The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 617: Huge amount

   late at night.

   Qin Qipu and Wu Wuji arrived at the "Human Tribe", and then formally met with Jiang Li, and the two sides began to negotiate a deal.

   Qiu Wanlian and Duan Qilin did not come.


   Wu Wuji asked: "The emperor has brought the spirit stone, are your nuclear weapons ready?"

"of course."

   Jiangli smiled.


   Jiangli ordered the super transport troops to land from the air one after another, and the large military transport planes lined up neatly on the open space of the chamber.

   Then the cabin door opened.

   The mechanical soldiers transported all the atomic and hydrogen bombs.

of course.

   The most important thing is the 20,000 ‘controllable nuclear fission palm control generators’.

   "These are the nuclear weapons you want."

   Jiangli gestured, "You can check and confirm the quantity."

"it is good."

   Wu Wuji and Qin Qipo looked at each other, nodded and said.

   They walked over by themselves, and then checked them carefully.

   just in case Jiang Li would trick these weapons.

   half an hour later.

   Inspection is complete.

   Qin Qipu and Wu Wuji did not find any abnormalities.

   These'nuclear weapons' are completely another system, and it is impossible for Qin Qipo and Wu Wuji to discover any abnormal conditions.

"no problem."

   Wu Jidao.


   Qin Qipo nodded slightly in silence.

to be frank.

   Qin Qipu still doesn't believe Jiang Li.


   Qin Qipu finally chose the transaction, which shows that he can't resist the temptation of nuclear weapons either.

   Big deal, be cautious when using it.

time flies.

   half an hour later.

  The transaction between the two parties was successfully completed.

  Because Qin Qipo and Wu Wuji both have ‘superior space storage bags’, they can completely take away all nuclear weapons at once.

   There are a lot of transactions this time.


   Qin Qipu and Wu Wuji traded the spirit crystals to Jiang Li after they obtained the "nuclear energy weapons". Jiang Li confirmed that the number of spirit stones was correct, and then Qin Qipu and Wu Wuji left with the "nuclear energy weapons".

   They did not stay in the Terran Chamber for a while.

   Jiangli smiled and watched Qin Qipo and Wu Wuji leave. He sensed the number of spirit stones in the storage bag of the best space, and the smile on his face increased.

To know.

   This transaction.

among them.

   Twenty thousand'controllable nuclear fission control generators', Jiang Li has traded a full two trillion low-grade spirit crystals.

  In addition.

   200,000 10,000-ton hydrogen bombs and atomic bombs each, and two million 10,000-ton, megaton, 100,000-ton, and 10,000-ton atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs each.

   Twenty million thousand-ton atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs each.

   In total, Jiang Li was able to trade a full ten trillion low-grade spirit crystals.

   This is a huge amount of wealth.

   "Congratulations to Emperor Xia, the transaction was concluded, and a huge amount of spiritual crystals were harvested."

   Lin Tianjian came, he arched his hand to Jiang Li and congratulated him.


Because Jiang Li did not make too many atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, but only made a lot of "controllable nuclear fission controllers", Jiang Li gave Lianzhen, Jing Yueke, Mobei Renhuang, and Lin Tianjian 10,000 each. A controllable nuclear fission control generator.

   Compared with the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb.

   Controllable nuclear fission palm has stronger power to control the generator.

   The manufacturing price is not very high.

   Great value for money.

Of course.

   The only drawback.

   You must be a Tier 5 warrior to use it normally. Although Tier 5 or below can also be used, it cannot withstand the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.


   Jiangli has already made a decision in the ‘Alliance Meeting’. He will preemptively attack the western border of St. Anzhou, gather the forces of the five dynasties, and capture the Monster and Barbarian dynasties in the western border of St. Anzhou.

   will officially act tomorrow.

and so.

   The Mobei Emperor, Lian Zhen, and Jing Yueke have all returned, and in accordance with Jiang Li's instructions, prepare for the war and assemble the imperial army.

By the time.

   Jiangli will pass through the'mechanical space station base' and use the'fixed point teleportation' to gather the human legions of the various dynasties and launch an invasion.

Not only that.

   Jiangli also determined the first target to attack.

   is one of the two great barbarian dynasties in the west of Sheng'anzhou-Qianshou Barbarian Dynasty.


   Jiangli nodded, looking at Lin Tianjian, "The Sword Emperor hasn't returned yet?"


   Lin Tianjian nodded, and said in a deep voice: "For tomorrow's action, Sword Dynasty may not be able to support too much power. After all, Sword Dynasty is under great pressure in the southern border of San Anzhou."

   "There are three barbarian dynasties and three monster dynasties in the south of St. Anzhou, but there are only two human dynasties, the Sword Dynasty and the Tianzong Dynasty. If the loneliness sends too many forces and troops..."

   "No need to talk about it."

   Jiangli interrupted Lin Tianjian's words and said, "Gu understands what you mean. Don't worry, Gu will not embarrass you too much and know the situation of Jian Dynasty."

   "At that time, you only need to use the 10,000'controllable nuclear fission control generators' that Gu gave you to form a'nuclear energy team' and send the'nuclear energy team'."


   Lin Tianjian was stunned for a moment, but he did not expect that Jiang Li would agree to that. He immediately said: "Okay, no problem, I will go back and immediately form a ‘nuclear energy team’."


   pondered for a while.

   Lin Tianjian said again: "I wonder if the Daxia Dynasty can send an army to support the Sword Dynasty..."

   "This matter will wait until the war in the West is over."

   Jiangli waved his hand and refused.


   Lin Tianjian nodded, said no more, turned and left.

   The figure disappeared into the night.

   It didn’t take long.

   The red master and brown old come.


   The red master and the old brown man arched their hands to Jiangli, with a respectful tone.


