The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 619: 0 hand

Roar! ! !

   Great Xia Huangdu.

   accompanied by a sound of earth-shaking dragons.

next moment.

  The huge Great Xia Qinglong appeared, rising from the base of the No. 01 Legion into the sky, the extremely huge cyan dragon body was winding and circling, the dragon might be vast, and the national luck was boiling.


can be seen.

   is on the dragon head of Daxia Qinglong.

   also wore a huge purple-gold crown.

  In the Imperial Capital.

  Countless people raised their heads, looking up at the big Xia Qinglong in the sky, with awe, bowing and saluting, kneeling and kowtow, incomparably respectful.

   It didn’t take long.

   Daxia Qinglong disappeared.

   escaped into Jiang Li's body.

   hum! ! !

   Jiangli opened his eyes, he stopped his cultivation, his eyes flickered, his cultivation base was completely stable, and his cultivation base had reached the seventh level of Consummation.

  The energy of the national movement feedback is exhausted.

Not only that.

   Jiangli, with the help of the'Alliance Crown', survived the perilous situation, finally mastered the'Martial Dao Profound meaning', realized the mystery of the'Imperial Dao Law', and greatly increased his strength.


   The 21-inch true spirit sits cross-legged on the'green lotus'. On the true spirit's body, there is a dragon-shaped texture, which is extremely mysterious and contains the power of the emperor's law.

"it is good!"

   Jiangli smiled on his face.

to be frank.

   Jiang Li was indeed in danger just now, and he was almost assimilated by the ‘rules’. If it weren’t for the last ‘Alliance Crown’ to show off and assist Jiang Li, his life would be in danger.


   Now Jiang Li has succeeded.

   A few minutes later.

   Jiangli got up, mobilized the power of heaven and earth, poured it into the'extreme space storage bag', took out a large number of low-grade spirit crystals, and activated the'energy point conversion' function.


   hum! Hum!

   "Successful conversion, get one trillion energy points!"


   "Successful conversion, get one trillion energy points!"


   half an hour later.

   Jiangli converted all 12 trillion low-grade spirit crystals into energy points, and obtained a total of 120,000 trillion energy points. Jiang Li's resources have greatly increased.


   Jiangli ordered Qianlong to open the door dominating the hub room.

   "All in."

   Jiangli said again.



   is outside the room.

   Wang Gang, WMS01, ML01, SSTS01, ZH0214 and other battlefield commanders, super holographic troops.

   They are waiting for Jiang Li to leave.

   After hearing Jiang Li's order.

   all walked into the dominating hub room.


   Wang Gang and the others salute Jiang Li.


   Jiangli nodded in satisfaction.

   "The mechanical units of the thirty-seven legion bases are all ready, please dominate the instructions."

   ZH0214 shouted.

"it is good."

   Jiang left the road, "Qianlong, showing the pictures of all the army bases."


   Qianlong responded.

brush! brush! brush! !


   Qianlong waved his right hand, and the purple light intertwined together to form a virtual screen, suspended in front of Jiang Li's eyes, divided into thirty-six split screens.

   "Qianlong 02 has seen the master."


   "Qianlong 23 has seen the master."


  In the split screen.

  The ‘heart of the base’ of the major bases salutes Jiang Li.

   "Display screen."

   The river leaves the road.


   hum! Hum!

   The split screen screen changed rapidly, showing that the mechanical units of the major army bases had all been dispatched and gathered above the major army bases.

   densely packed.

   The mechanical forces are endless.

   "Contact KJZJD04, KJZJD05, KJZDJD08, and KJZJD09 immediately to confirm the situation in the west of St. Anzhou and the south of St. Anzhou."

   Jiangli gave the order again.


   Qianlong responded.



   The communication between the bases has been connected, and the four mechanical space station bases have successively filmed and transmitted the pictures of the western border of St. Ann State and the southern border of St. Ann State.

   formed a clear holographic picture.

   in the captured frame.

   Jiangli saw through the mechanical space station base the troops dispatched by the Sword Dynasty and the Tianzong Dynasty, as well as the two ‘nuclear forces’ formed by them.


   There are also the imperial armies of the Mobei Dynasty and the Lianzhen Dynasty.


   Jiangli nodded, "It seems that everyone is ready."


   At this time.

   QX01 walked quickly and reported to Jiang Lihui: "Red Lord and Old Brown are requesting correspondence."

   For the convenience of contact.

   Jiangli left the Super Information Corps in the ‘Terran Chamber’ in advance, consisting of 10,000 super information soldiers, so that the Terran Chamber can communicate with Jiang Li through the Super Information Corps.


   The river leaves the road.



   Holographic communication is activated.

   The projection screen appeared.

   In the screen.

   is the red master and brown old man.


   Old Man Brown said directly: "War has broken out in the middle of St. Anzhou. The Wutian Demon Emperor has assembled the forces of the three demon dynasties and formed an extremely large demon army."

"Not surprisingly."

   "The melee of the three races in the Middle Territory will begin soon."

"what's your plan?"


   Jiangli pondered for a while, and said: "Everything is still proceeding according to the original plan. The tribal melee in the middle of San'an State has not ended so quickly."

   "The strength of the Soul Wu Dynasty is very strong, and the other three barbaric dynasties are not fuel-efficient lamps."

   "Just keep staring at'Zhongyu'."

   "This emperor will solve the monster dynasty and the barbarian dynasty in the west of San Anzhou as quickly as possible."


   Red Lord nodded and said: "Since such a flower, just follow what you said. If you have any difficulties, contact us immediately."


   Jiangli nodded, "Yes."


   The communication hangs up.

"set off."

