The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 618: Crown


   Chi Zhu and Old Brown didn't even know that even if Jiang Li didn't start a dynasty war tomorrow, all the Yaozu dynasties would be dispatched and set off a dynasty war.

   The flames of war will truly sweep across the entire San Ann State from tomorrow.

   And Jiang Li had already known Yaozu's plan.

   just didn't say it.

   intends to do it first.

  In addition.

   The evolution of ML01 and SSTS01 has reached 50%, and a large-scale dynasty war is needed to improve their evolution.

   After Jiangli returned to the Imperial Capital of Great Xia, he went directly to the dominating hub room, sat cross-legged, ran the exercises, circulated cyan light around his body, and communicated with the ‘Qianlong Ranking’.

   this time.

   Because the Daxia Qinglong increased by 20,000 meters to a level of 50,000 meters, the Daxia Dynasty’s ranking increased by seven, ranking tenth.

   Jiangli received two awards in total.


   The purple-golden light group merged into Jiang Li's body.

   has been transformed into a vast amount of information on the inheritance of techniques.

  ’Congratulations on the promotion of the Great Xia Dynasty’s national fortune. The ranking has been increased from seventeenth to tenth. Reward 1: Promotion to Great Xia Qinglong Gong. ’

   After a while.

   Jiangli memorized all the newly optimized exercises.

   After optimization and promotion.

   Today's Great Xia Qinglong Gong has reached the seventh-order best.

   hum! !

   The second purple-golden light group merged.

  ‘Reward 2: Alliance Crown. ’

"this is……"

   Jiangli was taken aback.

   He felt it clearly.

   After the purple-golden light group merged into itself, it fell silent in the dantian, and then it continued to change, absorbing the power of Daxia Qinglong's national destiny.


   became a purple-gold ‘crown’.

   exudes an extremely noble breath.



   The ‘crown’ flew, and automatically put it on the head of Daxia Qinglong. The cyan dragon head wore a purple-gold crown, which made Daxia Qinglong’s power rise.

Not only that.

   Jiangli also feels the promotion of'human emperor'.

   is obviously not an ordinary thing.

At last.

   Jiangli had a burst of information out of thin air, which was the detailed information about the'Alliance Crown'.

  The browsing is complete.

   Jiangli understood.

   Consciousness returns to the body.

   Jiangli opened his eyes.

   The cyan light on his body disappeared.


   Jiangli waved his right hand, calling out the "Alliance Crown" in the dantian, appeared in the palm of Jiang Li's right hand, suspended in the air, emitting a purple-golden light.


   Jiangli seemed to see an extremely illusory ‘five-clawed true dragon’ in this ‘Alliance Crown’.


   This is because Jiang Li became the "Lord of the Alliance of the Human Empire", and Daxia Qinglong swallowed the dynasty of the four human dynasties, which triggered the reward mechanism and obtained the "Alliance Crown".


   The'Alliance Crown' is not a sacred artifact of the dynasty's national fortune, but its effect and power are stronger and more powerful than the Kowloon-class sacred artifact of the dynasty's fortune.


  'Alliance Crown' can mobilize the power of the real dragons of all alliance dynasties.

   That is to say.

   Jiangli can drive the Mobei true dragon of the Mobei Dynasty, the Lianzhen true dragon of the Lianzhen Dynasty, the Tianzong true dragon of the Tianzong Dynasty, and the Tianjian true dragon of the Sword Dynasty.

   plus Daxia Qinglong.

   The real dragon of the five dynasties.

   Jiangli’s strength will increase dramatically.

   This is definitely a powerful weapon and hole card.

if we assume.

   Wu Dynasty, Soul Wu Dynasty, Wanlian Dynasty, Chongwu Dynasty did not leave the alliance, but all agreed with Jiang Li's words to become the leader of the alliance.

By the time.

   is the addition of the top ten dynasties.

   That is the real horror.

   But obviously.

   It is almost impossible and difficult to achieve this level.

   got acquainted with the "Alliance Crown".

   Jiangli retracted his body.


   "Great Xia Qinglong Gong."

  Jiangli running exercises.

Roar! ! !

   Long Yin bursts.

   There is a vast national destiny surging out of the Great Xia Qinglong, flowing through Jiang Li's whole body, and the feedback from the national destiny begins, Jiang Li practices the exercises.

   half an hour later.

