The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 615: 50000


   The National Destiny of the Mobei Dynasty is ranked 25th on the "Qianlong List-Sheng'anzhou", and it is already at the end of the nine human dynasties.

   The last one was the Great Xia Dynasty.

   Not anymore.

and so.

   The Mobei Emperor is very clear.

  With the strength and national power of the Mobei Dynasty, it is impossible to participate in the struggle for the'True Dragon Throne'. If you have to participate in it, there is only one way to break your body.

   Only rely on the powerful dynasty to be the minister of the dragon.

By the time

   can also become a king of the imperial dynasty.


   Mobei Renhuang was the first to raise his hand to agree that he wanted to rely on the Great Xia Dynasty.

"it is good."

   Jiangli naturally showed a smile on his face.

brush! brush!


   Jiangli waved his right hand.

   He directly took out a full 10,000'controllable nuclear fission palm control hair devices' from the best space storage bag.

   Ten thousand black robotic arm rings are suspended in the air.

   "The Emperor of Mobei."

   Jiangli said: "This is the latest nuclear weapon developed by the Daxia Dynasty. It is stronger than atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, and has the ability to continue combat."

  "Named: Controllable Nuclear Fission Controlled Generator."

   "This nuclear weapon can be used by Tier 5 warriors. After they are familiar with the ‘Controllable Nuclear Fission Controlling Device’, it is strongest enough to give full play to Tier 6 combat effectiveness.”

   "It is possible to create a'nuclear energy team'."

   "Now the emperor will present these weapons to you, so that you can assemble the Mobei army to resist the invasion of foreign dynasties."

   "You take it."

   The voice fell off.

   Jiangli waved his hand, and the 10,000 ‘controllable nuclear fission palm controllers’ suspended in the air slowly fell towards the Mobei Emperor.


   Mobei Renhuang's expression was taken aback.

   After regaining consciousness.

   With a wave of his right hand, the energy gushed out, forming a light curtain, and quickly caught the 10,000 ‘controllable nuclear fission control generators’.

   "Xiahuang, you..."

   Mobei Renhuang opened his mouth, and then took one of the ‘controllable nuclear fission palm controllers’ in his hand. After confirming that it was correct, it was indeed a ‘nuclear weapon’.

   At the beginning.

   The "Nuclear Power Team" of the Great Xia Dynasty is equipped with this weapon.

   So they played a vital role in the war of the Black Moon Dynasty.

   Mobei people never expected it.

   Jiangli would actually come up with a full 10,000'controllable nuclear fission control generators' and give them to himself for free. If all the equipment is used, it will be enough to form a 10,000-person'nuclear energy team'.

   I feel terrible even thinking about it.

   is definitely a powerful force.

   "The Emperor of Mobei."

   Jiangli asked: "With the background of your Mobei Dynasty, it should be enough to form a 10,000-person ‘nuclear energy team’."

   "Returning to Xia Huang, it is enough."

   Mobei Renhuang said excitedly.

  All the weapons produced by the army base, whether it is a ‘controllable nuclear fission control launcher’, an atomic bomb, or a hydrogen bomb, are all controlled by Jiang Li.

   Jiangli can invalidate all nuclear weapons.

and so.

   There is no need to worry that the emperor of Mobei will be detrimental to him after he gets the "controllable nuclear fission control device". This is why Jiang Li will take out the "controllable nuclear fission control device".


   As long as it is equipped with a ‘controllable nuclear fission control generator’ and uses Jiang Li’s weapons to kill the enemy, he can earn Jiang Li’s soul fire.


   not only enhances the strength of the human race, but also allows Jiang Li to harvest soul fire.

   This is a two-shot thing.

   Duan Qilin of the Chongwu Dynasty looked at Wu Huang Wu Wuji. He saw Wu Wuji's gloomy face, Duan Qilin quickly lowered his head and remained silent.

   Jing Yueke is also waiting for Lin Tianjian's statement.

It can be said.