   Jiang Cheng thought, and issued an instruction, "Qianlong, immediately order KJZJD01, KJZJD04, KJZJD05, KJZDJD08, KJZJD09, the five major mechanical space station bases, all start."

   "The ‘Transport Room’ of the thirty-seven legion bases are all activated."

   "The fixed-point transmission begins."

   "Teleport target: the mechanical legion of thirty-seven legion bases, the human legion of the Lianzhen dynasty, the human legion of the Mobei dynasty, the sword dynasty and the army of the Tianzong dynasty."

   "Teleport destination: the imperial capital of the Qianshou Barbaric dynasty-Qianshou Imperial Capital!"

   The voice fell off.

   hum! Hum! Hum!


   The five major mechanical space station bases were activated at the same time, and thirty-seven ‘transmission rooms’ were also operating at the same time, with invisible spatial beams coming across time and space.

   covers the mechanical troops of the major army bases.

brush! brush!

can be seen.

   in the sky above the major army bases.

   A large number of mechanical soldiers disappeared out of thin air, and were teleported away one after another.


   Even if the five major mechanical space station bases start to transmit at the same time, they cannot transmit 500 billion mechanical soldiers at the same time. They need to be transmitted in batches.

   The western border of St. Anzhou.

   Thousands of hands are in the territory.

   Thousand Hands Imperial Capital.

   is over the capital.

   hum! ! !

   The fluctuation of space is extremely clear.

brush! brush! brush! ! !

   Without warning.

   A large number of mechanical troops came out of thin air. At first, it was tens of billions, then tens of billions, and after a while, it reached hundreds of billions.

   The extremely terrifying mechanical army.

   is like an endless sea of ​​machinery, which has enveloped the entire Thousand Hands Emperor.

   is in the capital of Thousand Hands Imperial Capital.

   The barbarians raised their heads in horror, looked up at the sky, saw the boundless mechanical army, and saw the famous mechanical soldier.

   There was a look of fear on his face.

   "The enemy! It's the enemy!"

   "An enemy has invaded!"

   "Quick! Go and inform your Majesty!"

   "Ready to fight!"


   many barbarian generals roared.

Roar! ! !

next moment.

   Dragon chants resounded everywhere.

   It is a real dragon of national fortune with a body length of 20,000 meters. The whole body is pure gold, extremely dazzling, and powerful, rising from the palace.


   On the head of the four-clawed golden dragon.

   Qianshou Manhuang looked extremely heavy, looking at the huge army in the sky, his face became completely pale, especially when he felt the fluctuation of space, it became even more pale.

   "Your Majesty!"

brush! brush! brush!


   The barbarian marshals, princes, and kings of the Thousand-Handed Barbarian Dynasty appeared one after another.

   "Ready to break through!"

   Thousand-handed Barbarian Emperor took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice: "There are too many enemy forces. With the strength of Thousand-handed Barbarian, it is not an opponent at all.

   "The only way is to do our best to break through from one direction. Only in this way can we have the possibility and opportunity to survive."

   "The order goes on, gather all the barbarian forces, and break through to the southeast."




   The barbarian marshals, princes, and kings answered one after another.




Roar! ! !

  Because of the tense situation in San Anzhou, no one knows when a large-scale war will occur, so the major dynasties have already concentrated their forces so that they can be mobilized at any time.

   More than 90% of the forces of the Qianshou Man Dynasty had already been concentrated in the Qianshou Imperial Capital.

this moment.

   Nearly 30 billion barbarian soldiers gathered together.

   and under the leadership of the barbarian marshals, princes, kings, and generals.

   hum! ! !

   Array operation.

   The vast army of evil spirits gathered together.

   In a blink of an eye.

   has arranged two seventh-order army formations.

   rumbling! ! !

   mighty power.

   Those two incredibly huge Tier 7 behemoths have reached the level of tens of millions of meters, straight into the sky, as vast as planets.

   is infinite power.


Roar! ! !

   Under the control of the barbarian marshals, the behemoth of the seventh-order army array brazenly rushed to the southeast, containing an indomitable momentum.



   "Fire coverage!"

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

even though.

   The nearly 500 billion mechanical corps has not yet been transmitted, but hundreds of billions have been transmitted. At this moment, there are artillery in the sky, a large number of missiles, and countless lasers.

   bombing away.

   all bombarded the body of the seventh-order legion behemoth.

Roar! ! !

   This giant army beast is like a huge bull demon with black scales all over its body. It screams up to the sky and dashes away. Countless artillery, missiles, and lasers bombard it.


   were all blocked by the giant army.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Countless explosions sounded.


  The barbarians screamed was backlashed by the army, and some were killed and injured.


  咻! call out! call out! !

  In the Imperial Capital.

   A large number of floating warships lifted into the air, the formations were moving, countless arrays of beams pierced the air, piercing the sky, like a meteor shower, counterattack, bombarding the mechanical army.

   Click! Click! ! !

   Some mechanical soldiers were scrapped, turned into scrap iron, and fell from the air.

   "The whole army obeys the order, charge me!"


"rush out!!!"

   Qianshou Barbaric Emperor roared.

this moment.

   The strength of the two seventh-order army formations is blessed by the Qianshou Barbarian Emperor. The imperial national destiny is added to the body, and the imperial national destiny is protected by the sacred equipment, which greatly increases the strength of the Qianshou Barbaric Emperor.

   exceeded the seventh-order limit.

   faintly reached the initial stage of the eighth stage.


   beside Qianshou Manhuang.

  The marshals of the barbarians, the princes of the barbarians, the kings of the marquis, the guards of the dragons of the national fate, broke out with all their strength, followed behind the Qianshou Savage Emperor, and launched an assault.

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