   Jiangli has completed the refurbishment of the 7th-order Supreme Qinglong Gong.


   Jiangli continued to use the energy of ‘National Destiny Feedback’ to cultivate, and his understanding of heaven and earth became deeper and deeper. The power of the invisible heaven and earth poured into Jiang Li’s body and gradually combined with the true spirit.

time flies.

   Jiangli's perception of heaven and earth gradually came to completion.

   The true spirit slowly transformed.


   Several hours passed.

   The wee hours come.

   The sun rises and the purple gas comes to the east.

   Boom! !

   The river shook his whole body.

   His understanding of heaven and earth is completely complete. Not only that, the power of the true spirit in his body has also been transformed into the power of heaven and earth, and the true spirit has grown from 18 inches to 21 inches.

Roar! ! !

   A dragon chant came out.

   Jiangli's momentum greatly increased.


   The breakthrough is completed.

   broke through from the late stage of the seventh stage to the seventh stage of consummation.

   The power of heaven and earth fills the whole body.

   Strength greatly increased.


   Jiangli’s training has not stopped, and the energy of the'national movement feedback' has not yet ended. With the increase of the'national movement feedback', Jiang Li's comprehension has increased dramatically.


   Jiangli's aptitude has reached the point of extremely genius with the promotion of the gene enhancement liquid.

and so.

   After Jiangli’s perception of heaven and earth reached Consummation, he finally touched the truth of the world, the essence of the world, that is, the ‘law’.

   Endless world.

The law of    is intertwined like a net, covering the whole world.

   densely packed.

   Jiangli was immersed in the ocean of laws, fascinated, and the profound meaning of the laws was too profound. Jiang Li was deeply trapped in it and couldn't get out of it. He felt the vastness of the laws, as if he wanted to be in it.

   This is dangerous.

   If Jiang Li can't wake up and can't feel the law that suits him, his soul, his body, and even his consciousness will be assimilated by the law and become a part of the world.

By the time.

   is real death.

time flies.

   in the morning.

   Over thirty-seven legion bases.

  The major mechanical corps came out of the mechanical arsenal.

   Follow Jiang Li's order.

   Today is the time to attack the West.

and so.

   The battlefield commanders have already commanded the entire mechanical army to move out.

the other side.

   Mobei Dynasty, Lianzhen Dynasty has assembled an army.

   spent all night.

   They used the ‘controllable nuclear fission control generators’ given by Jiang Li to form two ‘nuclear energy forces’, and the number of each ‘nuclear energy force’ was 10,000.

  Because there is too much time, the members of the nuclear energy force are not yet fully familiar with the'controllable nuclear fission control generator', but they can also exert the power of the'controllable nuclear fission control generator'.

  In addition.

   South of St. Anju.

   Sword Dynasty and Tianzong Dynasty also gathered armies.


   They all sent an army of only 100 million soldiers, plus two ‘nuclear forces’.

   The legions of the four dynasties have assembled.

   Now I am waiting for Jiang Li to gather all the legions through the ‘Mechanical Space Station Base’ using ‘fixed-point teleport’.


   They didn't know that Jiang Li was in a'dangerous situation'.

   Great Xia Huangdu.

   The dominating hub room of the 01th Army base.

   hum! Hum!

can be seen.

   Jiangli's figure has gradually faded.

Roar! Roar!

   Da Xia Qinglong continued to utter the sound of dragons, but could not wake Jiang Li.

  At this moment of crisis.


   Jiangli's dantian place, the ‘Alliance Crown’ released an extremely flaming purple-golden light, manifested autonomously, rose in the air, and was worn on Jiang Li’s head.

   hum! Hum!

  The purple and golden light curtain fell.

   is like a waterfall.

this moment.

   Jiangli's whole body shook. With the help of the'Alliance Crown', he awakened from the state of immersion, and his body that was constantly imagining returned to normal.

Not only that.

  He is among the countless laws.

   saw the ‘rules’ that echoed him.

   is noble.

   high above.

   seems to be above countless laws.

   Its name: Emperor Dao!

   "It's Him!"