   Crimson Lord and Elder Hu have great confidence in Jiang Li. They believe that the Great Xia Dynasty has the greatest possibility to unify St. Anzhou and establish a human imperial dynasty.

and so.

   "Terran Chamber" will support Jiang Li.

   "Red Lord, brown old."

   Jiangli bowed his hand in return.


   Jiangli also learned a lot about the Human Tribe Chamber through Brown Lao and Chi Zhu, and basically understood the specific strength of the Human Tribe Chamber.

First of all.

   Chizhu and Brown are always eighth-order perfect cultivation bases.

   is not ninth order.

  In addition.

   Ten Hall Masters.

   There are five of the eighth rank.

   One in the late eighth stage, two in the middle eighth stage, two in the early eighth stage, and the other five hall masters are all seventh-tier perfect cultivation bases.

   Xia Miao, He Qingshu, Xing Lingqi.

   The three hall masters are all seventh-order perfect.

   The other two Seventh-order Consummation Palace Master Jiang Li are not familiar with them, but Chi Zhu and Hu Lao both introduced them to Jiang Li. They were named: Book of Tang and Wu Peixian.

   One of them is a female.

   Five eighth-tier hall masters.

   Chi Zhu and Hu Lao introduced to Jiangli emphatically.

   The late eighth stage is called Sheng Baochen.

   is a middle-aged man with a delicate face. He always speaks with a smile, which makes people feel more cordial and strong.

   The two hall masters in the middle of the eighth stage were called Meng Tianyun and Meng He.

   These two are biological brothers.

   The practice method is also quite special.

   can form a combined attack.

   The combat effectiveness is extremely strong.


   is enough to exert the fighting power of the late eighth stage.

At last.

   are the two palace masters from the early eighth stage.

   There is a woman.

   The woman is called'Xu Shiying', she is tall, with a beautiful face, and has a womanly temperament.

  The other palace lord of the early eighth stage was called ‘Hu Dianyu’. There was nothing special about it, and his appearance was extremely ordinary, and he didn’t see any characteristics.

   There are twenty deputy hall masters.

   There are strong and weak.

   But they are all seventh-order cultivation bases.

   Sixth-order cultivation base is even more.

   In addition to the ‘army’ composed of 100 million Tier 3 chamber members, the ‘chamber’ actually has ‘supernumerary members’, with more members, more than ten times the number of chamber members.


   The non-staff members are all below the third rank and above the first rank.

  The strength is even more uneven.


   is more than a billion.


   Puppet Master, Mechanism Master, Array Master.

   Terran Chamber also has everything.

   has mastered a variety of powerful puppet skills, mechanism skills, and formation spells.

of course.

   The strongest of the Terran Chamber is the ability in the ‘space’ field.

  Because the "Human Tribe Chamber" is backed by the "Human Martial Art Fairy Court", and because there is no imperial dynasty in San Anzhou, it cannot be regarded as a formal chamber of Fairy Court.

   can still get help from "Xian Ting".

and so.

   has space storage bags, space rings and other items.

   there are space formations and so on.


   Both Chi Zhu and Hu Lao have mastered ‘Martial Arts’ and ‘Weapons’ such as space.

   "Although the time and preparations are a bit rushed, since Emperor Xia has decided to launch the battlefield tomorrow, we and the Terran Chamber will naturally give our full support."

   said the Scarlet Lord.


   Old Brown agreed and nodded.

   "At that time, if the Barbarian Chamber and the Demon Chamber are involved in the Imperial War, we will definitely take action in time to stop them."

   Equator said: "We also know the strength of the Barbarian Chamber and the Monster Chamber."


   "The strength of the three major chambers in St. Ann is almost the same."

"it is good."

   Jiangli smiled, and said, "At that time, there will be two adults, and everyone in the chamber."

"rest assured."

   Red Lord and Old Brown solemnly nodded their heads, and said in a deep voice: "We also hope that the human race of Sheng'anzhou can win the final victory, completely master the'San'anzhou', and establish a godless dynasty."

   "This is also of great benefit to us."


The old man groaned for a while, and said, "Regarding Lin Tianjian, Emperor Xia should pay more attention to him. The reason why he would agree to you as the'leader of the alliance' even paid 30% of the imperial fortune. The purpose is probably to get it from you. Support from the army."

   "After all, the situation of the Human Race in the Southern Territory is more difficult than that of the Middle Territory."

   "It's just that you didn't promise Lin Tianjian to send an army just now. I'm afraid Lin Tianjian will bear resentment in his heart."

"No Li waved his hand," Qin Qipu and Wu Wuji left the alliance, and the emperor didn’t care, let alone Lin Tianjian. If Lin Tianjian really wants to do anything unfavorable, The emperor will do it himself. "


   Chi Zhu and Mr. Brown nodded, and after looking at each other, Xiang Jiangli bowed their hands, and solemnly said: "So I wish Emperor Xia tomorrow's dynasty war flag will be victorious and return triumphantly."


   Jiangli smiled and said, "Naturally."


   hum! ! !

   The invisible space beam fell from the sky and enveloped Jiang Li. Jiang Li's figure disappeared out of thin air, left the chamber, and teleported back to the Imperial Capital of Great Xia.

   "Just leave like this."

   The Scarlet Lord looked at the place where Jiang Li had disappeared, "Such a teleportation is not what the ordinary'Space Teleportation Array' can do at all. I am afraid that Jiang Li has obtained some spatial treasure."

   "Let’s prepare as soon as possible."

"it is good."

   Old Brown nodded, and after a moment of deep thought, he then said: "To be honest, I am a little worried. The Emperor Xia is so hasty that he will launch a dynasty war tomorrow, and even capture the entire Western Territory. I am afraid it will not be easy."

   "Fear of change."

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