The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 612: showdown


Xia Miao couldn't help but yelled: "Jiang Li, you are too mad and too arrogant. The Ten Wings Dynasty is one of the five overlord dynasties of the demon clan, let alone that the Ten Wings Demon Emperor is a Tier 8. In the initial stage of cultivation, there were more than tens of billions of demon soldiers, many demon princes and princes, with strong combat effectiveness.

   "Do you really think that the Great Xia Dynasty is a godless dynasty? Still ruined?"

   "It's extremely ridiculous."

   "I guess your Great Xia Dynasty has lost a lot now."

   "That's right, this emperor thinks that Dian Xia's words are extremely reasonable."

   Qiu Wanlian immediately agreed: "Jiang Li, what you said just now is indeed too arrogant."


   Everyone present looked at Jiang Li, and they all felt that Jiang Li’s words just now were too mad, as if destroying a domineering dynasty would be effortless.

   just as Xia Miao said.

  Do you really think you are a godless?


   If it is ‘no god’s dynasty’.

   An overlord-level dynasty can indeed be destroyed without any effort.

"To shut up!"

   Jiangli's eyes were cold, and he glanced at everyone present, "The ridiculous frog at the bottom of the well, do you really think that the sky at the mouth of the well you see is the entire starry sky?"


   Qiu Wanlian scolded, "This emperor is a frog at the bottom of the well, what is your Jiang Li?"

   "Qiu Wanlian."

   Jiangli glanced coldly, and said indifferently: "You're very happy jumping around. From the beginning, I was here to target the emperor, and the words were thorny. Do you think the emperor has a good temper?"


   Qiu Wanlian snorted coldly, "Gu is just telling the truth."

   "Very good."

   Jiangli smiled, waved his right hand, and gave an order, "Then palm!"


   Qiu Wanlian just wanted to talk.


   Wang just stepped out, released the skill "Starry Sky Combat Skill", carried out a short distance teleportation, and appeared in front of Qiu Wanlian in an instant.


   "Space moves?!"



   Wu Wuji, Qin Qipu, Lin Tianjian, Scarlet Lord, and Old Brown, all the powerful men present who have reached the eighth level of cultivation, their eyes widened.

   was horrified.


   Wang Gang raised his hand and slapped it over.


too fast!

   It's almost time for Qiu Wanlian to react at all.

Roar! ! !

next moment.

   Qiu Wanlian heard the sound of dragon chants inside Qiu Wanlian's body, the national destiny automatically protects the body, and the dragon shadow wraps around the body to form a defensive light curtain, but it is like paper.

boom! ! !

   exploded directly under the palm of Wang Gang.

Snapped! ! !


   The crisp slap in the face resounded through the entire hall, extremely clear, Wang Gang slapped Qiu Wanlian's left face with this slap, and a deep slap print appeared.

   The strength of Wang Gang's palm was extremely delicate, he didn't fan Qiu Wanlian away, just to fan Qiu Wanlian's left face flushed, and it was extremely painful.


   Qiu Wanlian's eyes were scarlet, and his heart was extremely angry.


   Wang Gang dropped his palm again, and the terrifying energy directly suppressed Qiu Wanlian.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ! !

   Several slaps down.

   Qiu Wanlian's faces were swollen on both sides and turned into pig heads, and the extremely red palm prints on his face caught the eyes of everyone present.

   Qiu Wanlian has no power to resist.

   "So fast!"

  ‘What a strong energy and momentum! "

   "Eighth-order consummation! Definitely eighth-order consummation!"


   Everyone's eyes widened, and they took a breath.

   all shocked.



   Qin Qipu got up and shouted: "Jiang Li, don't let your subordinates stop, in the martial arts hall, you actually allow your subordinates to target a human emperor like this."

   "Didn’t the Emperor Wanlianren just believe that the emperor had the power to easily destroy the Ten Wing Dynasty? In order to convince the Emperor Wanlianren, the emperor had no choice but to let him experience it for himself."

   Jiangli said, "What can't you do?"

"it is good!"

   Qin Qipu's expression became cold, "That emperor wants to see the means of seeing your Xia emperor!"

"come out!"


   Qin Qipu waved his right hand.


   Qin Qipu controlled an eighth-order puppet warrior to appear, turning into a fast black shadow, as fast as lightning, and directly rushed towards Jiang Li.

   punched out.

   The terrifying power almost shook the space.

   "The Devil's Halberd!"


   WMS01 shot, with a wave of his right hand, he took out the Demon God's Halberd, the Demon God's power was surging, and with one blow, it directly knocked Qin Qipu's Tier 8 puppet warrior away.

   Click! Click!

  The floor of the Budo Hall was trampled and cracked.

   "An eighth rank again!"

   Qin Qipo's pupils contracted.

   "Two eighth rank!"

   "This is very scary."

   "When did Jiang Li actually have two eighth-tier hegemony-level powerhouses beside him? And one of them was the eighth-level consummation. This kind of strength is at the top of the hegemony-level dynasty."

   "No wonder Jiang Li dares to be so arrogant."

   everyone was shocked.

   "Emperor Xia, Emperor Soul, stop quickly."

   Equator said: "The Martial Arts Hall can't stand the toss of the two of you. If you let go of your hands and feet, I am afraid that the whole Martial Arts Hall will be scrapped."

   "Wang Gang, come back."

   Jiangli said something.



   Wang Gang's figure flickered, and the next moment he stood behind Jiang Li.