   Jiangli rushed forward without hesitation, his consciousness blended with the emperor's law, and he felt the supreme emperor's prestige and the endless circulation of mystery.

   hum! Hum!

  The alliance crown shines, assisting Jiang Li to realize the "Emperor Dao".

   The energy of ‘National Movement Feedback’ is constantly being consumed.


   The textures of heaven and earth on the real spirit in the dantian of the river are intertwined, gradually condensing into a purple-gold dragon-shaped texture.

the other side.

   St. Anzhou Zhongyu.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   No sky, thousand volts, seven lotus.

   The three demon kings joined forces again.

  The allied forces of the three monster dynasties gathered.

   The momentum is huge.

   this time.

   Wutian, they assembled all the forces of the three big monster dynasties.

among them.

   After all the monster army of the Qianfu Demon Dynasty was dispatched.

   The force reached 30 billion.

after all.

   Thousand Volt Demon Dynasty is not a dominant dynasty.

   Qilian Dynasty.

   The number of troops deployed reached 80 billion.

To know.

   The weakest overlord-level dynasty, the "Ten Wings Dynasty", can gather the nation's military strength, and the total force can reach 50 billion, let alone the strength of the Seven Lotus Dynasty of the Ten Wings Dynasty.

At last.

   is no Tian Yao Dynasty.

   As the number one in the national fortune of San Anju, he is also the strongest overlord dynasty.

   The number of troops deployed reached 200 billion.

   is nearly three times that of the Qilian Dynasty.

To know.

   Ten-billion-level legion, with the assistance of the formation mage, can lay out a seventh-order army formation, which can block all attacks below the eighth rank and is very powerful.


   Hundred Billion Dynasty Army Corps.

   will be able to arrange an eighth-order army formation.

   The power of the eighth-order army.

   will be able to block all attacks below Tier 9.

this moment.

   The entire San Anzhou area.

   The army of 300 billion monster soldiers, the endless evil spirits of the army oscillated, forming an extremely terrifying blood evil, covering half of the sky in the middle of San Anzhou.

Roar! ! !

  The dragon chants the sky.

   The Dragon Yin without the innocent dragon is under the increase of the power of the monster army.

   almost spread throughout the middle domain.

   The three barbarian dynasties were all alarmed.

   Great Witch Kingdom, Moon God Barbaric Dynasty, Turing Barbaric Dynasty.


   "The monster is going to start a war?"

   "Something big happened."


   "Quick! Assemble all the barbarian armies now!"

   without any hesitation.

   The three barbaric emperors, in the shortest time, conveyed an order to gather all the barbaric armies of the three barbaric dynasties and prepare to face the monsters.

at the same time.

  Hunwu Dynasty and Wanlian Dynasty.

   hum! Hum!

First of all.

   Qin Qipu stood high in the sky, looking at the sky shrouded by the **** evil spirits of the legion, his eyes were cold, and he immediately issued an order to dispatch all the troops.

   All the puppet masters of the Soul Wu Dynasty are dispatched.

   A large number of puppet army appeared.


  The Wanlian Dynasty also gathered all its The three tribe wars in the middle area of ​​St. Anzhou were about to start.

   Such a huge movement.

   Naturally, it alarmed the tribal chambers in the middle area of ​​San Anzhou.

   Demonic Chamber.

   "The Wutian Demon Emperor has already started."

   Fu Tianqing and Moherin pondered for a while, and the ten demon clan masters looked at each other, "Next is the South, West, and East."

   "Whether Zhongyu is there, we don't need to worry."

   "The Ten Wings of the Western Realm has been destroyed, and only the Yongye Demon Dynasty is left. The strength of the Demon Race is too weak."

   "Zhongyu's geographical location is special, so we must always guard against the chambers of the other two races to prevent them from getting in the way. If there is no innocence to occupy the Zhongyu, this is a great good thing for us Yaozu."

   "Human Dynasty of the human race in the east, and the Emperor Longman Dynasty of the barbarian in the south. These two places need our more attention and support at that time."

   The demon clan hall masters talked a lot.

"Do not!"

   Fu Tianqing interrupted the conversation of the hall masters of the demon race, he said solemnly: "When the war broke out in the southern, central, eastern, and western areas of St. Anzhou, the ten hall masters immediately went to Daxia with me."

   "Stop Jiang Li!"

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