  The people present at the scene, they are not fools. They all know Jiang Li's true purpose very well. Jiang Li wants to slowly erode and gradually incorporate the dynasty of all people.

   I want to become a human king.

   Becoming the ‘Master of the Alliance’ is only the first step.

  If it was before.

   Wu Wuji, Qin Qipu, Lin Tianjian, the three of them will definitely not agree, because they all want to fight for the'True Dragon Throne' and have ambitions, how could it be possible for Jiang Li to succeed.


   Today's situation is very different.

First of all.

  If Wu Dynasty, Soul Wu Dynasty, Sword Dynasty, and the three major overlord dynasties withdrew from the'Human Alliance', Jiang Li would definitely not support them.

By the time.

   If the demon clan uses the ability of the earth book to attack them, they will face the demon clan's legion and many demon kings alone.

   But if you just agreed to Jiang Li.

   They are extremely unwilling.

   As for the force to oppress Jiang Li.

   This is also impossible.

"I agree."

   At this time.

   Xing Lingqi raised his hand, then smiled at Jiang Li.


Jiang Li smiled and nodded in response. He looked at the emperors, the hall masters, and everyone present, and then said: "After the emperor has taken the position of the leader of the alliance, nuclear weapons will be given to the dynasties. Support."

   "Including but not limited to atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, controlled nuclear fission control generators, etc."

   "And there is no need for everyone to pay for spiritual stones."


  Ren really asked.


   Lin Tianjian was also taken aback.

   Wu Wuji and Qin Qipo also looked at Jiang Li with deep eyes.

   The power of the atomic and hydrogen bombs.

   The emperor is obvious to all.

   let alone ‘controllable nuclear fission control the generator’.

   At the beginning, they had seen the strength of the "Nuclear Power Team" of the Daxia Dynasty.

have to say.

   This is a huge temptation.

"Ha ha."

He Qingshu smiled, raised his hand, and said: "I also think that if the Emperor Xia becomes the'master of the alliance', we can also give us the support of nuclear weapons, and Xia Huang has mastered the space ability to deal with the monsters. The family’s book from the ground."

   "So I agree."





   There was a palace lord who raised his hand, and even Xia Miao voted in favor.


   Ten votes from the Chamber.

   plus a vote from Mobei Renhuang.

   Jiangli received eleven votes.


   Mobei Renhuang had two votes, but with the increase in the ranking of the Great Xia Dynasty, the Mobei Dynasty became the last one, so it became one vote.

  The national fortune of the Great Xia Dynasty ranks sixth among the nine dynasties.

and so.

   Jiang has five votes from himself.

   That is to say.

   Jiangli now has 16 votes.

"it is good."

   Red Lord nodded and said: "Now the number of votes that agree with Emperor Xia to become the leader of the alliance is 16 votes, and the votes that disagree with Emperor Xia as the leader of the alliance are zero."

   "Everyone, please continue to vote."

   "The lonely disagree."

   Qin Qipu said directly.

   "Soul Emperor."

   Jiang Lisen's cold eyes fell on Qin Qipu's body.

   "Jiang Li."

   Qin Qipai looked at each other, not afraid, and said indifferently: "This emperor will never agree."


   In the face of Jiang Li's oppression and the hundreds of billions of mechanical corps, Qin Qipu was not afraid, he concluded that Jiang Li would not dare to do anything here.


   even hands-on.

  Qin Qipu is also fearless.

   "I agreed."

Lianzhen raised her hand to agree, and then smiled to Jiang Li: "Emperor Xia, you just gave Mobei Emperor a full 10,000 controllable nuclear fission control hair devices. Gu now also agrees. You can't favor one another. what."

   "It's easy to say."

   Jiangli smiled.

   "In that case, Gu also agreed."

   After Lin Tianjian was silent for a while, he thought a lot, and then said: "Just now in the martial arts hall, I just said that as long as the Great Xia Dynasty really has the strength to serve as the'leader of the alliance', the emperor will naturally not stop it."