   Qin Qipu also took back the puppet warrior.

   did not continue to do it.


   Qin Qipu is totally unsure.

   Emperor Wu's gaze fixed on Wang Gang, and a storm surged in his heart. Was it really a spatial movement just now? Jiang Li's ministers actually mastered the power of space?


   Lin Tianjian took a deep breath.

   The eyes of Chi Zhu and Hu Lao also fell on Wang Gang.


   The Scarlet Lord said: "You have enough trouble now, and it's time to talk about business."

the other side.

   Wan Lian Ren Huang's face has been swollen into a pig's head, but he no longer dared to talk nonsense. The eyes looking at Jiang Li were afraid, because he had personally experienced Wang Gang's terrifying strength.

   is all about adults bullying children.

   There is no backhand strength.

To know.

   Wang Gang is the eighth-level Consummation, and Qiu Wanlian is only the early eighth-level.

   The gap is too big.

"it is good."

   Jiangli nodded, "The emperor does have a way to deal with the monster's "Book from the Ground". In fact, the emperor Wu asked the emperor at the last alliance meeting."

   "Ask the emperor if he has mastered the ability of'space'."

"Ha ha."

   Jiangli shrugged, spread his hands, smiled and said, "Yes, the emperor doesn't pretend now. It's a showdown. Gu really has the power of space."

"Not only that."

   "The lone can also carry out ‘fixed-point teleportation’, as long as the lone is willing, he can teleport from anywhere in St. Ann State to any place in St. Ann State."

   "It's an instant teleport!"


   The whole martial arts hall fell completely silent.

   There was only the breathing of everyone.

   The needle is almost audible.


   Everyone was shocked by Jiang Li's words.


   Qiu Wanlian couldn't help but shouted.


   Wang Gang's gaze swept over Qiu Wanlian intentionally or unintentionally.


   Qiu Wanlian immediately closed his mouth, faintly feeling pain in both cheeks.


   Wu Wuji took a deep breath, and it took a long time to come back to his senses, "Sure enough, the emperor did not infer that it was wrong, Jiang Liguo really mastered the power of space."

   thought of this.

   Wu Wuji's heart was hot.

   He wanted to capture Jiang Li's power.


next moment.

   Wu Wuji calmed down.


   Jiang Li's current strength is very powerful. There are two ministers around him, one of whom is still the eighth-order Consummation. The most important thing is that no one knows whether Jiang Li still hides other means.

after all.

  From the first alliance meeting to this third alliance meeting.

   The power revealed by Jiangli.

   It is more horrible every time.

   is simply a rapid increase.

   "Xia Huang, do you really master the power of space?"

   Mobei Renhuang couldn't help asking, even using honorifics.


   Everyone present looked at Jiang Li.


   Everyone couldn't believe it.

   After all, the ‘space realm’ is the power that the emperor can master. The reason why the ‘human race chamber’ has existed is because the ‘human race chamber’ is part of the ‘human race martial arts fairy court’.


   The "Human Tribe Chamber" has nothing more to do with it.

   only knows it but does not know why.

   Seems to understand but not to understand.

   "Fixed point transmission."

   Jiangli did not answer, but directly proved by his actions that he contacted KJZJD02 and KJZJD03 patrolling in the central area of ​​San Anzhou, "The transmission target: ML01, SSTS01, the transmission location is beside me."

   hum! ! !

  01 Army base.

  The invisible space beam descended across time and space, covering ML01 and SSTS01 in the base, and the two mechanical soldiers disappeared out of thin air.

next moment.

   Inside the Budo Hall.

Obvious spatial fluctuations appeared to the right of    Jiangli.

brush! brush!

in a blink.

   ML01 and SSTS01 appeared beside Jiang Li.

"This this……"

   "Really! Really!"


   "It appeared, it appeared."


   The crowd opened their eyes wide, pointed at ML01 and SSTS01, and couldn't help screaming in surprise.

"how is this possible?"

   Chi Zhu and Old Brown were more shocked than everyone else.


   Here is the world inside the Budo Tower.

   That is to say.

   Jiangli’s "Space Teleportation" crossed the space barrier, and from the Great Xia Dynasty directly and accurately teleported the two to the martial arts hall in the world of the tower.

   This ability.

   is not just a general ‘spatial transmission’.

   Even the Terran Chamber cannot arrange such a "Space Teleportation Array".

   "Do you believe it now?"

   Jiangli asked I believe it, I believe it. "

   "Unbelievable, Xia Huang, you actually mastered the ability of the space domain."

   "I was shocked all alone."

   "With Xia Huang's ‘fixed-point teleport’, what fear does the mere demons have?"

   "How about the dynasty that is better for us to preemptively and then jointly attack the Yaozu?"

   All the emperors complimented.

   "Jiang Li."

Qin Qipu calmed down gradually. He now knows very well that with the strength and means of the Daxia Dynasty and Jiang Li, the Soul Wu Dynasty may not be able to seek justice for the Prince and King Marquis who died in the hands of Jiang Li. "You exposed the ability of'Space Teleport' at this alliance meeting, I am afraid it is not just to deal with the monster race, right?"

   "Also, what price do we have to pay if we want to use ‘Space Teleport’?"

"of course."

   Jiangli took it for granted: "Of course there is no free lunch in this world, and the purpose is very simple. You don't need to pay any price."

   "This emperor will be the'Master of the Alliance'."

   "During the dynasty war, all of you dynasties will obey the emperor."

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