of this monster race?"

   "Isn't it just made up?"

   Everyone also said.

   "Wan Lian Ren Huang."

   Crimson Lord said: "Emperor Xia is right. The news was told by Emperor Xia. Otherwise, even we would be kept in the dark by the monsters without knowing it."


   Old Brown nodded, "Emperor Xia is absolutely true, you don't have to doubt it."


   The hall fell silent.

   Everyone's gaze was wrong, they stared at Jiang Li in a daze, with a surprised expression.

   Old Hu and Chi Zhu both said this personally, which shows that what Jiang Li said is true.

   "It's really Emperor Xia."


   "How did Emperor Xia know?"

   "What method did you use?"

   "This is amazing!"

   Everyone was amazed.

"how is this possible?"

   Qiu Wanlian's face flushed, and his eyes widened. He was dumbfounded. He just said that it could not be Jiang Li, but the next moment the old man and Scarlett both spoke for Jiang Li and slapped their faces directly.

"did not expect."

   Qin Qibo looked deeply at Jiang Li.


   Qiu Wanlian took a deep breath and scolded: "How can you prove that what you said is true? Not a deceit? The emperor doesn't believe what you say."


   Chizhu and Old Brown's expressions darkened, and they scolded in unison.

   "Wan Lian Ren Huang."

   Xing Lingqi coldly snorted, and said, "Old Brown and Lord Scarlett both agree with the words of Emperor Xia, don't you even doubt the two adults?"

   "Since our Human Race Chamber has informed all the human emperors of this information, it has naturally been verified by us, so there can be no mistake."


   The Chamber Lords also said solemnly.


   Qiu Wanlian opened his mouth, and said nothing.


   Lin Tianjian stood up, bowed his hand to Jiang Li, and said in gratitude: "Thanks to the emperor Xia for providing the information of the demon clan, so as to avoid being lonely and waiting to be killed by the demon clan without knowing it."

   "Thank you, Xia Huang."

   Jing Yueke also arched his hands.

   "Thank Xiahuang!"

   Mobei Emperor, Lianzhen also saluted.

"Ha ha."

   Jiangli just smiled and didn't care.


   Jiangli came here this time not to listen to their thanks.

   "Brown old, red master."

   Lin Tianjian then asked: "Since we already know the details and hole cards of the monster clan, we naturally have to find a way to deal with it. How do we deal with the monster clan's book from the ground?"

   "If this allows the Demon Race to seize the opportunity, if the Demon Kings and the strongmen of the Demon Race Chamber join forces to attack a certain dynasty together, I am afraid that none of our human emperors present is an opponent."


   Emperor Wu nodded, "Gu also recognizes the words of the Sword Emperor."


   Qin Qipo also nodded.


   Wu Huang Wu Wuji, Soul Emperor Qin Qipu, Sword Emperor Lin Tianjian, these three are the three strongest human emperors of the human race, and they are also extremely high in the ranking of national luck.

   Although they are extremely confident of their own strength, they dare not to be big.

   The Scarlet Lord groaned for a while and said: "If you want to deal with the Monster Race's Book of the Earth, the first way is to gather all the imperial legions of all races. After they gather together, there is no need to worry about the Monster Race's attack.


   "If you want to concentrate all your power, you have to give up a lot of territory. This is obviously unrealistic."

   "The loss of a large number of territories will sharply reduce the fortune of the country and weaken it."

   "The second way."

  "It is to complete the construction of the'Space Teleportation Array' as soon as possible. The nine human dynasties rely on the "Space Teleportation Array" to connect, and can barely achieve timely support."

   "But obviously it cannot be compared with the "space tunnel" of the book on the ground, after all, the "space tunnel" can achieve accurate transmission."


   "Neither method is very good."


   "Too passive."

   The emperor groaned.

   "You guys, don't forget, there are still barbarians watching around."

   Lian Zhen said solemnly.



   Everyone present fell silent.


   The barbarians of San Anzhou have been very low-key recently. Instead, they are the monsters and humans. There are constant conflicts, and both sides have losses.


   Compared to the monsters and humans.

   The strength of the San Anzhou barbarians is indeed slightly weaker.


  The ‘miscellaneous blood’ lurking in the dark is likely to suddenly launch an attack at a critical juncture, especially in the endless ‘endless ocean’.

   There are many foreign dynasties.

   Such as "Three Emperors Sea".


   Around San Anju.

   There are four major ‘sea areas’.

   are: the "Three Emperors Sea" to the north, the "Chongming Sea" to the west, the "Hailong Sea" to the east, and the "Tuoba Sea" to the south. There are many dynasties in the four seas.

   just rarely conflicts.

   Although there are few conflicts, it does not mean that there are none.

   The dynasty of Linhai had some conflicts and wars with the dynasty of Haiyu.

   Little friction keeps on.


   The Scarlet Lord coughed slightly, his gaze swept across Jiang Li, and slowly said: "This time, the reason why everyone is called to participate in the third meeting is actually Xia Huang's proposal."


   The Red Lord motioned: "If you have any thoughts, just say it right now."


   The eyes of everyone in the hall fell on Jiang Li again.

"it is good."

   Jiangli smiled.

   "Xia Huang, what are you going to do again?"

   Qiu Wanlian asked.

   Lin Tianjian smiled, "I'm afraid that many people present don't even know it."

"Regarding the matter of the Great Xia Dynasty, on the'Qianlong Ranking' the national luck ranking of the Great Xia Dynasty has been promoted one after another, from the 27th to the 17th, half a month Not even that, the improvement is so huge, it really shocked the emperor."


   "The Ten Wing Dynasty, one of the five dominant dynasties of the Yaozu, has disappeared from the list. The Yaozu has lost two dynasties, and now there are only eight dynasties."


   "There is such a thing."

   "That's the Ten Wing Dynasty!"

   Everyone was shocked again.

   Especially Mobei Emperor and Lianzhen.

   They know the strength of the Ten Wings Dynasty best. They never expected that the Ten Wings Dynasty would be destroyed by Jiangli's Great Xia Dynasty.

   is really scary.

   "Congratulations to Emperor Xia, the fortune of the dynasty has increased greatly. Congratulations."

   Lianzhen and Mobei Emperor congratulated him.

   "This kind of trivial matter is nothing to be proud of and congratulations, it's just a mere ten-wing dynasty."

   Jiangli waved his hand, "The destruction of the Ten Wing Dynasty is only in the hands of the emperor."


   Everyone was taken aback, and the atmosphere became a bit awkward.

   This is too crazy.

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