The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 625: 70 thousand

   The mechanical corps composed of more than 400 billion mechanical soldiers continuously attacked the barbarian army of the Moro Dynasty in the field of "Infernal Purgatory".

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   Countless artillery, energy cannonballs, lasers, missiles, and even nuclear explosions blasted towards the barbarian legion, but were blocked by the blood rain of Infernal Purgatory.

   The sky full of explosions sounded.

   High above the entire battlefield.

   has been covered by countless brilliant exploding fireworks.


   The screams of the barbarian soldiers sounded.

even though.

   The power of "Infernal Purgatory" is extremely powerful, and it can even withstand any attack of the eighth rank, but the consumption and backlash of the eighth rank are also very terrifying.

   Not to mention that "Infernal Purgatory" was forcibly arranged by the Barbarian Emperor Moro at a great price.

and so.

  'Infernal Purgatory' blocked the indiscriminate bombing of more than 400 billion mechanical soldiers, but it also caused a large number of barbarian soldiers to be killed by the army.

   was even directly beaten into a corpse by the army.

   All the essence of the whole body was swallowed by the army formation to maintain the operation of the army formation.

   Moruo knew very well.

  Don't look at the power displayed by the ‘eighth rank army’ now.

   But they can't support it for long.

   Especially now.

   Moro has already displayed the "Infernal Purgatory Blood Emperor True Body". This is the most powerful move. After performing this move, at least tens of billions of barbarians have been drained of totem energy.

   hum! ! !

   Moro's **** haze was burning like blood inflammation. He just faced the siege of ML01, SSTS01 and ML01 in the early stage of the eighth stage.

   easily repelled the three mechanical soldiers.

   showed extremely powerful strength.



   Moruo raised his head, full of murderous intent, his eyes fell on the Mobei Emperor, Lianzhen, and Jiang Li, but finally he focused on the Mobei Emperor.


   Lian is really at the beginning of the eighth stage.

   It's too difficult to kill Ren.

   Jiangli and Mobei Renhuang are both seventh-order Consummation.


   Moruo faintly felt a great threat from Jiang Li's body, that's why Moro focused on the Emperor of Mobei. It is said that ‘persimmon only picks the soft pinch’.

   "Mobei, be careful, you look back quickly."

   Lian really reacted, her beautiful eyes shrank and reminded loudly.


   Mobei Renhuang was suddenly shocked.


next moment.

   Moruo turned into a **** light, disappeared in place, and quickly slew the Mobei Emperor who was closest to him, just like a teleportation.

   Mobei Renhuang felt a fatal crisis.

   "Super Ares Fist."

   Boom! ! !

   At this time.

   Wang Gang, under Jiang Li's order, first displayed his "Starry Sky Combat Technique", made a short space jump, and quickly slammed in front of Moro.


   Skill release.

   blasted a punch with his right hand and hit Moro's head.

  咚! ! !

   Moruo felt the terrifying power, and immediately stopped, crossed his arms and blocked him, resisting Wang Gang's punch.


   Energy burst.

  The light is shining bright, like a burst of scorching sun, blooming.

   Click! ! !

   With a crisp sound.

   Moruo was blasted off by Wang Gang with a punch. The arm bones appeared cracks and flew upside down hundreds of thousands of meters. This stabilized his body and looked up.

   "God of War strikes!"


   It was Wang Gang's stronger punch that greeted Moro. The punches became more and more radiant, like a starry sky condensed by light, containing very powerful power.


   Moro shouted loudly and roared.


   Endless blood cohesion, countless blood-colored lines intertwined, more dragons chanting, all kinds of power intertwined, superimposed together.

   delivered a full blow.

  嘭! ! !

   The fists of the two sides collided head-on, bursting out a dazzling brilliance, a terrifying explosion resounded in all directions, and the space was shaking violently.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   There was a series of roars.

   "Ah! Puff!!!"

   Moro screamed and vomited blood.


   Although Moro is strong, with the increase of the imperial national destiny, self-detonation totem, and the eighth rank army formation, the strength of the cultivation base has been abruptly increased from the middle of the eighth stage to the eighth stage completion.


   After all, this is just a forced promotion, and it cannot be compared with Wang Gang who has truly reached the eighth level of Consummation. After the battle, the strength of the two sides can see a clear gap.

   Make a few moves.

   made a few moves head-on.

   Moro was completely downwind.


   Click! Click! ! !

   At this time.

   As more and more barbarian soldiers were backlashed by the army, their own totem energy was drained, and the eighth-order army formed by Moro forcibly arranged could no longer be maintained.

  The space around.

   There seemed to be cracks.

   It's like the space is cracked.

"Do not!!!"

   "It's over! It's all over!"


   The barbarian princes of the Moro Dynasty, King Marquis, and generals of the marshal, all looked hopeless now.


   The eighth-order army formation "Infernal Purgatory" is collapsing.

   hum! Hum! ! !

   Moro's strength was rapidly weakening.

   The **** haze and texture are disappearing.

   "Emperor Xia, this is an opportunity. Moro's strength is weakening. This shows that the eighth rank army is collapsing, and they can no longer maintain the eighth rank army."

   Lian really said loudly.


   Mobei Renhuang was overjoyed, laughed wildly, waved his hand, and shouted: "Mobei Legion obeys the order, let's kill it!!!"


   "Exterminate the barbarians of the Moro Dynasty!"



   The counterattack begins.

   "This is the end?"

   Jiangli shook his head, "Somewhat horrible, the real power of the eighth-order army has not been fully tested, and the Moro Dynasty can't hold on."

   "It's a pity."

   Boom! ! !

at last.

   The eight seventh-order army formations arranged by the two great dynasty legions of Mobei and Lianzhen condensed into eight seventh-order army formation giants, which completely shredded the unsustainable eighth-order army formation.


