The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 614: Come

   Inside the Budo Hall.

   "What do you mean by that?"

   Qin Qipu frowned.

   "Don't worry, you will know soon."

   Jiangli smiled.

   Floating high above the mainland.

  Because of the appearance of too many mechanical soldiers, an endless mechanical army was formed. In a short time, a black and heavy piece was formed, covering the entire floating continent.

   is like a shadow.

   can't see the edge at all.

   The entire high altitude of the floating continent is covered by the mechanical army.

Too much.

   is too much.

   There are simply too many.

   The picture is full of incomparable shock.

   The roar of the mechanical engine resounded everywhere.

"This this……"

"Oh my god!"

"So what happened?"

   "How come there are so many?"

   "Did the barbarians and monsters invaded?"


   in the chamber.

can be seen.

   The members of the Chamber were all shocked by the shock, their eyes widened, and they stared at the vast legion in the sky.


   Very shocking!

   "This number is at least over 100 billion!"

"so horrible."

   "Quick! Go and report to the Lord of the Hall!"


brush! brush! brush!

   The members of the Chamber vacated, rushed to the martial arts tower, entered the world in the tower at the fastest speed, and then came to the martial arts hall.

   "My lord! My lord! Something happened! Something happened!!!"

   Outside the hall.

   everyone shouted loudly.

The tone of    was filled with panic and entered the hall.


   Inside the Budo Hall.

   Scarlet Lord, Old Brown, all the hall masters, deputy hall masters, and all the emperors, everyone in the hall, they all heard the shouts outside the hall.

   are all slightly stunned expressions.

   could not help but.

   looked at Jiang Li.

  Because Jiang Li had something to say just now, suddenly many members of the Chamber arrived, and the tone was still so panicked.

   may be related to Jiang Li.

   "Xia Huang, did you do something?"

   Qin Qipu scolded.

   "Xia Huang, what is going on?"

   Old Brown also questioned thoughtfully.

   "Emperor Xia, you have to know, this is the Human Race Chamber, not your Daxia Imperial Capital."

   Xia Miao scolded in a deep voice.

"Ha ha."

   Jiangli shrugged, and calmly said, "You will know if you go out and see."


   Red Lord got up.

   "I want to see what medicine you sell in the gourd."

   Old Brown snorted coldly.


   Qin Qipu sneered, "What tricks can you play?"


   Everyone immediately got up.

   It didn't take long.

   Jiang left them and walked out of the martial arts hall.

   The hall door opened.

   Outside the hall.

  A famous Chamber member came into view. Of course, they weren't ordinary Chamber members, and their cultivation bases were not weak. Most of them had reached Tier 6 and Tier 5.

   is the middle and high level of the Chamber.

   "Deputy... Deputy Chamber Chief, the major issue is not good."


   "My lord, my lord, there are a lot of troops outside..."

   "My lord, go out and have a look."

   "Our chamber is surrounded."

   Everyone shouted, it was extremely noisy, causing some people not to hear what they were saying.

"be quiet!"

   Scarlet Lord and Old Brown frowned, scolded in a deep voice, and at the same time the momentum exploded and spread, suppressing the audience, which made everyone calm down.

   "So scared, how decent is it."

   "Fortunately, you are still a member of the Chamber."

   Xia Miao, He Qingshu and other hall masters also scolded.

   "Mu Heng, what happened to you?"

At last.

  Akazu pointed out one person to answer.


Mu Heng is a fat-faced middle-aged man. He organized a few words and said slowly: "Return to Lord Scarlett, just now, in the sky above the floating continent, without warning, a large number of troops suddenly appeared. , The number is too much, it has even enveloped the entire floating continent."

   "The momentum is menacing."

   "That's why we panic like this."


   "Appear out of thin air."


   Everyone reacted and immediately looked at Jiang Li.


   Jiangli's expression was calm.


   The Red Lord took a deep breath, his eyes were deep, and he left without hesitation.

   "Quickly keep up."

brush! brush! brush!

   The hall masters and the members of the chambers quickly followed the Scarlet Lord, Qin Qipu, Wu Wuji and other emperors also followed.


   The screen turns.

   They have left the world in the tower.

At last.

   all walked out of the Budo Tower.

   There is a shadow covering everyone.

   Everyone raised their heads.

First of all.

  The one who caught their eyes was a famous Chamber member, with a large number of them, estimated to reach 100 million, and each member had the lowest level of cultivation.

   This is the powerful background of the Terran Chamber.

  Only when the cultivation base reaches the third-order innate realm, is it eligible to join the Terran Chamber and become a member of the Terran Chamber.

   Tier 3 occupies 60%.

   The remaining 40%.

   is composed of warriors above the third rank.

   Such a strong strength.

   Even if it is only 100 million.

   is also able to gather the vast army of evil spirits with the help of the seventh-rank array mage, and arrange the seventh-order army array, and it is more powerful.


   The real horror is not this one hundred million army composed of Chamber members.

   but in the uppermost sky.

   obscures the sky and the sun, and there is no edge at all, it has covered the sky of the entire floating continent, and cast a shadow, blocking the army of heaven!

   The terrorist legion that suddenly appeared in the sky has brought the entire Human Race Chamber into a first-level alert state, and all the members of the Chamber have been dispatched.

   even prepared for the battle.

   "Xiahuang, you..."