   "Moreover, we really need Xia Huang's ability."

   "With Xia Huang's fixed-point teleportation, the entire San Anzhou can become a battlefield for our human race."

"Jian Huang!"

   Qin Qipo clenched his fists.

   "Since the Sword Emperor has agreed."

   Jing Yueke immediately raised his hand and said, "Nagu also agreed."

just now.

   Only Wu Wuji, Duan Qilin, and Qiu Wanlian did not vote.


   The total number of votes from the three of them only reached twenty votes.

   "The number of votes Xia Huang approved was thirty-four votes."

  Red Lord said: "The number of votes that disagree with is eight votes. Emperor Wu, Emperor Wanlian, Emperor Chongwu, you three have not voted yet."

"Ha ha."

   Wu Wuji sneered, "Is it still necessary to vote now? There is a gap of 26 votes. Even if all three of us oppose it, it is no longer useful."


   Qiu Wanlian and Duan Qilin lowered their heads.

   "Damn it!"

   Qin Qipo clenched his fists.


   The Red Lord coughed slightly and said, "In that case, the voting is over and Jiang Li's proposal is passed. From today onwards, Jiang Li will be the'Leader of the Alliance of Sheng'anzhou Human Race."

Roar! ! !

   Daxia Qinglong immediately uttered a loud dragon roar.


   Jiangli laughed.

   "See'Lord of the Alliance'."

   Mobei Renhuang did not hesitate, he bowed to Jiang Li, apparently acknowledging the position of the leader of Jiangli Alliance.


Roar! ! !


   The real dragon of the imperial national fate of the Mobei Emperor has a sense, and the national fate is shaking, and the vast real dragon of national fate emerges, soars into the sky, and lowered his head towards the great Xia Qinglong.

can be seen.

   A large amount of imperial national destiny gushes out of the true dragon of Mobei National Destiny, like a dense haze. A full 30% of the imperial national destiny has been swallowed and absorbed by the great Xia Qinglong.


   The true dragon of the Mobei Kingdom is fifteen kilometers away.

   is now twelve thousand meters.

   "See the Lord of the Alliance."

Roar! Roar! !


   Lianzhen, Lin Tianjian, Jing Yueke, the three emperors also bowed to Jiang Li, acknowledging that Jiang Li was the leader of the alliance.


   There are three real dragons of national destiny manifested.

among them.

  The real dragon of the national fortune of the Lotus Dynasty is snow white with a body length of 40,000 meters, and the real dragon of the Tianzong Dynasty is red gold with a body length of 30,000 meters.

At last.

   is the real dragon of the sword dynasty.

   is the largest.

   is also the strongest.

   The whole body is pure gold, and the golden dragon scales are like swords.

   reached 80,000 meters.

   hum! Hum! Hum!

The dragons blasted The body of the three true dragons of national fortune, a large amount of national fortune of the dynasty, all of which was swallowed and absorbed by the great Xia Qinglong, each true dragon of national fortune gave a full 30% of the empire National fortune.

Roar! ! !

   Daxia Qinglong uttered an extremely cheerful dragon chant.

   resounded everywhere.

   is getting stronger and stronger.

   Daxia Qinglong is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Thirty-one thousand meters...35 thousand meters...forty thousand meters...


   When Daxia Qinglong absorbed all these imperial national destinies.

   reached the level of 50,000 meters.

  The rankings of the national transport industry have risen one after another.

   Jiangli felt the call of'Qianlong Ranking-San Anzhou'.


  Qin Qipo, Wu Wuji, Duan Qilin, Qiu Wanlian, they saw Daxia Qinglong's rise so much, just in a blink of an eye, they grew from 30,000 meters to 50,000 meters.

   is naturally envy and jealousy in his heart.

   "Soul Emperor, Wu Emperor."

   Jiangli felt the growth of the national fortune, his eyes fell on Qin Qipu and the others, "Now it's up to you."

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