   The army backlash.

   Moro also vomited blood, his face was pale as paper, and the intensity of his breath plummeted, and he fell directly from the eighth stage to the initial stage of the eighth stage.

To know.

   Moruo was originally cultivated in the middle stage of the eighth stage, but now it has fallen into the early stage of the eighth stage.


   ML01, SSTS01, and ML01, three mechanical soldiers from the early stage of the eighth stage came under siege. Moro was severely injured and fell into weakness after detonating a totem.

   Moro is no longer an opponent at all.

  噗! ! !


  SSTS01 cut off Moro's head with a sword.

   Beheaded Moro.

   The Barbaric Emperor of the Moro Dynasty has fallen.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   Without the support and increase of the military formation.

   Under the bombardment of more than 400 billion mechanical corps, it was like a tragic slaughter one by one, and tens of billions of barbaric soldiers fell to death one after another.

after an hour.

  The entire army of the Barbarian Legion of the Moro Dynasty was destroyed.

Roar! ! !

   High above the Moro continent.

   The blood-colored four-clawed real dragon of national fortune wailed and wailed, and the huge dragon body that reached 50,000 meters began to collapse and collapsed into a vast imperial national fortune.

   "Great Xia Qinglong Gong."



   The Jiangli movement technique, the Great Xia Qinglong, which has reached 60,000 meters, appeared, opened a huge mouth of the blood basin, and began to devour the fortunes of the Moro Dynasty.

  The huge dragon body is slowly growing.


   Lianzhen and Mobei Renhuang opened their mouths, wanting to say something, as if they wanted to share a piece of the pie, but after seeing the eighth-order ministers around Jiang Li, the army of hundreds of billions of soldiers.

   They closed their mouths honestly.

   "Clean up the battlefield."

   Jiangli took advantage of the time to absorb the national fortune of the dynasty, and issued an order: "Search for resources."




   There is a mechanical unit under the command of the battlefield commander, clearing the entire battlefield and carrying all useful resources to the super transport unit.

   "Ten Thousand Refining Blood Array!"

   hum! Hum!

   The formation was successfully set up, and huge blood-colored formations emerged, covering the high altitude of the battlefield.

can be seen.

   There are a large number of barbarian corpses that have been refined, and the vast flesh and blood essence is integrated into the formation map, and then one after another ‘Ten Thousand Blood Pill’ is refined.

   half an hour later.

  The battlefield is cleared.

   Jiangli’s super transport force recovered a large amount of scrap iron wreckage, barbarian armor and weapons, and obtained a large amount of resources and materials.


  Lianzhen and Mobei have also refined nearly 70 billion pieces of the "Ten Thousand Blood Pills".

   According to the grade of the barbarian corpse.

  The grades of the "Ten Thousand Blood Pills" refined by    are naturally high and low.

among them.

Using the corpse of the middle-ranked barbaric emperor'Molo', a middle-ranked eighth-ranked'Ten Thousand Refining Blood Pill' was refined. The blood-colored pill of extremely high quality, the size of a thumb, is crystal clear and contains majestic energy Essence.


   There is also a seventh-order Wanlian Blood Pill.

   Two pieces of the top grade of the seventh stage, four pieces of the top grade of the seventh stage, eight pieces of the middle grade of the seventh stage, and sixteen pieces of the low grade of the seventh stage, a total of 30 pieces.

   All the blood refining pills above the seventh rank were taken away by Jiang Li.

   on the battlefield.

   There is a strong wind blowing.

   The countless corpses were all weathered and turned into flying ashes.

   Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil.

Roar! ! !

   Long Yin Xiaotian.

   Great Xia Qinglong finally swallowed all the fortunes of the Moro Dynasty, and finally increased from 60,000 meters to 70,000 meters.

   The improvement is not small.



   The Great Xia Qinglong disappeared, turned into a dragon-shaped blue light, and merged into Jiang Li's body.

   "The eighth-rank middle-grade Wanlian Blood Pill."

   Jiangli took the only eighth-order Wanxue Pill in his hand, and could feel the energy contained in it. It was extremely pure and could be taken directly without any side effects.


   This'Ten Thousand Blood Pill' has a great effect on Jiang Li.

   "These successive destructions of the Qianshou Barbarian Dynasty and the Moro Dynasty, and the national fortune has improved a lot, I believe the energy of the national fortune feedback will be very vast."

   Jiangli secretly said: "In addition, this eighth-rank middle-grade Wan Lixue Pill should help me break through to the early stage of the eighth stage."

   "Even further is possible."

   "Now there is only the "Red Dragon Dynasty" of the Yaozu left."

   Jiangli clenched a As long as the ‘Red Dragon Dynasty’ is destroyed again, the entire western border of San Anzhou will fall into the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty. "

   There is a decision.

   Jiangli immediately left only tens of billions of super transport troops in the Moro Continent to search for various resources of the Moro dynasty, and then transport them back to the capital of Daxia.


   At this time.

   CJQX01 came and reported to Jiang Lihui: "The Super Information Soldier of the'Super Transporter No. 1 Unit' who stayed in the Qianshou Mancha requested communication."


   The river leaves the road.



   The communication is connected.

   The projection screen appears.

   "Reports dominate."

The Super Information Soldier appeared on the screen and immediately reported to Jiang Lihui: "Except for the'Spirit Crystal Veins' that cannot be transported away, the Super Transporter No. 1 unit has already transported all the resources of the Qianshou Manchao and requested the master to transmit. "

"it is good."

   Jiangli was overjoyed, and did not ask how many resources were found. He contacted the mechanical space station base, "started fixed-point transmission, transmission target: Super Transporter No. 1 unit, transmission destination: Daxia Huangdu."

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