   Mobei Renhuang's eyes widened, he looked straight at the legion in the sky, already shocked and speechless, unable to calm down at all.


   Qin Qipo's pupils contracted.

"How is this going?"

   Wu Wuji was also dumbfounded.

   "Could it be..."

   Lian is really hard to believe.


this moment.

   All the emperors, all the hall masters, and even the Scarlet Lord and Old Brown, they were all shocked by the picture in front of them, their eyes fixed on the huge army in the sky.

   can no longer use words to describe the mood at the moment.

brush! brush! brush!


   There was movement in the mechanical army in the air.

First of all.

   With ZH0214 as the leader, he led more than 200 battlefield commanders, more than 200 super holographic soldiers, and nearly 2 million mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super soldiers.

   They left the mechanical legion and flew toward Jiang Li like this.

"Be careful!"

   "The other party is here."

"Ready to fight."


   The famous Chamber members opened their eyes wide and squeezed the weapon in their hands, Zhen Qi, Zhen Yuan shocked, and stared at the sky closely.

   "The ministers are waiting to join His Majesty Xia!"



Headed by    ZH0214, more than two million Tier 6 mechanical soldiers, they saluted Jiang Li at the same time, in a respectful tone, and shouted in unison.


   Jiangli's order long ago.

   In the presence of others, Jiang Li is not called the ‘Master’, but Jiang Li is called ‘Your Majesty’.

   "See Your Majesty Xia!!!"

   Boom! !

next moment.

   After they finished shouting on ZH0214, the hundreds of billions of mechanical soldiers in the sky shouted at the same time, the sound was uniform, like thunder, like thunder, this extremely loud sound even shook the space.

  噗! puff!

Not only that.

   There are even some members of the Chamber who were too close, and they were bled by the shock of the sound.

   is simply scary.


   Jiangli laughed up to the sky, loud laughter resounded like thunder.

Roar! ! !

next moment.

   Dragon chants sounded.

   hum! ! !

   Great Xia Qinglong rushed out of Jiang Li's body, appeared and soared into the sky. Although the 30,000-meter-long dragon body was not very large, it exuded an extremely powerful dragon.


   Jiangli flew into the air, he stood on the dragon head of Daxia Qinglong, Daxia Qinglong hovered above the martial arts tower, releasing the power of the dragon without any worries.


   Jiangli looked down at everyone present.


   is behind Jiang Li.

  Wang Gang and WMS01 guardian.

   ML01 and SSTS01 are standing behind.

   go back.

   is the battlefield commander and super holographic soldiers headed by ZH0214, and there are nearly two million Tier 6 nuclear-powered mechanical arms.

At last.

   is that boundless.

   A mechanical army of hundreds of billions.

To know.

   The weakest here are all Tier 2 mechanical soldiers.

   "Qin Qipu, Wu Wuji, Lin Tianjian, Lianzhen..."

   Jiangli's gaze seemed to look down on sentient beings, and his mighty power was overwhelming. With the help of hundreds of billions of mechanical corps, Jiangli's momentum rose to the peak, and the emperor suppressed the audience.

this moment.

   is the home court of Jiang Li.

   "This is the strength of the emperor, this is the strength of the Great Xia Dynasty."

Jiang Li shouted: "With nearly 500 billion troops, the weakest are the second-tier masters. Among them, the second-tier is more than 400 billion, the third-tier is nearly 50 billion, the fourth-tier is more than five billion, and the fifth-tier is nearly five thousand. Ten thousand, nearly two million for Tier 6, more than a hundred for Tier 7, and two for Tier 8."

"just now."

   "The emperor will give you another chance to reorganize the language."


   Qin Qipao's face was completely black.


   Wu Wuji was silent.

   "This... scary!"

   Mobei Renhuang shivered.

   "My dear, this is 500 billion troops!"

   Duan Qilin felt horrified.


   The number of seventh and eighth orders is still normal.

   But the number of Tier 6 is terrible.

   Two million!

   The number is nearly two million.

   This is simply a fantasy.

   The entire San Anzhou.

   Barbarian, Human, Monster.

   All dynasties add up.

   It is impossible to make up so many sixth orders.

   I think it would be nice to make up one tenth. UU reading

   "What's even more terrifying is that Jiang Li's ability in the space domain is capable of teleporting this 500 billion legion to any location."


   "In other words, as long as Jiang Li wants, he can destroy a dynasty at any time."

"Oh my God!"

   "No wonder the Shi Wing Dynasty was easily resolved by Jiang Li."

   "No wonder Jiang Li said that the destruction of the Ten Wing Dynasty was a breeze."

   "What Jiang Li said is true!"

   The voices of everyone were full of awe.

   "According to the ‘Alliance Conference’ system, a voting system is implemented.

   Jiangli continued: "This emperor gives you the right to choose. Please raise your hand if you agree with the Daxia Dynasty to become the ‘Master of the Alliance’. If you disagree, you don’t have to raise your hand."

   "Now start'voting'."

   "Jiang Li, don't deceive people too much."

   Qin Qipu's face was gloomy.

"I agree."

   Mobei Renhuang raised his hand without hesitation, "This emperor feels that with the strength of the Great Xia Dynasty, it is sufficient to be the leader of the'Alliance.' With Emperor Xia leading us, we will surely win the final victory."

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